LIYC H20 Sailing Clinic

Posted on behalf of Bob Yates:

Finally, the coast appears to be clear, and we have scheduled two Sailing Clinics for next month (October 30 and November 13). These clinics are for sailors who wish to improve their sailing skills. They will be taught by experienced mentor sailors, and will include a variety of subjects from boat handling skills, crewing, rules, and racing. We hope that you will consider attending.

Sailors who previously signed up and paid for clinics that were postponed may attend for NO CHARGE, but you must still register. To register, click the following link: Log in | Sign up (


Hope to see you at Lido Isle.

2021 Fleet 1 Mentorship Perpetual Applications Announcement

It is time to nominate the 2021 Mentor of the Year!

Your nominee should be a Harbor 20 member that gives of themselves with the intent of sharing their knowledge with the purpose of encouraging, educating and guiding without compensation or benefit to themselves.

We look forward to reading your stories and sharing the ‘Mentor 2021’ at the November 19, 2021 awards event.

Mark & Shana Conzelman

FOR SALE – H20 #188


One owner Harbor 20 #188 for sale with Zieman trailer.

Custom built to order in 2003 and used exclusively on Gull Lake in Michigan all it’s pampered days.

Change in life circumstances forces sale. Boat, trailer, sails, and equipment are in wonderful condition, stored indoors in our heated building in winters. 

Features include:

  • Red Stripe with Light Silver Gray Deck
  • Copperpoxy hull by factory
  • Bilge pump
  • Hoyt jib boom
  • Jib Winger
  • Line hammock
  • Cockpit C cushions (never used)
  • Cockpit cover
  • Custom full cover
  • Elliot/Pattison Main & Jib in excellent 9 of 10 condition
  • Zieman Highway trailer with mast cradles

Note, no engine or mounts ever installed, that’s why they call this a sailboat…

Price $15,000.

Clear title in hand, I can maybe assist in transport to within 1,000 miles of Gull Lake, located near Kalamazoo, Michigan. 

Call or text me with any questions, Kevin Miller, 269-207-6596…and thank you Schock Boats, for building a family boat that brought us so much enjoyment.

Sail for the Visually Impaired, Saturday, October 9, ALYC

COVID permitting, ALYC is scheduled to host Sailing for the Visually Impaired on Saturday, October 9.

The annual Sail for the Visually Impaired (SVI) has grown to become one of the most important and well attended philanthropic events in Newport Harbor. Each year, over 250 blind or visually impaired guests and their escorts spend a day sailing with volunteers from the American Legion Yacht Club and other area yacht clubs. There are over 150 volunteers acting as sailing skippers, crew, escorts to and from the docks, meal servers, guide dog sitters, check-in personnel, marina control, parking assignment, and other positions.

ALYC is seeking Harbor 20 sailors to bring their boats and participate in this event. They have asked that all participants be fully vaccinated.

If you are interested in participating click here for the event page.

If you have questions, please contact Tony at 949-209-7305.

We hope to see you there!

FOR SALE – H20 #605, Ningaloo


Brand new boat completed by Columbia Yachts and launched February 2021, at NHYC.

Weight 1953 lbs

Platinum Gray hull, Light Gray deck and topsides, Black bottom.

New Elliott/Pattison mainsail, Ulman jib (great condition)

CDI Upgraded Ball Bearing Jib Furler, Shroudlock Adjusters, Jib Clew block and sheet basket.

Custom Smoke color Sunbrella canvas cover and Jib cover

Cockpit cushions with custom upholstery

Reluctant to sell, but life changes necessitate sale.

Pricing, Availability:  Available Now for $36,000

Please contact owner David @ 949-485-1958,

H20 Fleet 1 Championship Communication

Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Championship
September 25 & 26, 2021

It’s time to register for the Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Championships hosted by Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The $30 entry fee goes up to $35 after September 21, 2021. The Notice of Race has been posted here and you can register here.

Drinks and appetizers will be served at Newport Harbor Yacht Club immediately after racing on Sunday. No Saturday dinner is planned. Everyone in the Fleet is invited to the social gathering after racing on Sunday. The awards ceremony will commence one hour after the last race.

Please remember:

◦ Boats must be in the water for 60 days before the event (bylaw I.F.9).
◦ Skippers must have been owners for 60 days before the event (bylaw I.F.10).
◦ Boats must have a measurement certificate (class bylaw III.C.2) which can be verified by finding your member roster entry under “Members > Member Roster” in the menu above and then clicking on your sail number.
◦ A copy of the DMV registration must be on the boat and must list the skipper’s name.
◦ Crews must have sailed on the boat 12 times since the last fleet championships.
◦ Petitions (such as for a crew who doesn’t meet the 12-race requirement) must be submitted to the Fleet Measurer before the September 11 Board meeting.

Fleet 1 Communication

Posted on behalf of the Fleet 1 Board of Directors:

Questions and complaints fielded by the board this summer seem to indicate a confusion between two Fleet 1 bylaws. It is well known that evening races are “informal”. Informal races relax Fleet 1 ownership and Skipper Division rules allowing anyone to enter and/or drive the boat. This is codified in the following rule:

I.G.3 Evening series and other informal regattas are open to all participants and the rules requiring Fleet membership (Owner/ Skipper), and the Fleet Race Division rules do not apply. If non- Fleet races start A, B or C divisions, it is suggested, but not a requirement, that skippers race in the division for which they are a part of, if possible.

It would appear the term “informal” is being interpreted by some as relaxing other rules, such as Fleet 1 permitted sails which is codified in this rule:

III.C.7 The Fleet has appointed Elliott/Pattison Sailmakers as its sole permitted sail maker for new mainsails, and Ullman Sails as its sole permitted sail maker for new jibs. No other sail/sail maker combinations will be allowed. The Board may change this rule by a majority vote.

So, using other sails for an actual or perceived performance advantage, “testing”  sails for the same, or just using other sails to save permitted sails for High Point races is not allowed. The board offers this clarification in hopes of alleviating the problem while staying out of the protest room where no one wants to go.

The Fleet 1 board remains steadfast in  the belief that the incredible success of the Harbor 20 Class is attributable to the adherence of strict one-design racing as stated in the Class bylaws in rule II.A.2.

FOR SALE: 2008 Harbor 20, Hull #276


This is a well-maintained, lightly used boat we have used for daysailing.  The boat is in good condition.  It is well-equipped and does come with an aftermarket trailer.  We purchased the boat new and it has only been used on Lake Minnetonka, near Minneapolis MN.  The boat has always been kept on a lift and we would be happy to sell the lift as well if interested.  The sails are original but still have life.  The electric motor works well and I had a new canvas cover made last Winter.  Full cockpit cushions are included. 

We are asking $20,000 for the boat and trailer.  

Contact:  Tony Skinner  (952)212-7161

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