Cinco de Mayo in Santa Barbara!

Cinco de Mayo Regatta is one week away!   With spring coming we should see some great sailing conditions, usually in the light to moderate range perfect for the Harbor 20. This puts a premium on tactical skill over heavy air boat handling skills making for close racing! Santa Baraba Sailing Club has announced Dave Bernal will be PRO. Dave has many years of experience with S.B.S.C. as an experienced on the water race officer.  Don’t forget this regatta counts towards the local Harbor 20 Feet Championship series.

So it’s time to confirm your crew commitments and do any boat fixes this weekend! If you need additional crew don’t forget to check out Sign up and check out the people who want to crew!

S.B.S.C. Sailing Instructions, NOR and Regatta Network entry links are all available at

See you at the start line Saturday!

P.S. Remember we are only racing on Saturday even though the regatta is a two day event.

Harbor 20 Class Election Results

Here are the results of the election of Harbor 20 Class directors that was held in January.  Class owner-members voted for the following directors:

Fleet 2022 Directors

1 Warren Duncan   Newport Beach

1 Peter Haynes   Newport Beach

1 Ed Kimball   Newport Beach

1 Gary Thorne (President)   Newport Beach

1 Anne Wiese (Treasurer)   Newport Beach

1 Bob Yates (Measurer)   Newport Beach

3 Joe Highsmith   Hilton Head

3 Eric Norman (Assistant Measurer)   Hilton Head

4 Lee Cushman   Santa Barbara

4 Richard Miller  Santa Barbara

5 Tim Adelman  Annapolis

5 Bell Carty  Annapolis

5 Patrick Shannon (Past President)  Annapolis

7 Richard Brown   Smith Mountain Lake, VA

Class Championship Charter Boats

Posted on behalf of Class President Gary Thorne:

The Annapolis fleet will offer a limited number of charter boats (perhaps 5-10) for the Harbor 20 class championship on Sept. 8-11.  They expect to have an idea of how many boats will be available for Fleet 1 owner-members to charter in mid-April, although more boats could become available later.  Charter fees may be around $100.  (Also, the regatta entry fee may be around $300 per boat, airfare could be $500+ per person, and lodging could be several hundred dollars unless housing is offered in Annapolis fleet members’ houses.)
To determine which owners from our fleet can charter a boat, we will use the following criteria:

  • First choice goes to the defending class champion (Bill Menninger).
  • Second choice goes to the current fleet champion (Adam Deermount).
  • Next five choices go to the top five owners in the High-Point A standings, who have sailed at least 30% of this year’s High-Point races, as of April 10.
  • Next three choices go to the top three owners in the High-Point B standings, who have sailed at least 30% of this year’s High-Point races, as of April 10.
  • Next two choices go to the top two owners in the High-Point C standings, who have sailed at least 30% of this year’s High-Point races, as of April 10.
  • Next five choices go to the five owners in 6th-10th position in the High-Point A standings, who have sailed at least 30% of this year’s High-Point races, as of April 10.
  • The pattern then repeats for B, then C, then back to A, and so on.

“First choice” means that, in mid-April, if the skipper informs the fleet board that he or she intends to charter a boat, a boat will be held for him or her.  If the skipper doesn’t enter the championship by mid-May, that boat will be available for someone else to charter, using the above criteria.
For example, let’s say there are 5 boats available.  Menninger says he’s not planning to enter, but Deermount and one of the top five High-Point As say they’ll enter.  Now there are 3 boats available for the top 3 Bs.  If Deermount doesn’t enter by mid-May, an additional boat becomes available, and Menninger could charter it if he changes his mind and enters.  If not, another top-five High-Point A could charter it, and so on down the High-Point standings.

2022 H20 National Class Championship

Attention H20 Class Members!

After two years of COVID derailments, Fleet 5 in Annapolis is excited to announce that the 2022 Harbor 20 Nationals will be held at Annapolis Yacht Club from September 8-11, 2022. Grab that new calendar, open your mobile device, grab your pencil, and start your planning to come to Crabtown for fantastic racing, camaraderie, and social activities for an extended weekend of amazing activities.  Details are being developed and coordinated with the Board and Fleet leaders as we write. We will publish more information later in February along with the Notice of Race shortly thereafter. The plans include a practice day on Thursday, September 8th, and three days of championship racing on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Need a little more enticement to come to NAPTOWN? Download an Annapolis Visitors Guide here:

We look forward to seeing you!


Margaret Podlich and Patrick Shannon 

2022 Harbor 20 Nationals Co-chairs 

NHYC WOW Women’s Bay Invitational Series starts Friday, January 28, 2022

Newport Harbor Yacht Club’s Women on the Water (WOW) is hosting a 6-race series in Harbor 20s and Sabots for women sailors. The series is open to all women sailors in the bay.  

Race days are Fridays and dates are:

January 28

February 11

March 11

April 22

June 10 

July 22

Skipper’s meeting and chalk talk at 10:20 am at the dock at NHYC. If you can stay for lunch, a sign-up will be circulated during the chalk talk. Lunch can be purchased with credit card.

First warning signal at 11:00am. Post-race social and lunch to follow racing each day at NHYC .

Come to as many race days as you like.  If you are going to sail in any or all race days, please register here:

Note: Friday Frolics are scheduled for the afternoon of each race day. So, race WOW and then Friday Frolic – All on the same day! Now, that is a double WOW!

Harbor 20 Owners: Please Vote in Class Election This Week

If you are a Harbor 20 owner and a current member of the class association, please look for an email entitled “Vote now: Harbor 20 Class – Election of 2022 Directors“.  When you get the email, please click the link after the words “To vote, visit“.  This will take you to a web page where you can vote for the nominees for class director.

Representatives of all fleets agreed on the nominees and recommend that you vote for all of them.

Your vote is important to support the class association, which supports your sailing by:

  • Improving availability and quality of boats and parts,
  • Ensuring boats are one-design and compete on an equal footing,
  • Arranging the class championship and East-West Challenge regatta, and
  • Facilitating communication among fleets.

Fat Friday is Back!

2021 Fat Friday FUN Regatta Friday, November 26th

 Grab your turkey gizzards then shake your tail feathers  LETS GO SAILING!

The folks at BYC are bringing back an old tradition of Fat Friday, I still have many fond memories of the after race gathering around the fire at BYC. Just show up!

12:00PM first warning

No entry fee, No trophies

No races will start after 3:30PM


*Turning Basin/Five Points – Harbor 20’s & Lasers BYC Race Tower – Lidos, Sabots, etc.

Five (5) or more boats need to make a class


Appendix U – Audible-Signal Racing System shall be used.


Turning basin venue – windward/leeward courses. Course chart coming soon. BYC Race Tower – 2021 Twilight/Dinghy Course Chart will be used


Two turn penalty replaced with a one turn penalty


Strongly discouraged


Visit the BYC website, Sailing Calendar, click on “Fat Friday” or just email

*Turning basin venue will be providing hot dogs and beers while supplies last! 

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