Ted Munroe Perpetual Trophy Awarded

Jim Kerrigan, Staff Commodore Phil Ramser & Dottie Munroe

On Sunday, February 7th, the new Ted Munroe Perpetual Trophy was awarded to the A and B Fleet winners of the 2011 NHYC Winter Series.

In attendance for the inaugural presentation of perpetual Trophy was Dottie Munroe, wife of the late Ted Munroe. Presenting the awards was NHYC Staff Commodore Phil Ramser.

The winner of the A Fleet was Jim Kerrigan, who squeezed out second and third place winners Tom Schock and Karl Pomeroy.

The winner of the B Fleet was Gale Pinckney who, ironically, is the new owner of Ted’s Harbor 20. Hellen Duncan and Win Fuller took second and third place in the series.

Staff Commodore Phil Ramser, Gale Pinckney, Pinckney's son, Dottie Munroe, & Jon Pinckney

The new trophy was designed and created by Peter Haynes and will be owned by the Harbor 20 Class Association and will be awarded each year to the winners of the NHYC Winter Series for both A and B classes.

WD Schock Memorial Regatta – Change to Schedule!

The NOR’s and Event Entry forms are now available for the W.D. Schock Memorial Regatta.  Forms are available from the NHYC Website.

According to the NOR’s, the “First warning for S35, S20, H20 [is] 1200 ” . This changes the original time as posted originally on the H20 website schedule.

According to the NOR’s “No entries accepted after 1800 on 3/4/2011”

You can register online here.

Positive Thinking About Zero to Four Knots of Wind

Editors Note:  Jim Kerrigan was asked to share his attitude and approach for the 2-race Winter Series #3 Regatta today. Winds were 0-4 knots with occasional gusts to 6 knots. Jim won the day with a 1st and 2nd place finish. Following is straight from Jim’s mind…

Positive Thinking About Zero to Four Knots of Wind

I love light air, always have. Whether in my Olson 30 off the east end of Catalina becalmed, drifting for the finish in Ensenada, or sailing against an outgoing tide in the bay… I’ve done well in light air; the more races I get in, the more I study it, and the more I just psyche myself into thinking I can sail well. I guess that’s what the power of positive thinking is all about, but it works.

I had an advantage today because the light air was forecast for several days. I thought about that a bunch ahead of time. In my quiet moments, I visualized that darn flat water, the wisps of wind on the water, “How do I sail this stuff fastly?”

Easy, remember what works (in no particular order):

  • Everything is in slow motion, don’t rush anything. Not trim, not tacks, not decisions either. Slow down.
  • Watch the water; where is there wind? Just kind of head that way, but don’t rush.
  • Don’t pay much attention to anyone else, just move the boat. If you can, get away from everyone, but cover if you’re ahead to keep your position. But again, slowly!
  • Don’t trim the sails in tight, keep a good shape first; everything is easy. Let things off five or six inches from whatever you would normally do. Maybe a foot, maybe two feet. Don’t head up, head fast.
  • Broad reaching is much faster than going downwind in 0-3 kts. Go fast first, go deep when you can. If you get a puff that looks like it will last, do try winger and go deeper but be ready to go back.
  • Don’t tack any time you think you should tack, try to delay but always be heading for wind if you can, heading toward the mark if you can. Tacking is bad.
  • The tactic is speed, position is not important. Go fast.
  • Do anything to keep a nice shape to the sails, ease off. Use your old main, especially an old jib to get a soft shape.
  • Stay on the low side, or the floor. Stay still. Lie down, keep low in the boat especially when bow waves approach.
  • You are sneaky fast!

Those are the things I think in prep. I get out earlier on a super light day, than a regular day. I try to sail around just going killer fast. Faster than anyone else just out there going to the race. Go fast, practice the thoughts… Do a slow tack, a slow jibe…

Thinking about light air is a pleasure; thinking about 18 knots is a pain. Anyone can sail in light air; no one can sail in 18 knots, they just survive. You love light air!!!

That’s my prep. By the time the race is on, I’m totally slowed down. I just try to stay away from everyone, stay still, go fast and enjoy the day.

Welcome to the new Harbor20 Website

If your reading this article, you have noticed the new Harbor 20 Class Association website. We hope you like it!

The new site has been completely redesigned from the ground up, with new navigation and new pages. The purpose of the site is to:

  • Promote the Harbor20 Class
  • Post Class & Fleet News and Events
  • Post information about educational seminars
  • Post Race Information (NOR’s, Sailing Instructions, Course Charts and Results)
  • Post information about the Harbor20 including tips on maintenance and tuning
  • Post classified ads on used Harbor20’s for sale
  • Promote communication between Class & Fleet members

About the Class menu itemAbout The Class

This section contains pages about the Class, including the History of the Harbor 20, the Class Organization (including the current ByLaws and Officiers), the current Champions and a link to a form to Join.

Fleet 1 – Newport Beach menu item

This section contains pages related to the largest Fleet in the Class: Fleet 1 (Newport Beach). Within the menu is information about the Organization (the Fleet Bylaws and Officers), the current and past Fleet 1 Champions, the current “A” Fleet qualifiers, the Racing and Events calendar, the Awards, a list and summary of all the regularly scheduled Regattas and the race results.  Fleet 1 is a very active fleet and these pages are updated often and after every race.

The Results page displays up-to-date race stats of every race, including the season-long High Point and Rain or Shine series leaders.

Fleet 2 – San Diego, Fleet 3 – Hilton Head, Fleet 4 – Santa Barbara menu items

These sections of the website have been reserved for the each of these (and future) fleets. The new site is built on the WordPress Content Management System, which allows any authorized users to quickly and easily update pages and post content to the website. Officers and leaders of these fleets are encouraged to use this new website to post information about their fleet.


The News section of the website consists of post by Class members, typically consisting of articles, reports of races, articles about awards, or anything newsworthy, entertaining or related to the Harbor20 Class. All Class members are invited to contribute. If you would like to contribute, please contact the webmaster for your own user contribution account.

Seminars & Educations, Tuning Tips & Maintenance, Classified Ads

Each of these sections contain posts by Class Members about upcoming events or their own contributions.

Our goal with this new website is to have Class Members start to contribute their own thoughts, knowledge, stories and experiences for the benefit of all the other Class Members. We also hope to have all Harbor20 Fleets begin to use the Website to for their own Fleet.  Please contact the Webmaster, Nik Froehlich, if you would like access to contribute.

Portsmouth Folly – A Festive Event

The rain threatened, but never succeeded on canceling the festive Portmouth Folly Regatta hosted by the Balboa Yacht Club on Saturday, December 18th.

The Regatta consisted of two classes: Keelboat Fleet (which included the Harbor 20’s) and the Centerboard Fleet.  A total of 9 Harbor 20’s participated along with a Thistle and a Santana 20.

The race committee selected an exciting (roughly) windward / leeward course taking the fleet outside the harbor to the J mark and back to finish. With winds at about 10-12 knots, blustering and threatening weather, and swells that occasionally broke over the and into the boats, the Harbor 20’s proudly and confidently tacked up the channel, out of the harbor, around J Mark, and back down the channel to the finish. Each race lasted about 40 minutes.

The Harbor 20’s held their own against the Santana and Thistle (finishing 7th and 8th overall). The Harbor 20’s were assigned a PHRF rating of 92, the Santana a 90.1 and the Thistle an 83.

Tucker Cheadle skippering #168 with Tom Schock as crew took 1st place, Karl Pomeroy (#262) with crew Cole Pomeroy took second, and John Whitney (#130) sailing single-handled finished 3td place. Full results are available here.

Nik Froehlich (#109) sailing with Mindy and her parents and uncle, was awarded the “Most Festive in Keelboat” award.

Before the awards ceremonies, the kids lead all the sailors with a unique rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas.

Harbor 20 Challenge – Blue vs Grey


Hilton Head, South Carolina

November 20 & 21, 2010

In 2009, several of the South Carolina Yacht Club Harbor 20 sailors participated in the Manhattan Sailing Club’s Dennis Conner International Yacht Club Challenge. In exchange, the South Carolina sailors invited the Manhattan sailors to Hilton Head for a weekend of sailing the Harbor 20s. The challenge was billed as a Blue vs Grey (i.e., North vs.South) Challenge and took place November 20 & 21.

The six sailors who represented the Manhattan Sailing Club were skippers Klaus Brinkbaeumer, Danielle Gallo & Randy Lewis; and crew Noah Bessoff, Mary Gardiner & Claire Morda. South Carolina Yacht Club Harbor 20 Fleet 3 was represented by skippers Burt Keenan, Gary Gleason, Marvin Carlson, and Mark Frey. In order to involve more people and get to four boats per team, SCYC offered John Rumsey as skipper of the Blue team’s fourth boat. They also filled in crew as needed.

Winds were extremely light and shifty; and there was a strong current running – not an unusual set of circumstances for the sailors from New York. After six races, each team ended the series with a total of 112 points, with the Southerners awarded the victory based on the tie breaker – the most first place wins. 

As always, the regatta featured fantastic southern hospitality, good food, and a great opportunity to make new friends. A re-match is already in the works.

For Sale: Harbor 20 #159

Sold – February 24, 2010

Wasabi is Harbor 20 #159 – – we have really enjoyed sailing the boat with our grandchildren, but are not using it at all most of the time. We have a brand new set of sails that have never been put up on the boat. Wasabi has all of the standard equipment plus a brand new paddle/boom crutch. New bottom a year ago. New batteries a year ago.

This boat would make a great Christmas present!


Jim Jordan

For Sale: #142 Harbor 20 daysailer

Sold (11/22/1010)

For Sale: #142 Harbor 20 daysailer, 2002, with self-tacking jib boom, cockpit cushions, cocktail table, new cockpit/sail cover, 4-stroke long shaft outboard with alternator to charge battery, running lights, depth meter, voltmeter, newly cleaned hull, ready to sail.  New price=$30K.  This boat’s priority with us is behind grand children, golf, and tennis; therefore it needs a new home. 2 Pics on <bobpaynetest.com>.

Boat located on Hilton Head Island, SC.  no trailer.  Estimated truck shipping from SC to California – $3,600.


Bob Payne

843-363-5489 or 843-422-2564

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