For Sale: Harbor 20 Sail #186

Sold – April 6, 2011

Located in Portland, Maine.  Built 2002. Navy blue hull, light grey decks and cockpit, West CPP red bottom paint.

Includes new jib (2010), sails maintained annually (main in good shape). Mast hinge, 2:1 jib outhaul, jib winger, windex, lifting eyes, fortress anchor, chain and rode, docking lines, two fenders, block foam flotation, c-foam cockpit cushions with gray canvas zippered covers, boom tent, custom winter cover, cruising dodger with window, manual bilge pump, automatic bilge pump and deep well marine battery (not installed), portable running lights, set of extra halyards, sheets and control lines, jiffy reefing, lazy jacks, 1 set of 5 jackstands, mast supports for trailering (no trailer though), removable outboard bracket on port quarter, 2 hp Honda long shaft four-stroke outboard professionally winterized this year.  Keel needs to be re-bedded, hence the low price.  Otherwise in good shape.


Call for more information: 207-899-0922

Sam Saltonstall (owner)

W.D. Schock Regatta Check-in Requirements – Transponders

If you are registered to race in the W.D. Schock Regatta this weekend, please note: There is a mandatory check in from 8:30 am until 10:45am followed by a mandatory Skipper check in at 11am.

The first warning is schedule at 12:00pm

At the check in, all race participants will be issued a transponder to carry on their vessel which will record their track in real time which spectators will be able to watch on a monitor in the club! This transponder will track the actual course taken by each vessel as they race the course allowing spectators to watch the action as it happens.  Each vessels track will be identified by their sail number as they move up and down the course against the competitors.

After the race, the entire races will be replayed so competitors can analyze their strategy and tactics – and eventual results.

Please make sure you arrive at the NHYC prior to the mandatory 10:45am check in to receive your vessel transponder.

The NOR’s, Entry and other information can be found here

Racing Rules of Sailing Seminar

Sunday, March 20, 2011   8:45 – 5:00

Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club

How well do you know the rules? Take the Rules Quiz.

Course Description

Register by March 12 for $75.00, after March 12 for $85.00.

“Peter is doing his rules seminar on March 20 at BCYC. I think every racing member of Fleet 1 should be there. I plan on going – this will be my third time – I look at it as a refresher course. How can you play the game if you don’t know the rules?”

Tom Schock

W. D. Schock Corp.

W.D. Schock Memorial Regatta This Weekend

This weekend, the Newport Harbor Yacht Club will host the annual W.D. Schock Memorial Regatta. The Regatta  includes one-design racing open to Lehman 12, Lido 14 (A and B Fleets), Harbor 20 (A and B Fleets), Harbor 25, Schock 35, and Santana 20 boats on two consecutive days (Saturday & Sunday).

Entry is available online here. No entries will be accepted after 1800 on March 4, 2011 (Friday).

After a competitive day sailing join us for a celebration and buffet dinner. One (1) dinner ticket is included with your entry fee and additional tickets may be purchased for your crew online during the entry process for $20. Please purchase your tickets in advance as there will be VERY limited numbers available at the door.

More information and all racing documents can be found on this website here, or on the NHYC Website.

Harbor 20 Sailors In Marina del Rey Begin To Organize

The Harbor 20 Class Association is getting closer to getting another Fleet formed, this one in Marina del Rey! Below is a letter sent by Ruck Goldreyer, a Harbor 20 owner in Marina del Rey, to other Harbor 20 owners talking about their last race and their upcoming meetings:

Hello to you all,

Tom Schock and myself want to get a national fleet branch for the Harbor 20 started in Marina Del Rey. Three weeks ago we had four of the 20’s out racing along with the lido fleet. We had our own courses and starts, everyone really enjoyed racing the 20’s in the main channel, they are great one design boats.

We are setting up a meeting for Saturday March 19th at The Yacht Exchange office 14025 Panay Way right above the Ships Store Chandlery @10:30 a.m. We will try to have Peter Haynes National Class President in attendance to discuss the class and the various seminars he puts on regarding Boat Handling, Tactics, Sail Trim etc.These seminars and supporting written material are specific to the Harbor 20.
The MDR harbor 20’s will be racing Friday nights in Del Rey Yacht Clubs “Sundowner Series” this series is quite casual in nature, the dates are May 20th, June 17th, July 15th and August 19th.After racing the boats can tie up at the main dock for a BBQ dinner. More information on the Series can be found @

Please save the morning and join us…. we need to get 5 boats signed to be able to start the class and to begin enjoy and enhancing our sailing of the Harbor 20’S

Please rsvp by phone or e-mail to me ….Thanks Ruck

SCYA Midwinters Results

Harbor 20 A & B Fleet Winners

Congratulations to Bill Menninger and Emile Pilafidis for winning the Harbor 20 A and B Fleet SCYA Midwinters held on February 19th and 20th.

Bill Menninger was awarded the Phillip S. Ramser Perpetual Trophy while Emile Pilafidis was promoted to the A Fleet for winning a two-day High Point event.

The full results of the race can be viewed on the Harbor 20 website on the Results page or downloaded from the BCYC Results Page

Thank you to the Bahia-Corinthian Yacht Club for hosting the Midwinters for the Harbor 20’s and a special thanks to the BCYC Race Committee.

Our First Harbor 20 Season

Editors Note:  This article was written by Karl Pomeroy several months ago.

What a summer it was!  The opportunity to get back into racing after a 10+ year absence, a chance to teach my 10 year old son about the sport I love and the culmination of winning the Harbor 20 B fleet made for a near perfect summer.

I am first off grateful to all of the wonderful H20 sailors who welcomed my son Cole and I into the fleet.  It all started with a call to Peter Haynes who is simply the best advocate a fleet could ask for.  2 weeks later we owned a H20 and by May we sailed in our first race.

My first reaction was “I forgot how to sail after all these years”.   Well, some great advice and fantastic seminars and then we started to improve.  Cole truly was having fun getting on the boat every night and sailing with Dad!  I think my favorite part of the H20 fleet is from Memorial Day to Labor Day you can race 5 nights a week.  Couple that with the great friends, and wonderful dinners and you have a near perfect summer.

A pleasant additional thing happened we got faster!  I was amazed that every time out we learned something that we were able to build on.  In June I went to the Dave Perry seminar and got some of the best advice I have received in my sailing career and we turned that into our first big win a week later in the Stars and Stripes Regatta.

A bunch more sailing and we reached the important Fall Tune Up, Schock Memorial and Championship Regatta.  In the Fall Tune-Up and Schock Regatta we simply were inconsistent and frankly that had to do with bad starts.  We have all been there but in the H20 I have finally learned my lesson.  Good starts equal good finishes and unfortunately bad starts tend to equal bad finishes.

After a frustrating weekend before the championship we committed ourselves to quality starts and I can tell you in the Championships I felt we had 5 good starts and one bad one.  The bad one was by far our worst race.  If I were to give some advice to a new H20 sailor it would be as follows:

  1. Sail the boat a lot in summer races and ask for help!  This group of awesome people wants to assist you in improving.
  2. Attend the seminars – I cannot tell you how much of a difference they made in our speed over the summer.
  3. Good Starts!  I can’t stress it enough.  You win and lose races on the starting line in a fleet of boats that are very close in speed.
  4. Have fun!  Most of all I got to spend the entire year sailing with my son and creating memories I will never forget.

Thanks Harbor 20 fleet #1 for making 2010 one of my best sailing memories ever!

Karl Pomeroy

SCYA Midwinters NOR’s Posted, Entry Forms Available

The NOR’s and Entry Form for the 2011 SCYA Midwinters is now available on the Harbor 20 Website.

2011 SCYA Midwinters Page

The regatta is scheduled for February 19 and 20, 2011 and is a Fleet 1 2-day High Point Event. The B Fleet winner will be promoted to the A Fleet.

The deadline for entry has not been defined by the BCYC, however, please note that the entry form is not online, so you must print out, fill out and bring (or mail) your entry to the BCYC.

Visit the Harbor 20 Website for all the links to the yacht club and the regatta forms.

What I learned from the Winter Series #4

The NHYC Winter Series #4 was held on Sunday, February 6th – the last of a 4-day series of races.  My last “event” was the Strategy & Tatics Seminar by Peter Haynes the previous Sunday, and I was fresh with ideas, enthusiasm and eager to “try out” all the new info I learned at that Seminar. I’d like to share my perceptions of part of the first race since I learned so much in that 20 minutes of sailing with the A fleet!

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