For Sale: 2009 Harbor 20, # 292 ”Marissa”


Dark Blue (Aztec) hull, Gold tape cove stripe, White waterline stripes, and Red Pettit Trinidad bottom paint.

Includes the standard boat and the following options: Custom hull color, cove stripe, and waterline highlight stripe. Electrical system, digital electric motor, Automatic 12v bilge pump. 2:1 jib outhaul, jib winger, Mast hinge, Windex, Adjustable jib downhaul, Tiller extension – telescoping 19” to 32”. Halyard hammock, Pop up mooring cleats (2 stern, 2 spring, and 2 bow). Block foam flotation, C-foam cockpit cushions, Cockpit table, Cockpit cover w/jib sock – Sunbrella “Toast”. Elliot/Pattison main, Ullman, jib, Elliot/Pattison asymmetrical spinnaker – Red/White/Blue star pattern.  Asymmetric spinnaker equipment, Ensign & staff, Safety package, Bow chocks. Also included in the purchase price is a complimentary private Spinnaker lesson on the Marissa from an expert at WD Schock!

“Marissa” was custom built and is one of the most complete and loaded Harbor 20’s ever produced by WD Schock.  Located in Marina Del Rey, California.


Call or Email Ruck @ (310) 804-6002 

East Beats West in Coast Challenge

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hilton Head, South Carolina

The Harbor 20 Fleet 3 defeated the Fleet 1 team in the annual East / West Coast Challenge held this weekend at the South Carolina Yacht Club in Hilton Head, South Carolina.  The Challenge was won last year by Fleet 1 when they hosted the Challenge at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club in Newport Beach.

After Day 1, and 6 races, Fleet 3 had a commanding lead of 24 points. The Challenge was scored using a low-point team racing system (although team racing rules were not in effect). Day 1 brought steady winds of about 13 mph with gusts up to 17 mph (as reported by the Racing Committee).

On Day 2, the winds had shifted to the West and the racing started early to try to complete as many races as possible before a storm system was expected to arrive. Winds were again about 13 mph with gusts up to about 17 mph. With a new course and winds from a different direction, most the “local knowledge” learned by Fleet 1 on Saturday had to be relearned on Sunday.

The racing was cut short to 4 races to avoid a quickly approaching storm. The Race Committee timed the last race perfectly, allowing the sailors to get the boats back into the safety of the lock-protected Windmill Harbour just as the wind shifted to the North, picked up velocity and the rain started.

Although Feet 1 did better on Day 2, the Fleet from South Carolina Yacht Club continued winning the races scoring lower points, and in the end, defeated Fleet 1 in all 10 races with a decisive victory overall, regaining the perpetual trophy two years ago.

The awards and dinner were held at Bob De Veer’s home on the beach of the Atlantic Ocean.

Challenge Winners: Fleet 3

First Overall: Ned Nielson & Tommy Webster (Fleet 3)

First Fleet 1: Ed Kimball & Anne

International “Sign of Friendship”: Domenico DeSole

Master of Local Knowledge: John Rumsey

I Have No Local Knowledge: Rolly Pulaski

Woman’s Wear Daily: Joann Gleoge

Patience of Joe: Joe Highsmith

Super Shucker: Peter Haynes

East / West Coast Challenge – Day 1 Scores

Pre-Race Skippers Meeting

Saturday, March 26, 2011 – Hilton Head, South Carolina

Day 1 of the East / West Coast Challenge ended with a clear lead to the Fleet 3 of South Carolina Yacht Club. After 6 races, the score is 96 for the East Coast and 120 for the West Coast. The 24 point deficit creates a big challenge for the West Coast going into Sunday’s racing.

The day provided the sailors will steady winds from the south at about 15 mph winds with gusts to 20 mph. With a steady current, selecting the right way up the course proved to be decisive in placement for the races. The competition was strong with boats mostly having close finishes.

Exiting the Harbor into the Intercoastal via the Locks

After a morning briefing by the race committee,and the journey out the lock system, the teams enjoyed three long races (W-L-W-F) and three short races (W-L).

For day one, the races finished:
#1: 13 points EAST coast
#2: 17 points WEST coast
#3: 20 points EAST coast
#4: 20 points WEST coast
#5: 29 points EAST coast
#6: 34 points EAST coast
#7: 38 points WEST coast
#8: 45 points WEST coast

On Sunday, sailing will being an hour and half earlier at 11:30am to try to beat out an incoming weather system.

Anne doing some last minute "adjustments" to the Hoyt Boom for the West. Ed Kimball Skippers.

Fleet 3 Welcomes Fleet 1 to Annual East/West Challenge

Fleet 1 Captain Kevin Keogh and Dave, SCYC Director of Sailing

Welcome Reception at SCYC

SCYC owned Harbor 20 to be used by Fleet 1 docked in the Windmill Harbour

Friday, March 26, 2011

Hilton Head, South Carolina

The Harbor 20 Fleet 3, based at the South Carolina Yacht Club in Hilton Head, welcomes the Fleet 1 delegation for the Annual East / West Challenge:  A 2-day team low-point regatta. Sailors will be awarded points based on their finishing position (eg: 1 point for first, 2 points for second, etc…) and the team with the lowest total points after the two days of racing, wins.  The winner becomes the recipient of the East/West Challenge perpetual trophy currently held by Fleet 1.

Friday night, the Yacht Club and Fleet 3 hosted a welcome reception including cocktails and appetizers followed by dinner in the club’s restaurant.

On Saturday, the racing begins with an anticipated 4-5 races on a windward/leeward course. The weather is forecast as 75 degrees with winds from the S to SSE at 10-12 mph. Sunday’s forecast is for 77 degrees, partly cloudy with chance of thunderstorms and winds at 10 to 20 mph.

Feet 3 sailors have opened their homes to the Fleet 1 sailors while the Club has put together a social, eating, drinking and sailing schedule to fill up the weekend.

East Coast Sailors are: Gary Gleason, Marvin Carlson, Joe Highsmith, Domenico DeSole, Tommy Webster, Ned Nielsen, Paul Miller and John Rumsey.

West Coast Sailors are: Terry Gleoge, Bryon Capps, Peter Haynes, Nik Froehlich, Rolly Pulaski, Ann Donat, Ed Kimble, Anne Kimble.

Race Committee is: Kevin Keogh (Fleet 3 Capitan), David Wilson, Muffy Schulze, Rick Schulze, Bob DeVeer.

Lorin Weiss Memorial Regatta #1 Winners

Saturday, March 19, 2011, Bahia-Corinthian Yacht Club

Twenty-two Harbor 20’s participated in the 2011 Lorin Weiss Memorial Regatta #1, hosted by the Bahia-Corinthian Yacht Club. A total of 10 races were started (5 for the A fleet and 5 for the B fleet) with shifty winds at about 8 knots (11 knot gusts) for the first couple of races. After a short lull, the wind picked up to about 11 knots (with 14 knot gusts) for the last couple of races.

After the race, awards were given to the winners of both fleets, and snacks provided by the BCYC. Race results can be viewed here.

Fleet A Winners

1st Place: Bill Menninger

2nd Place: Tom Schock

3rd Place: Karl Pomeroy

Fleet B Winners

1st Place: Guy Doran

2nd Place: Gale Pinckney

3rd Place: Lee Sutherland

Spring Twilights at M Mark

3-16-10 Newport Beach, CA Balboa Yacht Club.

The Spring Twilights have started with 11 H20 signed up and 10 boats making it to the starting line off M Mark. The racers where greeted with a 6 knot cool breeze from the west and strong flooding current.

Jeff Keenen was our PRO with Chris Killian and John Fradkin helping with markset. With the current and the breeze constantly moving to the south all three members of the race committee stayed busy. If there where not moving marks and passing out beverages they where taking photos of the fleet. Race committee was able to get off 3 races before the breeze turned off and the sun was setting.

This being our first event everyone seemed as if it was the first day of school. By the time we rounded the second leeward mark people where asking for room and if there no agreement people reminded their friends of the up coming rules seminar. Which is kind of funny if you think about it.

Quotes of the night. “Hey, you guys want a Beverage?’ and the reply “UUHH OK” and while sailing to the leeward mark and asking Tom Schock if he had an overlap YES was the quick reply, about tens seconds latter “Well maybe not” then the calls of room started. I knew that he had an overlap for most of that run and the only time we broke it was when I first asked and they regained it in no time. So, the inside was theirs this time.

At the end of the night with the sun going down and the sound of the colors being lowered at BYC that spring smile returned to my face as I looked into the sky and I thought how I love this time of year at M Mark.

We are always looking for race committee and I think we will need someone next Wednesday?

Results can be found here.

Tacking to the Windward Mark and Back

I am writing this article in the hope we as a fleet can open a dialogue, on this web site, where the experienced sailors can give input and others can ask questions about rounding the weather mark.

The latest Racing Rules (2009-2012) were changed to address “Tacking when approaching a Mark”.  We also know that when our H20 fleet is approaching the windward mark on starboard, seemingly in a good position, it is common to end up in fourth place down wind, due to Prot Tackers.  This is what the new rule was designed to eliminate:  Yes or No???

Our Harbor 20, Idros, has a hole in its bow from a Weather mark conflagration, hence the frown on her face when you see her out racing.  The problem as I see it, has many parts to it.  These may uniquely relate to our one design fleet and our boats and may not necessarily be covered by “facts found” in a protest.

Here is our broad review as I see it:

The rule 18.3 says port tack boats, tacking within three boat lengths, have added restrictions on them

(a)  The port tack boat cannot force a starboard tack boat above close hauled as they round the mark.

–  Well, we all watch port tack boats squeak up to the mark clear the fleet of five boats coming on starboard and then come to a virtual stop as H20’s do when you have to push the tiller over hard.    The problem for the Starboard tack boats in 5knots (normal) of breeze as you approach the mark with 5 boats around and beside you, pinching will slow your boat significantly, causing everyone around you to bump, crash and burn.  So going above close haul will cause a collision for sure.  As I see it, the only advantage in doing this is you will be able to bring five witnesses to the hearing; the problem is you have lost the race and will most likely lose the hearing for causing a collision.

(b) The port tack boat must give an inside boat room at the mark.

– As one sailor has suggested, the starboard tack boat should fall off and point at the port tacker, in this way picking up speed to go inside.  Hopefully the port tacker will bail out and all will be good.  Our experience says, the port tacker does not bail out, now you will be the inside boat and the port tack boat must give you room.  In our experience this is also problematic.  The port tacker normally sees the gaggle of boats coming and tacks close to the mark to give maximum room and protect their ?? leading position. So even though you are now the inside boat, the port tacker cannot give you room because he is committed and even if the rest of the fleet gives her room, when they put the tiller down to give you room, the transom pivots about the keel again and either hits the inside starboard tacker or pushes her into the mark.

The aim of our fleet clearly has to be, to have clean fair racing.  I believe this is relatively easy, all that has to happen is; we all follow the rules or take our penalty turns when we make mistakes, which we ALL make.  To bring reality to this we have to occasionally protest and go to the room.

Well it should be easy, but we regularly have incidents where a starboard tacker went from first or second going to the mark to a long way back after the rounding.  More of Peter Haynes’s seminars on the rules will always help, but if we are to continue to grow our fleet, fun racing is where it’s at and losing 3 places at the windward mark or worse, a frown of the bow, is not fun.

My question is, how can we  show other competitors and judges she has to go above close hauled to avoid the tacking boat 18.3 (a) without causing problems for all boats except the port tacker.  To duck down inside 18.3 (b) and call for room will cause a collision 9 out of 10 times.

YES / NO ? what is the answer? Please click comment and add your input, a good positive discussion can only help our fleet get more enjoyment from our sport.

by Warren Duncan, #34 Idros

*New* Harbor20 Spring Series

Daylight Savings Time started Sunday, March 13, and Balboa Yacht Club is kicking off our evening sailing this year early with the introduction of the Harbor 20 Spring Series.

This informal series starts next Wednesday, March 16 at 5:30 PM.The start will be in the vicinity of “M” and “N” marks in the main channel.

Many thanks to Len Bose, author of “The Harbor Report” columns in the Daily Pilot for instigating this activity!

There is no cost, and you can register online here, which will help BYC know how many boats to expect.

There will probably not be a Notice of Race or Sailing Instructions, as the idea is to keep this really informal and fun. Be there, and get a jump on 2011 evening racing!

W.D. Schock Memorial Regatta – Recap and Results

This past weekend, NHYC held the annual W.D. Schock Memorial Regatta. The regatta includes one-design racing for Lehman 12 (A and B Fleets), Lido 14 (A and B Fleets), Harbor 20 (A and B Fleets), and Harbor 25 boats on two consecutive days (Saturday & Sunday) in March each year.

Naturally, we were blessed with great spring type weather (about 70 degrees on Saturday and 66 on Sunday) with sufficient winds on both days to complete 7 races for the Harbor 20’s. The A Fleet had 12 participants while the B Fleet had a record 18 participants for a total of 30 Harbor 20’s and 14 races over the two-day event, which included a buffet dinner on Saturday night.

A first for the Fleet, Newport Harbor Yacht Club provided each boat with a transponder so that their track over the coarse was recorded and could be watched live, or played back to review the race. Below is a clip of Fleet A, Race 1.

The full race can be viewed on on  Results of the regatta can be downloaded from the NYHC Website, here.

The Winners were: (all of us, for a great weekend!!). But really, the winners are:

A Fleet:

1st Place: Skipper Terry Gloege and Crew Byron Capps

2nd Place: Skipper Tom Schock and Crew Jane Schock

3rd Place: Skipper Bob Yates

Terry Gloege, Tom Schock, Betty Schock, Byron Capps (photo courtesy of Bob Yates)

B Fleet:

1st Place: Skipper Walter Johnson and Crew Karen Pierce  (promoted to A Fleet for winning a 2-day regatta)

2nd Place: Skipper Helen Duncan and Crew Audrey Nye

3rd Place: Skipper Jack Cannon and Crew Phil Crosby

Tom Schock, Betty Schock, Walter Johnson, Karen Pierce (photo courtesy of Bob Yates)

We asked Emile Pilafidis, #209, who recently qualified for A Fleet and experienced his first A Fleet regatta, to share a bit about his experience sailing in the A Fleet for the first time:

I advanced to A from B with my results in the Midwinter Regatta in February; ended with a first place finish in Bs, a result I hadn’t expected!  I got a number of lucky breaks during that regatta, and at the end I was on top by one point over a three–way tie for 2nd-4th, and by two points over 5th!  So close!

Needless to say, my expectations for the Schock Regatta this past weekend, against other As, were minimal!  But I did agree on an objective with my crew, Alice, that it would be great not to be in last place for the regatta!

So with no pressure and no expectations, we began the regatta, with one core strategy, namely, to try and follow Tom Schock!  As it turned out Tom got tangled up at the start of the first race, and I had to quickly decide to follow other boats!   The strategy worked better in the second race, and after the first two races in light air, I found myself in sixth place out of twelve boats!  This of course didn’t last long, since we came 12th and 10th the next two races, despite having sailed without making any major mistakes.  We just were not as good at the start or as fast as the others.   At the end of Saturday, after four races, we were next to last, but only a couple of points behind three other boats, and feeling quite ok!

On Sunday we realized there would be a throw out race which sounded like a plus for us, and started with the same plan in mind!  Yet we quickly realized that Tom was the wrong target, since he got so far ahead winning races 5 and 6!  We tried to sail close to others, but ended with an 11th and a 10th.  At the final race, we crossed the start line in decent order, continued on starboard tack to near the C mark, tacked twice, reached the mark in the first group of boats, and followed Tom and Terry Gloege all the way to the D mark, while noticing Bob Yates and Nick Froehlich sailing slightly faster on the right side of the course.  At the finish line we ended behind all of them in fifth place, yet with our best result of the two days.  Later we found out that we had finished 10th overall, and were thrilled!

Reflecting on the experience, my take-aways are that is good to have a plan but need to be very flexible, that is crucial not to make major mistakes in the course chosen, and that it is so much more fun to sail in the middle of the fleet or higher and not way in the back!

Oh yes, and that it will be a great learning experience and a lot of fun racing with As!

So we intend to enjoy our year as As, and hope to get lucky again at just the right time so we can extend our stay!

Emile Pilafidis, Party Globe # 209

The Harbor20 Association would like to thank the NHYC for hosting the event, and specifically to Jennifer Lancaster, Charlie Underwood and all the Race Committee volunteers for hosting an excellent W.D. Schock Memorial Regatta again this year!

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