East Beats West in Coast Challenge
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Hilton Head, South Carolina
The Harbor 20 Fleet 3 defeated the Fleet 1 team in the annual East / West Coast Challenge held this weekend at the South Carolina Yacht Club in Hilton Head, South Carolina. The Challenge was won last year by Fleet 1 when they hosted the Challenge at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club in Newport Beach.
After Day 1, and 6 races, Fleet 3 had a commanding lead of 24 points. The Challenge was scored using a low-point team racing system (although team racing rules were not in effect). Day 1 brought steady winds of about 13 mph with gusts up to 17 mph (as reported by the Racing Committee).
On Day 2, the winds had shifted to the West and the racing started early to try to complete as many races as possible before a storm system was expected to arrive. Winds were again about 13 mph with gusts up to about 17 mph. With a new course and winds from a different direction, most the “local knowledge” learned by Fleet 1 on Saturday had to be relearned on Sunday.
The racing was cut short to 4 races to avoid a quickly approaching storm. The Race Committee timed the last race perfectly, allowing the sailors to get the boats back into the safety of the lock-protected Windmill Harbour just as the wind shifted to the North, picked up velocity and the rain started.
Although Feet 1 did better on Day 2, the Fleet from South Carolina Yacht Club continued winning the races scoring lower points, and in the end, defeated Fleet 1 in all 10 races with a decisive victory overall, regaining the perpetual trophy two years ago.
The awards and dinner were held at Bob De Veer’s home on the beach of the Atlantic Ocean.
Challenge Winners: Fleet 3
First Overall: Ned Nielson & Tommy Webster (Fleet 3)
First Fleet 1: Ed Kimball & Anne
International “Sign of Friendship”: Domenico DeSole
Master of Local Knowledge: John Rumsey
I Have No Local Knowledge: Rolly Pulaski
Woman’s Wear Daily: Joann Gleoge
Patience of Joe: Joe Highsmith
Super Shucker: Peter Haynes