Harbor 20 Awards & Holiday Dinner

Purchasing for tickets to the Harbor 20 Awards and Holiday Dinner is available now online. If you haven’t already received your invitation in the mail, you should in the next day or two.  This year, we’ll be accepting your reservations and ticket purchases online. Click here to purchase now. We are using PayPal, a safe and secure online payment system. This allows us to get head counts early and makes it very quick and easy for you to buy your tickets.

The committee has worked hard to reduce the ticket prices this year to encourage more to come to this annual, fun event. This year, we brought the price down to $35 per person, which includes:

  • Prime Rib or Roast Turkey Dinner
  • Hosted bar (wine, beer, spirits)
  • Entertainment (live entertainers)
  • Venue (at Lido Isle Yacht Club)

The reception starts at 6pm. Dinner starts at 7pm. Awards begin at about 8pm. If you have never attended, don’t think is is another long-winded boring awards dinner. This is the Harbor 20 group doing what they do best: drinking, eating, socializing and boasting about their tactical sailing skills.  Some even get into dancing on the dance floor after the Awards.

Who will get awarded the coveted Rain or Shine this year?  Who gets the un-coveted Broken Rudder Award?

If you planning on attending, get your tickets online today.

NHYC Winter Series Offers “C” Fleet – Starts This Weekend

NHYC’s Winter Series regatta, which begins this Sunday, November 13, will include starts for Harbor 20 C Fleet racers. Details regarding the number of races for the C fleet on each day of the Series are forth coming. You can register for the regatta here.

If you have already registered but would like to change your registration from the B fleet to the C fleet, you can do so by following the instructions provided in your registration confirmation email. If you did not keep your confirmation email, contact Charlie at raceadmin@nhyc.org, or at (949) 723-6870.


Annapolis Yacht Club’s Frostbite Series

Annapolis Yacht Club began the annual Frostbite Series on Sunday, November 6th with over 90 racing sailboat registered to race through March 25th. Several local yacht clubs are invited by AYC to participate in the Frostbite Series each winter.  Recognizing the fastest growing fleet in Annapolis, AYC granted the Annapolis Harbor 20 fleet #5 its own starting time.  Under sunny skies, a light breeze and a rising tide thirteen Harbor 20s, each with a 3 man crew, sailed across the starting line toward the first mark.  The lead changed several times and there were some great tactics at the first mark when five boats arrived at the same time.  As we reached for the finish line next to the club house boat speed and jibing skills created more lead changes.  Back at the dock, everyone shared strategy and talked about how we might improve performance next Sunday.


Fleet 1 High Point & CHOC Regatta This Weekend

This Saturday is the BYC Sunkist #1 Regatta and the Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) Regatta. The Sunkist #1 is a Fleet 1 High Point Race.

The regattas are sailed simultaneously, giving you the opportunity to win twice in one day…while supporting CHOC’s fundraiser.

Sunkist Signup

CHOC Signup

More info can be found on the BYC Website for the Sunkist Series and the CHOC Regatta.

Also, the BYC will be offering a “C Fleet” sign up, so if you have never raced, or feel that the B Fleet is too competitive, sign up to sail the “C Fleet”.

For Sale: Harbor 20 #89



Built in 2000, original condition, well kept, cushions very good. Second owner since 2002. New bottom paint 8/2010 (class approved paint). Will need new sails to race. Slip available at newport Bay Towers between NHYC and Ferry.

Location: Newport Beach, CA

Price Reduced

Price: $13,995

Contact: Steve Varner (310) 995-9811

Karl Durow 310-391-2138  or



SSYC Ocean Series Starts This Saturday

The brand new SSYC Ocean Series starts this Saturday! If you have not registered yet, so so now here.

This 4 series race is designed for those that want to experience Ocean racing in the Harbor 20. However, if conditions are such that an ocean race is not ideal for a Harbor 20, the race will be held inside the harbor.

This is a four series race, with trophies being awarded at the conclusion of the regata late in 2012. The sign up fee is only $10.

Go to the page about the race to get more details, and if you want to race this weekend, sign up now. NOR’s and Online Signup are available now.

Shalhoob Women’s Invitational & Women’s Skipper Championship Regatta

Santa Barbara Yacht Club

October 9, 2011


Beautiful race conditions with breezes from 8 to 15 knots prevailed for the Shalhoob Women’s Invitational and Women Skipper’s Regatta at Santa Barbara Yacht Club on Sunday, October 9.

Nine Harbor 20s participated, each with at least two women and one male “sandwich maker” (just kidding) on board. I was lucky enough to have the chance to race with Sandra Denton and Eric Stokke.

Four races were held – two non-spinnaker races for the Shalhoob and two spinnakers optional races for the Skipper Championship. Several of the women skippers were first-time Harbor 20 sailors…they are GREAT boats.

The Shalhoob Invitational was won by Becky Harteck, followed by Krystal Treiberg (UCSB Sailing Team), third was Heidi Ziskind followed by Morgan Green, Sharon Green, Jane Watkins, Leslie Deardorff, Helene Webb and Karen Cahill.

The Women’s Skipper Championship was won by Kyrstal Treiberg with Mom and Pop crewing, followed by Leslie Deardorff, Becky Harteck, Sharon Green, Jane Watkins, Morgan Green, Helene Webb, Heidi Ziskind and Helene Webb.

It was breeze on for the Harbor 20s, with lots of tight mark roundings and exciting starts. In fact the first start was so aggressive that there was a general recall. Highly competitive Lady Sailors! And it was excellent that several gals raced with their children.

This was a great event – To be repeated next year.

Thanks to everyone who made it a successful event and party afterwards.

Jane Watkins, H20 Fleet 4



Fleet 1 Sail Purchase Window is Open

The window to purchase a new main or jib is now open and ends on November 30th. According to the Fleet 1 rules, to remain eligible, you may only purchase sails during this window between the Championships and November 30th. Jibs may be purchased every year, while main sails can be purchased every other year.

Main sails may only be purchased from Elliott / Pattison Sailmakers. They are offering Harbor 20 boat owners a 25% discount, for a total of $1,167 plus tax. They require a 50% deposit upon order, and the sails will be finished by the end of December for the Fleet Measurer to measure them early January.  Contact: (949) 645-6697
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