Fleet 3 Hosts South Atlantic Inter-Club Regatta January 29th

The South Atlantic Yacht Racing Association, the regional organization for yacht clubs and sailors in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, held its annual convention in Hilton Head, South Carolina on January 28 and 29.  To wrap up the annual meeting, Harbor 20 Fleet 3 and South Carolina Yacht Club invited nine member clubs of SAYRA to compete in an Inter-Club Challenge regatta in Harbor 20s on Sunday, January 29.  Members of South Carolina Yacht Club loaned their boats for the event and an owner representative sailed on each boat with a skipper and crew from the entering club.

The SCYC Race Committee, with Kevin Keogh as principal race officer, ran three races, each about 45 minutes long, in a northerly breeze with oscillating shifts that kept the competitors and the race committee on their toes and produced three different race winners.  Despite the shifty breeze, it was a beautiful January day for racing on Calibogue Sound.  In the end, consistency won the day.  The winning team’s record was a third and two seconds in a fleet of nine boats.

Handsome wood carving boards were the prizes presented after racing to Atlanta Yacht Club skipper Brice Dryden in first place, South Carolina Yacht Club Gary Gleason in second place and Charleston Ocean Racing Association skipper Rob Bowden in third place.  The other competitors in order of final placing were Columbia Sailing Club, Beaufort Yacht & Sailing Club, Savannah Yacht Club, Keowee Sailing Club, Carolina Yacht Club of North Carolina and Charleston Yacht Club.

Rules Seminar Registration Deadline – Saturday, January 21

The deadline to postmark registrations for the “Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing” seminar at BCYC on January 29 at the lower price of $75.00  is Saturday, January 21. Thereafter the cost is $85.00. The reason for a deadline is to encourage folks to help us with logistics, because the club requires a head-count ahead of time for purposes of facility planning and food/beverage preparation.



A unique teaching method makes this seminar a learning experience, as differentiated from “question and answer” rules clinics, which are generally unstructured, and pre-suppose some rules knowledge. This seminar is structured in such a way that each concept leads to the next making comprehension easy and natural. Animated PowerPoint makes the rules come to life. Here are some comments from folks who have already attended:

“I’ve been attending rules seminars all my life – I’ve seen them all – and this is the best I’ve ever seen!” –Tom Schock

“I was impressed with how you presented the sailing rules in an interesting and entertaining way. The class drew all levels of sailors from beginning sailors like myself to sailors have been racing competitively for 50 years and more. The visual teaching coupled with your workbook were a great way to learn. I was surprised with how quickly the day slipped by and how much we covered.” –Trish Ramser

“At $75 this seminar is a real bargain and offers much more than seminars at double this price, the 120 plus page handout is easily worth the seminar price itself. Along with boat handling and racing strategies and tactics, the rules of racing are critical knowledge for the casual and experienced sailor.” -Tom Madden

“I learned in one day what would ordinarily take 10 racing seasons to learn. Invaluable!” –Guy Doran

“Comprehensive, informative and well presented. I’ll be back because repetition is essential.” –Mary Bacon

“An absolute winner! From novice to knowledgeable in one day.” –Nina Manning

“I could attend this course over and over and would learn something new every time.” –Neal Crowley

While this seminar was originally prepared to the Harbor 20 Fleet, there is nothing H20 specific in the materials.


Click here to Register.

We hope to see you there!

For Sale: Harbor 20, sail #127


Price Reduced to $16,900

Harbor 20, sail #127 for sale.

This Harbor 20 is full of extras! Cockpit Cushions, Pop-up Deck Cleats, 2 Cuddy Coolers, Sail Covers, Newer Bottom Paint, Electric Motor & 2 New Batteries!

The boat is slipped in Coronado CA, at Glorietta Bay Marina.

Price: $18,900 $16,900

Call John Kent at (619) 518-7737 or dexterkent @cox.net

2012 Seminar Schedule

Seminar series description

Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing

Sunday, January 29, 8:45 – 5:00       Fleet 1 –  Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club


Course Description

Boat Handling & Sail Trim

Sunday, March 11, 8:45 – 5:00           Fleet 1 – Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club


Course Description

Strategy & Tactics

Saturday, June 9, 8:45 – 5:00               Fleet 1 – Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club


Course Description

Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing

Sunday, September 9 , 8:45 – 5:00     Fleet 1 – Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club


Course Description

C Fleet Scrimmage on Sunday

Two of the C Fleeters (Nina Manning and Michael Volk ) are going to meet at 1300 in the Turning Basin for a fun, very low key, scrimmage. Alexander from WD Schock will sail with Michael Volk and mentor the group.

They will do some starts as well as upwind speed tuning.  Intent is to be informal and low key.

Invite extends to any and all who are interested in joining.


Harbor 20 Holiday & Awards Dinner

This Sunday, 6pm at the LIYC, is the Fleet 1 Annual Holiday & Awards Dinner.

  • Pre-Dinner Appetizers
  • Hosted Wine, Beer & Spirits
  • Prime Rib & Turkey Dinner with all the fixings
  • Slideshow of the “Year of Fleet 1”
  • Annual Awards, Recognition and Spoofs
  • New Board Vote
  • Live Entertainment
  • Desert
  • Dancing


“I want the cost of this year’s event to be brought down to $35/person so that we get as many people attending as possible – BUT, I want to make sure we have good food & good wine!”

– John Whitney, Fleet 1 Capitan


We think the Event Committee delivered! The event starts promptly at 6pm at the Lido Isle Yacht Club. We lowered ticket prices this year but kept the same quality food, and improved on the wine and added spirits to the hosted bar. Bring an appetizer to share if your last name is A-L. Bring a desert to share if your last name begins with M-Z.

Three ways to RSVP:

  • Buy Tickets Online Now by Clicking Here.
  • Email your RSVP to reservations@harbor20.org (provide names of all that are attending). Pay at the door when you arrive.
  • Call Alice at 949.497.2008. Pay at the door when you arrive.


Harbor 20s in Seattle

“…Everyone in Seattle knows about the popular Duck Dodge series that runs on the city’s Lake Union in the summer.  Almost 100 boats turn out each Tuesday for a different themed race each week.  From Hawaiian Night to Toga Night, this popular series focuses on having fun. There is no cost to enter, and there is only one rule: Don’t hit each other.

Less well known, but still well attended, is the Goosebumps series every Sunday in January and February, also on Lake Union.  Of course, it is hard to have a Hawaiian Night or a Toga night in the winter in the Pacific Northwest.  If there were a theme for the Goosebumps, it might be fleece and foulies.

With more than 20 Harbor 20s scattered around Puget Sound and various lakes, Signature Yachts, located on Lake Union is working to get boats out sailing together this winter. Five boats have already committed to at least one or two of the Sunday events, with Signature Yachts hosting the boats at its dock after the races.  2 of the 5 Boats are skippered by Women.

Plans call for tuning sessions, sail trim clinics and Harbor 20 gatherings in the spring. Signature is trying to build the Harbor 20 fleet and get the existing boats out in a fun and casual setting….”

FOR SALE: #286 and trailer


FOR SALE: #286 and trailer (trailer came with my first H20 #45 so it is older)

The photo is a sistership of the same color. The White Linen is Stars and Stripes Blue/cove stripe gold tape/waterline highlight stripe white/two-toned deck Aztec Antique White on Aztec White.

Options: custom hull color/cove stripe/two-toned deck/ bottom paint CPP Plus-Red/Electrical system/lights/Digital electrical motor/12V bilge pump/Spinnaker equipment/Asymmetric spinnaker-White w/red lightening bolt(flown once)/pop-up mooring cleats/foam block flotation/cockpit cushions/cockpit cover (tan)/jib sock

Sails lightly used for 1 and 1/2 summers at high altitude freshwater lake only. Always stored indoors when not in slip.

Boat and all equipment in execptional conditon. Currently located in my office warehouse in Fresno, CA. Move to a smaller shallow lake in Colorado that will not accommodate a keel boat makes sale possible. Will consider partial trade for a fine Lido or suitable shallow draft sailboat and trailer.

Asking $25,000 (original invoice availble on request).


Bruce Allbright


559.269.2463 mobile


SOLD: 2003 HARBOR 20 (hull # 189) Firefly

  • Fully equipped for One-Design racing
  • Original spin equipment; (+ latest gear, uninstalled, allowing for buyer preference)
  • Jib/recent/jib-sock; main/older/cover; spinnakers/older/bags; continuous spin sheets
  • Electrical System: rebuilt motor; 2 marine batteries/charger, shore-power cord; running lights; automatic bilge pump; GPS
  • Pop-up mooring cleats; manual bilge pump; flotation; mast hinge; tiller cover & extension; fenders; dock lines; Tack-Tic; windex; forepeak cover


Location: Santa Barbara, CA

PRICE: $19,000.00    [partnership considered]


Contact: Bill Davis  805 680-7529






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