March 21, 2012 Spring twilight’s at M Mark

We had the perfect spring day, 8-12knots of breeze, out of the west. Warm at the start and the jackets started to appear as the sun set.

We had four boats and completed 5 races of 2 v 2 windward leewards. Mike Pinckney was our designated coach and provided simple instructions at the mark rounding. From the starting boat I was able to learn a lot on how this whole Team Race thing works. I am encouraging you all to try this format of sailing. I promise you will improve your sailing skills and find another reason to use your boat. Next week come on down and give it a try! Everyone is welcomed to help me in the starting boat?

This weeks participants were Diane & Steve Kent, John Fradkin, Mike Pinckney, Alex Steele, Shannon Heausler, Jon Novack, & Jeff Tolan.  Walter Johnson and Linda Pierce did a fly by, promised to attend next week and made a beverage for the Kent’s before sailing off into the sunset.  Other people that called me and said they would be down next week was Peter Haynes, Bill Menninger , Judi Gorski & Marry Bacon.

This is starting to feel like it’s going to be a FUN series that will turn into something much larger! We also had a great time sitting around the fire at BYC after the race, which to tell you the truth is almost more fun than racing.

Sea ya Next week!


Len Bose


C-Fleet Clinic, Saturday, April 14, 1-5 PM at LIYC

You’ve seen them out there, all those Harbor 20’s racing about Newport Harbor. Have you ever contemplated competing in your Harbor 20, but just don’t know how to get started? Jumping in to the existing B-Fleet can be intimidating because the fleet is pretty big. But, as of the 2011-2012 racing season, there is now a C-Fleet in Newport Harbor. The C-Fleet offers an introductory experience to sailing a Harbor 20, whether your interest lies in racing or not. Even if you have no interest in racing your Harbor 20, trying a bit of racing helps develop boat handling and seamanship skills faster than any other learning activity. 

 Imagine yourself enjoying your Harbor 20 like these Harbor 20 sailors!

In the C-Fleet, you can get lots of help! Fleet 1  has a “mentor” program whereby experienced sailors go with you on your boat, either while racing or not. And, the fleet periodically offers C-Fleet Clinics – and the next one is coming up on Saturday, April 14,  1-5 PM at Lido Isle Yacht Club. C-Fleet clinics emphasize  introductory boat handling, seamanship, and FUN! Mentors will be avaialble to sail with you if you like. The cost is $25.00 per person, and includes pizza and cold refreshments.

Click here for a Clinic Description.

 Click here to register. You’ll be glad you did!

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

Peter Haynes, 949-631-8757 Office, 949-466-3971 Cell

H20 Team Racing, Tomorrow, for Beginners


Not sure if you noticed? It’s Spring and the sun is out and the breeze should be between 8-12 knots tomorrow. Even if your boats at the Baldwin Cup we should be able to find a boat for yea. We are meeting at M Mark 5:30ish to about 7:00, Team racing practice for everyone interested. Keep in mind this is more like a clinic/practice than a race. Just coming down and watching from the committee boat will help you sail faster! Please RSVP at or call me at (714) 916-0200.

More team racing tips


Boat Handling & Sail Trim Seminar at BCYC Well Attended

Classroom learning can really improve your understanding

Starting with the fundamentals

The demonstration brings the concepts to life

Thanks to Tom Madden, BCYC Vice Commodore, for making his Harbor 20 “Cool H20” available for the dockside demonstration. And thanks to the management and staff of BCYC for flawless support of the event.

This was the second in a three seminar series. The first was “Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing” on January 29. The third in the series will be “Strategy & Tactics” on June 3. Watch this website for details, and we hope to see you there!

Sail Safe & Sail Fast!

Peter Haynes

Four Harbor 20s Participate in The Border Run Regatta

On Saturday, four Harbor 20 sailors participated in the “Sprint” course of the annual Border Run Regatta.  The Sprint Course was a 14 mile “dash” from the Balboa Pier to the Dana Point Harbor.  Vessels included Harbor 20s, Lasers, Dingy’s and various other sailboats. The four Harbor 20s were accompanied by two chase boats: a Catalina 36 and Tiara 34 just in case the wind died and the sailors needed a tow into safe harbor.

The race started at 12 noon with a 8-10 knot southerly with some sailors taking the header out to sea while others taking a lift towards the coast. On everyones mind was whether or not the wind would shift to the West as predicted. Karl Pomeroy (Knot at Work #262) had a strong start and held the lead of the four H20s and kept to the center of the course early in the race. Emile Pilafidis (#209)  and Steve Woodward (#300) started outside while Nik Froehlich (#109) tacked early toward the coast.

Moving at about 4 – 5 knots, at about 1.5 hours into the race, it seemed as though Nik Froehlich had taken a strong lead while Emile and Steve tacked back toward the coast. At about 3 hours into the race, Nik Froehlich, with his crew Rolly Pulaski seemed to be taking a leisurely cruise alone the coast chatting about history of the southland and architecture, as the rest the H20 fleet started to gain. Failing to consolidate their lead, Nik found himself hugging the coast near the Ritz as the rest of the fleet, further out to sea, enjoyed the increasing Westerly that sprang up taking them fast to the finish line on a reach.

Karl finished 3rd out of the 9 total boats entered in the Sprint XS Mono C Class, 11 seconds (corrected) behind the 2nd place finisher, with Emile finishing next for the H20s, followed by Steve, and Nik ending up with a DNF as the wind died forcing Nik to motor around the point to the Dana Point Harbor after the 1700 hour deadline.

The DPYC provided slips for the four H20 boats and the two chase boasts and hosted an awards party and dinner. The H20 sailors slept on their boats and on the chase boats Saturday night, and did a combination sail/tow back to Newport on Sunday after a delicious breakfast cooked by Warren & Helen Duncan aboard Tara.

Thank you to Mark Durante and his crew for the Tiara 34 and Warren & Helen Duncan on the Catalina 36 as chase/support boats; Steve Woodruff for coordinating the Harbor 20 boats; Andrew Anderson, Port Captain of Dana Point Yacht Club for providing overnight slips; Michael Volk for taking pictures of the start from the Balboa Pier; and the South Shore Yacht Club for hosting a great event for the Harbor 20s.

More pictures of the event can be found here.






Newport Beach Indy “Under Sail”

By John Drayton

Sat/Sun March 3-4 – W.D. Schock Memorial Regatta (NHYC, Harbor 20’s), ,


About forty Harbor 20 sailors enjoyed big fleet racing and summer-like conditions in last weekend’s W. D. Schock Memorial Regatta.

As they’ve been doing in recent years, Bill and Diane Menninger showed their complete mastery of the fickle winds of Newport Harbor, tallying just seven points in six races in the competitive “A” fleet.  Kurt Wiese was runner-up in the A fleet.

In the 18 boat “B” fleet, George Drayton used solid starts, good boatspeed and conservative tactics to eke out the win the “B” fleet, finishing just one point ahead of another class stalwart Tom Corkett.(Sr).  Like the Menninger family in the A fleet, the B fleet winners were also family affair as both Drayton and Corkett sailed with their sons at this year’s event.  Full racing results are available at .

W. D. “Bill” Schock was the founder of W.D. Schock Corp, and Schock boats, a local boat builder best known for the Lido 14, Lehman 12, Santana 20, Schock 35 and Harbor 20 classes, among many others.  W.D. Schock Corp. was run by the Schock family from the 1940’s until just last year when the company was sold.

» Read more

Spring Twilights Team Racing

Spring twilights are upon us and with the time change we have the opportunity to start sailing Wednesday nights starting March 21 at M mark. I will have a course set by 5:30 and we will start racing once we have 4 boats.

We are going to try a new twist this year and offer “team racing” (see video here). I would like to try to encourage 6 boats to attend and we can handle as many as 12.

A lot of you, if not all of you have been asked to lend out your boats and come along and take part in the “team racing” format. This has attracted some very highly skilled sailors and has made it difficult for the average yacht club sailor to participate in. I thought it would be a good time for fleet 1 members to give “team racing” a try?

The racing will be very low key and lean more towards a clinic, rather than yacht club challenges. Send an email to boseyachts an let me know if you can make it?

Hope to sea ya Wednesday March 21!

Len Bose

(714) 916-0200


A hint of summer at the W.D. Memorial Schock Regatta

This past weekend, the NHYC hosted the annual W.D. Schock Memorial Regatta, and the participants were treated to a hint of Summer with 80 degree weather on both Saturday and Sunday.

Thirty-five Harbor 20’s participated in the 2-day High Point regatta. The A Fleet had a solid 13 participants, while the B fleet had a very full pack of 17 participants. The newly formed C fleet had 5 new Harbor 20 owners participate in the regatta.

Saturday started on time at 1300 and treated the Fleet to steady Westerly winds resulting in 4 races for all three fleets (A, B and C). The day was filled with excitement as the Bay was full of recreational boating enthusiasts enjoying the summer-like weather. The day ended with drinks, social time and a Taco dinner at NHYC.

While the weather was even better on Sunday, the wind was fickle and toyed with the Race Committee, shifting back and forth from West to South and back again. After an hour delay waiting for the wind to settle in, the Race Committee was able to get off 2 races in puffy, shifty and unpredictable winds.

Bill & Dianne Menninger took 1st place in the A Fleet, George and John Drayton won 1st in the B Fleet (and as a result, move to the A Fleet) and Jonathan and Tucker Cheadle won 1st in the C Fleet.

The Harbor 20 Class & Fleet 1 thanks NHYC for hosting the event and thanks the Race Committee for running a first class regatta.

Amendment to the Notice of Race for the W.D. Schock Regatta

Dear Competitors:

An amendment to the Notice of Race for the W.D. Schock Regatta has been posted to the official Notice Board. This amendment deletes the competitors’ briefing and moves the first warning to 1300hrs.

The R/C and I are looking forward to a great weekend on the water and a fun fleet dinner Saturday evening. If you have any questions please contact me.


Sail Fast,

Jenn Lancaster

NHYC Race Director



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