Harbor 20, Fleet 5, Cinco de Mayo Event

We had 9 H20 owners and 4 boats at the Cinco de Mayo party, some came by car
and a total of 26 people for lunch. The costumes made it special too. Jim
Ellis and Fulvia diMarzo won the awards for best costume. Big thanks to Pat
and Howard for being fantastic hosts. The new pilings made for a great H20
fleet marina so I hope we get invited back some day. Everything including
the wind was perfect.

I am organizing another social sailing event in September when we will sail
from Annapolis up the Severn River and dock on Luce Creek for lunch. It
will be hard to top Cinco de Mayo, but I will do my best.

Peter Trogdon


Harbor 20 Sailors: There’s Still Time to Join the Fun!





With Harbor 20 Tables

As We Have Done Before!

Thursday, April 26th

6:30 to 9:30

~~~~Live Entertainment~~~~Strolling Mariachis

Enchiladas, Taco Bar, Margaritas,Beer will be served!

Catered by El Torito Restaurant

Cost is $30/person (includes dinner & 2 drink tickets)

Phone Reservations: Jim or Jennifer Ciucki 949-675-5601 or Carter Ford 949-723-0400

or Email carterford@roadrunner.com



For Sale – 2002 Harbor 20 #146 + FREE Slip*



Newport Beach, CA

Cockpit cushions, two new batteries, intelligent charger, recent new motor controller, electric auxiliary motor, canvas cockpit cover (needs some re-stitching), sails are OK but would need new for racing, running lights, automatic bilge pump, dock lines, and fenders. This boat is ready to go but shows some age and use with a few dock dings, weathered finish, etc., just the normal wear and tear of a boat that’s used with family and friends.

The boat’s builder, WD Schock, has a refurbishing program where they make the boat like new. For a few grand you could have a Bristol example, any color, any name, and ready to race.. Or just knock about in it as is like we do – she works great!

*The boat can stay at its dock on Balboa Peninsula Point for some time rent free; details to be arranged at time of sale.

Price: $12,500 or best offer

Contact Rodger at 909-648-8423 or rodgercosgrove@earthlink.net



Reminder: C-Fleet Clinic, Saturday, April 14, 1-5 PM at LIYC

You’ve seen them out there, all those Harbor 20’s racing about Newport Harbor. Have you ever contemplated competing in your Harbor 20, but just don’t know how to get started? Jumping in to the existing B-Fleet can be intimidating because the fleet is pretty big. But, as of the 2011-2012 racing season, there is now a C-Fleet in Newport Harbor. The C-Fleet offers an introductory experience to sailing a Harbor 20, whether your interest lies in racing or not. Even if you have no interest in racing your Harbor 20, trying a bit of racing helps develop boat handling and seamanship skills faster than any other learning activity. 

 Imagine yourself enjoying your Harbor 20 like these Harbor 20 sailors!


In the C-Fleet, you can get lots of help! Fleet 1  has a “mentor” program whereby experienced sailors go with you on your boat, either while racing or not. And, the fleet periodically offers C-Fleet Clinics – and the next one is coming up on Saturday, April 14,  1-5 PM at Lido Isle Yacht Club. C-Fleet clinics emphasize  introductory boat handling, seamanship, and FUN! Mentors will be avaialble to sail with you if you like. The cost is $25.00 per person, and includes pizza and cold refreshments.

Click here for a Clinic Description.

 Click here to register. You’ll be glad you did!

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

Peter Haynes

peter.haynes@3ds.com, 949-631-8757 Office, 949-466-3971 Cell

Perfect Conditions for the 2012 Earl Corkett Regatta

Thirty-one Harbor 20s participated in the 2012 Earl Corkett Regatta hosted by NHYC on Saturday. The weather was ideal with temperatures in the low 70’s and a steady 5-7 knot South Westerly wind, allowing the Race Committee to get off four races for the A, B and C fleets.

A Fleet Winners: 1st Kurt Weiss; 2nd Gary Thorne; 3rd Jim Kerrigan

B Fleet Winners: 1st Nik Froehlich; 2nd Dick Somers; 3rd Jack Cannon (not pictured)



Fleet 3 Hosts New Invitational Regatta, Plans Three More Events

Members of Harbor 20 Fleet 3 in Hilton Head, South Carolina sailed a five-race series against sailors from American Yacht Club of Rye, New York on March 31st and April 1st.  The team from American Yacht Club came to Hilton Head for the weekend for the first running of a home-and-home invitational regatta between the two clubs.  A team from South Carolina Yacht Club will go to Rye, New York in May 2013 to race in Ideal 18s, the class of boat that American Yacht Club uses for club racing.  The regatta was run as fleet racing with team scoring—no team racing tactics but the team with the best combined score at the end of the series won the trophy.  The South Carolina YC team won by 10 points—a relatively close score for a five-race series with four boats on each team.

The weekend included a welcoming reception at the Club on Friday evening, March 30th, dinner at the home of Susan and Kevin Keogh on Saturday evening and breakfast at the home of Sally and Ned Nielsen on Sunday morning.  South Carolina Yacht Club Commodore Dudley King welcomed the visitors on Friday and exchanged Club burgees with Duncan Hennes, the Commodore of American Yacht Club who was racing on their team.  Commodore King also presented the trophy to the winners at the prize awards ceremony on Sunday afternoon.

The visiting sailors were housed by fleet members who live in the Windmill Harbour area of Hilton Head so they were all within walking distance of the Club.  The sailors racing on the South Carolina Yacht Club team were Don Buchanan, Marvin Carlson, Domenico DeSole, Joe Highsmith, Paul Miller, Ned Nielsen, John Rumsey and Tom Webster.  On the Race Committee for the event were Kevin Keogh, principal race officer, Peter Brower, Bob de Veer, Dwight Emanuelson, Bill Tyler and David Wilson.

The next events for Harbor 20 Fleet 3 are the Harbour Town Regatta run by the Yacht Club of Hilton Head Island on April 28th and 29th and the Domenico DeSole & Associates Regatta run by South Carolina Yacht Club on May 5th and 6th.   The DDS&A regatta is designated as the East Coast Championship for the Harbor 20 Class so visiting boats from Harbor 20 Fleet 5 in Annapolis, Maryland and other Harbor 20s from Savannah, Georgia and locations in Florida are expected to come to South Carolina Yacht Club to compete.

Following these regattas, Fleet 3 will run an event for Club members called “Learn What It’s Like to Sail a Harbor 20 in Calibogue Sound.”  Club members who are not regular Harbor 20 sailors are invited to sign up to sail with experienced Harbor 20 sailors on Saturday afternoon, May 12th from 1:30 to 4:30.  They will learn how to handle the boat and enjoy the excitement of sailing it.  The afternoon will not involve racing but will be an opportunity to experience what Harbor 20 sailing is like.



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