Lorin Weiss Series Concludes at BCYC

The three series Lorin Weiss Regatta concluded with awards at the BCYC Sunday after the races. A total of fifteen races were conducted over three days beginning in April and concluding yesterday. Approximately 27 Harbor 20s participated in the regatta. A beautiful and warm summer day provided the background for a very challenging last day of racing, as shifty and gusty winds toyed with even the most contemplated strategies.

Bill & Diane Menninger handily won in the A Fleet, and were awarded the Commodore Lorin Wiess Memorial Perpetual Trophy (most know this trophy as the bell next to the bar at the BCYC).

Jeff Gorden took 1st place for the B Fleet, also by a large margin, and was awarded the Jim Kerrigan Perpetual Trophy.

And a first-time award was given to the recently formed C Fleet winner, Kathryn Reed.

Official results have been posted on the race board at BCYC but not yet posted online as of this writing.

Want a Front Row Seat for Commodore’s Challenge?

Up to a dozen Southern California commodores will battle it out in the Commodore’s Challenge Race on Sunday, July 15.  They will draw lots for Harbor 20s, and an owner or representative must be on board during the races as an observer.  If you’d like to be one of these owners/reps or have questions, please email gary.thorne@hp.com or call my cell at 714-321-8377.


Here are some details about the regatta:

– Boats arrive at BYC main dock between 9:45am and noon.

– Owners are invited to complimentary breakfast at 10:00 if desired.

– Commodores draw for boats at 12:15.

– 3 races are planned between 12:45 and 3:30.

– Newport Ocean Sailing Association (NOSA), the regatta sponsor, will insure the boats.


C-Fleet Clinic, Saturday, June 30, 1-5 PM at LIYC

You’ve seen them out there, all those Harbor 20’s racing about Newport Harbor. Have you ever contemplated competing in your Harbor 20, but just don’t know how to get started? Jumping in to the existing B-Fleet can be intimidating because the fleet is pretty big. But, as of the 2011-2012 racing season, there is now a C-Fleet in Newport Harbor. The C-Fleet offers an introductory experience to sailing a Harbor 20, whether your interest lies in racing or not. Even if you have no interest in racing your Harbor 20, trying a bit of racing helps develop boat handling and seamanship skills faster than any other learning activity. 


In the C-Fleet, you can get lots of help! Fleet 1  has a “mentor” program whereby experienced sailors go with you on your boat, either while racing or not. And, the fleet periodically offers C-Fleet Clinics – and the next one is coming up on Saturday, June 30,  1-5 PM at Lido Isle Yacht Club. C-Fleet clinics emphasize  introductory boat handling, seamanship, and FUN! Mentors will be avaialble to sail with you if you like. The cost is $25.00 per person, and includes pizza and cold refreshments.

Click here for a Clinic Description.

 Click here to register. You’ll be glad you did!

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

Peter Haynes

peter.haynes@3ds.com, 949-631-8757 Office, 949-466-3971 Cell

2010 Harbor 20 with very light use

Sold on 7/14/2012

2010 Harbor 20 with very light use. Dark blue hull with barrier coat epoxy bottom with white Vivid antifouling paint. Extensive list of options including:

Windex, electric system with motor, auto and manual bilge pumps, lifting eyes with sling, 2:1 jib outhaul, jib winger and jib downhaul, halyard hammock, flotation, cockpit and jib covers, main and jib sails, mast hinge, Pacific trailer and cushions.

This boat shows like new and has had light use.

Available for $26,000.00


Located in northern California and represented by:


Inland Sailing Company

2347 Gold River Road

Unit J

Rancho Cordova (Sacramento) Ca.





Want to help with the East/West Challenge?

This October 4-6, H20 Fleet 1 will be hosting an exciting event – the 2012 East/West Challenge! The event builds on one which has been hosted on alternate coasts for many years which involved Fleet 1 in Newport Beach and Fleet 3 in Hilton Head, SC. With the growth of the H20 class, this year we will be including Fleet 4 from Santa Barbara, and Fleet 5 from Annapolis, Md. Four boats from each fleet will participate in a fleet race event, with trophies will be awarded for first, second and third places. The perpetual trophy will be awarded to the “coast” with the better aggregate score. The East/West Challenge is not just a sailing event, but is also a premier social event, being a perfect opportunity to interact with sailors from other fleets and from around the country.
A great way to be involved in this event is to help provide housing for our guests. I had the opportunity to participate in last year’s event at Hilton Head, and must say that the hospitality was incredible! And I am sure that Fleet 1 will be able to reciprocate.
So, what’s in it for our housing volunteers? A great opportunity to make new friends. And front row seating to watch the regatta will be provided! We plan on having floating docks anchored in the vicinity of the racing venue, with seats, coolers, etc. And we are planning on including volunteers in social events.
If you would be interested in participating in this exciting event by helping to provide housing and hospitality, please contact:
Debra Haynes      949-650-7659     katface@pacbell.net

You’ll be glad you did!

NHYC June Twilight races have been cancelled for this evening.

Hello Sailors:

Unfortunately, the NHYC June Twilight races have been cancelled for this evening. The current active dredging operation is heavily impacting our racing area. We have talked to the dredging company and based on the information at hand, have had to make the difficult decision to cancel racing for tonight.

Thanks for your understanding and hope to see you next week.


Jenn Lancaster

NHYC Race Director


Friday Night Flip Flops at LIYC AS

“Friday Night Flip Flops at LIYC AS” – What’s That??? Well, Friday nights during the summer season, Lido Isle Yacht Club hosts “Adult Sailing”, and Harbor 20’s are invited. And this month, we are doing something a little different, a “Flip Flop”, that is, crew in the back of the boat, and skipper in the front. We have done this in past year’s, and have found that there is alot of benefit to be had by changing perspective – and it is alot of fun! This is just a suggestion, and not mandatory.

Friday Night Adult sailing starts on June 8. After sailing there is dinner in conjunction with the Lido Isle Community Center BBQ, where there are usually one or two H20 tables reserved. On June 8, there will be a hosted Burger Bash. On subsequent Fridays it is a “bring your own meat/foul/fish” to BBQ, and hors d’oeuvres, salads, bread, etc, are provided. Cost is about $16.00. Drinks are available as well. BBQ-ing on the patio is fun!

There are usually  two races, started using Racing Rule 26, with the Warning at 3 minutes instead of 5. There is usually a Lazer class as well, and starts are “rolling”, so watch the flags!  The race is officiated from the tower (like BYC) and the line is usually 2 buoys situated in line with the tower.

So, this summer season, come and enjoy really fun casual evenings on Friday nights at LIYC. You’ll be glad you did!





BCYC Taco Tuesdays Back to Windward/Leeward Races

GOOD NEWS…the barges and dredges are moving around the corner of Lido Isle into the channel near Lido Isle Yacht Club.

So…Effective May 22, Taco Tuesday’s start/finish area will move back to its usual location as shown on Amendment #2. Please print Amendment #2 and carry it with you.

We still need to be mindful of possible barge traffic during racing.

Thanks for your patience during these last few weeks.

Amendment #2



Susie Brodrick

Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club


949 6449530


Friday Night Starts

Friday Night Starts is back, beginning this Friday, May 11. Meet at 5:30 P.M. on the NHYC main dock for a brief orientation and then sail out to somewhere in the Harbor for about an hour of practice starts with a few very short windward/leeward mark roundings thrown in. The practice will be supervised and video-taped by Coach Reid Vitterelli. When we are all sufficiently dizzy, we will meet once again at NHYC to watch the tape with critical commentary from Reid. Refreshments, including Ritz Burgers, will be served (bring some money). Should be done by 8:30 P.M., maybe later.

Friday Night Starts will continue through May 25. Open to all levels of experience and skill. Hosted by Fleet Captain John Whitney.


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