Ask the Judges – Before the Championships

DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT WINDWARD OFFSET AND GATE MARKS, as were used for the Schock Regatta, and will be used again for the Champoinship? If so DON’T MISS THIS EVENT!

On Thursday, September 27, two days before the Championship, the H20 Association is sponsoring an evening called “ASK THE JUDGES” at 7:00 PM at NHYC. Certified judges will be present to answer any and all questions you might have about the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2009-2012. A whiteboard with magnetic boats will be used to help visualize on-the-water situations as they change over time.

Don’t go into the Championship with lingering questions about the rules. We will be entertaining questions such as:

1)     Can you have contact with another boat and not have broken a rule?

2)     If two overlapped, close hauled, starboard tack boats reach a windward mark to be left to port, does the leeward boat have to fall off at the mark, or can it continue to sail on, taking the windward boat with it?

3)     Can boats on opposite tacks be overlapped?

4)     If a boat running on port tack overlaps to leeward a boat running on starboard tack, and then jibes, does he (she) then have luffing rights?

5)     Does a boat which tacks from port to starboard inside the 3 boat length circle ever have rights to mark room?

6)     The committee boat is a mark and an obstruction. Is an inside boat, overlapped to windward, entitled to room at the obstruction before starting?

7)     Is a boat ever required to sail her proper course?

8)     Does a boat which is sailing above close hauled have to fall off to a close hauled course at the starting signal?

9)     Can you take a penalty turn anytime before the finish of a race to exonerate yourself of a rule infraction?



1) No

2) Yes or no, depending on how the overlap was established

3) Yes , if both are sailing more than 90 degrees from the wind

4) Yes

5) Yes

6) Yes, unless approaching the starting line to start (barging)

7) No

8 ) Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It all depends on how overlaps with adjacent boats were established.

9) No. A penalty must be taken as soon as possible after the time of the incident.


What’s your question? Come and get the answer. Find out once and for whether you were right or wrong in past incidents. This should be a really interesting and fun evening!

We hope to see you there!


What’s Going On Out There?

I have heard many comments this summer about out-of-control rule-breaking, and have personally witnessed a number of such incidents. I believe there are several reasons for this unfortunate state of affairs. First, because summer evening racing  is “informal”,  as contrasted with the High Point series, there is a natural tendency to be more informal as to application of the rules. After all, everyone knows no one is going bother lodging a protest, and host yacht clubs do not wish to staff protest committees on summer evenings.

 Another reason is a direct result of the success and popularity of the Harbor 20 Fleet which is growing with an influx of both inexperienced racing sailors, and very experienced sailors transitioning from other fleets. Those new to the game have had limited time to learn these complex rules and many of the experienced sailors have demonstrated an outdated knowledge of the rules. While similar to the rules one may have learned 10 or 20 years ago, the current rules are NOT THE SAME. The Racing Rules of Sailing are updated every four years in conjunction with the Olympics. 

In 2008, an increasing emphasis on safety resulted in a complete re-write of Section C “At Marks and Obstructions”.  And, that is exactly where the majority of our problems are occurring, which are caused by boats approaching the windward mark on port tack which is strongly discouraged under the current rules, and boats not giving adequate mark-room at the leeward mark. If you have not studied Rule 18 in the 2008-2012 Racing Rules of Sailing, you are likely part of the problem.

When you sign the entry form for a race, you are required to agree that you will abide by the Racing Rules of Sailing. Rule #3 “ACCEPTANCE OF THE RULES” states that “By participating in a race conducted under these racing rules, each competitor and boat owner agrees to be governed by the rules”. So, if you do not know the rules, you are actually already breaking them by entering and participating in a race.

The reality is that if one has not studied the rules, one cannot actually know the rules. The collective rules “knowledge” at most yacht clubs could be described as “tribal”, which is incomplete at best, and incorrect at worst. But, Harbor 20 Fleet 1 aspires to a higher standard, as evidenced by the fact that a majority of our participants have already attended the comprehensive “Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing” one-day seminar at least once. And the timing is right, because the second presentation of this seminar in 2012 is coming up on September 9. If you are not well versed in the rules, or you know someone who could benefit by attending, please come join us, or urge others to attend.

If you are thinking “I’ll just wait until next year because the rules will change again”, Dave Perry has informed me that the changes to the rules in Part 2 are not substantive.  And, if you think you really do know the rules, you can test your knowledge by taking Dave Dellenbaugh’s “Rules Quiz”.  Experience has shown that there is a direct correlation between the quality of competition in Harbor 20 Fleet 1 and the number of our sailors who have attended this comprehensive seminar. So please, either attend yourself, or urge someone else who could benefit by the experience. You’ll be glad you did!

Rules Quiz

Course Description

Registration Form

2011 Harbor 20 For Sale

Sold for $24,500 – October, 2012

2011 Model Year, Seldom Used, White deck -Gray hull, Green and white sheer strip, Electric “custom electric motor”, Battery charger, Halyard Hammock, Electric Bilge Pump, C-Foam cockpit cushions, Cockpit Cover and jib sock, Tiller extension, Pop Up Mooring Cleats, Safety Package, Anchor Package, “Windex” masthead, (2) Coolers forward.

Located in Newport Beach, CA

Asking price $24,995

Marie Schock

Schock Boats



FOR SALE: 2007 Harbor 20, #264, “Savasana”

Sold – October 2012

Exceptional light air boat residing on the Little Tennessee River-Lake Tellico, near Knoxville. Delivered new from the factory in August 2007. Standard H20 including sails, all safety equipment, lifting eyes, fenders, dock lines, electric motor, Windex, swim ladder, boat cover and new bilge pump.  Well maintained white hull with blue cove and waterline stripping and blue bottom paint.

Asking $20,000.

Call Paul Zorovich, 865-657-9216 or e-mail for more pictures or information.



Annapolis Harbor Fleet 5 sponsors 1st annual AYC Commodore’s Cup

On June 23, under sunny skies and a light breeze, the Annapolis Yacht Club held a first ever Harbor20 Fleet 5 Regatta honoring AYC Commodores. The weekend of June 22 -24 marked the 126th anniversary of Annapolis Yacht Club. The newest AYC fleet of Harbor-20 sailboats sponsored the First Annual Commodores Cup Race which was a huge success as seven current and past AYC commodores competed in 3 races. Each boat sailed with a three person crew which included the boat owner, a Commodore, and a crew person selected by the commodore.

After very close racing, the winners were past commodore Cappy Kidd with crew member Molly Wimer and owner Peter Trogdon on SKIMMER #311. Current Commodore Kevin McNeil and crew finished in second place.

A special luncheon and awards ceremony for all of the race participants and spectators followed the event.

Attached are some images from this wonderful day of sailing.

Peter Trogdon

BYC Midsummer Results

A Fleet

(11 sailors)

1st Place - Karl and Cole Pomeroy


2nd Place - Gary & Karen Thorne

3rd Place - Guy Doran and Sandy Baker

B Fleet

(10 sailors)

1st Place - John and Kimberly Whitney

2nd Place – Anne and Greg Hatton (not pictured)

3rd Place - Mark Hurwitz

C Fleet

(4 sailors)

1st Place - Michael Volk and Ellen Reader

July 30 Haulout Deadline is Approaching

Posted on behalf of Fleet 1 Captain John Whitney:

The Class/Fleet 1 Championship Regatta Is Fast Approaching!

This July 30 marks 60 days before the Class and Fleet 1 Championship Regatta.  Boats that are racing in this regatta must have been kept in the water continuously for 60 days prior to Class Championships and Fleet Championships, per our Class rules. If you are planning to haul your Harbor 20 for maintenance before the Champs you must do it before July 30.

Also, now is the time to make sure you are familiar with the Class and Fleet 1 rules regarding eligibility of both skipper and crew, equipment required and permitted to be on board, and other rules pertaining to the Championship Regatta. The Class and Fleet 1 Bylaws can be found on-line at Don’t put yourself in the position of being disqualified because of rule violations. 

If you have any questions, you can contact Class Measurer Warren Duncan, Fleet 1 Measurer Lee Sutherland, Class President Peter Haynes, or me, Fleet 1 Captain John Whitney.

East/West Challenge Housing

This October 4-6, H20 Fleet 1 will be hosting an exciting event – the 2012 East/West Challenge! The event builds on one which has been hosted on alternate coasts for many years which involved Fleet 1 in Newport Beach and Fleet 3 in Hilton Head, SC. With the growth of the H20 class, this year we will be including Fleet 4 from Santa Barbara, and Fleet 5 from Annapolis, Md. Four boats from each fleet will participate in a fleet race event, with trophies awarded for first, second and third places. The East/West Challenge perpetual trophy will be awarded to the “coast” with the better aggregate score. The East/West Challenge is not just a sailing event, but is also a premier social event, being a perfect opportunity to interact with sailors from other fleets and from around the country.
A great way to be involved in this event is to help provide housing for our guests. I had the opportunity to participate in last year’s event at Hilton Head, and must say that the hospitality was incredible! And I am sure that Fleet 1 will be able to reciprocate.
So, what’s in it for our housing volunteers? A great opportunity to make new friends. And front row seating to watch the regatta will be provided! We plan on having floating docks anchored in the vicinity of the racing venue, with seats, coolers, etc. Our housing hosts are also invited to the social events, including a reception Friday night at NHYC, and a banqet with live music by the Nomads on Saturday night.
If you would be interested in participating in this exciting event by helping to provide housing and hospitality, please contact:
Debra Haynes      949-650-7659

You’ll be glad you did!

If you are already planning on hosting some guests for this event, but have not responded, please do.

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