Can you gybe at the windward mark?

If you are in close company with another boat, can you gybe as part of your windward mark rounding? If you are not absolutely sure of the answer, that is not surprising. The rules change every fours years in cadence with the Olympics, and this rule has changed 3 times in the last 9 years! Below are illustrations from Dave Perry’s current, and previous two versions, of his “Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing” book:


As you can see, if you do not actually study the rules, it is very difficult to understand subtle changes such as have occurred with this rule over the years. Don’t handicap yourself by sailing with tribal knowlege of the rules which is incomplete at best and incorrect at worst. If you would like to learn or re-learn these complex rules, come join us at the “Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing” seminar on Sunday, September 8, at BCYC. We hope to see you there! 

Registration and Course Description

For Sale: Harbor 20 #300 Adrenalin

Sold on or about August 2014

For Sale in Newport Beach: Harbor 20 #300 Adrenalin.  See attached specifications.

BUILDER: W.D. Schock


Mast, Boom & Rigging

  • • Clear Anodized Aluminum Mast
  • • Clear Anodized Aluminum Boom
  • • Cruising Design Jib Furler
  • • 1X19 SS Standing Rigging With Chrome Plated Bronze Open-Bodied Turn Buckles
  • • Main Halyard
  • • Spinnaker Halyard
  • • 4:1 Boom Vang With Harken Cam Cleat
  • • Single Reef With Harken 150 Cam Cleat
  • • Lazy-Jacks
  • • Custom G10 1/8″ Plate Between Aluminum Mast & SS Step
  • • 3:1 Cuningham
  • • Jib Winger
  • • 2:1 Jib Outhaul

Factory Options

  • • 12 Volt Automatic Bilge Pump
  • • Electrical System: (2) Batteries, Switch Panel, Running Lights
  • • Two Way 12 Volt Electrical Battery Switch
  • • Battery Charger (new)
  • • 30 Amp Shore Power Cable
  • • Electric Digital Motor That Folds In To Aft Lazerrette When Not In Use
  • • Manual Bilge Pump
  • • 2:1 Jib Outhaul
  • • Jib Winger (For Down Wind)
  • • SS Mast Hinge
  • • Windex
  • • 2:1 Adjustable Jib Downhaul W/V Jam Cleat
  • • 3:1 Adjustable Jib Halyard W/V Jam cleat
  • • Halyard Hammock
  • • (5) Polished SS Pop-Up Mooring Cleats
  • • SS Lifting Eyes
  • • Block Foam Flotation
  • • C-Foam Cockpit Cushions
  • • Sunbrella Mainsail Cover
  • • Sunbrella Jib Sock
  • • Sunbrella Cuddy Cover
  • • Ensign & Staff
  • • Adjustable Tiller Extension



  • • Hoyt Self-Tacking Jib Boom
  • • All Control Lines Lead To Control Panel
  • • Adjustable Backstay
  • • Mainsheet Barney Post With Ratchet & Cam Cleat
  • • Harken Main Traveller Sails
  • • Ullman Sails Class Jib (class legal)
  • • Elliott Pattison Full Batten Dacron Class Main W/One Reef

Miscellaneous Equipment

  • • Dock Lines
  • • Fenders

Price: $28,000

Contact: Steve Woodruff   Email:


Race Education Seminar – Be Rules Ready for the Championship!

“Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2013-2016”

Sunday, September 8, 8:45 – 5:00, at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club

This seminar is presented every year shortly before the H20 Championship Regatta in the interest of having the best possible competition.  Don’t handicap youself because of an incomplete knowledge of these complicated rules! Skippers, send your crews – it might be the best investment you make in your sailing program for the year. Click here for a course description.

Cost includes continental breakfast, lunch, and course materials. Attendees are welcome to stay for drinks and dinner at BCYC.

Please bring a 2013-2016 Racing Rules of Sailing rule book.

You can register online or by mail.

$75.00 if registered online by September 4, or postmarked by August 31

$85.00 if registered online after September 4, or postmarked after August 31

While last minute registrations can usually be accomodated, it is very helpful from logistical perspective if folks register earlier, rather than later.


Choose Registration…
Name for Name Tag:



We hope to see you there!

July 31 Haulout Deadline is Approaching

Posted on behalf of Fleet 1 Captain Emile Pilafidis:

The Class/Fleet 1 Championship Regatta Is Fast Approaching!

This July 31 marks 60 days before the Class and Fleet 1 Championship Regatta.  Boats that are racing in this regatta must have been kept in the water continuously for 60 days prior to Class Championships and Fleet Championships, per our Class rules. If you are planning to haul your Harbor 20 for maintenance before the Champs you must do it before July 30.

Also, now is the time to make sure you are familiar with the Class and Fleet 1 rules regarding eligibility of both skipper and crew, equipment required and permitted to be on board, and other rules pertaining to the Championship Regatta. The Class Bylaws and Fleet 1 Bylaws can be found on-line at Don’t put yourself in the position of being disqualified because of rule violations. 

If you have any questions, you can contact Class Measurer Warren Duncan, Fleet 1 Measurer John Whitney, Class President Peter Haynes, or me, Fleet 1 Captain Emile Pilafidis.

For Sale – 2011 Harbor 20 #315

For Sale: 2011 Harbor 20 #315

Includes 2013 Pacific Trailer with brakes, Spinnaker set up, 2 spinnakers, 2 jibs, 2 solar panels for charging batteries, Electric battery charger, 110 volt shore cord, 2 bilge pumps,Cockpit cushions, Furling jib sock,Cockpit tent cover,2 12 volt power outlets,Ice chest,Electric motor, Splash guard (never installed).

Will deliver within 500 miles of Lake Tahoe

Price: $34,500

Contact John Pagen: or 775/781-5088

Harbor 20 East / West Challenge – 2013

Owners of Annapolis Yacht Club‘s (AYC) newest fleet of one design boats, the Harbor 20’s, hosted their first East/West Sailing Regatta this past weekend. Forty-eight sailors representing four of the five national fleets participated. The East coast teams hailed from South Carolina Yacht Club (representing Fleet 3) in Hilton Head and Annapolis Yacht Club (representing Fleet 5). The West coast sailors flew here from Newport Beach, California (Representing Fleet 1) and Santa Barbara, California (representing Fleet 4).


The planned two day sailing event became an intense single day of racing when races were cancelled the first day due to lack of wind. Sixteen boats bobbed on the bay for 5 hours Friday morning waiting for enough of a breeze to pull off the 4 races that were scheduled.  The sailors were good natured and enjoyed cocktails and dinner in the Skipjack on a beautiful sunny evening regardless of the disappointing start to the East/West Challenge.


After a night of prayers to the weather gods, the race organizers were rewarded with a gentle breeze Saturday morning that built to 12 to 13 knots by the end of the day allowing the race committee to orchestrate  6 races between 11am and 4:30pm to make up for the day before.


At the awards banquet in the Commodore’s room later Saturday night the winners of the East West challenge were announced. Tom and Jane Schock from NHYC won first prize scoring nothing less than 2nd place in all 6 races. Second place was awarded to Skipper Eric Norman from SCYC.  Gary Thorne from BYC received third place and fourth place was given to Marshall and Susan Steele from AYC.


The winning Fleet was Fleet 1 of Newport Beach, followed by Fleet 3 of South Carolina, Fleet 5 of Annapolis and then Fleet 4 of Santa Barbara.  Most importantly, the winner of the East/West Regatta was the East Coast. The Annapolis Yacht Club will keep the trophy for six months and then send it down to Hilton Head for the remainder of the year.  At the conclusion of the weekend’s activities, Howard Brooks, Harbor 20 Fleet Captain expressed gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the event. “It was rewarding to have the East Coast win the trophy for the second time.  Judging from the comments of those who attended, I think it is fair to say that AYC and Fleet 5 have now set the pace for future East / West Challenges. I would especially like to thank all of our members who hosted out of town guests, those who allowed the use of their boats, and those who provided owners representatives for the races.”


Needless to say, hosting a Harbor-20 event such as this in just our 2nd year of Annapolis Fleet 5 existence was a big challenge and a new experience for our Harbor-20 owners.  It was  rewarding for us to work closely with George Anderson and his Race Committee team who did an outstanding job of conducting the races, and scoring the results.  Regatta Manager Linda Ambrose was a tremendous help in the registration and budgeting process and work closely with Annapolis Yacht Sales, who helped sponsor the event and with Weems & Plath who contributed to the awards, and keepsakes for the event. Putting this combination of talent together with our outstanding chef and banquet management team provided a winning combination that shined the spotlight on AYC as one of the nations truly great Yacht Clubs.


Our thanks also go’s to John and Marline Patmore, & Brooks Stallings for providing the support boat, to Pat Brooks for providing the host boat, and to Renee Kizziar for helping with the lunch program.  Without them and the many other people who helped with the program, we could not have had such a successful event.


Respectfully Submitted,

Howard Brooks & Cathie Trogdon



“Like New” 2008 Harbor 20 for sale – #269

Sold on November 2013


Professionally maintained and fully equipped, this boat was completely gone over, tuned and received a new bottom paint in February 2013

Never raced but set up for class racing. Full electrics, battery charger, twin batteries, electric bilge pump, motor and state-of-the-art Raymarine i70 instrument display with through-hull speed transducer and mast-top wind vane (speed & angle). Rig has been yard tuned and gel coat buffed and polished. Looks like a new boat with full cockpit cover, main sail cover, jib sock and closed cell foam cushions.

Includes spare jib and all the additional items you would expect in a great boat.

I just bought a gorgeous J100 and my wife won’t let me keep them both.

Asking price $24,000

Call Scott at 310-202-4651
Located in Marina del rey

C-Fleet Clinic Canceled

Unfortunately, the C-Fleet Clinic scheduled for Saturday, June 8, at LIYC has been canceled. The reason is low registration, coupled with the fact that I am traveling on business all week and unable to help promote further. I hope to be able to re-schedule later in the summer.

C-Fleet Clinic, Saturday, June 8, 1-5 PM at LIYC

You’ve seen them out there, all those Harbor 20’s racing about Newport Harbor. Have you ever contemplated competing in your Harbor 20, but just don’t know how to get started? Jumping in to the existing B-Fleet can be intimidating because the fleet is pretty big. But, as of the 2011-2012 racing season, there is now a C-Fleet in Newport Harbor. The C-Fleet offers an introductory experience to sailing a Harbor 20, whether your interest lies in racing or not. Even if you have no interest in racing your Harbor 20, trying a bit of racing helps develop boat handling and seamanship skills faster than any other learning activity.

In the C-Fleet, you can get lots of help! Fleet 1  has a “mentor” program whereby experienced sailors go with you on your boat, either while racing or not. And, the fleet periodically offers C-Fleet Clinics – and the next one is coming up on Saturday, June 8,  1-5 PM at Lido Isle Yacht Club. C-Fleet clinics emphasize  introductory boat handling, seamanship, and FUN! Mentors will be avaialble to sail with you if you like. The cost is $25.00 per person, and includes pizza and cold refreshments.

Click here for a Clinic Description.

 Click here to register. You’ll be glad you did!

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

Peter Haynes, 949-631-8757 Office, 949-466-3971 Cell

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