Summer Taco Tuesdays

Good news from Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club!

Taco Tuesdays start soon…on May 13…and will run thru August 26.

As we did in 2013, practice starts for Harbor 20’s are scheduled for 5:30 PM and all racing is scheduled to begin at 6 PM.

The post-race party (food, drink, prizes) will be as fun as ever.

AND…we will award a Perpetual Trophy (with suitable take-home) for the best PHRF boat overall and the best Harbor 20 boat overall.


Opening Day Regatta

Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Members,

Note that the Opening Day Regatta at NHYC on April 26 is open to all H20 boats.

It will be a fun and competitive event and you are encouraged to enter!

Emile Pilafidis

Fleet 1 Captain

2014 NHYC Opening Day Regatta
Newport Harbor Yacht Club

April 26, 2014




The regatta is open to all H20 and L12 boats. Five boats will be required to entitle a class to its own start.

Skippers must be members in good standing with their respective yacht clubs to sail in this event.

Eligible boats may enter online by completing the entry form at

There is no entry fee for this regatta.


SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Saturday, April 26th
First Warning: 1300
Trophy Presentation After Racing

Baldwin Cup Team Race – in Harbor 20s

Tomorrow begins the Baldwin Cup at Newport Harbor Yacht Club – a national level, 4 versus 4 team race, sailed in Harbor 20’s. The racing occurs in an arena-type setting, created by a vacated NHYC mooring field, which allowed the members to witness the excitement of the event happening just feet from the NHYC main dock. The Baldwin Cup Team Race has become an institution among national level team racers and is one of the most sought after invitations in the country.

More information can be found on the event’s website, or follow the action on the iPhone, iPad or Android Apps.

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Fleet 3 to Host DDS&A Regatta May 3-4

Harbor 20 Fleet 3 in Hilton Head, South Carolina will host the annual DDS&A Cup regatta on May 3rd and 4th.  Competitors will race in Calibogue Sound for trophies provided by Domenico De Sole & Associates.  The regatta is open to all Harbor 20s in every fleet.  Online entry is required at

The deadline for entries is May 1st.

The competitors’ meeting will be held on Friday evening, May 2nd at South Carolina Yacht Club accompanied by cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres.  The first warning signal each day will be at 11 AM and several races are scheduled, depending upon wind conditions.  Wayne Bretsch, a National Race Officer, will be the principal race officer.  The regatta is being held at the same time as the annual Windmill Harbour Boat Show in the marina at South Carolina Yacht Club.

Notice of Race

Earl Corkett Regatta Observations

Notice anything about the composition of our A and B Class winners this past weekend at the Corkett Regatta?
The top three were all husband and wife teams in class A and Class B…Pretty amazing!

I worried the competition would be hampered by a further division of our fleet into three divisions. Its been great so far and I suspect the only problem is we are moving people out of C class to B, and we might deplete the C division before anyone moves back down from B.

Baldwin Cup is approaching and it a great event for our class. Come on down to NHYC and watch the racing, or help the overworked pit crew!

Gary Jobson Skippers H20 SKIMMER in Annapolis

On February 23, 2014 Gary Jobson took the helm of SKIMMER, an Annapolis based Harbor20, for owner Peter Trogdon.  It was a cold sunny day with a 6-8 knot breeze from the North.  Seven of the thirteen Frostbite boats came out that day. Peter writes, ”We were very excited to be racing again because racing had been cancelled several times during the frostbite season due to the ice in the river.  John Sherwood, my tactician and coach, and I knew we were in for an amazing day of racing with friend and legendary Americans Cup tactician, author, and sailing commentator, Gary Jobson.”


All looking AFT at the competition, left to right,  Gary Jobson, John Sherwood, and Peter Trogdon

Gary wrote” After weeks and weeks of enduring unusually cold weather, it was a special treat to sail aboard a Harbor 20 on a mild winter day during the Annapolis Yacht Club Frostbite Series. Lucky me, I got to race with Peter Trogdon and the legendary John Sherwood in two races. I found the Harbor 20 to be a great boat for either two or three people. The boats are remarkably even in speed. In one race, everything went our way and we were happy with a victory. In the second race, the combination of a slow start and a missed wind shift left us deservedly in third. The open cockpit makes trimming and steering easy. The boat is a joy to sail both upwind and downwind. There is a warm camaraderie between the competitors. After the race everybody compared notes. I look forward to my next sail.”

After the races, Gary met and talked with all the Harbor 20 fleet sailors.  It was a treat for this relatively new AYC racing fleet to have the opportunity to share their love of the Harbor 20 with a local hero.

Bill Allen

Screen Shot 2014-03-20 at 5.56.06 PMDear Fleet 1 Members,

With very heavy hearts we report that Bill Allen passed away Monday night, March 17.

Most all of us in our H20 Fleet 1 community have known Bill over the years, racing his Harbor 20 #174 SEA THRU, mentoring new H20 sailors, serving as Pit Crew at Baldwin Cup, and socializing in our many events and at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Bill has been known as a great, nice competitor, a fun and gracious person, and he will be missed very much by all his Fleet 1 friends. Jim Kerrigan, who has known Bill since the 60s, recalls how they raced down to Mazatlan, and also to Honolulu in 1967.

Bill most recently raced his #174 in the NHYC Winter Series in December.

We are all sad to share this news, and will inform you again once more is known about a service for Bill.

Emile Pilafidis
Captain, H20 Fleet 1

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Want to have a whole lot of fun?

I am guessing you might not know this: Learning the Racing Rules can be a WHOLE LOT OF FUN! There is no sugar-coating it – the rules are very complex. That’s what makes actually understanding them so much fun. And every person that improves their understanding of the rules helps improve the quality of competition for everyone out on the race course. Please come join us at BCYC on March 15 for the “Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing” seminar. The venue is fantastic, the hospitality excellent, and you will find yourself in the company of like-minded folks spending the day immersed in the inner workings of your favorite sport. Whether you are learning the rules, or refining your knowledge, this experience will be worth your while. So, please join us. You’ll be glad you did!

Click here to register.

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