The 3rd Harbor 20 Winter Clinic at BYC

Save the Date: January 31st from 12 – 4 pm!

What: The 3rd Harbor 20 Winter Clinic at BYC

“This is the third in a series of Winter Clinics, each designed to review what worked and the conditions we found in the previous series of winter races and talk about what we expect for the next, the goal of each is to provide notes and feedback so to elevate everyone’s game. The series is also designed to introduce local non Harbor 20 racers to the fun and excitement of the Harbor 20 Class, each clinic offers lectures, stories, notes, practice starts, and short course racing.”

Schedule of Events

Saturday January 31st

12:00 -1:30 pm – Lecture – BYC Junior Room
2:00 – 2:30 (Practice starts) by Mark M
2:30 – 3:30 p.m. – practice races
4:00 pm Wrap-up at the Bar at BYC

For more information or to register contact:
Walter Johnson at (949) 421-8006 or

Harbor 20 Weekend at Coronado Cays Yacht Club

On January 17th and 18th, Coronado Cays Yacht Club is hosting a fun event designed to kick off the 2015 Sailing Season.

They are bringing together Harbor 20 sailors from the entire South Bay.

All Harbor 20 sailors and interested sailors are invited!

Come one or both days. Saturday is a free Harbor 20 sailing clinic. Sunday is One Design Harbor 20 Sailing from 

View attached flyer with event details.

For more information contact:

Walter Johnson at (949) 421-8006

Stephen Cavanagh CCYC

Two High Points Remaining

[Updated on January 10th]

Division B sailors, there are only two High Point races remaining until the expiration of the “repartitioning” of the Divisions about a year ago. Read about the Repartitioning here and here.

The Divisions Page shows the current A and B qualifying skippers and their expiration dates. Those in the B Division with “Fleet Partitioning” as their qualifying event, must re-qualify prior to February 16th.  There are two High Point events which allow for re-qualificaiton.

Those B skippers who do not re-qualify must sail the Mid-Winters in C Division, or petition the board for B Division qualification.

This Sunday is the NHYC Winter Series #3, and it is a High Point Event. The next High Point is the BYC Sunkist Series #4 on February 7th.

Save the Date! Thursday, Feb 12 – An Exclusive Evening with Dave Perry!

Dave Perry presents Tactics in Crowds!

Dave will present an advanced look at tactical positioning at the start, the windward mark and the leeward mark, with an analysis of the applicable rules and decision making process in each, with spectacular video shots illustrating his points. Dave will also be addressing some of the common situations encountered by the Harbor 20 sailors in Newport Harbor! Dave’s presentations are always humorous, engaging, and loaded with tips for skippers and crews of all levels and types of boats. Dave will also have copies of his three books available for sale and signing.


Don’t miss this opportunity to spend an exhilarating evening with Dave. If you have seen him before, you know what we mean!  Few individuals with qualifications such as these are able to communicate as effectively.

This exclusive event for Harbor 20 Fleet 1 will be hosted by the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Stay tuned for details and registration information.

Harbor20 Awards & Annual Meeting

The Harbor20 Fleet 1 held their annual meeting and awards event on Friday, December 5th at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club.

A new Fleet 1 Board and Officers were elected and posted to the website and can be viewed here.

A new Class Board and Officers were elected and posted to the website and can be viewed here.

Awards and Trophies were presented for High Point (A, B and C Divisions), Rain or Shine, Broken Rudder,  Phyllis Rawlins Drayton Trophy, Grand Masters, First Mate, and the Arthur B Strock Service Award. Click on the links for each award to view the current year and past year recipients.

Photos of the event can be viewed the Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Facebook Page, the Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Facebook Group, and from Donna M. Griggs Photography (use password: Shana).

Thank you to the Harbor20 Fleet 1 Social Chair Shana Conzelman and her hard working team for organizing the event.

Also a thank you to the outgoing Class President, Peter Haynes and outgoing Fleet 1 Captain, Emile Pilafidis for their work in supporting the Fleet and Class.

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