Fleet 1 Dues Increase

Dear Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Members,


The Fleet 1 Board of Directors has determined we need to increase fleet dues from $50 to $75 this year.  The fleet has held some exceptionally high-quality events in 2014, including Tuning Day, the summer Rodeo Regatta and party, the Fleet Championship, and the Holiday Party.  We have also procured high-quality awards, including High Point and Rain-or-Shine takehome trophies and C Division perpetuals.  The fleet dues are used to pay for, or in some cases subsidize, these events as well as the cost of the website and other administrative functions. Given the positive feedback from fleet members about the events and awards, we feel it’s important to maintain their quality in 2015. We also want to make sure we keep the social event ticket prices reasonable and affordable for all members.


Before making the decision, the board researched other fleets’ dues and found that many are higher than ours (J70 $75, Etchells $125, Melges $250) without offering events of our caliber.  We have no intention of raising dues to the Etchells or Melges level, but we wanted to make sure the Harbor 20 fleet provides greater value at reasonable fees.


The board intends that the dues be kept as low as possible in future years.  We will carefully monitor income and expenses to ensure that you as a member get the best value for your dues.  The increase in 2015 dues is partly to cover some one-time occurrences in 2014:  First, our estimate of membership growth was optimistic, so our income was lower than forecast.  Second, the annual awards budget didn’t cover the full cost of the new perpetual trophies.  Finally, we had some unexpected costs related to the Fleet Championship and other events.  We’re taking steps to ensure this doesn’t happen in 2015 and beyond.


The total of the new dues to become (or renew) membership for Fleet 1 will be $90 annually. This represents Fleet 1 dues of $75 and Class dues of $15. The Class dues are primarily used for the annual directory (which will be published in about a month), Class / National website, US Sailing membership, Class marketing & promotion, overhead, etc.


The new fees are already posted on the website and are in effect for all renewals. In fairness to all members, we’re asking those who have recently renewed their membership in 2015 to pay the increased amount by paying the difference between the old and new amounts. We have set up a special purchase item here for that purpose.

Click here to pay the $25 fee difference.


If you have questions or comments about this change, please feel free to contact either myself (Nik Froehlich) or our Treasurer Gary Thorne.


Nik Froehlich, Fleet 1 Captain

Gary Thorne, Fleet 1 Treasurer

An exclusive evening with Dave Perry!

Dave will present an advanced look at tactical positioning at the start, the windward mark and the leeward mark, with an analysis of the applicable rules and decision making process in each, with spectacular video shots illustrating his points. Dave will also be addressing some of the common situations encountered by the Harbor 20 sailors in Newport Harbor!

Don’t miss this opportunity to spend an exhilarating evening with Dave. If you have seen him before, you know what we mean!

This exclusive event for Harbor 20 Fleet 1 will be hosted by the Newport Harbor Yacht Club.

Thursday Feb. 12th  6:30pm

$30 tickets reserved on or before 2/11 – $35 on 2/12

Includes the infamous NHYC Cornbread & Chili plus Desert.

Purchase Tickets Online Now by Clicking Here.

Dave will also have copies of his three books available for sale and signing.

2015 Tune Up Day

The Popular Tune Up Day for 2015 is now ready for sign ups!

View The MultiMedia Invite

Sign Up Now

Tune Your Boat – Enjoy Lunch – LearnScreen Shot 2015-01-17 at 8.42.05 AM

Bill Menninger – Five Time Class and Fleet Champion – speaking on:

  • Wind
  • Wind Patterns in Newport Harbor
  • Local knowledge
  • Sail Trim for Various Situations
  • What to Look For on the Water

Tune Up Day is a very popular event. You must RSVP by purchasing your entry.

Schock Boats will have equipment and supplies available for purchase.  Helping hands will be available to discussion, repairs and help with maximizing your boat to sail fast!



A Printed Class Roster

This year, we will print and mail a Class Roster to all Harbor 20 Class members. We’ve had lots of requests to provide a printed little book, in addition to the website data.


The Roster will be based on the website database information as of January 31, 2015. It’s very important that everyone log into the website and check their data to make sure it’s accurate, and as complete as you want to make it. We provide the opportunity to have Significant Other names and email addresses. But please check and update the information NOW, when you’ve been reminded. Because of the numbers of members, and the amount of data involved, we simply can’t chase each member individually for the update.


To log into the website, enter your username and password in the login form on the right side of the website.  If you can’t remember your password, use the “Forgot” link and it will email you a new password.


If you don’t know your username, try using your FirstName and LastName, with no space: like this:  NikFroehlich.  If you just can’t login, email webmaster@harbor20.org for help.


Once logged in, you can also see your membership status on the right. If your membership is due to expires prior to March 1, 2015, please use the Membership Renewal menu under Members and renew your membership so that you are included in the printed roster.


We hope you’ll like the printed roster! It’s only as wonderful as all the information provided…
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