
The Class & Fleet Championships are being held next weekend, and your last chance to sign up (without a late fee) is Wednesday before 5pm.  Sign up at NHYC website here.

Keep in mind the eligibility rules that will be strictly enforced for this special event:

From the Class Bylaws:

II.D. Class and Fleet Championship Race Participation Requirements



II.D.1. Championship races are special events for boat owners. For Class Championships and Fleet Championships, the Helmsman must be an Owner Member who has been a member for over 60 days. In the case of multiple Owner Members, the Helmsman is the one who signs the entry form.



II.D.2. Boats that are racing must have been kept in the water continuously for 60 days prior to Class Championships and Fleet Championships.



II.D.3. The crew for Class Championship and Fleet Championship Series must be a person who meets the basic principles and intent of these rules (Section II.A.4), and they must have sailed in at least twelve Class Races in the same boat during the time period between the last Class or Fleet Championship Series and the Class or Fleet Championship Series under consideration. Paid professional sailors and full-time sailing coaches must have been retired for at least three full years.



II.D.4. Only the Helmsman shall steer the boat during a race except for momentary relief in non-tactical situations.



II.D.5. It is intended that strict adherence to the rules specified in this section be maintained. However, a member with special circumstances, may petition the Class or Fleet Board for a variance in these

II.D Rules using the provisions of I.D.15. This should be done well in advance of the event.



II.D.6. The Class or Fleet Measurer may require the first five finishers be inspected at the finish of each race.



II.D.7. The Main Sail is to be manufactured by Elliot Pattison Sailmakers, and the Jib Sail is to be manufactured by Ullman Sailmakers.



III.E. Equipment Required/Permitted



III.E.1. All Class Required Equipment as defined below shall be aboard while racing in any Class regatta. Specified weights may be installed in substitution for certain items of Class Required Equipment. No other sailing equipment will be permitted aboard Class Yachts while racing except as is specifically provided for below.



III.E.2. Each item of Class Required Equipment shall be in accordance with the designs and specification of the Builder or of at least equal weight and in the same location. Standard built-in interior equipment of the “Standard Base” Class Yacht shall not be removed or modified in any way so as to affect the performance of the yacht.



III.E.3. Added compensation weight of lead or other approved material will be substituted in the absence of electric propulsion devices. Such weight shall be permanently fastened with GRP or mechanical fasteners. For auxiliary motor and batteries, 70 pounds is to be permanently installed on each of the platforms under the seats, and 20 pounds is to be permanently installed in the lazarette against the transom.



III.E.4. Owners shall request the Class Measurer’s approval for each specific weight substitution and the Class Measurer shall maintain (available for inspection) a true and complete record of each substitution.



III.E.5. Required equipment for Class racing includes:

a. Full seat cushions, either as supplied by the Builder, or their equivalent.

b. Three-pound anchor with 50 feet of 1/4″ diameter line, a 2-gallon bucket, a paddle of 36” minimum length.



III.E.6. Wind indicators and telltales (non-electric) are permitted and may be placed at the Owner’s discretion anywhere on the boat’s sails and rigging.



III.E.7. Compasses and timers are permitted. The size and location is at the Owner’s discretion.



III.E.8. GPS and VHF units may be on board for use in an emergency, but not used during a race unless noted on the Notice of Race or the Sailing Instructions.



III.E.9. The length of the tiller may be shortened to suit individual preference, and a tiller extension may be installed.



III.E.10. Running lights may be installed.



III.E.11. An electric bilge pump may be installed.

The full text of the ByLaws can be found online here.

All members must be current with their membership dues.

It is the responsibility of the competitor to conform with these rules. The Class and Fleet Measurer’s may perform inspections before or after the race to validation rule conformance. Questions should be directed to Warren Duncan or Michael Volk, Measurers and Rules Chairs.

Variances to these rules, should be petitioned to the Board of Directors (as provided for in the bylaws) prior to the races by submitting them to the Class or Fleet Measurer as appropriate.

See you on the water next weekend!!

For Sale: Harbor 20 #242


2006 Harbor 20 (#242) – located in Portland, OR
Very good condition; has been sailed in fresh water only; is stored in a warehouse for 9 months of the year due to the short sailing season.
Equipment includes:
-) Custom color
-) Tohatsu 6 h.p. 4-stroke outboard motor (and gas tank)
-) Mainsail cover and jib sock
-) Cockpit cover
-) Cruising dodger
-) Tiller cover
-) Block foam flotation
-) C-foam cockpit cushions
-) Anchor; boat hook; USCG personal flotation vests
-) Dock lines and fenders; 90’ tow line
-) Ensign and staff; dual fitted ice chests
Also: New bottom paint. New battery. Recently replaced main halyard, cunningham, jib furling and outhaul lines, lazy jack lines, jib sheet. New mainsheet line included but not installed yet.
Mike Fitzhugh – Passion Yachts
260 NE Tomahawk Island Drive – Portland, OR 97217
Call: 503-289-6306
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For Sale: Harbor 20 Hull #81 “LIGHTNING”

 Listed on 8-25-15

SOLD on 9-22-15 for $ 22,000

“ Lightning” Is very clean boat and fast. I have commented to the owner while coaching from the water “ You have boat speed to burn.”  She features a Two sets of sails, rebuilt motor Electric Motor, Rewired Boat, Battery Charger, Fresh Bottom Paint, Cockpit Cover and Jib Sock, Paddle Boom Crutch, Pop-up Mooring Cleats, Tiller Extension Lock, Cockpit Cushions, Cockpit Table. Commissioned to race the Newport Beach One design fleet. White hull with blue and red strips.
Did I say she is FAST!
Len Bose
(714) 916-0200

H20 Flotilla for Lee Sutherland – Need a ride?

Win & Carlita Fuller will be joining the flotilla in their Santa Cruz 50 “Rocket”, and invite anone who would like to join them. Contact Win at 949-673-1568 for departure information.

We have also heard that Jon O’Donnel will be at NHYC in his 65 ft Powerboat from 8:30-9:30, and also invites passengers.

We are hoping to see a bunch of H20’s, as that is what Holly thinks Lee would really have liked. Warren Duncan will be along in a Grady White safety/tow boat, so we should have all bases covered. Rendevous is at 10:00 at BYC.

For information on the flotilla for Lee, please see the previous posts on the homepage.

H20 Flotilla for Lee Sutherland – Need a tow?

If you not confident about your motor or batteries, and are wanting to join the flotilla for Lee Sutherland Sunday morning, but are concerned that there might not be any wind, Warren Duncan has arranged for a very capable tow boat. If you would like a tow, please contact Warren at 714-264-3728 or Let him know where your boat is and he will arrange to pick you up.

For information about the flotilla for Lee, please see the previous post on the homepage.

H20 Flotilla for Lee Sutherland, Sunday Sept 20, 10:00 AM


Words can not express how deeply sorry we are to tell you that Lee Sutherland, our Harbor 20 friend and great competitor, passed away on Monday, September the 14th.

This Sunday, September 20, the family will be taking Lee offshore to his final resting place aboard the yacht Windfall. They would like to invite friends and competitors of Lee’s to follow Windfall in their Harbor 20s, out of the Harbor for about 500 yards, for a memorial service.  Windfall will leave the Sutherland dock around 10:00 AM and will be passing BYC shortly therafter. The family would also like to invite everyone for a casual gathering to celebrate Lee’s life at around 1:00 PM, “Island Time”, on their dock at 1401 North Bay Front on Balboa Island.

We know that nothing would please Lee more than to be celebrated in the company of a flotilla of his beloved Harbor 20’s.


Debra and Peter Haynes

North / South Challenge Regatta

Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 1.28.34 PMIt’s that time of year again where the “North” (Fleet 4 – Santa Barbara) meets and races against the “South” (Fleet 1 – Newport Beach) in a 2-day, fun filled Weekend Event!

Last year Santa Barbara hosted the event, provided great races, excellent entertainment and parties, and wonderful food. This year, Fleet 1 is hosting the event in Newport Harbor and we have a packed schedule of social, eating and sailing events – and you’re invited to join in the fun and racing!

  • Friday 6pm Welcome Reception Party
  • Saturday: Racing Rules Refresher, Strategy & Local Knowledge Seminar
  • Saturday: Lots of racing in the bay
  • Saturday: Cocktail reception and Band
  • Saturday: Dinner at NHYC
  • Sunday: Lots of racing
  • Sunday: Cocktails & Live Music
  • Sunday:  BBQ Beach Party at LIYC

There are several opportunities to participate:

Skipper / Crew: There are a few spots left to represent Fleet 1 in the competition. $200 includes race entry and all the social events / dinners.

Boat Owner: Fleet 1 is providing all the boats for the race. Boat owners that loan their boats to the event get to sail along as the “3rd person” in the boat. Boats will rotate, giving Boat Owners an opportunity to sail with different expert sailors over the weekend. Boat Owners get to race in the races and participate in all the social events & dinners: $150

(Note: If boat owners would like to just race, and not attend any of the events, the race entry is only $25)

Events Only: Those that wish to participate in all the fun events, but not race, the cost is $125.

Volunteer Only: And those that just want to participate in the organization of the event and the races can volunteer with Race Committee, or “Pit Crew” (dockside boat organization and prep). No charge, but no social events included.

Visit the Online Race Notice Board for Registration, Payment and the NORs for the event.

Sign up today!

If you have any questions about participating, contact the event Chairman Warren Duncan.

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