– – – DRAFT – – –
Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding. Present: Bill Bench, Thomas Wright, Morgan Green, J.J. Jeffries, Jane Wright, Ann Hutchins, Bhrian Resnik, Caroline Kavanagh, Scott Deardorff, Leslie Deardorff, Rich Miller, Jane Watkins, Helene Webb, Karen Cahill, Wayne Rosing, Dennis Plesons, Bill Sheridan, Tim Wilde.
Old Business
December Minutes: Morgan Green – one correction. Proposed date of party at Fred’s winery is April 16, not the 14th. Minutes accepted.
Class Association Board Nominations: Fred Rice – Reported that the H2O Class Association has posted its newest Class Rules and Bylaws on the website. One change is the addition to the Class Board of representatives from all the fleets. That board decided to nominate all current fleet captains, but still wanted more. At their request, Fred thought of Rich Miller as an experienced Fleet Four member for the task, and Rich volunteered and sent in his resume. He will appear on the Class board ballot. All boat owners with Class dues paid up will receive an email for an electronic vote.
New Business
Fleet Capt. Report: Fred Rice – Fred allowed the following ex agenda items under this heading.
- Making any jacks optional, suggested by Karen Cahill. Caroline Kavanagh so moved. Second, Thomas Wright. Approved by voice vote. This provides an exception to Class Rules and shall be added to the Fleet Four bylaws as: Appendix 4) lazy jacks are optional equipment, as of Jan. 14, 2016.
- Weighing boats: Fred Rice – Morgan Green notes Oct. 15, 2015 board minutes regarding the mandatory weighing of all boats with sail number 335 or higher to assure that none weigh less than 1950 pounds.
Bill Bench suggestion: weigh the whole fleet. After fleet discussion the motion by Bill and amended by Scott Deardorff and approved by voice vote: All fleet four boats must be weighed before the first race of the 2016 Championship Series, with only class required equipment aboard, and without the spinnaker sail. Fred said he would schedule a non-racing weekend for the weighing, using a digital scale brought from Newport.
A second motion by Jane Wright, and seconded by Rich Miller was approved by voice vote: All newcomer boats without a certification from the manufacturer or fleet measurer must be measured and weighed.
- Board elections: Morgan Green advocated that board members should hold posts such as secretary, which along with webmaster, has been delegated as a non-board member task. Rich Miller noted that reasons for this, when the fleet was getting started, no longer exist. Fred Rice noted the bylaws call for “at least” three board members, not a limit of three, and noted such a small board had produced quorum problems. Staggering terms to provide continuity was suggested. After fleet discussion the following motion by Scott Deardorff, and second by Rich Miller was approved by voice vote: Fleet Four shall elect a board of directors with 5 members. This change shall appear in the Fleet Four Bylaws Appendix as item 5).
Fleet Capt. Report continued: Fred reviewed the schedule of 2016 fleet championship races. It will be the same as in 2015, as earlier approved by the board.
Treasurer’s Report: Fred Rice for Geoff Slaff: Funds at year’s end were $2,239.67. Subsequently, five boats have also paid their 2016 Fleet Four dues of $100. Checks go to Geoff Slaff, treasurer.
Election by Feb. 1: Bylaws require this timing. There six board nominees, Fred Rice, Bill Bench, Thomas Wright, Morgan Green, Geoff Slaff and Ann Hutchins, as of the Jan. 12 deadline. The five who receive the most votes will serve. Ballots will be secret, via email.
Party Feb. 13, FYI: Will be hosted by Wayne Rosing and Dorothy Largay at one of their homes, to be decided.
Open Discussion:
- Board nominations. See Item c above.
- North South invitational: Fred noted he needs to send out invitation letters soon, and needs Chairs for: agendas and schedules; invitations; eligibility; fees and registration, lodging and parking, housing, organizers. Other tasks, T-shirts, prizes, parties. Fred suggests a similar schedule to the last North/South event here including registration, practice sail, dock party, beach party, awards ceremony. The beach has been reserved and SBYC Race Director will supervise race committee. Due to her previous successful experience, Karen Cahill said she would assist, but not chair. Fred reports that Newport would like participation by San Diego boats. There has been no response yet from San Diego. Fred suggests either following the pattern set by Newport last year, with five boats for each team, or to reprise the Santa Barbara event which had three boats per team. Fleet discussion. No decisions. Tim Wilde and Caroline Kavanagh volunteered to coordinate visitor housing with Fleet Four members.
– – – END – – –