Heritage Regatta & Summer Party


Saturday, August 20th will be the day of our annual Harbor 20 Heritage Regatta & Summer Party. This annual fun event offers a “not so usual” regatta format and fun, music, food and drinks at LIYC.

Entry is expected to be $20 – $25, which include the Regatta entry and the Summer Party.

Online entry will be made available mid-August, but Save the Date now.

Fleet 4 Fiesta Cup in Santa Barbara

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Fleet 4 in Santa Barbara is gearing up for the annual Fiesta Cup July 15-17. Besides the Harbor 20 fleet, we will be hosting the J/70 West Coast Championship. This has always been a favorite regatta for the Harbor 20 Fleet and is part of their Championship Series. Good winds and great parties are anticipated. The famous party on the beach will once again feature our favorite band, “Jason Campbell and the Drive”. NOR and Si’s are online now at sbyc.org.

Fleet 4 Rescheduled Start Clinic!

When:  Friday, June 17

Where:  Santa Barbara, in the water in front of SBYC in the general area of the permanent starting buoys.

We’ll start at 5:00 P.M. and be out until 6:30 or later. Show up when you can.  Ken Keiding will set a line and run a series of practice starts.  Take a radio and monitor Channel 71–there will be real time coaching!

Fleet 1 Bylaws Amended

On May 26th, the Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Board of Directors approved amendments to the Fleet 1 Bylaws.  The amended ByLaws can be found on the ByLaws page, or downloaded here.

Among changes to clarify terms and policies, the significant changes are related to Division promotions / re-qualifications and how the Board may consider petitions to sail in Divisions.  These changes can be found in the APPENDIX A: Rules for Maintaining Fleet Race Divisions.


Two more Friday Frolics at NHYC – May 13 & 20


Imagine racing in our beautiful harbor WITHOUT weekend traffic or other races going on in the vicinity. That is exactly what Phil Ramser had in mind when he initiated the spring Friday Frolic Regatta at NHYC. The first was held on Friday, February 26, followed by March 18, April 1, and April 15. The rest are scheduled for:

May 13, 2016
May 20, 2016

This is informal daytime racing at its best, so if you haven’t participated so far you can still join the fun!

Enjoy lunch at the club before the 2:00 start, and meet for libations after racing. What a great way to spend a Friday afternoon!

Click here for information and registration.

Fleet 4 Calendar Added!

Note that we now have the Santa Barbara Fleet 4 calendar filled in at the top page level of the Harbor 20 website.  To see it, go to the main website page (http://www.harbor20.org/), click “Fleet 4” in the pulldown menu under “Upcoming Events” in the far right column, and the next two months of items scheduled for Fleet 4 will fill in underneath.  This calendar will duplicate our race schedule under its own separate tab, but there will be additional Fleet activities shown.  And, obviously implied, forward any significant future calendar items to any board member or “JJ” at jjsharkbait@hotmail.com.


Printed Class Roster

All current Class Members can receive a printed Class Roster at no cost. These rosters are printed once a year and must be ordered before printing. To order your roster, go here.

An online Member Roster is available to members at all times, and is the most current database of Class Members. You can access the online Class Roster through the “Members” menu item.

A downloadable PDF version of the printed Class Roster will be made available to members after the 2016 roster is printed.

If you would like to receive a printed Class Roster, order yours today.

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