Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 9 December 2016



DECEMBER, 9, 2016


Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding – Morgan Green, Tom Wright, and Geoff Slaff (via phone conference call from Boston) present.


Announcements: Fred notes that 2017 will be a less taxing year for the fleet leadership in that the North/South Regatta will be in Newport, and the East/West Regatta will be in Annapolis, so Santa Barbara will not be hosting an event with other fleets.


Fred reminds the fleet that the deadline for paying the fleet dues is Feb. 1, 2017. Dues of $100 per boat are to be paid directly to Fleet Four Treasurer Geoff Slaff.


Fred is the new Treasurer for the National H20 Association. He reports there was discussion recently on the national association board about holding National Championships in Newport. No decision.


Fleet four Board Nominations: Morgan Green suggested a fleet-wide email to solicit nominations for the 2017 board of directors, as was successfully done last year. The call for nominations will go out in the first week in January. Approved by consensus.


Board Election: Morgan Green Suggested the deadline for board nominations be Jan. 25. An email ballot will be sent out to the fleet membership. Votes are to be returned to Morgan by individual email, and will remain confidential. The voting deadline will be Feb 3. Approved by consensus. The new board will be immediately notified. They will later meet to choose their officers.


Annual meeting/party: The meeting date is TBD.  Fred is to verify with Caroline Kavanagh, who volunteered her house. Tom suggested special thanks at the party for those who organized the Luau.


Adjournment: Next Meeting, TBD.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 9 December 2016



DECEMBER, 9, 2016


Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding – Morgan Green, Tom Wright, and Geoff Slaff (via phone conference call from Boston) present.


Announcements: Fred notes that 2017 will be a less taxing year for the fleet leadership in that the North/South Regatta will be in Newport, and the East/West Regatta will be in Annapolis, so Santa Barbara will not be hosting an event with other fleets.


Fred reminds the fleet that the deadline for paying the fleet dues is Feb. 1, 2017. Dues of $100 per boat are to be paid directly to Fleet Four Treasurer Geoff Slaff.


Fred is the new Treasurer for the National H20 Association. He reports there was discussion recently on the national association board about holding National Championships in Newport. No decision.


Fleet four Board Nominations: Morgan Green suggested a fleet-wide email to solicit nominations for the 2017 board of directors, as was successfully done last year. The call for nominations will go out in the first week in January. Approved by consensus.


Board Election: Morgan Green Suggested the deadline for board nominations be Jan. 25. An email ballot will be sent out to the fleet membership. Votes are to be returned to Morgan by individual email, and will remain confidential. The voting deadline will be Feb 3. Approved by consensus. The new board will be immediately notified. They will later meet to choose their officers.


Annual meeting/party: The meeting is TBD.  Fred is to verify with Caroline Kavanagh, who volunteered her house. Tom suggested special thanks at the party for those who organized the Luau.


Adjournment: Next Meeting, TBD.

Second Hot Rum this Sunday, December 11

This year, the BCYC Hot Rum Series has been scheduled so as to not conflict with either the NHYC Winter Series, or the BYC Sunkist Series. The second race day is this Sunday, December 11. BCYC will be running a separate H20 venue with windward/leeward racing – just like Taco Tuesdays! Four races are scheduled per day.

And, you know they throw a great after party! To register, click here.


Harbor 20 Class Association Board of Directors Nominations

Dear Harbor 20 Class Association Owner Member,

As a current and active Owner Member of the Harbor 20 Class Association, you will be asked to participate in a vote for the 207 Harbor 20 Class Association Board of Directors. This vote will take place online within the next several weeks.

The Harbor 20 Class Associations ByLaws, section ID3 state:

I.D.3. A Nominating Committee will be appointed by the Board each Fall to nominate candidates for the open Director positions. The Committee is required to consider suggestions for candidates from all Fleet Captains. The slate will be communicated to the Owner Members by December 10th. Five or more owners may nominate additional candidates. The Board will hold an open and fair election by the Owner Members of all nominated candidates.

A nominating committee was formed and candidates have been solicited from all the Fleet Captains. The nominating committee is recommending the following individuals for the 2017 Class Association Board of Directors.  An election will be held via email in the upcoming weeks. This email is only a notification of the nominated candidates as required by the ByLaws.

Warren Duncan, Fleet 1, 2016 Class Measurer


Susan Gaire, Fleet 6


Peter Haynes, Fleet 1, Previous Class President
Garth Hitchens, Fleet 5


Ed Kimball, Fleet 1
Kevin Keogh, Fleet 3, 2016-17 Class President


Richard Loufek, Fleet 1, Fleet Measurer
Marino de Marzo, Fleet 5, 2016 Fleet Captain
Richard Miller, Fleet 4


Chuck Millican, Fleet 3, Fleet Measurer
Michael Mixson, Fleet 6, Fleet Captain
Fred Rice, Fleet 4, 2016 Fleet Captain


Patrick Shannon, Fleet 5
Gary Thorne, Fleet1, 2017 Fleet Captain


Judy Weightman, Fleet 1

Total of 15 Directors Representing all Active Fleets.
Any questions concerning the election or nominations should be directed to the Class Nominating Committee via email to Nik Froehlich.

Fleet 1 Awards Dinner

Friday, December 2nd at Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 6pm

This annual event is the official social event ending of Harbor 20 season sailing season.

The new Fleet 1 Board of Directors is installed, and the perpetual awards are presented, which include:

  • Rain or Shine
  • Highpoint (A, B, C)
  • Broken Rudder
  • Arthur B Strock Service
  • First Mate
  • Grand Master
  • Phylis Rawlins Drayton

The event begins with a hosted reception, followed by served dinner, and ends with dancing.

We are able to reduce last year’s price from $100 to $87 per person if you purchase the tickets by Friday, November 25th.

Click here to buy your tickets online.

BCYC Hot Rum Series starts Sunday, Nov 20

This year, the BCYC Hot Rum Series has been scheduled so as to not conflict with either the NHYC Winter Series, or the BYC Sunkist Series. Race days are November 20, December 11, and January 22. BCYC will also be running a separate H20 venue with windward/leeward racing – just like Taco Tuesdays! And, you know they throw a great after party! To register, click here.

Annual Awards Dinner – Save the Date

The Fleet 1 annual Awards Dinner / Holiday Party is scheduled for Friday, December 2nd and will be held at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. This will be one of the last events at the existing facility before it is torn down for its remodel and reconstruction.

At the Awards Dinner, we will be electing our 2017 Board of Directors, and presenting the annual perpetual awards (such as the Rain or Shine, Broken Rudder, High Point, etc.)

Buy Your Tickets Today.

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