Strategy & Tactics – Saturday, May 13, SCCYC

An animated slide presentation with instruction by Peter Haynes makes the situations you encounter on the race course come to life.
$65 Price includes Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Course Materials.
Free parking is available at Dock 52 on Fiji Way, a short walk from the SCCYC clubhouse located at 13723 Fiji Way next to the Lighthouse.

Event Website

On-line Registration

Current Registrants

About Peter Haynes

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 3 April 2017




APRIL 3, 2017


  1. CALL TO ORDER: Rich Miller presiding – present, Geoff Slaff, Ann Hutchins, Brian Green, Morgan Green, Fred Rice, J.J. Jeffries, Jane Barrett, Tom Wright, Kevin Cahill, Helene Webb, Caroline Kavanagh


  1. MINUTES: Morgan Green – previous meeting, accepted.


  1. TREASURER’S REPORT: Geoff Slaff – Buying Snacks for those present.


  1. WEB MASTERS REPORT: J.J. Jeffries – sent email blast regarding posted minutes. He will put a proxy voting form on the H20 Fleet 4 website leaving off the date for use by skippers as needed to delegate vote. Not addressed are spinnaker rules, wind speed rules, calculation of the fleet champion. (Rich will check on the trophy and the spinnaker rules to report back)


  1. MEASURER’S REPORT: Tom Wright – Concerns expressed regarding Fling, noted in 5/1/2016 as underweight. (Minimum class weight with required gear is 1950 lbs.) Four boats will be reweighed. Suggestion: coordinate to do all on the same day. Discussion re: reducing a boat’s weight. Helene notes weights of spinnaker poles as potential question. Tom will research weights by checking with Fleet 1 bylaws for language and report back.


  1. RULES QUIZ: Rich Miller – Discussion. Until a boat completes its tack, she shall keep clear of other boats until she is on a close-hauled course.




  1. RACE PREPARATIONS: Brian Green – Presentation. Amigo gets out onto the water on Wet Wednesdays often by 4 p.m. (more than an hour before the race start) All running rigging is checked for adjustment. Sails to the outside and inside marks to check current (sometimes it’s different). Luffs up head-to-wind to check wind direction. Often sails to K mark to note wind shifts, kelp channels, current direction.


  1. FUTURE MEETING DATES: Rich Miller, Discussion – Thursdays are not convenient. Club is closed on Mondays unless an employee is present to open the fleet room. Geoff will check with the manager Eric re possibilities. No objections to Monday nights if SBYC is not available. Other venues will be evaluated, with locations to be determined. Previously approved meeting dates will be transferred to the Mondays of those weeks. Consensus approval. New Meeting schedule: May 8. June 5, July 10, Oct. 12, Dec. 14.


  1. FLEET FOUR MAINSAIL REQUIREMENTS: Geoff Slaff proposes: All boats shall use Ullman mainsails by the 2017 Cinco De Mayo Regatta, and during all subsequent Fleet 4 races if they wish their place to count in any series standings. Approved. (This bylaw change is to clarify former language in Appendix III. Appendix 3 is to be deleted and replaced with the new language. It shall read as follows:  3) Fleet 4 elects to modify Class Rule III.C.5 so that: All boats shall use Ullman mainsails at the 2017 Cinco De Mayo Regatta and during all subsequent Fleet 4 races. (approved April 2017).



VOTING CLARIFICATION: For annual elections of fleet board.  Kevin Cahill proposed discussion to avert confusion. (Moved from item F on Agenda).Discussion/proposal to amend Fleet Four bylaws to clarify. Proposed: In Fleet 4 elections, each boat owner may cast one vote per candidate. Approved. The language shall be Appendix 6. It shall read as follows: 6) Fleet 4 elects to clarify Class Rule I.D.2 so that in Fleet 4 elections, each boat owner may cast one vote per candidate.


  1. FLEET 4 WIND LIMITS: Rich Miller proposes discussion due to confusion. After discussion, consensus that the wind limit be changed to Average wind of 18 kts., OR gusts to 22 kts. Proposal modified from J-70 fleet policy:


Races shall not be started when the wind exceeds an average of 18 knots or gusts to 22 knots or higher. The Fleet decision should factor sea conditions, current, and rapid changes in velocity.


For Wet Wednesdays only in marginal conditions, at 4:45 p.m. the ranking fleet representative racing shall contact all boats on channel 69 to discuss and vote whether to cancel the race. Ranking representative shall be 1. fleet capt., 2. secretary, 3. treasurer, 4. measurer.


At all fleet events: Unless a race is underway, any competitor at any time who thinks racing is unsafe may inform the ranking fleet representative by radio or hail by voice. Thereupon, the fleet representative shall contact all other racers on the Race Committee frequency, then switch to an alternative such as channel 69 and take a voice vote. The majority race/cancel decision stands. Approved by voice vote. Note: the wind rule does not infringe on any racer’s right to retire. Rich will talk to the SBYC race director regarding enforcement of the Fleet 4 rule.


  1. TEAM RACING: Rich Miller, proposes increasing fun levels for all. Suggestions for an informal trial: teams made up according to current fleet standings with one team flying a ribbon from the back stay, using one wet wednesday race per month, starting with May 10. Outcome will not count toward Fleet 4 WW standings. Geoff will get the ribbons. Suggestion: get Race Director to hold a team racing seminar asap. Rich will find out when he is available.


Adjournment: Next meeting May 8. Place TBA.

– – – END – – –



Friday Frolic – April 21

A message from Frolic Meister Phil Ramser:

The date for our April FRIDAY FROLIC is April 21. We will start the races from the Dick Sweet at 2pm.   The Dick Sweet will  be anchored north of the Newport  Harbor Yacht Club. This  is our only FROLIC scheduled for the month of April. Our superb weather is in full bloom, plan to be on the starting line and after the races join the “after party” on the upper deck of  Marina for a beer or a glass of wine.

Seaya, Phil Ramser

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 17 March 2017

Harbor 20 Fleet Four Meeting

March 17, 2017


The 2017 board consists of Rich Miller, Brian Green, Morgan Green Ann Hutchins and Geoff Slaff. Fred Rice volunteers

  1. Updating the fleet email list: Anyone who wishes to be on the main list may be on it. Sub lists will include the board only, and the board and fleet boat owners. A corrected list will be prepared by Ann Hutchins in time for the next fleet meeting.
  1. Fleet Meeting Dates: Consensus agreement after discussion of the following dates: May 12, June 8, July 10 and Oct. 12 and Dec. 14 for planning 2018. at 5:30 p.m.
  1. 2017 Fleet officers: By consensus agreement Rich Miller, Fleet Captain; Geoff Slaff, Treasurer; Morgan Green, recording secretary. John Jeffries volunteers to remain the fleet’s webmaster. Tom Wright volunteers to remain as fleet measurer.
  1. Topic of discussion: Rich Miller – How to make the fleet more fun?

Suggestions  for further discussion/action –

– email the whole fleet on suggestions to make races more fun for all

– create a B fleet to foster close competition

– race in teams with odd sail numbers vs even sail numbers

– provide designated speakers of interest at fleet meetings

– hold a go-fast session at fleet meeting, and definition and discussion of one racing rule per meeting

– help people get crew

  1. Fleet Outreach: Rich Miller – sought suggestions for further discussion/action:

– invite other clubs and fleets to sail on H20 boats

– establish a Harbor 20 class in the SBYC Charity Regatta  where non-owner members can skipper a boat, provided and crewed by us, for a given donation, say donors of $100 get to steer.

– first Wet Wednesday race each month be a fun team race.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Geoff Slaff. See Attached report for details. Currently, the fleet bank balance is $3,771,21. That compares with year end 2016 of $2,963.13. Noted: The fleet is not hosting any Class events involving visiting sailors this year. That leaves funds for spending as the fleet wants. Suggestions for further discussion/action:

– Harbor 20 Fleet 4 t-shirts

– Meeting appetizers and wine

Brian Green volunteered to tell the meeting about how he and his crew prepare for a race.

Consensus approval: May meeting appetizers, and presentation by Brian Green on pre-race preparations.

  1. Fleet communications: Morgan Green – requests that all emails be sent to fleet members from the Fleet Captain. Including minutes, announcements, reminders. And that the Fleet Capt. will send all corrected draft meeting minutes, or official changes to fleet bylaws, to the webmaster for posting online. Consensus agreement.
  1. Spring Series; Jane Watkins – Jane asks for volunteers for Saturday race committee. Rich Miller volunteers, Ann tentatively volunteers.
  1. Fleet Fixits: Brian Green – suggests spreading information about fixes for equipment on boats that all should be aware of. Example: Swapping the main halyard and Spinnaker halyard positions for efficiency and less wear.

Consensus that the May meeting will include a discussion of such fixits for the fleet’s general benefit.

  1. Suggested matters for future board action, Karen Cahill – presents suggestions from Kevin for possible future action:

– non-cumulative voting

– re-weighing requirement after boats make changes (including new flotation) that alter their weight.

– clarification of timing for E.P. switch to Ullman mainsails

– approval of new type of distress flares

  1. Wind Limit: Rich Miller – Asks that a discussion to clarify be placed on the May agenda.
  1. Start Clinic: discussion of when to conduct. General suggestion that if one is planned that it be earlier in the season. Suggestion to place on upcoming spring agenda.




 –  –  –  END –  –  –


For Sale: Harbor 20 # 81


ASKING $ 22,000


“ Lightning” Hull # 81 Is very clean boat and fast. I have commented to the owner while coaching from the water “ You have boat speed to burn.”  She features a Two sets of sails, rebuilt motor Electric Motor, Rewired Boat, Battery Charger, Cockpit Cover and Jib Sock, Paddle Boom Crutch, Pop-up Mooring Cleats, Cockpit Cushions, Cockpit Table & New Battery. Commissioned to race the Newport Beach One design fleet. White hull with blue and red strips.
Did I say she is “LIGHTNING FAST”!  
Contact Broker Len Bose (714) 916-0200

Fleet 1 Boat Weighing Day

On Saturday, March 11th, our Fleet 1 Measurer – Richard Loufek – will be conducting boat weighings for boats that do not currently have a weight certificate, or for boats that have made changes and need to re-certify their weight certificate.


All Fleet 1 Boats must have a weight certificate on file to qualify to race in Fleet races.


Refer to the Class Bylaws for exact weight requirements and procedures for adding weight if necessary, specifically, sections III.C.2, and III.D.2.


Contact Richard Loufek directly at or to set up a time for a weighing.

H20 Spring Regatta After-Race Recap on the Docs

Immediately after racing on Saturday, NHYC will be hosting a race debriefing / recap at the club facilities (yeah, the new one). Brian Bissel will host a “White Board” talk with the day’s winners and will discuss their strategies, what worked and what didn’t. Learn what you did right, or wrong, or should have done. NHYC will be providing some after-race chili or snacks. Come to NHYC immediately after the last race on Saturday to join this informative and educational event.

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