A New Way to Learn and Understand the Racing Rules

One on the most common comments I have received from attendees of my “Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing” seminar over the past 10 years has been “Can you do it in half a day?”. The all-day event does require a large commitment of time, and is admittedly exhausting. But, I always knew that the answer was “no’ unless I came up with an entirely new approach and teaching technique. Well, I am excited to say that I will be offering “Rules Around the Race Course”, an interactive clinic in a half-day format on March 10, 1-5 PM at LIYC. Two years in the making, the focus is on how and why the rules work, and how they apply to the situations that occur in every race. While it may sometimes seem like there are an infinite number of ways that boats can “meet”, there are not. The patterns are recognizable and relatively small in number. The same things happen during every start, on the windward and leeward legs, at obstructions, and around marks. One thing is for certain – you cannot learn the Racing Rules of Sailing by reading the rule book.

For those of you who have attended my full-day seminar, some as many as 6 or 7 times, this is an entirely new and different experience. It is better.

The more knowledgeable the fleet is, the better the quality of racing for everyone. This goes for skippers and crews because more heads are better than one! And because youth are our future, a discounted price is offered for those 18 and under.

For more information, click here.

I hope to see you there!

Peter Haynes

Fleet 1 Membership Dues

Fleet 1 members:


  • If you received an email entitled “Harbor 20 Class Association canceled your automatic payments”, please IGNORE it.
  • If your membership is expired or about to expire, please mail a check to Roxanne Chan made out to “Harbor 20 Fleet 1”:


Roxanne Chan
350 Loma Metisse Rd.
Malibu, CA 90265
The reason for the emails and the need to renew by check is that we are in the process of separating the bank accounts for the H20 Class Association and Fleet 1.  Fleet 1 has always included a Class membership with a Fleet 1membership (Owner or Skipper membership cost is $75 for the Fleet, and $15 for the Class, totaling $90.)  The Class has decided to make all renewals due on February 1, and to keep things simple, Fleet 1 has decided to do the same. This, however, requires that the online renewal process using credit card be modified, and that pro-rating be applied to switch from individual renewal dates to a single date. That process is underway, but NOT complete, resulting in some unintended consequences, including unexpected amounts due. Until we notify you that the website is ready, please DO NOT TRY TO PAY YOUR RENEWAL online.
We appreciate your cooperation as these procedures change!
Gary Thorne, Fleet 1 Captain

NEW! 1/2 Day Racing Rules Seminar – Jan 27 at ABYC

Ever since I started offering the full-day “Understanding the Racing Rules” seminar 10 years ago, I have been asked “Can you do it in half a day?” Well, now I can! The format is different than the 185 PPT slide version, and does not cover all the detail. But, it does cover the important stuff. 35 slides set the stage for an interactive experience using magnetic boats on the whiteboard. “Rules Around the Race Course” will be officially presented for the first time on Saturday, January 27 at Alamitos Bay Yacht Club in Long Beach. ( I did a dry run at BCYC just before the Fleet 1 Championship last year). We hope to see you there!

Click here to register.

2018 Class Board of Directors Elections

If you are an active Owner Member of the Harbor 20 Class Association, you are invited to participate in a vote for the 2018 Harbor 20 Class Association Board of Directors. This vote is being conducted online now through December 31, 2017.

Following are the instructions followed by a link to the page to cast your vote:

1. A vote for the Class Board of Directors can only be cast by Owner Members in good standing. If your membership has expired, you must renew your dues before you can vote;

2. You must be logged into this website to vote. If you have forgotten your password, you may reset your password by clicking here.;

3. You will casting a vote for up to 15 individuals to fill the Board seats;

4. The current Class Board has nominated 15 individuals for consideration. These individuals were published on December 10, 2015 via email to the membership. No other nominations have been received, so these are the only candidates for consideration;

5. Once you submit your vote, you cannot change your vote;

6. Any questions or problems with voting should be addressed to webmaster@harbor20.org.


When your ready to vote, click here.

2018 Harbor 20 Class Association Board of Directors Nominations

Dear Harbor 20 Class Association Owner Member,

As a current and active Owner Member of the Harbor 20 Class Association, you will be asked to participate in a vote for the 2018 Harbor 20 Class Association Board of Directors. Voting will open until the end of the day on December 31, 2017.

The Harbor 20 Class Associations ByLaws, section ID3 state:

I.D.3. A Nominating Committee will be appointed by the Board each Fall to nominate candidates for the open Director positions. The Committee is required to consider suggestions for candidates from all Fleet Captains. The slate will be communicated to the Owner Members by December 10th. Five or more owners may nominate additional candidates. The Board will hold an open and fair election by the Owner Members of all nominated candidates.

A nominating committee was formed and candidates have been solicited from all the Fleet Captains. The nominating committee is recommending the following individuals for the 2018 Class Association Board of Directors.  An election will be held in the upcoming weeks. This email is only a notification of the nominated candidates as required by the ByLaws.

Kevin Cahill, Fleet 4
Warren Duncan, Fleet 1, current Class Measurer
Peter Haynes, Fleet 1
Garth Hitchens, Fleet 5, current Assistant Class Measurer
Kevin Keogh, Fleet 3, current Class President
Ed Kimball, Fleet 1
Robert Knowles, Fleet 6
Richard Loufek, Fleet 1
Marino de Marzo, Fleet 5
Richard Miller, Fleet 4
Michael Mixson, Fleet 6
Ned Nielsen, Fleet 3
Patrick Shannon, Fleet 5
Gary Thorne, Fleet1
Judy Weightman, Fleet 1


Total of 15 Directors Representing all Active Fleets.
Any questions concerning the election or nominations should be directed to the Class Nominating Committee via email to ____________.

Fleet 1 Awards Party

Annual Fleet 1 Awards Party

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Balboa Bay Club Bayview Room

Reception at 6pm

Dinner at 7pm followed by

Awards & Dancing to a Live Band.

Click below for more details and to purchase your tickets.

The Harbor 20 Fleet 1 sailing year has ended with the conclusion of the Fleet 1 Championships.  And the winners are….

To be awarded:

  • Arthur B Strock Service Award
  • Broken Rudder Award
  • First Mate
  • Grand Master
  • High Point Series (1st, 2nd & 3rd in A, B and C Divisions)
  • Phyllis Rawlins Drayton Trophy
  • Rain or Shine Series (1st, 2nd & 3rd)

2nd Annual “Fall Finale”

Your Harbor Association, the Association of Orange Coast Yacht Clubs (AOCYC) is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual “Fall Finale” Race Event scheduled for Saturday, November 18th, 2017. This race event celebrates sailboat racing by members of Newport Harbor and Dana Point Harbor Yacht Clubs. We encourage everyone to participate as early entries make for great events! PHRF Classes and Cruising Classes will race a random leg course off Newport Beach with Harbor 20s racing a random leg course inside Newport Harbor. South Shore Yacht Club will host the After Race Party featuring a $15 Mexican Buffet and fantastic raffle prizes for racers! Attached is the NOR and flyer. ENTER TODAY at www.aocyc.org.

John L. Marshall
SSYC Staff Commodore/AOCYC Jr. Staff Commodore/VP South RBOC/Director SCYA

South Shore Yacht Club
1099 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Cell: (678) 296-4970, Local: (949) 646-3102
Email: jmarshall@expeditor.com Website: http://www.southshoreyc.com



A Friday Frolic message from Bob Yates:

The first Frolic was sailed on October 20th, with ten boats on the line. As promised by the Frolic Master, Phil Ramser, the weather was perfect, with 15 knots of wind and sunny skies. Fortunately, the wind decreased somewhat and the sailing became more enjoyable for the four close races that were sailed in the Bay just off NHYC.

After the races, everyone gravitated to the Pirate Den, only to find Phil and Trish Ramser already there having their second round. Does anyone believe that they won the last race by twenty minutes?  Anyway, the conversation was lively, and everyone went home in good spirits after a fine Friday afternoon on the water.

Best of all, it is going to happen again and again this winter. Next time is Friday, November 3rd, at 2 pm. Hope to see you on the starting line!



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