The Harbor 20 Heritage Regatta and Summer Party
Entries Now Open
Sign up now by clicking on this link.

Posted on behalf of Fleet Captain Gary Thorne:
Fleet 1 Championships are coming up Oct. 6-7. Please check the following to ensure you’re ready:
The 2019 Harbor 20 Class Championship Regatta is scheduled for March 1-3, 2019, to be hosted by the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The regatta will be open to all Harbor 20 Class Association Owner Members.
We are expecting participation from the all Harbor 20 Fleets. For this Championship, there will be no Divisions (eg: A, B, C). Instead, on Friday will be a series of races to seed entrants into groupings.
Watch for the Notice of Race being posted here in August, along with details regarding boat charters, lodging, parties, etc.
The Wild Sailing Regatta is a NEW 3-race series for Harbor 20 and PHRF boats. Harbor 20’s will sail inside the harbor. PHRF will start inside the harbor, then sail around ocean marks. Post-race parties follow racing each day…July 28 at BCYC…September 15 at BYC…October 6 at BCYC.
Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
List of Entries/Classes
Thank you to our sponsors!!
Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, Ullman Sails, Petit Paint, Sailing Pro Shop, Just Marine, Walter Johnson Yachts, Maxwell Insurance, Best Life, The Commodores Club, Visit Newport Beach, Balboa Yacht Club.
The BYC Harbor 20 Midsummer Regatta is the last Highpoint until September.
Notice of Race and Online Entry now available on the Balboa Yacht Club Website.
Know the Racing Rules of Sailing! Whether you would like to get up-to speed, or up-to-date, this interactive clinic is focused on helping you understand how the rules work. While the right-of-way rules themselves are simple enough to understand, the complexity lies in the rules which limit the actions of the right of way boat, such as when acquiring right-of-way, altering course in the presence of a keep clear boat, or giving room at obstructions or marks. It is also important to understand the rules which exonerate a boat that is compelled to break a rule by the action of another boat that is breaking rule. Know your rights!
Animated PowerPoint and magnetic boats on whiteboards bring the rules to life, and all the information is included in the handouts.
We hope to see you there!
by: Philip Thompson
Recently I worked with the manufacturer of the Motorguide trolling motors, adapted to the Harbor 20, to find solutions to what seemed like an unusually high number of problems. Below is the report prepared by them and a summary by me of the issues and what we should be doing to reduce the problems.
Firstly, these Motorguide motors were adapted by W. D. Schock to the Harbor 20 by removing the motor from the factory supplied shaft and screwing it to a stainless steel arm bracket that hinges into the aft compartment on the Harbor 20. They were not designed to drive a boat like a Harbor 20 at max throttle for extended periods, it was for slow speed trolling at low rev’s. This adaption is the root of many of the problems but they can be managed.
The majority of breakdowns are due to water intrusion into the motor. There are several ways this appears to be occurring.
With these areas of concern now identified, I will be working to find solutions or better solutions to eliminate or reduce this occurring. In the meantime, here are some recommendations… (click here to view the full article and photos in PDF)
“Protest” is not a dirty word. It is a required hail to inform another boat the she has (in your opinion) broken a rule. It does NOT mean that you have to go into a protest hearing. Over 90% of the time it is clear if a rule has been broken, and by which boat. The appropriate next step is for the boat that broke a rule to take a penalty per rule 44.1, and the race continues.
There are situations when a protest hearing IS warranted. But this is only in complex situations when the competitors really DO NOT KNOW who was at fault, and a panel of experts is required to find facts, interpret the rules, and make a decision. Otherwise, everybody is better off when rule violations are handled on the water. But, this only works when the competitors know the rules!
There is no sugar-coating that the rules are complex and can be difficult to learn. And, they change every four years, so while you may have learned them in the past, you probably do not know them in the present form. While this half-day experience will not make you an expert, you WILL learn why and how the rules work. One thing is for certain – you cannot learn the rules by reading the rule book. But, you do need the book! The most reliable place to get it is from If you join US Sailing, you get one for free…
Protest hearings are expensive! They require that a panel of experts be assembled (who often are not otherwise already onsite), delay trophy presentations, and deny participants the enjoyment of after-race events. For this reason, BCYC is sponsoring a one-time special offer for this event:
Participation in H20 Class races in Fleet 1 requires that the helmsman be either an Owner or Skipper member in good standing (see Fleet 1 bylaws I.F.2 and I.E.2). A new “Expired Memberships” page is now included on this website. Links to this page can be found at the top of the “Members Roster” page, and near the top of the “Fleet1 > Divisions” page.
Helmsman who race in High Point, or Rain or Shine, races will not be scored by Fleet 1 if their membership is expired. High Point race scores are used for awarding the High Point trophies at the end of the season, and for promotion, re-qualification, and demotion between the A, B, and C divisions. Please also note that the organizing authority of a race or regatta may reject an entry for an event under RRS rule 76.1 if it is known that the entrant is not a member in good standing.
We encourage all Fleet 1 members to keep your membership current. If you are included on the “Expired Memberships” page, please renew the membership using the “Members > Membership Renewal” page. All renewed memberships will expire on February 1, 2019. As such, the payment amount will be prorated by the number of days remaining between when you renew and 2/1/2019. Please note that if you pay by check, your “Expired” status will not change until the check has been received, and manual steps to change the status in the database are completed.
Alternatively, you can delete your membership by clicking the “DELETE ACCOUNT” link on the “Members > My Account” page.
We appreciate your cooperation.
The Membership Committee of the Fleet 1 Board of Directors