Harbor 20 Cover For Sale


Rather than new, this is used for several years. I found it in my storage unit. I recall I had the cover serviced by having the maker, Baxter & Cicero, completely go over the cover and re-sew all the seams, place a few new canvas patches, renew the leather in some places. This costs about $200. This is a very functional cover. As with all these covers, they attach by laying over the boom, securing the side fittings, then tying the cover tight to the two rear cleats and the bow deck cleat. Properly installed, it’s a sleek way to keep the boat really clean when not being used. It can be put on after every use, in less than five minutes.

There is a tip to renew or maintain any boat cover I will share with you. Get one or two very large Contractor-size plastic trash bags. Alternative is to buy a new plastic trash can. Don’t necessarily fold the cover, but stuff it in the bag. Then pour one gallon of Thompson Water Seal in the bag, over the cover, and shake, stomp, press, or whatever, the cover for ten to fifteen minutes. This allows the gallon to penetrate the canvas thoroughly. Next step is to repeat, with the same or new bag, and pour a second gallon. this will probably even result in a very wet cover. Take out the cover and place on a lawn, in the sun, spread out to dry. The canvas will be bright like new, the surface will be better-than-new water repellant. If you have time, maybe just do one gallon, let dry. Then repeat with the second gallon making sure you wet the dry, missed spots from the first time. Repeat this process every 5-7 years and your cover will never wear out.
Photos show extent of renewed seams with new sewing, etc.
Add $50 for shipping to other addresses outside of local Newport area.

2019 Class Board of Directors Vote

If you are an active Owner Member of the Harbor 20 Class Association, you are invited to participate in a vote for the 2019 Harbor 20 Class Association Board of Directors. This vote is being conducted online now through December 28, 2018.

Following are the instructions followed by a link to the page to cast your vote:

1. A vote for the Class Board of Directors can only be cast by Owner Members in good standing. If your membership has expired, you must renew your dues before you can vote;

2. You must be logged into this website to vote. If you have forgotten your password, you may reset your password by clicking here.;

3. You will casting a vote for up to 15 individuals to fill the Board seats, plus a vote for a non-voting observer;

4. The current Class Board has nominated 15 individuals for consideration as board members, and one non-voting observer. These individuals were nominated by the Board Nominating Committee for 2019. No other nominations have been received, so these are the only candidates for consideration;

5. Once you submit your vote, you cannot change your vote;

6. Any questions or problems with voting should be addressed to webmaster@harbor20.org.

We thank our nominees for their willingness to serve to advance the purpose and objectives of the Class. I (Patrick Shannon) am honored by the opportunity to serve on the Board and fill the role of President of the Class Association.

We are planning to distribute a State of the Class Memorandum in early February 2019 following our January meeting installing the new Directors for 2019.  Later this month we will be sharing additional details on the National Class Championships being held in Newport Beach from March 1 – 3, 2019.

When you’re ready to vote, click here.

Adult Sailing Clinics

Presented by LIYC and Harbor 20 Fleet 1 

Sign up online at LIYC.net or make checks payable to LIYC and mail to: 701 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, CA 92663.

Space is limited by availability of boats, so please sign up right away! Payments must be received at least one week before the start of each clinic.

View Flyer and Complete Details by Clicking Here.



  • Learn basic boat handling skills
  • Learn hands on sailing techniques
  • Race competitively in the Bay
  • Improve your current skills


  • Sunday, January 20th
  • Saturday, February 9th
  • Saturday, March 9th
  • Saturday, May 18th
  • Sunday, June 16th


Contact Bob Yates at bobyates@roadrunner.com for any questions or emailliycsail@gmail.com for more information.

Fleet 1 Sail Purchase Window Open until Dec. 1

You can purchase a new Harbor 20 main or jib at a discount and avoid a measurement fee by ordering between now and Dec. 1.  (Fleet bylaw III.C.5 was recently changed to allow purchasing sails at other times, but with a $10 measurement fee and without the sailmaker’s discount.)

According to the Fleet 1 bylaws:

III.C.4. Sail replacement procedure is as defined in the Class Rules.


III.C.5. The Fleet 1 Board may establish by majority vote a “fall order window” during which time new sails may be ordered at a discount.  Unless otherwise changed by the Board, the “fall order window” shall be from the day after the Fleet 1 Championships through December 1 of the same year.  Measurement fees will be waived for all sails purchased during the “fall order window.”  Sails may be ordered at any other time; however, a $10.00 measurement fee will be assessed by Fleet 1 for each sail ordered outside the “fall order window,” effective 12/1/18.


III.C.6. A sail’s age shall be determined by the delivery date as recorded by the W.D. Schock Corp. For replacement sails, the age will be determined by the Measurer’s dated approval.


III.C.7. The Fleet has appointed Elliott/Pattison Sailmakers as its sole permitted sail maker for new mainsails, and Ullman Sails as its sole permitted sail maker for new jibs. No other sail/sail maker combinations will be allowed.

After purchase, the Fleet 1 Measurer will inspect, measure and sign the sail before it may be used.

According to the Class Bylaws:

III.H.8.   For a Class Yacht, the Owner may purchase one jib sail in each calendar year and one main sail in every second calendar year. The calendar year for sail purchase begins on the date the sail was officially measured.


III.H.9.   The Owner of a newly purchased used Class Yacht inherits the sail purchase rights of the previous owner, and may petition the Class Measurer to obtain new sails at the time of purchase.


III.H.10. If a sail is damaged beyond reasonable repair, lost, or for some reason is unusable, the Owner may petition the Class or Fleet Measurer for permission to purchase a replacement sail.

The cost of a new mail sail from Elliott/Pattison Sailmakers is $1,528 (same as last year).  They are offering a 20% discount to Fleet 1 members: $1,222.40.  Call (949) 645-6696 and press 1, or (949) 275-3302 direct. More details can be viewed here.

Ullman Sails is offering 5% and 10% discounts on jibs.  More details can be viewed here.

If you are buying a new Mainsail, consider donating your old one to NHYC for possible use in the Baldwin Cup team races.


Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Championship

October 6 & 7

Don’t delay registering for the Fleet 1 Championship Regatta on October 6-7.  Register by September 29th to avoid the $20 late fee.

Registration includes dinner and 2 drink tickets. Additional dinner tickets (which include 2 drink tickets) can be purchased for $45 ($20 late fee if purchased after 9/29).

Registration by September 29th: $75
Registration after September 29th: $95 ($75 + $20 late fee)

Click here to register.

Click here for important Fleet 1 Championship reminders.


Posted on behalf of Frolic Meister Phil Ramser:




The races will begin at 2pm, the Race Committee will be aboard the usual Race Committee boat, The Dick Sweet in the anchorage north of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club.

Plan to attend and enjoy a great sail and after sailing an adult beverage with you sailing pals aboard the Barney Lehman.

Seaya on the water, Phil Ramser


Fleet 1 Summer Party and Heritage Regatta

Posted on behalf of Fleet Captain Gary Thorne:

Sailing in the spirit of the theme “FLAGS”

Harbor 20 Fleet 1 enjoyed a warm, sunny Heritage Regatta and Summer Party on Saturday August 18, hosted by the Balboa Bay Club.  Pat Scruggs, Hank Thayer and Peter Haynes kicked off the day with a sailing clinic covering starts, sail trim, overlaps, mark room, tides and boat speed.  Many of the 30 participants noted how much they learned in just one hour.

Leaving the comfort of an air-conditioned Bay Club room for the wedding-boat-infested waters of the North Lido Channel, Pat and Katy Scruggs and Peter Jacobson started the A, B and C fleets on a single one-hour race, squeezing between the 200-foot yacht Invictus and Z mark, then sailing two laps around Q and T before finishing in front of the Bay Club.  See below for complete results.

The Bay Club, along with Kathy Sangster, then threw a classy lawn party for 70, including a band (The Retros) and tri-tip, turkey, oysters, shrimp and other stations with complimentary wine and beer.

Here are the Heritage Regatta results:

A Division:

  1. Walter Johnson and Leeann Iacino
  2. Phil Thompson and Wendy Kerr
  3. Peter and Debra Haynes
  4. Buddy Richley and John McLaughlin
  5. Gary and Karen Thorne and Jeanette Horn

B Division:

  1. Craig and Julie Chamberlain
  2. Don Logan and Roxanne Chan
  3. Michael and Ellen Volk
  4. Bob McDonald
  5. Thomas Fischbacher and Phil Crosby

C Division:

  1. Jeff Gordon and John Whitney (winners of the Heritage Perpetual)
  2. Kathy Sangster and Jim Kerrigan
  3. David Lamontagne and Wayne Harvey
  4. Kevin and Lauren Hampton
  5. Scott Barnes and Ann Donat
  6. Gary and Cindy Allen
  7. Pamela and Peter Kreiser
  8. Nina Manning and Chris Hill
  9. John and Yvonne Browning
  10. John Sturgess and John Gradishar


Jeff Gordon takes home the perpetual for winning the largest division

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