2020 Mentorship Suggestions needed by September 23

In 2018 the Philip Thompson Mentorship Perpetual was awarded to the first recipient, Bill Menninger. Last year 2019 the recipient was Bob Yates and it is time to nominate our 2020 Mentor of the Year!

We are now accepting applications from Fleet One members accompanied by their story of the applicant they feel worthy of the award and why. These stories will be reviewed by the prior year’s recipients, the donors and two Harbor 20 Fleet One board membersand two Harbor 20 Fleet One members at large selected by the above committee members.

The stories of mentorship will be shared each year at the award presentation.

Please submit your suggestions by: September 23, 2020

To: sconzelman@gmail.com

be sure to make your subject matter: MENTORSHIP

We apologize for the short window however; the decision was just made to present at Championships instead of the usual awards event in December.

✨It is good to share with others your abilities and even better to reveal to them their own✨

Heritage Regatta Update – Saturday, August 15

The Heritage Regatta will be held on Saturday, August 15, 2020, hosted by Harbor 20 Fleet 1. 

Due to the coronavirus, the event is now planned to be entirely on the water near Lido Isle Yacht Club.  Although we won’t have a meal, snack bags will be served to all participants. 

The race will be a pursuit race, with more experienced racers starting after the less experiences racers.  The Race Committee will let each skipper know when they are to start. 

This event is free to Fleet 1 members and is $20 for non-members.  Come in your favorite Hawaiian shirt.  More information will be provided in the Notice of Race to be published soon.

We hope to see you there!

Important Fleet 1 Championship Reminders

Posted on behalf of Fleet Captain Bob Yates:

Fleet 1 Championships are coming up Sept. 26-27.  Please check the following to ensure you’re ready:

Click here for Fleet 1 bylaws.

Click here for H20 Class bylaws.

Please note that the Fleet Championship is held in conformance to class rules per fleet bylaw I.F.7.

  • By Jul. 28:
    • If you haul out your boat for sanding, painting or any other reason, put it back in the water at least 60 days before the regatta per fleet bylaw I.F.9.
    • If you’re skippering, make sure you’re both listed on the registration as an owner, and your dues are paid at least 60 days before the regatta, per fleet bylaw I.F.10 and class bylaw I.C.2.
  • By Sept. 8:
    • If your crew is a pro (see class bylaw II.A.4) or hasn’t raced with you 12 times since last year’s championships (see fleet bylaw I.F.8), petition the fleet board to approve your crew by the Sept. board meeting (see class bylaw II.D.5).
  • ASAP
    • If you don’t have a measurement certificate showing your correct boat weight, contact fleet measurer Richard Loufek (happyisles@mac.com), per class bylaw III.C.2.  (To see if you have a certificate, log into harbor20.org, click Members > My Roster Profile, then click the sail number in your profile.  If a certificate appears that reflects all modifications to your boat’s weight, you’re good to go.)


We just want you all to know, the Fleet is racing and the Board is working hard to keep the regattas on schedule.

Over the last several months the Board has been working to adapt to our changing world with the impact of COVID-19. We have seen some great (informal) efforts by our members to keep the racing going with an emphasis on safety, fun and camaraderie, our Fleet 1 is so well known for. Thank you to all the members that have stepped up to keep us racing and enjoying our Harbor 20’s and our wonderful harbor in Newport Beach.

We will continue to work to have the regattas as scheduled but remember we will have to be adaptable and flexible as State, County, City and yacht club rules change for social gatherings.

New fleet members, we are working hard to finish our race mentor series and get creative with some other opportunities to introduce you to racing in a friendly environment. Stay tuned to this website and the Fleet 1 Facebook page for events and updates.

As always feel free to contact any board member with questions or ideas.

Board Members:

Bob Yates
Anne Wiese
John Whitney
Peter Haynes
Richard Loufek
Ed Kimball
Phil Ramser
Kathy Sangster
Roxanne Chan
Len Bose
Warren Duncan
Judy Weightman
Gary Thorn
Tad Springer
Philip Thompson
Tom Fischbacher
Scott Barnes

We are here to serve your Harbor 20 Fleet 1 needs and look forward to a great Summer and Fall of racing.

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