Fleet 1 Championship Reminders

Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Championship – September 25-26

Important Reminders

  • Boats must be in the water for 60 days before the event (bylaw I.F.9).
  • Skippers must have been owners for 60 days before the event (bylaw I.F.10). 

So, this year those criteria must be met by July 26.

  • Boats must have a measurement certificate (class bylaw III.C.2) which can be verified by clicking your sail number in the harbor20.org member roster.
  • A copy of the registration must be on the boat and must list the skipper’s name. 
  • Crews must have sailed on the boat 12 times since the last fleet championships. 
  • Petitions (such as for a crew who doesn’t meet the 12-race requirement) must be submitted to the Fleet Measurer before the September 16 Board meeting.


W.D. Schock and Harbor 20 Class Association Sign Cooperation Agreement Resolving Disputes and Focusing on Delivering Exceptional Sailing Experiences for Harbor 20 Sailors

Newport Beach, California –W.D. Schock Corp. and the Harbor 20 Class Association announced that they have signed a cooperation agreement resolving their prior disputes and focusing on delivering exceptional sailing experiences for Harbor 20 sailors.

W.D. Schock Corp. is the originator of the Harbor 20 yacht and has manufactured the Harbor 20s since the late 1990s.  The Harbor 20 Class Association is a voluntary association of boat owners and sailors whose goal is to promote enjoyment, one-design racing, day sailing, and other social activities among Harbor 20 Yacht owners and sailors.

To maintain fair racing among Harbor 20s and to control and promote the Harbor 20 as a one-design racing yacht which can also be conveniently used for day sailing, W.D. Schock and the Association agreed on the processes that will be used to ensure that Harbor 20s all have the same design characteristics so it is the skill of the skipper and crew in tuning, maintaining and racing the yacht are the major factors in the outcome of a race.  

W.D. Schock and the Association also agreed to cooperate in holding an annual Class Championship with the objective of qualifying the Class as eligible to hold a World Championship when the World Sailing requirements can be satisfied.

The cooperation agreement establishes clear processes for the Association and W.D. Schock to communicate on issues of importance to the Company, the Association, and current and future Harbor 20 sailors.

W.D. Schock President John O’Donnell and Association President Patrick Shannon issued a joint statement on the agreement:

“We are pleased to have signed an agreement that reflects our individual and joint focus on delivering exceptional sailing experiences for current and future Harbor 20 sailors. W.D. Schock is committed to building new and refurbished Harbor 20s and delivering boats to interested buyers in the U.S. and internationally. The Association is committed to promoting the continued enjoyment of Class Yachts in fair, Corinthian, one-design racing, in day sailing, and other social activities, and to promote friendship among owners and crews.  Our shared commitment is to have as many happy Class Yacht sailors as possible out on the water enjoying sailing and having fun.”


FOR SALE – H20 #262


WD Schock-built June 2007, Corona, CA;  Transported to Lake Norman NC January 2015, fresh-water sailed since then

Aztec Blue hull, Light Silver Gray deck and topsides

2 sets of sails:  Elliott/Pattison mains, Ulman jibs

Custom Canvas in Navy Sunbrella: Cockpit cover, Cuddy cover, Tiller and Tiller extension covers

Full C-foam cockpit cushions

Reconditioned electric motor Digital Model SWS2HBVSE, two new deep cycle 12V batteries delivering 24 volts, onboard battery tender

Running lights, Anchor and anchor line, Tack-Tick, automatic 12V bilge pump w/check valve

Wet-sailed, bottom paint Pettit Trinidad red in good condition, reconditioned rudder, original owners manual and tuning guide

Upgrades made to seat and deck drains, flotation, transom hatch

Pricing, Availability:  Available at Lake Norman, NC for $20,000

For more details, please contact: Bill Currens, 704-562-5351, wmcurrens@roadrunner.com

Learn the Racing Rules 2021-2024

A number of folks have been inquiring as to whether I have any racing rules seminars on the horizon. As my offerings are currently classroom based, I do not have any events scheduled, and plan to resume when COVID permits. Any other year, this would be prime time for a rules seminar as the new rules for 2021-2024 took effect in January. But, there is a timely alternative! North U will be hosting David Dellenbaugh (Speed & Smarts author) for an online event starting next week. It is Wednesday evenings, Feb 24 and March 3. Click Learn the Racing Rules 2024 – Winter – North U for the event page which includes lots of information. David is an excellent instructor.

And, if you are not familiar with David Dellenbaugh’s regularly scheduled 4-part webinars on a wide range of sailboat racing topics, there is another series coming up soon starting Monday, March 1 called Mark Rounding Magic!

As this could be of interest for the entire Class, I am not limiting email notification to just Fleet 1.

Posted by Peter Haynes

Fleet 1 2020 Awards – Zoom Meeting

Are you missing get-togethers with your fellow sailors?  It’s not quite time yet to gather in person, but here’s the next best thing:

Come to the Fleet 1 Annual Awards Meeting (by Zoom) on Thursday, Feb. 4, at 7pm (see link below).  In about 45 minutes, we’ll recognize the 2020 winners of our key perpetual trophies and have a chance to catch up with other fleet members.  The trophies include:

  • Arthur Strock Perpetual for service to the fleet
  • Philip Thompson Mentorship Perpetual for mentoring sailors
  • Phyllis Rawlins Drayton Perpetual for best performance by a female sailor
  • The infamous Broken Rudder Perpetual for damage sustained on the field of battle

Click the Zoom link below to join the meeting on Feb. 4.  (If clicking doesn’t work, copy the whole link into your browser.)  You may be asked to download the optional Zoom app, but you can also use your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82087965498?pwd=NHZrKy9POUxhbkswMWx0TjFqUTIwdz09
Hope to see you there!
Your Fleet 1 Board of Directors



$35,000 – delivery available

Harbor 20 #225 is heavily optioned, loaded with go fast extras, and is a must see if you’re in the market for a H20. Bulldog is class legal, Spinnaker rigged and weighs in at class minimum 1950lbs without compensation weights. #225 has a proven race record, has been completely rebuilt, better than new, and is a complete turnkey package with multiple sets of sails. A brand new set of Ullman’s, as well as a set of North 3Di molded technology sails. Also included is a virtually new trailer and multiple covers. You won’t find a nicer Harbor 20 available for purchase.

Please direct Inquiries to h20bulldog225@gmail.com

See extensive equipment list below:

North 3Di NORDAC  main & jib 8/10

Ullman New Main & jib  10/10

Ullman Main & jib  5/10

Elliott/Pattison Main & jib 5/10

Ullman Spinnaker & 8/10

Class legal stiff jib-boom measures to minimum class Height.

Custom tapered carbon fiber Spinnaker Pole with retraction system.

Boat is rigged with internal Spinnaker sheets

All running rigging and halyards recently replaced with high-tech synthetic line.

All standing rigging recently replaced.

Pro start Velocitek compass with knot meter and start timer.

Electric motor recently rebuilt with all new seals and coated with pro line epoxy.

Bottom recently taken down to original gelcoat and sealed with epoxy barrier coat and polished with a Pettit graphite bottom paint.

All hardware including rudder head and tiller recently replaced.

Halyard box organizer recently rebuilt With new hardware and stainless steel bolts.

Custom Sunbrella halyard organizer.

New Sunbrella over the boom full Hull cover.

Sunbrella over Boom in water deck Cover.

New Sunbrella Jib Sock

Virtually new galvanized trailer with custom trailer box.

New Windex

Lifejackets, paddle and anchor included.

2020 SBYC FIESTA CUP 07.18.20

Fleet 1 Membership Renewal

In the near future, or possibly already, you will/have receive an email titled “Time to renew your Harbor20 Membership”.

BEFORE clicking the “Pay Now” link in the email, LOG INTO harbor20.org.

THEN click the “Pay Now>>” link in the email. This will take you to your “Orders” page. Then click “Pay” under “Actions” for your $90.00 order.

If your 2021 payment order does not have a Pay button, you have already renewed your membership, and you do not need to pay again.


IF YOU DO NOT LOGIN to harbor20.org BEFORE clicking the “Pay Now” link in the email, you will have to navigate to your “Orders” page:

  1. Clicking the “Pay Now>>” link in the email will take you to your “Account” page which will prompt you to Login.
  2. After logging in, you will be on your “My Profile” page. Click the “Membership Account” link in the first sentence.
  3. On you “Account” page, click “Orders”.
  4. Then click “Pay” under “Actions” for your $90.00 order.

Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Election Results

Because of COVID-19, we couldn’t elect our Harbor 20 Fleet 1 directors the way we normally do, in person at the annual fleet awards dinner. Instead, the owner-members in the fleet voted online. The election concluded on the 15th, and the following slate of directors was elected for 2021:

  • Anne Wiese, Fleet Captain
  • Bob Yates, Past Fleet Captain
  • Scott Barnes, Treasurer
  • Tom Fischbacher, Secretary
  • Richard Loufek, Measurer
  • Ed Kimball, Scorer
  • Len Bose, Trophies & PR
  • Kathy Sangster, Hospitality
  • Warren Duncan, Class Board Liaison
  • Phil Ramser, Founders Rep & Mentor
  • Judy Weightman
  • John Whitney
  • Peter Haynes
  • Phil Thompson
  • Gary Thorne
  • Greg Helias (our newest board member–welcome, Greg!)

The new board of directors is installed and will start working for you immediately.  We’ll look forward to holding an installation ceremony whenever the fleet is able to meet in person next year.

Thanks to those of you owners who voted!  And thank you to Roxanne Chan and Tad Springer (both of whom have business demands next year that conflict with board membership) for serving us so ably on the current board.

Bob Yates, Fleet Captain 2020

Gary Thorne, Past Fleet Captain 2020

Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Election

Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Owner-Members,

It’s time to vote for our 2021 fleet directors.  Because of COVID-19, we can’t vote the way we normally do, in person at the annual fleet awards dinner.  Instead, each of you will soon receive an email entitled “Vote now: Harbor 20 Fleet 1 – Election of 2021 Directors.”  In that email, you can click the “To vote, visit” link to go to the voting website and cast your ballot.

Please vote by Dec. 15, as the election closes that day.  Results will be announced on Dec. 16.

Register by 9 am Wednesday, September 23 for the Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Championship!

The registration deadline is Wednesday 9 am for the Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Championships hosted by Newport Harbor Yacht Club this weekend, September 25 and 26. Click here to register.

Drinks and appetizers will be served at Newport Harbor Yacht Club on the deck upstairs immediately after racing on both Saturday and Sunday.  Everyone in the Fleet is invited to the social gathering after racing on Saturday and to the Awards Ceremony on Sunday. We anticipate that the Awards Ceremony will commence one hour after the last race. Face masks and social distancing are required.

Because it is unlikely that we will be able to hold the Fleet 1 Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet this year, the trophy presentation for the regatta will include the annual awards including First Mate, Grand Master, High Point, Rain or Shine, Phyllis Drayton trophy, Phil Thompson Mentorship trophy, and the Arthur Strock Service Award.  Please plan to stay for the awards and refreshments.

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