Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes September 17th, 2020


Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting Minutes

17 September 2020


Rich Miller, Morgan Green, Caroline Kavanagh, John Jeffryes, Lee Cushman, Geoff Slaff, Al Salzer, Bill Hahn   

2020 Long Term Proxies:

  YACHT                                     OWNER                                    PROXY

Fleur de Lis                           Al Salzer                                Billy Bench

TachyToo                              Wayne Rosing                      Greg Hopkins

  1. Call to Order: 5:40 p.m.
  2. Old minutes were approved.
  3. Website: JJ said that the Winners/Trophies were up to date and asked for any comments/corrections.
  4. Geoff reported on the Treasury:
    1. Balance is $2743.42.
    1. $500 was spent on the Miramar Anchor-Down Race.
    1. Still have enough for a 2020 party.
  5. Rich reported on Association/National level:
    1. The legal issue is not settled partly because of COVID slowdowns (details omitted purposely).
    1. The Nationals Championship is tentatively scheduled for May 2021 in Annapolis.
    1. The East-West Challenge is tentatively scheduled for October 2021 in New Port.
  6. Voting proxies for this meeting: none.

Old Business & Action Items

1.  Fleet Bylaws submission of items to clean up/modify (Lee to stimulate process). See new business items: Hiking and Membership.

2.  Sling for Fleet add to scale equipment (Lee report) Lee and Rick Yabsley purchased sling wants to try it out and will give feedback to fleet prior to recommending Fleet purchase.

3.  Fleet trailer idea/pool information (Tom Wright). Tom was absent from meeting.

4.  Contact Dave Ullman regarding chalk talk or on water sail trim class (Lee action). Lee did not do this prior to meeting however several members gave feedback on subject: J-70 on water training by Ullman not what they had hoped for…time and money better spent on learning rules.

New Business & Action Items

1.  2020 Party:

  1. Morgan suggested we might consider using the SBYC palapa bar for a venue.
    1. Geoff suggested we wait till January 2021 if it gets too difficult to have the party.
    1. Geoff further suggested we use the planned party money for an outdoor fun race/party activity such as another single-handed race.
    1. Rich commented that if we do have the party in January and we are still under COVID restrictions, we have the function outside from 1300 – 1700. In addition Rich offered his house as possible venue.
    1. Lee suggested we cast a wider net and look for input from the rest of the               Fleet.    

2.  Hiking:

  1. Morgan expressed a concern for crews pushing our hiking allowance to the limit and hiking their torsos clear out of the cockpit for upwind sailing.
  2. Rich related a discussion with Tom Schock that hiking allowances may seriously degrade the class intent.
  3. Rich brought up that if we pull back our hiking allowances we will need to allow for short periods of hiking or reaching for roll-tacking, kelp clearing, and spinnaker flying.
  4. Geoff brought up that for firm enactment of rules we have to be ready to      protest
  5. Lee encouraged all to focus on improving our own Sailing skills and rule knowledge to improve our results verses focusing on creating new rules to slow others down.
  6. Al felt strongly that hiking rule must be observed and if not, it should be taken to the protest room.
  7. Action Morgan is to write new hiking rule to better define intent and will present to fleet.

3.  Membership:     

 Morgan brought up the need to clarify whether Fleet 4 non-members can race. Also, defining Class membership might be needed. Which rules do they follow? Will SBYC and SBSC clearly define all applicable bylaws in NOR’s and SI’s?  Action: Rich Miller to research Centennial Cup bylaws/rules to insure that Fleet 4 membership is requirement to represent Harbor Twenty Class in Centennial Cup Regatta.

4.        Geoff is canceling his monitoring of non-spinnaker classes for lack of interest at end of Wet Wednesday Season.

5.        Rich asked for feedback on actual performance of North sails on the Tachy boats. No one at meeting could provide feedback.

6.        Lee suggested more single-handed racing next year, perhaps to incorporate with the SBSC Bugay race, H-20 single-handed champion. Lee also suggested double-handed champion, Lee will work this, possibly to get it included with the SBYC double-handed race schedule.

7.        Geoff reminded all of possibly creating Fleet 4 safety requirements such as flotation requirements, bigger anchors, ladders, etc.

8.  Bill Hahn suggested a refining of boat weight requirements to remove special battery weight replacement if the total boat weight is over minimum. Rich reminded all that weight must be distributed in accordance to Class rules.

9.  Next meeting:  Thursday, October 15th 2020 5:30 pm.

Meeting Adjourned 6:47 p.m.


We just want you all to know, the Fleet is racing and the Board is working hard to keep the regattas on schedule.

Over the last several months the Board has been working to adapt to our changing world with the impact of COVID-19. We have seen some great (informal) efforts by our members to keep the racing going with an emphasis on safety, fun and camaraderie, our Fleet 1 is so well known for. Thank you to all the members that have stepped up to keep us racing and enjoying our Harbor 20’s and our wonderful harbor in Newport Beach.

We will continue to work to have the regattas as scheduled but remember we will have to be adaptable and flexible as State, County, City and yacht club rules change for social gatherings.

New fleet members, we are working hard to finish our race mentor series and get creative with some other opportunities to introduce you to racing in a friendly environment. Stay tuned to this website and the Fleet 1 Facebook page for events and updates.

As always feel free to contact any board member with questions or ideas.

Board Members:

Bob Yates
Anne Wiese
John Whitney
Peter Haynes
Richard Loufek
Ed Kimball
Phil Ramser
Kathy Sangster
Roxanne Chan
Len Bose
Warren Duncan
Judy Weightman
Gary Thorn
Tad Springer
Philip Thompson
Tom Fischbacher
Scott Barnes

We are here to serve your Harbor 20 Fleet 1 needs and look forward to a great Summer and Fall of racing.

February Friday Frolics

Posted on behalf of Frolic Meiser Phil Ramser:


Two Friday Frolics are scheduled in February:

  • February 07
  • February 28

The race committee will be on board the Dick Sweet and on Station North of the Newport Yacht Club and sound the warning signal for the first race each day at 2pm.

Come and enjoy another great day of sailing in our beautiful bay.

Seaya on the water, Phil Ramser

Let’s turn out for the Leukemia Cup!

The Leukemia Cup is this Sunday, June 2, at BCYC. The registration fee is higher than normal because this is a charity event, but it ALL goes to the Leukemia Society! This is a great way for Harbor 20 Fleet 1 to do what we do best while supporting such an important cause. It would be wonderful to see a record turnout on the water, and at the awards ceremony. Hope to see you there!

ALYC Sundowners start Monday, May 8

Nighttime racing is here!

The ALYC Sundowner series runs every Monday night from May 8 through September 11 (with the exception of Memorial Day on Kay 29).

ALYC PRO Dan O’Sullivan has published the NOR for the 2017 Sundowner Race Series and registrations for the race can be made online. Here is the 2017 Sundowner Home Page. And here is the link to the registration form.

We’re planning to make this another memorable series of Sundowners. Please take a few minutes and sign up for this year’s race series.

Mike Berdine
Commodore and Communications Guy
American Legion Yacht Club

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 9 December 2016



DECEMBER, 9, 2016


Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding – Morgan Green, Tom Wright, and Geoff Slaff (via phone conference call from Boston) present.


Announcements: Fred notes that 2017 will be a less taxing year for the fleet leadership in that the North/South Regatta will be in Newport, and the East/West Regatta will be in Annapolis, so Santa Barbara will not be hosting an event with other fleets.


Fred reminds the fleet that the deadline for paying the fleet dues is Feb. 1, 2017. Dues of $100 per boat are to be paid directly to Fleet Four Treasurer Geoff Slaff.


Fred is the new Treasurer for the National H20 Association. He reports there was discussion recently on the national association board about holding National Championships in Newport. No decision.


Fleet four Board Nominations: Morgan Green suggested a fleet-wide email to solicit nominations for the 2017 board of directors, as was successfully done last year. The call for nominations will go out in the first week in January. Approved by consensus.


Board Election: Morgan Green Suggested the deadline for board nominations be Jan. 25. An email ballot will be sent out to the fleet membership. Votes are to be returned to Morgan by individual email, and will remain confidential. The voting deadline will be Feb 3. Approved by consensus. The new board will be immediately notified. They will later meet to choose their officers.


Annual meeting/party: The meeting is TBD.  Fred is to verify with Caroline Kavanagh, who volunteered her house. Tom suggested special thanks at the party for those who organized the Luau.


Adjournment: Next Meeting, TBD.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 14 July 2016



JULY 14, 2016


1.  CALL TO ORDER: Fred Rice presiding – Geoff Slaff, Ann Hutchins, Morgan Green, Tom Wright and webmaster John Jeffries present, with fleet members Leslie Deardorff, Jane Barrett, Caroline Kavanagh, Bhrian Resnik, Al Salzer, Dale Zurawski, and Helene Webb attending.




A.  Minutes: Morgan Green/ John Jeffries- March minutes accepted without amendment and posted on website.


B.  Update on North/South regatta organization and Notice of Race. Leslie, Jane Caroline Fred and Geoff are all working on it. A letter of invitation was sent. Leslie will get Fleet 1 Capt. Nick Froehlich’s email address from the roster. Fred will not send a NOR until a month before the event. Invitation will be posted on the website.


C.  Thanks on Commodore Regatta: Fred – Thank to all skippers lending boats. There was a collision between Wayne Rosing two boats.


D.  North/South and East/West events, dates and how representatives are chosen: Fred – N/S is Sept 2, 3 and 4. E/W is Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 and 2. Selection discussion: N/S is four teams from each group, with skipper and one crew and one owners rep aboard each boat. E/W is the same, but five boats.

Fred received a reply from San Diego that they want to send two boats. Suggestions: eliminate 1 SB and one Newport boat, or Newport eliminate 2, since SD is in the south region. (Longbeach and northward is North Region) Tom reports that 16 SB boats are officially weighed and eligible to use. Before a Fleet 4 decision regarding San Diego, Fred will contact Fleet 1 Capt. Nick Froehlich and find out how they handled the San Diego question last year when the event was in Newport.


E.  Suggested Fleet Spending: Geoff Slaff – Reports there is still $2,636.05 in the fleet treasury. Enough money for the N/S event.


F.  Boat Equipment List: Fred – permanent bumpers request. Request was withdrawn.


G.  Wind/Wave Limits: Fred – requests a fleet consensus on this matter with 18 knots for one minute assumed for race cancellation. Clarification? Morgan Green cites March 2015 meeting minutes showing that the criteria suggested is “a maximum of 20 knots of wind for one minute duration between 4:20 and 4:30 p.m.” as the criteria for cancelling a Wet Wednesday race. Discussion: Fred notes difficulty in talking to the race committee the previous week as the RC was in the middle of start sequences, his radio did not send, shouting to other boats was confusing, and onboard winds of 18 with gusts to 21 was the only wind indication available. Race Director called form the RC to announce that the race would not be cancelled. All boats but two quit. Only one boat finished.


After discussion, members present agreed by consensus that the wind measurement criteria would be 45 minutes before the H2O Wet Wednesday start, a member of the executive committee is to phone the SBYC Race Director and ask for a reading. If it is 20 knots or more for one minute or more, the race is cancelled. In cases of absence, the sequence of responsibility on the board for calling Brad: Fleet Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Measurer, at large member – as suggested by Fred. For regattas: The same rule applies except a determination is to be made by the Race Committee any time prior to any starting sequence.




A.  Leslie Deardorff reports progress on the NOR, housing, and events for the N/S regatta. Also trophies. There will be three parties; Friday night at the Millers; Saturday at SBYC; and Sunday at Al Salzer’s boats. Friday afternoon is sign in. A spinnaker clinic may be needed if San Diego participates. Friday needs to be coordinated with Cheryl Miller. Last time all brought appetizers. The cost this time will be based on what the hosts need for reimbursement. Saturday night, a band has been booked. Food is to be tacos and a bar on the beach. After Sunday racing, snacks at the SBYC awards ceremony, and afterward to Al’s boat for a dock Mardi Gras party.


Caroline is handing housing of guest sailors. Several people have offered rooms. SBYC Race Director Brad Shchaupeter has started on the Notice of Race, and awaits the regatta particulars to finish.


Al questioned tacos as food. Leslie notes the club has no food and drink manager at present. She will wait to consult with the new manager.

Dale Zurawski suggests one SB item as a gift to visiting crews. Fred suggests varying sizes of bottles of wine for crew and owners reps. He can get some wine donated. And 36 estimated bottles is “doable.”  No final decision.


Trophies: Leslie and Jane Barrett have researched, considering bottles of wine for skipper and crew winners, also an ice bucket or wine glasses. No final decision yet.  Al is donating a perpetual trophy for the North/South Regatta.


Helene Webb has volunteered to design the artwork for a long-sleeved regatta shirt, with up to three colors in the design. An advisory vote of attendees preferred a Sport-Tek shirt rather than a less expensive standard Tee.


Charges to owners reps – consensus that they may attend events at no charge. Spouses will pay. The ticket charge for all three parties is $125 per person.


Geoff will update the projected budget numbers based on now-confirmed charges for the N/S event. The initial budget briefing sheet showed: The 2016 fleet income estimate is $9,250. the 2014 actual income was $9,750. Projected 2016 expenses are $7,995, actual 2014 expenses were $10,023.


Housing: Caroline wants to confirm what Fleet Four homes have space available for regatta visitors, including “iffy” space. Caroline will blast the fleet for ASAP replies.


Fleet 4 Representation: Fred reiterates that the Championship Series standings will determine the teams, with the top leaders in sequence qualifying to sail, and the next highest ranked skippers in sequence to be offered slots if any initial qualifiers cannot sail. Discussion and approval of a suggestion by Leslie Dierdorf: by consensus – if a qualifying skipper’s crew cannot attend, the skipper may choose from among Fleet Four member Championship Series participants to man the boat. No outside crews or skippers are permitted.


Adjournment: 7 p.m.

– – – END – – –

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 31 March 2016

– – – APPROVED – – –



MARCH 31, 2016


Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding – Ann Hutchins, Geoff Slaff, Morgan green, Leslie Deardorff, Scott Deardorff, Rich Miller, Bill Bench, Dale Zurawski, Jane Watkins, John Jeffries, Brian Green present.


Minutes: Morgan Green. February minutes accepted without amendment.


North/South Regatta Planning: Fred notes the fleet needs to prepare notice of race and sailing instructions and details including hospitality events to the Newport Fleet. Leslie Deardorff will send the NOR and SI documents to Fred used for the last North/South here as a point of information. Noted: San Diego will not be participating.


Food and expenses: Geoff presented a proposed budget based on 60 people. Includes 2014 actual expenses and 2016 projected costs. Total estimated at $11,245. See attached report for line item details. Entry charge projected at $200 per sailor, assuming five Newport boats. Projection also calls for $150 for Fleet 4 sailors. Scott Deardorff suggested $200 for all. Consensus is to make the event a high quality regatta.


Suggestion: leave $1,000 in the Fleet 4 account as reserves.


Hospitality Event costs – Suggestion: charge for each hospitality event separately for all non-racers and onboard owner reps. Discussion and agreement on the following: Leslie will price out the costs of the club dinner for 60, 70 and 80 people so charges can be firmly determined. Consensus among the board and members at this meeting is a “Wet Wednesday-style” Barbecue with cook-your-own foods. An outdoor Luau like last time was preferred. Determining final charges for guests and Fleet 4 owner representative volunteers will be revisited for a decision at the next meeting based on actual food and service rates by SBYC other event costs (insurance, trophies etc.)


Re: Prices to be charged for parties that Al and Rich host to defray their costs. Geoff suggests $25 per person and Rich said that is OK. Leslie is to ask Al.


Insurance: Leslie will ask Brad about arranging for insurance.


Notification: Leslie will send an email as soon as possible to the Newport Fleet Captain specifying the dates, and ask if the visitors want another spinnaker clinic. This will be followed with a “save the date” letter.

The official Notice of Race: Will be sent out to Newport no later than early July.


Start Practices: Ann Hutchins. The proposal is to start April 22. She will confirm with Ken Keiding, who has volunteered to conduct the sessions from his boat. The tentative schedule is once monthly, depending on the club racing schedule. Ken Kieding will send out a notice to fleet owners after confirming all details with Ann. Consensus agreement on a start time of 5:30, and an hour of practices.


Match Racing: Rich Miller notes that the CHRF fleet will not take on start duties. The fleet must start its own races.  They would be short, with five-minute start separations. Rich will examine the SBYC schedule to see if he can find clear dates. He also will set up match racing briefing sessions in advance.


Fleet Calendar: The following 2016 meeting dates were confirmed. May 26, July 28, Sept. 29.


Ex-Agenda Items


Class Association Meeting: Rich Miller reports – Hilton Head and Annapolis conduct elimination rounds for the East/West challenge. The top three skippers are the team. The next three skippers are their crew. Discussion for Fleet Four. Consensus, leave crew posts open as skippers’ choice, especially for away events.


PHRF Race Committee assistance: Jane Watkins asked for volunteers to help. Rich Miller and Ann Hutchins volunteer.


Reimbursement: Since Fred helped purchase a scale to share with the J-70 fleet, Geoff Slaff proposed reimbursing Fred $223 for his costs. Rich Miller made the motion. Ann Hutchins seconded. Approved.


Fleet Champions for 2015 and Scoring Questions: Geoff noted a lack of confirmation of the top Fleet 4 skippers at the SBYC awards dinner. Clarification: the SBYC Centennial Cup (not a Fleet 4 cup) is based only on SBYC member boats. This excludes some Fleet 4 boats. Discussion on scoring for the Fleet 4 Championship Series: the algorithm for determining scores is per U.S Sailing, racing rules section A-9. Scott Deardorff reviewed the basics.  Members discussed alternatives to penalize no-shows. Noted: the rules call for two throw-out regattas to take care of this. Brief discussion of high-point scoring as an alternative. No decision.



– – – END – – –



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