Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes, June 13, 2024


Members present: SOD, Windseeker, Liasianthus, CherryBomb (Kevin),

          Fleur De lis

Welcome to Fleet4: Eric & Joanna Sachs new boat to arrive shortly.

 Approved Fleet meeting minutes 02/08/24

Treasure Report (Rich Miller) : no report

Class Update Lee and Rich

  • Boat Specifications and Manufacture Updates
  • E-W Regatta Updates (see Below)
  • Nationals Spring 2025 (March 20-22, 2025) in Newport Beach
  • Need to discuss replacement of LEE and RICH

Old Business

  • Mast genie fleet purchase? Trey to follow up
  • Weigh in boats Check Rake to fit with in Class Parameter? GT to follow up
  • H20 fleet trailer Talk with Bill Hahn about Fleet helping with expenses. SBSC request to store a Trailor (Morgan and John to follow up)

  John Kavanagh  update

  • At this time, SBSC is uncertain whether there is space available—they will know better in a week (after a new trimeran is added to yard).
    • – Rental fee is based on size (length x width).  Rough estimate would be about $1200/year.
    • – Would require SBSC member to sign lease (could be Devin or me)
    • – Would require insurance on trailer

2024- On the Water Fun

  • H20 Fleet Race Committee duty, Saturday June 8th? Thanks to Remy, Joe, Bill Hahn, Rich, Greg for volunteering
  • SBYC Invitational Regatta’s (Commodores June 28th, *Women’s)

Commitment from fleet for donating Boats. Liaison

Trey putting together list for Commodores Regatta

  • SBSC Doublehanded race, July 7th, LiaisonJeff Miska
  • Fiesta Regatta July 20 & 21st
  • SBSC Coed Race Liaison August 3rd Liaison John Kavanaugh
  • N-S in Newport Beach Aug 16 &17th Liaison Rich no report
  • E-W Race in Annapolis Sept. 6-8th Liaison Geoff no report
  • Singlehanded Race Sept.7th (combined w/ Charity Regatta) Lee
  • Miramar Sept.21st Liaison Trey “reported he has secured a committee boat”
  • SBYC Fall Regatta Oct.5th
  • Staff Regatta October 17th Liaison Geoff no report
  • SBSC Goblin Regatta Oct. 26th Saturday only
  • SBYC Doublehanded race, Nov.9th, LiaisonGeoff no report
  • SBYC Holiday Regatta Dec 7th Saturday only
  • Once a week or month fun race, Thursday or Friday afternoon, during summer. Brad has offered to run races for us on Fridays from the SBYC deck. Liaison Steve Seals no report

Wilmont Hughes Ladies Race, Brad said he would have a class for Harbor20 if we get 4 boats on the line next year

2024 – Off the Water

  • Continue/schedule Rules Seminars Lee
  • Schedule a Fleet Party, HOST Bill Sheridan no report
  • Pursue modification to improve rating for H20s Rich Miller & Bill Sheridan no report
  • Promote H20 Fleet (Pebble Beach Yacht Club visit to SB) HELENE


Cinco de Mayo in Santa Barbara!

Cinco de Mayo Regatta is one week away!   With spring coming we should see some great sailing conditions, usually in the light to moderate range perfect for the Harbor 20. This puts a premium on tactical skill over heavy air boat handling skills making for close racing! Santa Baraba Sailing Club has announced Dave Bernal will be PRO. Dave has many years of experience with S.B.S.C. as an experienced on the water race officer.  Don’t forget this regatta counts towards the local Harbor 20 Feet Championship series.

So it’s time to confirm your crew commitments and do any boat fixes this weekend! If you need additional crew don’t forget to check out www.railmeets.com. Sign up and check out the people who want to crew!

S.B.S.C. Sailing Instructions, NOR and Regatta Network entry links are all available at https://www.sailsbsc.org/events/cinco-de-mayo-regatta

See you at the start line Saturday!

P.S. Remember we are only racing on Saturday even though the regatta is a two day event.

Harbor 20 Owners: Please Vote in Class Election This Week

If you are a Harbor 20 owner and a current member of the class association, please look for an email entitled “Vote now: Harbor 20 Class – Election of 2022 Directors“.  When you get the email, please click the link after the words “To vote, visit“.  This will take you to a web page where you can vote for the nominees for class director.

Representatives of all fleets agreed on the nominees and recommend that you vote for all of them.

Your vote is important to support the class association, which supports your sailing by:

  • Improving availability and quality of boats and parts,
  • Ensuring boats are one-design and compete on an equal footing,
  • Arranging the class championship and East-West Challenge regatta, and
  • Facilitating communication among fleets.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes June 17, 2021


Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting Minutes

17 June 2021


2020 Long Term Proxies:

TachyTooWayne RosingGreg Hopkins

One Time Proxies:

Pleione IIGeoffrey SlaffLee Cushman


  • Call to Order: 5:30
  • Approve May Meeting minutes:
  • Geoff to provide the treasury report: Geoff was not in attendance. Lee Reported no change from May
  • Rich report on National Class News:
  • Do we have a quorum? No

Old Business (Carried over from May 20 2021 Minutes)

  • Trophies

Provide trophies for the 2020 Fleet 4 Single-Handed and Double-Handed champions.  (Lee Single Handed, Jeff double Handed)  Action: To Be Continued (TBC) to provide trophies

  • Chalk Talk

RULES by Brad Schaupeter 6/17 Update Brad Not Availible 6/19 Action: Bill Hahn

Bill Will follow up with Brad for perspective Dates

  • End of year Party. Rich Miller Hosting 6/19 5:00pm

6/17 Update Invite crew and potential new members. Group Discussed Following up with prospective new Owners and current crew to invite to party and give numbers to Rich

  • Sails

Continued discussion of pursuing better Sails for our fleet. Parameters that the Group has general agreement on is price, viewed as initial cost and longevity and the ability for all fleet members to trim sails. Bill Hahn, Lee, have volunteered and those present agreed that Rick Yabsley would be able to offer good input as he has done a lot of research. 6/17 update Fleet 1 looking at North sails, Lee spoke with Rick mildly interested Action: Lee to follow up with Fleet 1, Lee mentioned that Fleet1 was currently undergoing same process and would check into see what progress they had made. Rich mention that their sail requirements will likely vary from our as we sail in different Conditions.

  • Safety Equipment

Lee reported that Geoff Slaff has almost completed the task of creating a Fleet 4 suggested safety equipment list. Jeff to Lead Discussion Jeff had unexpected family matters to attend to.

  • Interested Potential H20 Boat owners.

Trey Pinner (current J-70 owner) Lee, Jane & Tom following up with him. Lee had Trey Pinner and his wife Nancy out on CHRF race, Trey was on the helm, Nancy crewed.

Tony Papa is interested: anyone who has the opportunity is encouraged to follow up. Lee Followed up with Tony in person and invited him to sail a CHRF. Tony followed up with a text saying that he was interested but now is not the timing as he was three boats that he and his son are involved with. He would keep in touch.

Jeff Mikeska is interested and is trying to find a slip before proceeding with purchase: anyone with a lead should get in touch with him.

Al Salzer is looking for a partner. Post meeting addition to notes GT has taken al up and will be Campaigning Fleur.

  • National Class Roster

Send Fleet 4 roster to National Class Captain Gary Thorne. Action Greg & JJ

New Business

  • Seashell Fleet Request to take some skippers out for a sail. Discussion action Item Lee.

On The Water

  • Fiesta Cup Saturday & Sunday July 24 & 25( Fleet Championship Race)
  • Miramar Anchor Down Race Saturday July 31 ( change to September 25th Rick & Nina Yabsley to coordinate)
  • SBSC Co-Ed Race Saturday August 7

Rich Suggested adding this race to our Fun race Calendar.  3 race series, all three crew take turns

  • Bugay/H20 Single handed championship Sunday September 12

Action: TBC to organize finish

  • East/West in Newport 1st weekend October (Attendance Rich is coordinating with Gary of Fleet1)
  • H20 Double handed championship Saturday November 20


Next meeting (In Person at SBYC)

Thursday, August 19, 2021 1730 (5:30 p.m.)



W.D. Schock and Harbor 20 Class Association Sign Cooperation Agreement Resolving Disputes and Focusing on Delivering Exceptional Sailing Experiences for Harbor 20 Sailors

Newport Beach, California –W.D. Schock Corp. and the Harbor 20 Class Association announced that they have signed a cooperation agreement resolving their prior disputes and focusing on delivering exceptional sailing experiences for Harbor 20 sailors.

W.D. Schock Corp. is the originator of the Harbor 20 yacht and has manufactured the Harbor 20s since the late 1990s.  The Harbor 20 Class Association is a voluntary association of boat owners and sailors whose goal is to promote enjoyment, one-design racing, day sailing, and other social activities among Harbor 20 Yacht owners and sailors.

To maintain fair racing among Harbor 20s and to control and promote the Harbor 20 as a one-design racing yacht which can also be conveniently used for day sailing, W.D. Schock and the Association agreed on the processes that will be used to ensure that Harbor 20s all have the same design characteristics so it is the skill of the skipper and crew in tuning, maintaining and racing the yacht are the major factors in the outcome of a race.  

W.D. Schock and the Association also agreed to cooperate in holding an annual Class Championship with the objective of qualifying the Class as eligible to hold a World Championship when the World Sailing requirements can be satisfied.

The cooperation agreement establishes clear processes for the Association and W.D. Schock to communicate on issues of importance to the Company, the Association, and current and future Harbor 20 sailors.

W.D. Schock President John O’Donnell and Association President Patrick Shannon issued a joint statement on the agreement:

“We are pleased to have signed an agreement that reflects our individual and joint focus on delivering exceptional sailing experiences for current and future Harbor 20 sailors. W.D. Schock is committed to building new and refurbished Harbor 20s and delivering boats to interested buyers in the U.S. and internationally. The Association is committed to promoting the continued enjoyment of Class Yachts in fair, Corinthian, one-design racing, in day sailing, and other social activities, and to promote friendship among owners and crews.  Our shared commitment is to have as many happy Class Yacht sailors as possible out on the water enjoying sailing and having fun.”


Fleet 1 2020 Awards – Zoom Meeting

Are you missing get-togethers with your fellow sailors?  It’s not quite time yet to gather in person, but here’s the next best thing:

Come to the Fleet 1 Annual Awards Meeting (by Zoom) on Thursday, Feb. 4, at 7pm (see link below).  In about 45 minutes, we’ll recognize the 2020 winners of our key perpetual trophies and have a chance to catch up with other fleet members.  The trophies include:

  • Arthur Strock Perpetual for service to the fleet
  • Philip Thompson Mentorship Perpetual for mentoring sailors
  • Phyllis Rawlins Drayton Perpetual for best performance by a female sailor
  • The infamous Broken Rudder Perpetual for damage sustained on the field of battle

Click the Zoom link below to join the meeting on Feb. 4.  (If clicking doesn’t work, copy the whole link into your browser.)  You may be asked to download the optional Zoom app, but you can also use your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82087965498?pwd=NHZrKy9POUxhbkswMWx0TjFqUTIwdz09
Hope to see you there!
Your Fleet 1 Board of Directors

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes October 22, 2020


Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting Minutes

22 October 2020


Rich Miller, Morgan Green, John Jeffryes, Lee Cushman     

2020 Long Term Proxies:

      YACHT                            OWNER                                      PROXY

Fleur de Lis                           Al Salzer                                Billy Bench

TachyToo                              Wayne Rosing                      Greg Hopkins

One Time Proxies:

      YACHT                             OWNER                                         PROXY

Pleione II                               Geoff Slaff                            Rich Miller (attached below)

Call to Order: 5:40 p.m.

Old Business & Action Items

  1. 2021 Party:

Rich said that he and Cheryl are up for putting on the party.  Rich took the action to come back with a suggested date.

2.  Hiking Rule:

Lee suggested Morgan to come up with a proposal for a bylaw change to vote on for the next meeting. Morgan’s research led to her suggestion that we eliminate the Fleet 4 hiking allowances and revert to the basic Class rules. Morgan read parts of the Class rules and all parties discussed. Morgan took the action to draft up a proposition to vote on, and immediately followed up with the suggestion to remove the Fleet 4 hiking exception, Rule I.4 (attached below).


3. Invoking Class Rules:

Morgan asked how our Class rules and Bylaws are normally invoked. Rich stated that he already had the action to discuss with Brad the membership rules and would also discuss how Class and Fleet 4 bylaws are brought into play for various regattas. Discussion followed on various paragraphs of the Bylaws that would be impacted. Morgan and Rich and others present with Lee summarizing, agreed that the best approach for now and for voting into the Bylaws at the next meeting would be: All Fleet 4 Harbor 20 one-design races in Santa Barbara County will be Class races with Fleet 4 Bylaws applicable.

>>> Rich and Morgan took the action to fine tune these words and forward to Lee.


4. Single-Handed and Double-Handed Champions:

Lee suggested and there was general agreement that Fleet 4 should have two annual awards: one for the Fleet Single-Handed Champion and one for the Fleet Double-Handed Champion. These might be awarded to the Harbor 20 winner of the SBSC Bugay Single-Handed Race, and the SBYC Double-Handed Short-Handed Regatta. Specifics to be discussed in the future.

5.  North Sails: Lee suggested that Wayne be asked to take the sample North main and jib out of circulation for all racing events until fleet accepts change. If Wayne is agreeable Fleet members could try sails if desired in non-racing conditions or CHRF races. The report on these north sails is they are better shape and could be more economical as life span could be longer.  Action: Lee to discuss with Wayne.

>>> Next meeting:  Thursday, November 19th 2020 5:30 pm.

Meeting Adjourned 1830.

END (of Minutes)


One Time Proxy:

Re: Fleet 4 Agenda for Thursday

Geoffrey SlaffTue, Oct 13, 1:58 PM
to JJ, Lee, Morgan


I will not be at the fleet meeting since I need to cover the class meeting which is at the same time. There is no change in treasurer’s report from last meeting. I wasn’t planning on sending a new spreadsheet since there is no change so please let me know if you would like me to do so. 

Rich Miller has my proxy.

All the best,

Geoffrey Slaff
Cell: 805-796-3100


Bylaw Proposal:

Morgan Green Email on Hiking Rule Proposal:

proposed modification to Fleet Four bylaws


morgan greenThurs. 22 Oct. 2020, 6:21 PM
to Lee, JJ

As we discussed at the meeting and as you requested:

 I propose:

We revoke Fleet Four bylaw I.3, which states: ” All crew shall keep their hips within the confines of the cockpit at all times excepting the need for immediate repair or safety.”

This revocation would mean Fleet Four would revert to the existing Harbor 20 Class Association rule which states:

II.C.4. Hiking is not permitted. All crew shall keep their torsos within the confines of the cockpit at all times, excepting in the need for immediate repair or safety.

Please let me know if you need anything further on this.  Seeya on the water this Saturday. Morgan


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes September 17th, 2020


Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting Minutes

17 September 2020


Rich Miller, Morgan Green, Caroline Kavanagh, John Jeffryes, Lee Cushman, Geoff Slaff, Al Salzer, Bill Hahn   

2020 Long Term Proxies:

  YACHT                                     OWNER                                    PROXY

Fleur de Lis                           Al Salzer                                Billy Bench

TachyToo                              Wayne Rosing                      Greg Hopkins

  1. Call to Order: 5:40 p.m.
  2. Old minutes were approved.
  3. Website: JJ said that the Winners/Trophies were up to date and asked for any comments/corrections.
  4. Geoff reported on the Treasury:
    1. Balance is $2743.42.
    1. $500 was spent on the Miramar Anchor-Down Race.
    1. Still have enough for a 2020 party.
  5. Rich reported on Association/National level:
    1. The legal issue is not settled partly because of COVID slowdowns (details omitted purposely).
    1. The Nationals Championship is tentatively scheduled for May 2021 in Annapolis.
    1. The East-West Challenge is tentatively scheduled for October 2021 in New Port.
  6. Voting proxies for this meeting: none.

Old Business & Action Items

1.  Fleet Bylaws submission of items to clean up/modify (Lee to stimulate process). See new business items: Hiking and Membership.

2.  Sling for Fleet add to scale equipment (Lee report) Lee and Rick Yabsley purchased sling wants to try it out and will give feedback to fleet prior to recommending Fleet purchase.

3.  Fleet trailer idea/pool information (Tom Wright). Tom was absent from meeting.

4.  Contact Dave Ullman regarding chalk talk or on water sail trim class (Lee action). Lee did not do this prior to meeting however several members gave feedback on subject: J-70 on water training by Ullman not what they had hoped for…time and money better spent on learning rules.

New Business & Action Items

1.  2020 Party:

  1. Morgan suggested we might consider using the SBYC palapa bar for a venue.
    1. Geoff suggested we wait till January 2021 if it gets too difficult to have the party.
    1. Geoff further suggested we use the planned party money for an outdoor fun race/party activity such as another single-handed race.
    1. Rich commented that if we do have the party in January and we are still under COVID restrictions, we have the function outside from 1300 – 1700. In addition Rich offered his house as possible venue.
    1. Lee suggested we cast a wider net and look for input from the rest of the               Fleet.    

2.  Hiking:

  1. Morgan expressed a concern for crews pushing our hiking allowance to the limit and hiking their torsos clear out of the cockpit for upwind sailing.
  2. Rich related a discussion with Tom Schock that hiking allowances may seriously degrade the class intent.
  3. Rich brought up that if we pull back our hiking allowances we will need to allow for short periods of hiking or reaching for roll-tacking, kelp clearing, and spinnaker flying.
  4. Geoff brought up that for firm enactment of rules we have to be ready to      protest
  5. Lee encouraged all to focus on improving our own Sailing skills and rule knowledge to improve our results verses focusing on creating new rules to slow others down.
  6. Al felt strongly that hiking rule must be observed and if not, it should be taken to the protest room.
  7. Action Morgan is to write new hiking rule to better define intent and will present to fleet.

3.  Membership:     

 Morgan brought up the need to clarify whether Fleet 4 non-members can race. Also, defining Class membership might be needed. Which rules do they follow? Will SBYC and SBSC clearly define all applicable bylaws in NOR’s and SI’s?  Action: Rich Miller to research Centennial Cup bylaws/rules to insure that Fleet 4 membership is requirement to represent Harbor Twenty Class in Centennial Cup Regatta.

4.        Geoff is canceling his monitoring of non-spinnaker classes for lack of interest at end of Wet Wednesday Season.

5.        Rich asked for feedback on actual performance of North sails on the Tachy boats. No one at meeting could provide feedback.

6.        Lee suggested more single-handed racing next year, perhaps to incorporate with the SBSC Bugay race, H-20 single-handed champion. Lee also suggested double-handed champion, Lee will work this, possibly to get it included with the SBYC double-handed race schedule.

7.        Geoff reminded all of possibly creating Fleet 4 safety requirements such as flotation requirements, bigger anchors, ladders, etc.

8.  Bill Hahn suggested a refining of boat weight requirements to remove special battery weight replacement if the total boat weight is over minimum. Rich reminded all that weight must be distributed in accordance to Class rules.

9.  Next meeting:  Thursday, October 15th 2020 5:30 pm.

Meeting Adjourned 6:47 p.m.


We just want you all to know, the Fleet is racing and the Board is working hard to keep the regattas on schedule.

Over the last several months the Board has been working to adapt to our changing world with the impact of COVID-19. We have seen some great (informal) efforts by our members to keep the racing going with an emphasis on safety, fun and camaraderie, our Fleet 1 is so well known for. Thank you to all the members that have stepped up to keep us racing and enjoying our Harbor 20’s and our wonderful harbor in Newport Beach.

We will continue to work to have the regattas as scheduled but remember we will have to be adaptable and flexible as State, County, City and yacht club rules change for social gatherings.

New fleet members, we are working hard to finish our race mentor series and get creative with some other opportunities to introduce you to racing in a friendly environment. Stay tuned to this website and the Fleet 1 Facebook page for events and updates.

As always feel free to contact any board member with questions or ideas.

Board Members:

Bob Yates
Anne Wiese
John Whitney
Peter Haynes
Richard Loufek
Ed Kimball
Phil Ramser
Kathy Sangster
Roxanne Chan
Len Bose
Warren Duncan
Judy Weightman
Gary Thorn
Tad Springer
Philip Thompson
Tom Fischbacher
Scott Barnes

We are here to serve your Harbor 20 Fleet 1 needs and look forward to a great Summer and Fall of racing.

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