Category: News
Fleet 1 & Class Championships
Harbor 20 Sailors:
This coming weekend is the finale of the Harbor 20 season: The Class & Fleet 1 Championships.
If you haven’t already signed up, you must do so by tomorrow to avoid a $20 late registration fee. Sign up here. The Notice of Race is here. Office notice board is here.
The “Ask the Judges” Panel Discussion is this Friday at 7pm at NHYC. See Schedule of Events below (taken from the NORs)
NORs posted for upcoming Regattas
Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Sailors,
The NOR’s for the BCYC Harbor20 Tune Up, the NHYC Fall Schock Regatta, and the Harbor20 Class & Fleet 1 Championships have been posted. Click on the links in this article or on the event on the event list on the left.
All these events are High Point Events.
Entrants must be members in good standing with the H20 Class Association. All entries will be matched against the current membership roster. You can check your membership status by logging into this website using the login on the right or on the Members tab above.
The Harbor20 Class & Fleet 1 Championships have special participation rules, which can be found on the Class Bylaws in Section II D. Exceptions must be petitioned to the H20 Board “well in advance” of the Regatta. The next Board meeting is scheduled Sept 25th and petitions will be considered at that time. Petitions should be submitted in writing to the Class President, Peter Haynes or to the Fleet 1 Captain Emile Pilafidis.
Strategy & Tactics Seminar, September 6 at BCYC
The culmination of the High Point Series is coming up soon, with the Fall Schock Regatta, the Championship Tune-up and the Championship Regatta, followed by the beginning of the 2014-2015 racing season. Join us for this seminar and get a better understanding about what is happening on the race course!
Click here for a course description
For questions please contact Peter Haynes (H 949-631-8757, C 949-466-3971,
Boots & Boats Recap
Boots and Boats was the theme for Fleet 1 end of the summer fun regatta this year. This event has moved around the harbor over the years, taking place at the Reuben E. Lee, Nautical Museum and now has moved over to the Lido Isle Yacht Club.
The day started with a relay race which, unfortunately, my wife Jennifer and I missed. It was rather gratifying sailing up the harbor, on this warm sunny summer day, and seeing thirty Harbor 20’s sailing on the south side of Lido. We gave our trusted stead, Only Child, the spurs and quickened our pace in an effort not to miss the second race of the day. On our arrival we found John Whitney and Peter Haynes to give us the quick run down on the upcoming random leg race.
This being my first rodeo with Only Child I was doing my best to listen closely to the instructions Whitney and Haynes were giving me. Now I must have been in the sun to long this last weekend because I heard Haynes tell me to read the story, find the marks and if you win the race you get the prize in the story. I’m not sure if you all read the A fleet story but, no pun intended, the last paragraph made me a little confused and bunched up. I kept looking for Wyatt Earp and I was not about to try and win the race. In fact, I was doing my best not too. In each fleet, A, B and C, were all given their own course chart with a different story and course description. As the fleets would get tangled within each other I could hear people say “I just passed TeXas, I need to find the whisKey next.” The red letter was our mark to round as you read through the story.
For those of you fleet one members, that did not attend, you missed a perfect relaxing day on the harbor. For the class members and fleets directors this idea should be remembered and copied.
What happened next was classic fleet one, which the other fleets can try to copy although something tells me there is only one Shana Conzelman. Shana is our fleets social director and she is more important to our fleet than a new bottom is to your boat. The Boots & Boats event, was all hers and not only did she come up with this idea she sold it to most of the fleet members.
Now if I heard John Whitney, the awards presenter for the Harbor Heritage Perpetual, correctly “ This award was originally given out by the Nautical Museum and we took it from them.” He then went on to explain the whole event is in fun and we give the award to who ever we want.” This year Bridgett and Argyle Campbell took home this prestigious award. Hearing all the names of the past winners it became a goal of mine for the future. I’ll have to turn up the fun meter a couple of notches next year to make sure we can get in the running.
The turn out for this event was fantastic, I think I was the only one who did not dress too the theme of the party. Good food, an open bar, dancing and Jennifer and I came home with a new pair of glass boots.
On our way home Jennifer commented “ That was a great day, I want to go out with you an learn how to trim the jib and jybe that metal bat thing forward better.” It does not get any better than that.
For those of you that want to improve your “Strategy & Tactics”, and learn when to gybe that metal bat thing, for the up coming fleet championship we do sell a pill for that and that’s Peter Haynes seminar September 6th at BCYC. For information look on the class web site.
Sea ya
Register for “Strategy & Tactics”, Saturday, September 6, 8:45 – 5:00 at BCYC
Time to Stop Clowning Around
Boots & Boats Rodeo Regatta
Don’t Get Caught In The Barbwire – There Is A Deadline (August 8th)
Fun Rodeo Events on the Water promising to be over the top memorable:
- Professional Tulsa Rib BBQ on site with hand carved tri-tip and all the trimmings
- Custom Ice Cream Sundae Bar
- Harbor 20 Saloon including Newport Beach Moonshine
- Live Country Band
- Nationally acclaimed with professional dance instruction for those inclined to kick it up a notch
- Party prizes for theme attire and festive attitudes!
<<<<—— You know there are more surprises so sign up now on the left:
Any questions – Call Shana Conzelman, Harbor 20 Social Director (714) 651-2044 or email
Win a Subscription to “Speed & Smarts”!
If you are attending the “Boat Handling & Sail Trim” seminar on Saturday, June 21, at BCYC you will have a chance to win either a one-year subscription to the online PDF verison of Dave Dellenbaugh’s “Speed & Smarts” newsletter, or a hardcopy of a single issue autograpthed by Dave! If you are not familiar with “Speed & Smarts”, click here. Every sailboat racer should read this superb one-of-a-kind newsletter! Dave, who you may have seen sailing with the team from Yale at this year’s Baldwin Cup, has generously donated these items which will be raffled at the seminar. Everyone gets a ticket at the door!
Not registered? You still can. Might even make a great Father’s Day gift. For information, testtimonials, and registration information, click here. We hope to see you there!
Don’t miss the Leukemia Cup tomorrow, June 8 at BCYC
As Bob Yates and Emile have expressed so well, the Leukemia Cup is more than just another regatta! Even though this is not a High Point event, it is an important event. A portion of the registration proceeds will go to the Leukemia Society, and you will have an opporunity to make an additional donation. You are also invited to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Auction and Dinner tonight, June 7, at BCYC from 5:50 to 11:00 PM, which will feature live music. Click here for event information and registration.