The Harbor 20 Heritage Regatta and Summer Party

Entries Now Open

The Harbor 20 Heritage Regatta and Summer Party is on August 18. If you were part of last year’s party at the Bay Club, you already know it’s not to be missed.
$60 per person covers the whole day (Regatta Entry, Party Entry).

Sign up now by clicking on this link.

Here is the Notice of Race.
Sailing instructions will be available at the skippers’ meeting.
This year’s theme is “Flags,” so start digging out your burgees and pennants to fly on your boat.

Important Fleet 1 Championship Reminders

Posted on behalf of Fleet Captain Gary Thorne:

Fleet 1 Championships are coming up Oct. 6-7.  Please check the following to ensure you’re ready:

  • By Aug. 7:
    • If you haul out your boat for sanding, painting or any other reason, put it back in the water 60 days before the regatta per fleet bylaw I.F.9.
    • If you’re skippering, make sure you’re listed on the registration as an owner, and your dues are paid, 60 days before the regatta, per fleet bylaw I.F.10 and class bylaw I.C.2.
  • By Sept. 19:
    • If your crew is a pro or hasn’t raced with you 12 times since last year’s championships, petition the fleet board to approve your crew by the Sept. board meeting, per fleet bylaw I.F.8 and class bylaw II.D.5.
  • ASAP
    • If you don’t have a measurement certificate showing your correct boat weight, contact fleet measurer Richard Loufek (, per class bylaw III.C.2.  (To see if you have a certificate, log into, click Members.My Roster Profile, then click the sail number in your profile.  If a certificate appears that reflects all modifications to your boat’s weight, you’re good to go.)

Save the Date for Class Championships

The 2019 Harbor 20 Class Championship Regatta is scheduled for March 1-3, 2019, to be hosted by the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The regatta will be open to all Harbor 20 Class Association Owner Members.

We are expecting participation from the all Harbor 20 Fleets. For this Championship, there will be no Divisions (eg: A, B, C). Instead, on Friday will be a series of races to seed entrants into groupings.

Watch for the Notice of Race being posted here in August, along with details regarding boat charters, lodging, parties, etc.

NEW! – BCYC Wild Sailing Regatta

HARBOR 20 RACERS – BCYC is aware of the potential conflict with the Harbor 20 Championship on October 6 and has provided a throw-out race day (see NOR 10.4).

 The Wild Sailing Regatta is a NEW 3-race series for Harbor 20 and PHRF boats. Harbor 20’s will sail inside the harbor. PHRF will start inside the harbor, then sail around ocean marks. Post-race parties follow racing each day…July 28 at BCYC…September 15 at BYC…October 6 at BCYC.

Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
List of Entries/Classes





  • Come and enjoy this great race around the Harbor with A’s B’s & C’s all in together.
  •  Great prizes including 50% off a new Pattison Main,  50% off an Ullman Jib, a can of Antifouling paint and more!
  • New longer course.
  • 38 boats last year.
  • Prizes for 1st A, B & C, including a beautiful new “Bob Yates” perpetual trophy – win an be inscribed on it forever!
  • Random prizes for  worthy things like: Best dressed or most interesting or best celebrity aboard or whatever you can do to make your Harbor 20 unique and fun!!
  • Free T Shirts for all ( Until they run out )


Thank you to our sponsors!!

Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, Ullman Sails, Petit Paint, Sailing Pro Shop, Just Marine, Walter Johnson Yachts, Maxwell Insurance, Best Life, The Commodores Club, Visit Newport Beach, Balboa Yacht Club.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes June 14th, 2018

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 14th
Attendees: JJ, Bill Hahn, Bill Bench, Al, Tom Wright, Jane Barrett, Jane Watkins, Cheryl, Rich, Helene, Ann Hutchins, Dale, Geoff
Treasurer’s Report:
  • Prior to the East West expenditures, the Fleet’s account balance was $4,781.07.
  • The Fleet unanimously passed a resolution to spend up to $2000 of the Fleet’s money on the East West Regatta, if needed for the social events.

Class News:

  • A new mold is being built by Columbia yachts.
  • Boats are still ordered through WD Schock
  • If someone has an old boat this may be exchanged for a new one for $10,000 (plus your old boat). The old boats will be re-furbished and sold for $30,000.

East West Updates:

  • Fleet 4 (Santa Barbara) Team selection process was agreed to. The process is as follows: after the Fiesta Cup the boats will be ranked based on their finishes in the Championship eligible regattas sailed year to date. Starting from the top, skippers will be asked if they are willing and able to compete and the process will continue until we fill out the 4 teams allocated to our fleet.
  • As in the past all of the boats’ standing rigging (i.e. shrouds) will be tuned to the same setting prior to the East West regatta.
  • We will need 14 owner’s reps for each day of racing and probably at least 10 reps for Friday’s practice to held after the spinnaker clinic. So far Helene, Jane Barrett and Tom Wright, Ann Hutchins, Ed Walls, Wayne and Jane Watkins have volunteered to act in this capacity. More are needed. Geoff will send an email to the fleet asking for more reps.
  • Jane Barrett reported on the housing. To date 7 rooms have been requested by the out of town sailors and so far, we have 10 rooms available. We are still waiting to hear back from 7 or 8 more out of town participants so we may need more rooms.

Social Events:

  • Jane Watkins is coordinating the Friday social event at the Maritime Museum. We will be using Stanton’s Gourmet Catering. There just happens to be a surf band playing outside the museum on this night to add to the fun of the evening.
  • Cheryl Miller is coordinating Saturday’s beach party at the club. SBYC will do all the set up and decorating and provide a Luau themed meal with passed apps and then a buffet. Jason Campbell’s band is playing and the consensus at the meeting was to make sure the music isn’t too loud.
  • JJ is coordinating the Sunday awards event at the Carriage and Western Art Museum. The plan is for a western BBQ with Tri-tip and associated sides. Julie Jeffryes will be asked to provide tours for people during the event.

Spinnaker Clinic:

  • Geoff will contact Scott Deardorff to see if he will lead the Friday afternoon spinnaker clinic.

Boat Electronics:

  • Members agreed that ideally boats will all have a compass and nothing more. We need to do an inventory and determine if this is indeed possible.

Logo for the Shirts:

  • Helene unveiled her artwork for the back and front of the shirts and everybody loved it.

Regatta Budget:

  • Including the bids, we have from the caterers for the Friday and Sunday events and from the yacht club for Saturday’s event we are showing an overall deficit for all of the expenses to put this on of about $300. This will be covered by the $2000 from fleet account the fleet members allocated to be used for this event. So far so good. Geoff doesn’t expect this deficit to grow to more than $1000 but we shall see. Everybody working on the various events and other expense related items (i.e. T-shirts) is doing a good job of trying to stay within budget.

Meeting adjourned.


Rules Around the Race Course – Saturday, July 21, 1:00-5:00, BCYC

Note: Special discount for participants in the 2018 BCYC Taco Tuesday Series!

Know the Racing Rules of Sailing! Whether you would like to get up-to speed, or up-to-date, this interactive clinic is focused on helping you understand how the rules work. While the right-of-way rules themselves are simple enough to understand, the complexity lies in the rules which limit the actions of the right of way boat, such as when acquiring right-of-way, altering course in the presence of a keep clear boat, or giving room at obstructions or marks. It is also important to understand the rules which exonerate a boat that is compelled to break a rule by the action of another boat that is breaking rule. Know your rights!

Animated PowerPoint and magnetic boats on whiteboards bring the rules to life, and all the information is included in the handouts.

We hope to see you there!

Click here to register.

The Racing Rules of Sailing for 2017-2020 book is available here.



Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 22 March 2018

Meeting called to Order at 5:30PM  March 28, 2018.
Attending: Kevin, Jane, Rich, Tom K., JJ, WER, Bill B., each representing boats.  A quorum of 8 boats represented was recognized.
Discussed Treasurer’s report.  Are we accumulating too many funds?  We have on the order of $4,000 in the bank.   A motion was made for a fleet championship take home trophy.  Passed unanimously, Jane to propose the specifics.
We need clear sign ups from owners so we can be sure about boat counts for East-West within April 15.   Note to follow from Rich to membership.
It was discussed and agreed all boats will be set up the same by the Measurer.
 A discussion ensued about members offering their boats for the E/W, N/S and other special regattas.   The consensus after discussion was  active membership in the fleet requires making their boat available for special fleet activities.  The Board was clear this is a Fleet Owner’s decision to be put to the Owners for a vote.
Boat bumpers for E/W regatta?  Nays carried.
Next a discussion about electronics and Compass function for all boats for the E/W.
The consensus was a compass function is desirable on all boats, but some do not have magnetic compasses.  Tacktics and speed pucks which also display speed we thought to be not in the spirit of no-electronics.  I note many of our wind gauges are electronic as well.  It was agreed this decision needs more work, so the discussion was tabled.  Comments from the fleet are invited.
Last a general discussion of the E/W regatta social events occurred.  We could not reach Geoff by phone so  the balance of the discussion was tentative given Geoff is doing more of the detailed planning.
For social events,  it was proposed we stick to same format as the last event: Friday party event, Saturday Club beach event.  Estimation is 100 participants, we need a proposal, and sort the venue and cost.   We ask Geoff, Jane and Karen K. to propose some options by May 15.
It was proposed we try to have Dave Uhlman to give a clinic Friday afternoon. Rich to pursue the option of a participation trophy in lieu of goodie bag was also discussed.  Jane to propose as part of the May 15 discussion.
Meeting adjourned.



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