Fleet 1 Membership Renewal

In the near future, or possibly already, you will/have receive an email titled “Time to renew your Harbor20 Membership”.

BEFORE clicking the “Pay Now” link in the email, LOG INTO harbor20.org.

THEN click the “Pay Now>>” link in the email. This will take you to your “Orders” page. Then click “Pay” under “Actions” for your $90.00 order.


IF YOU DO NOT LOGIN to harbor20.org BEFORE clicking the “Pay Now” link in the email, you will have to navigate to your “Orders” page:

  1. Clicking the “Pay Now>>” link in the email will take you to your “Account” page which will prompt you to Login. (Ignore the “Register” column).
  2. After logging in, you will be on your “My Profile” page. Click the “Membership Account” link in the first sentence.
  3. On you “Account” page, click “Orders”.

Remembering P.J. Kohl

Many of you had the opportunity to get to know P.J. Kohl, father of Mike Kohl, as they have been extremely active racing together on #396 “A-Tack Dragon”. We would like to dedicate the last Sunkist series #4  to P.J.  this coming Saturday, February 1. We will be thinking of him while sailing, and will remember him afterwards with Mike at BYC.

Fleet 1 – Changes to High Point Scoring and Division Promotion/Demotion Rules

Posted on behalf of the Fleet 1 Board of Directors:

High Point races are used for both scoring the High Point Series for each division, and for effecting promotions and demotions between divisions. In an effort to even up the size of our racing divisions, provide more opportunity for promotion from one division to another, and to increase the number of skippers who qualify to be scored for the High Point Series, three changes have recently taken effect:

1) Any skipper who has ever been promoted to the A division will never be demoted into the C division.

2) All sanctioned daytime Fleet 1 races with the exception of the NHYC Opening Day Regatta, the Heritage (Summer Party) Regatta, the Flight of the Lasers and Harbor 20s (and  this years NHYC Winter Series #4) are now High Point events. Clich here to see the 2020 Fleet 1 Calendar.

3) To qualify to be scored for the High Point, a skipper must compete in more than 67% of the events. (This percentage has dropped from 75%).

Understanding the “Divisions” page:

Click here to see the Divisions page.

By default, when a skipper joins Fleet 1, he/she is assigned to the C division. Skippers may use the petition process to request assignment to another division (which is voted on by the board of directors). When a skipper is promoted to the next division, an expiration date is assigned one year past the promotion date. During this time, a skipper may either re-qualify to stay in the division (which sets a new expiration date one year out), or may be promoted to the next higher division, which sets an expiration date one year out for that division. There are no expiration dates associated with skippers in the C division. Skippers for which no expiration date is associated in the B division had at some point been demoted from A (and thus can never be demoted to C).

For details about how the promotion/demotion rules for divisions work see the Fleet 1 Bylaws on harbor20.org, or click here.

January is a FROLIC MONTH

Posted on behalf of Frolic Meister Phil Ramser:


The races will be held North of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The Race Committee will aboard the Dick Sweet and will be on station to sound the first signal at 2pm.

Plan to attend and enjoy a great sail and after sailing plan to visit the PIRATES DEN and enjoy an adult beverage with your sailing pals.




Fleet 1 – Upcoming Events

As the 2020 Fleet 1 Calendar is under construction, this is a reminder of upcoming events in January:

Saturday, January 4 – Sunkist Series #3, BYC, 1PM

Sunday, January 5 – Winter Series #3, NHYC, 1PM

Saturday, January 11 – “Tune up Day with Harry Pattison”, NHYC, 9AM

Friday, January 24 – Friday Frolic, NHYC, 2PM

Lots of sailing activity to start off the New Year! We hope to see you there.

Notice to Members

Posted on behalf of Class President Patrick Shannon.

Fellow Association Members:

As we close out 2019, the Board wants to express our appreciation to all Association members for your unwavering support on and off the water this past year. We had incredible participation at the Fleet level all across the country and at our two annual, national events (Nationals in Newport Beach and East-West in Hilton Head). Bravo Zulu all!

For 2020, we are implementing improvements to the Association’s organizational structure to include an easier, on-line voting process for Directors and transitioning from an unincorporated association to a mutual benefit non-profit corporation. As part of this transition process, the nominations for and election of new Directors will be held in early 2020 versus in December 2019. We continue our focus on achieving a reliable and cost-effective source of supply for boat parts to allow you to continue to sail without any significant down time when you need repairs. Our outside counsel (Blank Rome) continues to protect and defend the Association’s interests in the litigation initiated by W.D. Schock against the Association and the companies with which they contracted to build boats.

We look forward another great year of sailing, racing, learning, and friendship. Our Class exemplifies the very best of Corinthian sailing and your Board and Officers are committed to making sure that the Class continues to grow and thrive for many decades ahead.


Patrick J. Shannon

Class President and Director

Harbor 20 Class Association

Fleet 1 Tune Up Day – Saturday, January 11, NHYC

Posted on behalf of Fleet 1 Captain Bob Yates:

Tune Up Day!

Featuring Harry Pattison, sailmaker for the Harbor 20 mainsails for the past 22 years, and exceptional sailor.

NHYC Docks, Saturday January 11th, starting at 9 am.

Come as you are, no registration necessary, and bring your boat if you want to work on it.

This is a tune up session for your boat, and features adjusting your standing rigging, running rigging, main sail shape, jib adjustments for best pointing and power, tuning for differing wind conditions, and other rig issues. It will include both on-the-dock discussions and adjustments, and on-the-water testing.

We hope to see you there!

Fleet 1 Annual Awards Dinner

Register Now For the Fleet 1 Annual Awards Dinner

$85 per person if you register by November 15;
$115 thereafter

Saturday, November 23, 2019
Balboa Yacht Club

Reception starts at 6:00PM and dinner starts at 6:45PM

Tickets include complimentary wine and beer, hors d’oeuvres, salad, rolls, petite filet and salmon combo, cappuccino ice cream.

  • Live Music
  • Trophy Presentations
  • Vote for New Directors

Come in a Duffy?  Call Gary Thorne to reserve dock space.

Register Now By Clicking Here

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