Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Charity Race – May 22, 2022

BCYC has transitioned its charitable support from the Leukemia Society to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Orange County.

The Ronald McDonald House Charities provide overnight stays for families with sick children around the world so they can share hugs, smiles, and time together. For a sick child, sometimes the best medicine is just having family nearby.

Every Ronald McDonald House is a safe haven that provides all the comforts of home, plus the compassion and hospitality of staff, volunteers, and other families…all just steps away from the hospital.

Visit for more information and/or to make a donation. The NOR and SI are posted and registration is open.

Please sign up for this race…it is for a very worth cause!

Class Championship Charter Boats

Posted on behalf of Class President Gary Thorne:

The Annapolis fleet will offer a limited number of charter boats (perhaps 5-10) for the Harbor 20 class championship on Sept. 8-11.  They expect to have an idea of how many boats will be available for Fleet 1 owner-members to charter in mid-April, although more boats could become available later.  Charter fees may be around $100.  (Also, the regatta entry fee may be around $300 per boat, airfare could be $500+ per person, and lodging could be several hundred dollars unless housing is offered in Annapolis fleet members’ houses.)
To determine which owners from our fleet can charter a boat, we will use the following criteria:

  • First choice goes to the defending class champion (Bill Menninger).
  • Second choice goes to the current fleet champion (Adam Deermount).
  • Next five choices go to the top five owners in the High-Point A standings, who have sailed at least 30% of this year’s High-Point races, as of April 10.
  • Next three choices go to the top three owners in the High-Point B standings, who have sailed at least 30% of this year’s High-Point races, as of April 10.
  • Next two choices go to the top two owners in the High-Point C standings, who have sailed at least 30% of this year’s High-Point races, as of April 10.
  • Next five choices go to the five owners in 6th-10th position in the High-Point A standings, who have sailed at least 30% of this year’s High-Point races, as of April 10.
  • The pattern then repeats for B, then C, then back to A, and so on.

“First choice” means that, in mid-April, if the skipper informs the fleet board that he or she intends to charter a boat, a boat will be held for him or her.  If the skipper doesn’t enter the championship by mid-May, that boat will be available for someone else to charter, using the above criteria.
For example, let’s say there are 5 boats available.  Menninger says he’s not planning to enter, but Deermount and one of the top five High-Point As say they’ll enter.  Now there are 3 boats available for the top 3 Bs.  If Deermount doesn’t enter by mid-May, an additional boat becomes available, and Menninger could charter it if he changes his mind and enters.  If not, another top-five High-Point A could charter it, and so on down the High-Point standings.

NHYC WOW Women’s Bay Invitational Series starts Friday, January 28, 2022

Newport Harbor Yacht Club’s Women on the Water (WOW) is hosting a 6-race series in Harbor 20s and Sabots for women sailors. The series is open to all women sailors in the bay.  

Race days are Fridays and dates are:

January 28

February 11

March 11

April 22

June 10 

July 22

Skipper’s meeting and chalk talk at 10:20 am at the dock at NHYC. If you can stay for lunch, a sign-up will be circulated during the chalk talk. Lunch can be purchased with credit card.

First warning signal at 11:00am. Post-race social and lunch to follow racing each day at NHYC .

Come to as many race days as you like.  If you are going to sail in any or all race days, please register here:

Note: Friday Frolics are scheduled for the afternoon of each race day. So, race WOW and then Friday Frolic – All on the same day! Now, that is a double WOW!

Fat Friday is Back!

2021 Fat Friday FUN Regatta Friday, November 26th

 Grab your turkey gizzards then shake your tail feathers  LETS GO SAILING!

The folks at BYC are bringing back an old tradition of Fat Friday, I still have many fond memories of the after race gathering around the fire at BYC. Just show up!

12:00PM first warning

No entry fee, No trophies

No races will start after 3:30PM


*Turning Basin/Five Points – Harbor 20’s & Lasers BYC Race Tower – Lidos, Sabots, etc.

Five (5) or more boats need to make a class


Appendix U – Audible-Signal Racing System shall be used.


Turning basin venue – windward/leeward courses. Course chart coming soon. BYC Race Tower – 2021 Twilight/Dinghy Course Chart will be used


Two turn penalty replaced with a one turn penalty


Strongly discouraged


Visit the BYC website, Sailing Calendar, click on “Fat Friday” or just email

*Turning basin venue will be providing hot dogs and beers while supplies last! 

LIYC H20 Sailing Clinic

Posted on behalf of Bob Yates:

Finally, the coast appears to be clear, and we have scheduled two Sailing Clinics for next month (October 30 and November 13). These clinics are for sailors who wish to improve their sailing skills. They will be taught by experienced mentor sailors, and will include a variety of subjects from boat handling skills, crewing, rules, and racing. We hope that you will consider attending.

Sailors who previously signed up and paid for clinics that were postponed may attend for NO CHARGE, but you must still register. To register, click the following link: Log in | Sign up (


Hope to see you at Lido Isle.

2021 Fleet 1 Mentorship Perpetual Applications Announcement

It is time to nominate the 2021 Mentor of the Year!

Your nominee should be a Harbor 20 member that gives of themselves with the intent of sharing their knowledge with the purpose of encouraging, educating and guiding without compensation or benefit to themselves.

We look forward to reading your stories and sharing the ‘Mentor 2021’ at the November 19, 2021 awards event.

Mark & Shana Conzelman

Sail for the Visually Impaired, Saturday, October 9, ALYC

COVID permitting, ALYC is scheduled to host Sailing for the Visually Impaired on Saturday, October 9.

The annual Sail for the Visually Impaired (SVI) has grown to become one of the most important and well attended philanthropic events in Newport Harbor. Each year, over 250 blind or visually impaired guests and their escorts spend a day sailing with volunteers from the American Legion Yacht Club and other area yacht clubs. There are over 150 volunteers acting as sailing skippers, crew, escorts to and from the docks, meal servers, guide dog sitters, check-in personnel, marina control, parking assignment, and other positions.

ALYC is seeking Harbor 20 sailors to bring their boats and participate in this event. They have asked that all participants be fully vaccinated.

If you are interested in participating click here for the event page.

If you have questions, please contact Tony at 949-209-7305.

We hope to see you there!

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