Boots & Boats Rodeo Regatta

Don’t Get Caught In The Barbwire – There Is A Deadline (August 8th)

Fun Rodeo Events on the Water promising to be over the top memorable:

  • Professional Tulsa Rib BBQ on site with hand carved tri-tip and all the trimmings
  • Custom Ice Cream Sundae Bar
  • Harbor 20 Saloon including Newport Beach Moonshine
  • Live Country Band
  • Nationally acclaimed with professional dance instruction for those inclined to kick it up a notch
  • Party prizes for theme attire and festive attitudes!

<<<<—— You know there are more surprises so sign up now on the left:

Any questions – Call Shana Conzelman, Harbor 20 Social Director (714) 651-2044 or email


Win a Subscription to “Speed & Smarts”!

If you are attending the  “Boat Handling & Sail Trim” seminar on Saturday, June 21, at BCYC you will have a chance to win either a one-year subscription to the online PDF verison of Dave Dellenbaugh’s “Speed & Smarts” newsletter, or a hardcopy of a single issue autograpthed by Dave!  If you are not familiar with “Speed & Smarts”, click here. Every sailboat racer should read this superb one-of-a-kind newsletter! Dave, who you may have seen sailing with the team from Yale at this year’s Baldwin Cup, has generously donated these items which will be raffled at the seminar. Everyone gets a ticket at the door!

Not registered? You still can. Might even make a great Father’s Day gift. For information, testtimonials, and registration information, click here. We hope to see you there!


Don’t miss the Leukemia Cup tomorrow, June 8 at BCYC


As Bob Yates and Emile have expressed so well, the Leukemia Cup is more than just another regatta! Even though this is not a High Point event, it is an important event. A portion of the registration proceeds will go to the Leukemia Society, and you will have an opporunity to make an additional donation. You are also invited to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Auction and Dinner tonight, June 7, at BCYC from 5:50 to 11:00 PM, which will feature live music. Click here for event information and registration.

Tuesday Recap

Last Tuesday night we had a good turn out with sixteen boats attending. Six boats in C’s, seven in B’s and five in A’s.
10350435_703879009670248_1304165292893759387_nThe breeze stayed at about 6-8 knots of pressure and kept the race committee on its toes with a ninety degree wind shift to the south during the last beat of the first race. In A fleet Scott Ramser picked up on the sent of that wind shift and chased it down like a hunger bear winning both races. We had a three way tie in B fleet with Mark Conzelman, Mar Hurwitz and Rolly Pulaski all finishing the night with five points. Conzelman winning the tie breaker when he crossed the finish line first in the second race of the night. In C fleet it was team Lighting using their boat speed to stay in front of the pack with a first and second place finishes.
I was fighting a jib boom that just did not want to tack from side to side. It kind of reminded of a bird, that had broken it’s wing, spinning circles frantically to stay alive. Fortunately it was nothing so serious and I was quickly prescribed the remedy by taking out the jib boom on another date. After further research I noticed one of the caller screws, that hold the jib boom in place, is locked in and I need to spend more time on the problem. My short term solution was to spray lubrication down the base of the boom. Hey it’s a boat!
If your boat is acting up and you are looking for a remedy make sure you attend the after race awards and ask the many pros we have that are always are willing to give their opinion. I always seem to ask Peter Haynes, Jim Kerrigan, Bob Yates or Walter Johnson.
Last week quotes: We had just went into the last practice start and three of us thought it was game on when Steve Schupak, sailing with Tucker Cheadle, ask “Hey Len, where is everybody?” We had sailed almost the whole way to the weather mark before realizing it was a practice start.
I missed the next quote but it sounded like “You can’t do that!” between Emile and Jim Kerrigan at the finish of the first B fleet. From my perspective it look like a room to finish question?
10405606_703878783003604_5148240137491985593_nThis reminds me to inform you all that protests are not a bad thing and this format is the perfect time to practice your presentations and review the rules
Two items I would like to bring up: Remember the boat handling and sail trim seminar is this month June 21. To our race committee respectively, when we have a huge wind shift. Rather than waiting for all the marks to be adjusted, run a down wind start and adjust the marks when we are racing.
If anyone has time to coach this week or take photos please give me a call at (714) 916-0200.
Len Bose

Taco Tuesday Pre-Race Writeup

Sailflow has the wind between 7-10 for tonight.
Its summer, its warm and I want to go sailing! Last week, in A fleet, it was Nik & Peter that were on fire. The week before that was Phil Thompson. Who will it be this week? My money is with David Levy breaking free and showing his stuff. You never know if one of the Kids from NHYC might show or if Argyle will attend.
In B fleet: John Whitney has been leading the fleet around the course over the last two weeks with the Dragon Lady close behind. My money is on Team Killian this week – they had some great boat speed last week and the boat has taken the bit and is starting to come to full speed. B fleet will also see Rolly make it to the top of the fleet: he is due.
In C Fleet: Its been a great battle between Sellinger and Volk. Something tells me that Lighting could strike this warm summer night. Team Volk has had some tremendous boat speed and it should be their night tonight. C fleet will also notice Jesse Rivera work his way to the top of the fleet. But the team that will pushing the top performers tonight will be Team Everson. They had great form last week and just could not put a race together – watch out for them tonight.
As always, practice starts will be on the top of tonights agenda followed by up to four races.
I can feel it already, it’s going to be great.
 If anyone would like to coach tonight, we need a volunteer. Call me at (714) 916-0200 if you would like to help out. If you would just like to come out and watch the races and take photos that would also be a big help. I will provide the camera and boat.
Sea ya
Len Bose

Are you Ready to Reef?

Maybe it’s climate change, but whatever the reason, it is WINDY this season! The Harbor 20 was designed to perform well in very light air, and as such can become quite over-powered when the breeze is up if you don’t manage the power by flattening, or ultimately reefing the main. At the last H20 Board Meeting, it was recommeded that everone should know how to reef their Harbor 20. This keeps things both FUN, and SAFE! To that end, it was decided that it would be a good idea to post some instructions on how to reef the Harbor 20 on this website which can now be found here, or by looking under the “SAILING TIPS” category on the Home Page. Try this at the dock, and then make sure you can do it under sail as well. You will find yourself feeling much more confident when the breeze is up when you have this critical skill under your belt.

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