Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024, Sunday March 24, BCYC

EVERYONE WELCOME – H20, other one designs, PHRF sailors
Whether you are just learning the racing rules or are already an expert racer, this seminar will improve and update your understanding of the complex rules of our sport. This course covers all the rules which govern the behavior of boats in close proximity when starting, meeting, encountering obstructions, rounding marks, and finishing. Animated PowerPoint and videos bring the rules to life. Includes continental breakfast, lunch, and course materials. Great for skipper and crew because two heads are better than one!
Sunday, March 24
Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club
8:15 Registration / Continental Breakfast
9:00 Seminar begins
12:00 Lunch
5:00 Seminar ends
Please bring a Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024 book. It is free to members of US Sailing.
$119.00 if registered before March 20
$144.00 if registered after March 20
To register click here.
Also, SAVE THE DATE: A companion on-the water clinic will he held at Balboa Yacht Club on April 6.