NOTICE OF CANCELLATION of the 2020 Harbor 20 Class Championship; Plans Underway for 2021 Event

Dear Harbor 20 Class Association Members, Families, and Friends:

The Harbor 20 Association Class Board met yesterday, March 16, to review plans and contingencies regarding the 2020 Harbor 20 Class Championship in Annapolis given the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

After careful consideration, we regretfully concluded that it is in the best interests of our Class and participants to cancel the 2020 Championship and focus on holding the event in 2021 in conjunction with the 2021 Annapolis NOOD (National Offshore One-Design) Regatta.

Our primary focus for the Championship and the Class overall is the health and well-being of our members, competitors, guests, volunteers, housing hosts, and supporting yacht club employees. We considered that: CDC and Maryland both have issued guidance/direction to postpone or cancel events with more than 50 people from March 15 to May 10 (may be extended); the Governor of Maryland has closed bars and restaurants in the state for an indefinite period; Annapolis Yacht Club and Eastport Yacht Club have suspended access to their dining and event facilities consistent with that direction; and a Director shared at the meeting how the virus has impacted the Director’s family and was spread at a social event.

To be sure, the Championship is a great opportunity to see the “best of the best” on the water and burnish the spirit and comradery of the Class on shore. However, it is not the only way we achieve that objective. We have Fleet activities around the country highlighting the proud, Corinthian legacy of the Class. Our members are second to none in their love of sailing, fun, friendship, teaching, and learning. COVID-19 might be impacting our sailing and racing schedules but it will never dampen our spirit!

We will look to our Fleet leaders and members for insight and wisdom on how we adjust the remainder of our 2020 activity schedule, as well as plan for a great 2021 Championship in Annapolis next year. In the interim and most importantly: be safe, stay healthy, and remain caring and compassionate to all who need it during this challenging time (HINT: that is all of us).

For a PDF version of this notice click here.

Fair winds,
Patrick J. Shannon
Harbor 20 Class Association President

(On behalf of the Class Association Board)

Boat Handling & Sail Trim – Register before Thursday to save money (and help us)!

Thinking of attending the “Boat Handling & Sail Trim” seminar on Sunday, March 15, at BCYC? Please be aware that the price increases after Wednesday. Registering before the price increase is very helpful as I need to guarantee a minimum head count for food and beverages on Wednesday, and I will go to print with the materials on Friday. While I always plan for some late registrations, and even some walk-ins, I only print a few extra copies. Registering before Thursday will guarantee that a book will be ready for you at the door.

This is the only scheduled presentation of this seminar in 2020 , so if you want to really up your game this year we hope to see you there!

Click here for the event page.

The W.D.Schock Memorial Regatta is Back!

Having been replaced by the first H20 National Class Championship last year, the W.D. Schock Memorial Regatta is back this year. This two day regatta on February 29 and March 1 is in memory of William “Bill” D. Schock, father of Tom and Steve Schock, and founder the W.D. Schock Corporation in 1958. The first mass-produced design was the Lehman 10 dinghy. The Lehman 14 was updated to become the Lido 14 and proved a commercial success, propelling the company to become one of the biggest boat builders on the US Pacific Ocean coast. These were two of 58 designs to be produced, which would include, much to our delight, the Harbor 20!

This is a 2-day High Point event, so the winners in both C and B divisions will earn a promotion.

It would be nice to see a great turnout for this event!

Click here for the event page.

We hope to see you there!

Friday Frolic Update

Posted on behalf of Frolic Meister Phil Ramser:

Friday February 07 was a great day on the water for the lucky 9 crews that heeded the call and made it to the starting line for all four races. The wind was out of the West at a steady 8 knots, the sun was shinning, and the competition very keen. Another great day on our lovely bay.

Please be aware that Frolic event listed in the NOR for February 14 has been cancelled. So, our next Frolic will be held on February 28. Plan to be on the starting line at 2:00 PM ready to enjoy another afternoon on the water!

Plan ahead! To see the NOR with Frolic dates for the entire year click here.


Phil Ramser

February Friday Frolics

Posted on behalf of Frolic Meiser Phil Ramser:


Two Friday Frolics are scheduled in February:

  • February 07
  • February 28

The race committee will be on board the Dick Sweet and on Station North of the Newport Yacht Club and sound the warning signal for the first race each day at 2pm.

Come and enjoy another great day of sailing in our beautiful bay.

Seaya on the water, Phil Ramser

Fleet 1 Membership Renewal

In the near future, or possibly already, you will/have receive an email titled “Time to renew your Harbor20 Membership”.

BEFORE clicking the “Pay Now” link in the email, LOG INTO

THEN click the “Pay Now>>” link in the email. This will take you to your “Orders” page. Then click “Pay” under “Actions” for your $90.00 order.


IF YOU DO NOT LOGIN to BEFORE clicking the “Pay Now” link in the email, you will have to navigate to your “Orders” page:

  1. Clicking the “Pay Now>>” link in the email will take you to your “Account” page which will prompt you to Login. (Ignore the “Register” column).
  2. After logging in, you will be on your “My Profile” page. Click the “Membership Account” link in the first sentence.
  3. On you “Account” page, click “Orders”.

Remembering P.J. Kohl

Many of you had the opportunity to get to know P.J. Kohl, father of Mike Kohl, as they have been extremely active racing together on #396 “A-Tack Dragon”. We would like to dedicate the last Sunkist series #4  to P.J.  this coming Saturday, February 1. We will be thinking of him while sailing, and will remember him afterwards with Mike at BYC.

Fleet 1 – Changes to High Point Scoring and Division Promotion/Demotion Rules

Posted on behalf of the Fleet 1 Board of Directors:

High Point races are used for both scoring the High Point Series for each division, and for effecting promotions and demotions between divisions. In an effort to even up the size of our racing divisions, provide more opportunity for promotion from one division to another, and to increase the number of skippers who qualify to be scored for the High Point Series, three changes have recently taken effect:

1) Any skipper who has ever been promoted to the A division will never be demoted into the C division.

2) All sanctioned daytime Fleet 1 races with the exception of the NHYC Opening Day Regatta, the Heritage (Summer Party) Regatta, the Flight of the Lasers and Harbor 20s (and  this years NHYC Winter Series #4) are now High Point events. Clich here to see the 2020 Fleet 1 Calendar.

3) To qualify to be scored for the High Point, a skipper must compete in more than 67% of the events. (This percentage has dropped from 75%).

Understanding the “Divisions” page:

Click here to see the Divisions page.

By default, when a skipper joins Fleet 1, he/she is assigned to the C division. Skippers may use the petition process to request assignment to another division (which is voted on by the board of directors). When a skipper is promoted to the next division, an expiration date is assigned one year past the promotion date. During this time, a skipper may either re-qualify to stay in the division (which sets a new expiration date one year out), or may be promoted to the next higher division, which sets an expiration date one year out for that division. There are no expiration dates associated with skippers in the C division. Skippers for which no expiration date is associated in the B division had at some point been demoted from A (and thus can never be demoted to C).

For details about how the promotion/demotion rules for divisions work see the Fleet 1 Bylaws on, or click here.

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