Volunteer for the Sail for the Visually Impaired October 8, 2022

American Legion Yacht Club is preparing for the next Sail for the Visually Impaired event – October 8, 2022 –  and is seeking volunteers to skipper, crew and to provide boats.  Each year visually impaired guests and their escorts spend the day sailing with volunteers. This is a wonderfully successful event that involves over 150 volunteers and has been running since 1990.

The H20 is a perfect boat for this event. It is easy to get in and out, sits folks comfortably, and is low enough that participants can reach out an touch the water.

Click here to register and to learn more about the event.

H20 National Class Championship Starts This Week

Twenty-five Harbor 20s from six fleets coast-to-coast will battle it out for the class championship in Annapolis this coming week.  They’ll sail 10 races from Friday through Sunday on Chesapeake Bay, and swap stories at the Friday dinner and other social events at Annapolis YC.

The dinner isn’t the only chance for sailors to get to know each other.  Annapolis Fleet 5 members are hosting all the out-of-state sailors who wanted to stay in homes, and some Fleet 5 members will be crewing for out-of-staters.  Competitors will also get to mingle in the AYC boatyard, as all boats in the regatta will be brought to the club, hauled out and stored there each night.

Racing starts each day at 11am Eastern. Click here to see the event page including results as they are posted.

For Sale – Harbor 20 #244


Harbor 20 hull # 244 purchased in 2006.  Seasonally used in Maine, shrink wrapped, and well maintained by JO Brown’s boat yard in North Haven Maine off season. Sails replaced in last three years, original solar, 3hp engine still operating well. Currently in the water and available for viewing in Vinalhaven, Maine.


Email: Mollycashin@gmail.com

Tel: 202-368-2342

BCYC Charity Regatta – Saturday August 6

Don’t miss the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Charity Regatta on August 6 for Harbor 20s.

This regatta supports the Ronald McDonald House Charities which helps provide more overnight stays for families with sick children around the world so they can share hugs, smiles, and time together.

Click here for the event page to register, see current entries, download the NOR and SI’s, or to make an additional donation.

Make sure to notice the possible courses in the SI’s. We could have some interesting harbor cruises!

We hope to see you there!

Fleet 1 Championship Reminders

2022 Harbor 20 Fleet 1 Championship – September 24-25

Important Reminders

  • Boats must be in the water for 60 days before the event (bylaw I.F.9).
  • Skippers must have been owners for 60 days before the event (bylaw I.F.10). 

So, this year those criteria must be met by July 26.

  • Boats must have a measurement certificate (class bylaw III.C.2) which can be verified by clicking your sail number in the harbor20.org member roster.
  • A copy of the registration must be on the boat and must list the skipper’s name. 
  • Crews must have sailed on the boat 12 times since the last fleet championships. 
  • Petitions (such as for a crew who doesn’t meet the 12-race requirement) must be submitted to the Fleet Measurer before the September 10 Board meeting.

BYC Midsummer Regatta – Saturday July 9

The Harbor 20 Midsummer Regatta is one of only two High Point Regattas of the Summer Season. It is also part of BYC’s year-long Centennial celebration, so there is likely to be something special at the Awards Ceremony.

.The racing venue will be the 5 Points Area.

To register click here.

To see current entrants click here.

To view the event website click here.

Reception after racing in the Model Room / Bar Deck.

We hope to see you there!

Flight of Newport Beach – Sunday, July 17

Get your Harbor 20’s ready folks, the “Flight of Newport” is nearly here again!!!!

Sunday July 17th is the big day, just two weeks away. Typically, 40 + Harbor 20’s all in together for a chance of winning the coveted BOB YATES Perpetual trophy and lots of other quality prizes……………………

1st Place overall (1 gallon can of Fleet 1 approved Bottom Paint. A  $270 value)

2nd Place overall 

3rd Place overall

1st A

1st B

1st C

Other random prizes too! It might be you!!  Suggestions – best decorated, big name dignitary, most crew, youngest skipper, most kids, an unusual happening, whatever you can come up with. MUST BE PRESENT AT THE TROPHY PRESNTATION AFTER RACING TO WIN A RANDOM TROPHY.

Don’t forget 2022 race TEE Shirts given to all (or until supplies run out). Collectors items, how many do you have??

Call your friends, lets get 50 + boats out there this year.

Register here:    Flight of Newport Beach

Questions – Email Philip Thompson – philipt@just-marine.net or call / text 714 329 1995

Please plan to come to the trophy presentation at BYC to celebrate the winners.

Phil Ramser

Phil Ramser, one of the founders of the Harbor 20 Class, passed away peacefully on June 18th. He was surrounded by family – his wife, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Phil was instrumental in establishment the Harbor 20 Class at Newport Harbor Yacht Club and ultimately across the country. Phil had a successful sailing career spanning over 75 years. He will be sorely missed. We all remember his kindness and generosity and his warm salutation “Sea ya!” As information becomes available about services, we will let you know.

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