FOR SALE – H20 #115
Sale Pending…
I purchased the boat from Tom Schock at WD Schock in March of 2010 as the second owner. This boat was originally day sailed at Big Bear Lake and then moved to Elephant Butte Lake in southern New Mexico after purchase. This is a fresh water only boat. The bottom paint is new, Pettit Vivid white with Pettit epoxy barrier. The mast and standing rigging were replaced at the time of sale. A swim ladder was also purchased from WD Schock. The spinnaker was purchased new in 2010, Elliott/Pattison asymmetric spinnaker, and has never been used. The mainsail, jib and running rigging are original. The trailer tires are probably original as well. The motor controller has been rebuilt and the electric motor runs well. The two marine batteries have been on a battery maintainer.
The boat is currently stored at Elephant Butte Lake in my building and has been not been sailed in about 3 years.
Asking $ 16,000.00
Rick Brown
If you interested call me. I can provide the sale sheets from WD Schock in 2010, and a replacement value estimate.
Please, NO texts.