Boat Handling & Sail Trim, Sunday March 23, BCYC

Click here to register

$140.00 if you register by March 19

$165.00 if you register after March 19

Click here to see testimonials

Click here for a detailed course description

Join us also for the on-the-water companion clinic for Harbor 20’s on March 30 at LIYC! Bring your own boat and crew and put into practice what you learned at the seminar. Experienced mentors will also be available to sail with you. For information and registration click here.

If you have any questions about this seminar, please feel free to contact me:

Peter Haynes –

FOR SALE: 2006 H20 #235

  • Hull color: white
  • Boot Stripe: blue
  • New bottom paint light blue

Features and Upgrades

  • New Batteries
  • New on-board Charger
  • New motor controls
  • New Lighting
  • New Bilge Pump
  • New power panel
  • New Wiring
  • New Triad galvanized trailer
  • C-Foam cockpit cushions-white avg condition
  • New Tiller
  • Newer Precision sails (current Fleet 3 sails) Main and Jib Older sails in average to good condition
  • New lifting bridal and hardware

The boat is kept on the water, fully operational, and ready to race.  Boat cover and jib sock are in average condition.  The boat was most recently sailed in Fleet 3.

Asking Price: $26,500.  Located in Savannah, GA

Contact Troy Lamb for more information:  912-401-4626 or at

2025 H20 National Championship – March 20-22, NHYC

The Harbor 20 National Class Championship is not held every year. This year, Newport Harbor Yacht Club will be hosting the event and we hope to have great participation from outside our fleet.

For those of you questioning whether this event is for you, please consider the following:

The entered skippers will sail 6 races to determine which fleet they will placed into; Gold or Silver.  There is no level of experience necessary to enter and sail in this event. It’s a fabulous learning opportunity!

Don’t be intimidated. Everyone will be on their best behavior.

The social events are open to all sailors and non-sailors (non-sailors will pay a fee for participation in the events and the dinner). We’re going to crank our So Cal hospitality “all the way up!”

The social gatherings will present an opportunity to talk with Harbor 20 sailors from our fleet and outside of our fleet. Who knows? You may get an invite to their fleet to participate in one of their events.

The bottom line, there is no better way to improve as sailor, than participating in events like this.

Don’t miss out!

Enter now! A late entry fee kicks in on February 7!

For the event page click here.

Event Coordinators:

Bill Menninger & John Drayton

If you have any questions you can find our contact information in the members roster.

Backstay Adjustment Collar

Aluminum split collar with stainless steel hardware and saddle to easily install a block to the barney-post as permitted under the latest Harbor 20 Class Association Bylaws, Rules and Specifications (III.B.1.q  The backstay adjustment line may be led to a one-part block attached to the base of the barney post).

This split collar provides the skipper greatly enhanced leverage when tightening the backstay and installs easily with included 1/8” and 1/4” Allen wrenches. Harbor 20 owner price is only $65. USPS shipping is free to continental US.

Collar made by Rob Sisk of Fleet 6.  To order a collar and/or get options for shipping (USPS or UPS) and payment (check, Zelle or Venmo), please email or text Rob at or (248) 392-1159.  Note: This is not an offering of the Harbor 20 Class or Fleet 6.

Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing for 2025-2028, Sunday January 12, BCYC

EVERYONE WELCOME – H20, other one designs, PHRF sailors

Whether you are just learning the racing rules or are already an expert racer, this seminar will improve and update your understanding of the complex rules of our sport. This course covers all the rules which govern the behavior of boats in close proximity when starting, meeting, encountering obstructions, rounding marks, and finishing. Animated PowerPoint, whiteboards with magnetic boats, and videos bring the rules to life! Includes continental breakfast, lunch, course materials., and a raffle ticket. Great for skipper and crew because two heads are better than one!

Sunday, January 12

Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club

8:15  Registration / Continental Breakfast

9:00 Seminar begins

12:00 Lunch

5:00 Seminar ends

Register early and save money!

$140.00 if registered before January 8

$165.00 if registered after January 8

Click here to register.

You will notice that there is an option to order a course book printed on color. As there is always a right-of-way boat and a keep clear boat for every pair, right-of-way can change instantaneously, and sometimes a boat racing is an obstruction to other boats that are racing, showing these in different colors really helps makes the examples clear. And they are quite stunning! They are also very expensive which is why they are offered as an option.

Also, SAVE THE DATE: A companion on-the water clinic will he held Lido Isle Yacht Club on Saturday, January 25.

Philip Thompson Mentorship Trophy Nominations for 2024



In 2018 the Philip Thompson Mentorship Perpetual was awarded to the first recipient, Bill Menninger.  

2019  Bob Yates  

 2020 Peter Haynes 

2021 Phillip Thompson 

2022 Anne Wiese 

2023 Ed Kimball

Each year applications are accepted from Fleet One members accompanied by their story of the applicant they feel worthy of the award and why.  These stories will be reviewed by the prior year’s recipients, the donors and one Harbor 20 Fleet One board member and one Harbor 20 Fleet One member at large selected by the above committee members.   

A mentor is a fleet member who sacrifices and cultivates another’s sailing abilities with no personal gain to themselves. 

The stories of mentorship will be shared each year at the award presentation. 

It is good to share with others your abilities and even better to reveal to them their own 


October 31, 2024 to Shana Conzelman, or text 714-651-2044 

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