Fleet 4 Calendar Added!

Note that we now have the Santa Barbara Fleet 4 calendar filled in at the top page level of the Harbor 20 website.  To see it, go to the main website page (http://www.harbor20.org/), click “Fleet 4” in the pulldown menu under “Upcoming Events” in the far right column, and the next two months of items scheduled for Fleet 4 will fill in underneath.  This calendar will duplicate our race schedule under its own separate tab, but there will be additional Fleet activities shown.  And, obviously implied, forward any significant future calendar items to any board member or “JJ” at jjsharkbait@hotmail.com.


Fleet 4 Start Clinic Coming Up!


Our first Start Clinic will be on Friday, April 29 at 1730 (5:30 P.M.).  We’ll meet first at the club for a short talk about what we’re aiming for in a perfect start, then we’ll go out on the the water and try it out.  Ken Keiding will set a line and run a bunch of starts…..and film them.  Plan on at least an hour!

All welcome, no need to RSVP!

Fair Winds……..

Ann Hutchins


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 31 March 2016

– – – APPROVED – – –



MARCH 31, 2016


Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding – Ann Hutchins, Geoff Slaff, Morgan green, Leslie Deardorff, Scott Deardorff, Rich Miller, Bill Bench, Dale Zurawski, Jane Watkins, John Jeffries, Brian Green present.


Minutes: Morgan Green. February minutes accepted without amendment.


North/South Regatta Planning: Fred notes the fleet needs to prepare notice of race and sailing instructions and details including hospitality events to the Newport Fleet. Leslie Deardorff will send the NOR and SI documents to Fred used for the last North/South here as a point of information. Noted: San Diego will not be participating.


Food and expenses: Geoff presented a proposed budget based on 60 people. Includes 2014 actual expenses and 2016 projected costs. Total estimated at $11,245. See attached report for line item details. Entry charge projected at $200 per sailor, assuming five Newport boats. Projection also calls for $150 for Fleet 4 sailors. Scott Deardorff suggested $200 for all. Consensus is to make the event a high quality regatta.


Suggestion: leave $1,000 in the Fleet 4 account as reserves.


Hospitality Event costs – Suggestion: charge for each hospitality event separately for all non-racers and onboard owner reps. Discussion and agreement on the following: Leslie will price out the costs of the club dinner for 60, 70 and 80 people so charges can be firmly determined. Consensus among the board and members at this meeting is a “Wet Wednesday-style” Barbecue with cook-your-own foods. An outdoor Luau like last time was preferred. Determining final charges for guests and Fleet 4 owner representative volunteers will be revisited for a decision at the next meeting based on actual food and service rates by SBYC other event costs (insurance, trophies etc.)


Re: Prices to be charged for parties that Al and Rich host to defray their costs. Geoff suggests $25 per person and Rich said that is OK. Leslie is to ask Al.


Insurance: Leslie will ask Brad about arranging for insurance.


Notification: Leslie will send an email as soon as possible to the Newport Fleet Captain specifying the dates, and ask if the visitors want another spinnaker clinic. This will be followed with a “save the date” letter.

The official Notice of Race: Will be sent out to Newport no later than early July.


Start Practices: Ann Hutchins. The proposal is to start April 22. She will confirm with Ken Keiding, who has volunteered to conduct the sessions from his boat. The tentative schedule is once monthly, depending on the club racing schedule. Ken Kieding will send out a notice to fleet owners after confirming all details with Ann. Consensus agreement on a start time of 5:30, and an hour of practices.


Match Racing: Rich Miller notes that the CHRF fleet will not take on start duties. The fleet must start its own races.  They would be short, with five-minute start separations. Rich will examine the SBYC schedule to see if he can find clear dates. He also will set up match racing briefing sessions in advance.


Fleet Calendar: The following 2016 meeting dates were confirmed. May 26, July 28, Sept. 29.


Ex-Agenda Items


Class Association Meeting: Rich Miller reports – Hilton Head and Annapolis conduct elimination rounds for the East/West challenge. The top three skippers are the team. The next three skippers are their crew. Discussion for Fleet Four. Consensus, leave crew posts open as skippers’ choice, especially for away events.


PHRF Race Committee assistance: Jane Watkins asked for volunteers to help. Rich Miller and Ann Hutchins volunteer.


Reimbursement: Since Fred helped purchase a scale to share with the J-70 fleet, Geoff Slaff proposed reimbursing Fred $223 for his costs. Rich Miller made the motion. Ann Hutchins seconded. Approved.


Fleet Champions for 2015 and Scoring Questions: Geoff noted a lack of confirmation of the top Fleet 4 skippers at the SBYC awards dinner. Clarification: the SBYC Centennial Cup (not a Fleet 4 cup) is based only on SBYC member boats. This excludes some Fleet 4 boats. Discussion on scoring for the Fleet 4 Championship Series: the algorithm for determining scores is per U.S Sailing, racing rules section A-9. Scott Deardorff reviewed the basics.  Members discussed alternatives to penalize no-shows. Noted: the rules call for two throw-out regattas to take care of this. Brief discussion of high-point scoring as an alternative. No decision.



– – – END – – –



Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 11 February 2016

– – – APPROVED – – –




FEB. 11, 2016


Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding – Ann Hutchins, Tom Wright, Geoff Slaff, Morgan Green, directors, and J.J. Jeffries, Bhrian Resnik, Rich Miller, Leslie Deardorff, Scott Deardorff, Sandra Denton, Helene Webb, Kathleen Bauschke attending.


Treasurer’s Report: Geoff Slaff – See attached report. All 15 boats in the fleet have paid their 2016 dues. After a $380 cost for 50 percent of the cost of a perpetual trophy (Al Salzer contributing the other 50 percent), the current fleet balance is $3,359.67.


Fred reports the Class Association board wants all fleet dues paid by the Feb. 1 deadline so they can put all members into the published roster. Also, they ask that all, including owners, skipper, and associate members, pay now rather than later. Suggestion: Fred is to email all fleet members about the requirement that they pay their dues if they expect to race in any Class Association event.


Minutes: January minutes were posted on the Class website, Fleet Four page. Minutes accepted without amendment.




  1. Board practices: Geoff reiterated the board’s intent to bring issues requiring Board decisions first to the fleet at a general meeting for discussion and possible advisory vote on proposed solutions before the board’s official decisions. The intent is to assure that the fleet’s operation is transparent and all members are informed.


  1. Calendar of meetings: Proposed at the January meeting. Discussion upshot: Agreement by consensus for the board to meet every other month on the 4th Thursday, with these sessions designated fleet meetings as necessary. Fred will check the schedule against the Yacht Club calendar and will report back to the fleet. The next board meeting could be at the end of March, or April.


  1. Weigh-day Feb. 20: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.: Fred Rice – Unable to get a Class Association scale, or a functioning local scale through Ken Keiding, and finding rental rates too high, Fred reported he privately purchased a 3,000 lb. certified digital scale and will lend it to the fleet for weighing. This way, the fleet can set up as many weighing dates as it needs. Morgan Green suggested that fleet measurer Tom Wright include an all-encompassing liability waiver form to be signed by owners before their boat is weighed. Agreed by consensus. Tom is to create the form. Fred reported the fleet has four volunteers to help on weigh day, February 19. Note: Agreement by consensus that due to unique safety concerns because of the fleet’s open-ocean racing, a heavier anchor than the Class-required 3 lbs. and heavier than the required quarter-inch rode is acceptable during the weighing, but they must be aboard in all subsequent races.


Geoff Slaff wanted the implications of not being weighed clarified for fleet members. Agreed by consensus that such boats can race, but the results will not count toward official Fleet standings. Fred noted that the Class rules deadline for weighing is March 19. Agreement by Consensus that in Fleet Four, owners unable to get boats weighed on time, can seek a reasonable extension from the board.


4.Match Races: Rich Miller suggested them. He will conduct a poll of fleet owners to determine interest.


  1. Friday Starts Practice: Ann Hutchins will coordinate with Ken Keiding, who has volunteered to conduct sessions.



  1. National Board Meeting conference: attended by Fred Rice and Rich Miller. Dues: see Treasurer’s Report. The East-West Regatta: is Oct. 1 and 2 in Newport, without owner representatives aboard. The conference asked preferences of the fleets regarding owner-representatives on boats. Agreement by consensus and show-of-hands fleet advisory vote that Fleet Four wants owner representatives aboard for all spinnaker events here.


  1. Byre Staff Commodore Trophy: Rich Miller reported that the trophy was not awarded in 2015, despite the submission of deed-of-gift paperwork to the yacht club. He proposes the trophy, a ships binnacle, be designated the SBYC One-Design Challenge Cup, based on a series comprised of the Spring, Summer, Fall and Holiday cup one-design results. The cup would go to the top boat in the largest one-design fleet in the series. Scott Deardorff suggested Rich work with the trophy donor about the designation, and submit the plan to the club’s new trophies committee.


  1. North-South Hospitality Chairs: Fred Rice – There will be 10 boats in this event. San Diego is not participating. Leslie Deardorff heads the race committee; Caroline Kavanagh is heading up housing. Jane Barrett volunteered to take on email communications with Newport. Leslie reported she and Caroline already have a lot of housing lined up. Rich Miller volunteered his home for the Friday night party; Fred Rice has reserved the club’s beach for the Saturday party, but has not determined cost details. Al Salzer has volunteered to host his dock party on Sunday, but wants to charge to cover expenses. Geoff volunteers as finance chair, and will get last years cost figures to build a budget and help determine what to charge participants. Geoff will send his proposed budget to the above people and meet to determine the charges for participants.

Not determined: who will be in charge of t-shirts. Fred noted that Al Salzer gifted a trophy for the event, and had it reconditioned, sharing 50 percent of that expense with Fleet 1.


  1. Adjournment


– – – END – – –






Fleet 4 Minutes Meeting 31 March 2016

– – – APPROVED – – –



MARCH 31, 2016


Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding – Ann Hutchins, Geoff Slaff, Morgan green, Leslie Deardorff, Scott Deardorff, Rich Miller, Bill Bench, Dale Zurawski, Jane Watkins, John Jeffries, Brian Green present.


Minutes: Morgan Green. February minutes accepted without amendment.


North/South Regatta Planning: Fred notes the fleet needs to prepare notice of race and sailing instructions and details including hospitality events to the Newport Fleet. Leslie Deardorff will send the NOR and SI documents to Fred used for the last North/South here as a point of information. Noted: San Diego will not be participating.


Food and expenses: Geoff presented a proposed budget based on 60 people. Includes 2014 actual expenses and 2016 projected costs. Total estimated at $11,245. See attached report for line item details. Entry charge projected at $200 per sailor, assuming five Newport boats. Projection also calls for $150 for Fleet 4 sailors. Scott Deardorff suggested $200 for all. Consensus is to make the event a high quality regatta.


Suggestion: leave $1,000 in the Fleet 4 account as reserves.


Hospitality Event costs – Suggestion: charge for each hospitality event separately for all non-racers and onboard owner reps. Discussion and agreement on the following: Leslie will price out the costs of the club dinner for 60, 70 and 80 people so charges can be firmly determined. Consensus among the board and members at this meeting is a “Wet Wednesday-style” Barbecue with cook-your-own foods. An outdoor Luau like last time was preferred. Determining final charges for guests and Fleet 4 owner representative volunteers will be revisited for a decision at the next meeting based on actual food and service rates by SBYC other event costs (insurance, trophies etc.)


Re: Prices to be charged for parties that Al and Rich host to defray their costs. Geoff suggests $25 per person and Rich said that is OK. Leslie is to ask Al.


Insurance: Leslie will ask Brad about arranging for insurance.


Notification: Leslie will send an email as soon as possible to the Newport Fleet Captain specifying the dates, and ask if the visitors want another spinnaker clinic. This will be followed with a “save the date” letter.

The official Notice of Race: Will be sent out to Newport no later than early July.


Start Practices: Ann Hutchins. The proposal is to start April 22. She will confirm with Ken Keiding, who has volunteered to conduct the sessions from his boat. The tentative schedule is once monthly, depending on the club racing schedule. Ken Kieding will send out a notice to fleet owners after confirming all details with Ann. Consensus agreement on a start time of 5:30, and an hour of practices.


Match Racing: Rich Miller notes that the CHRF fleet will not take on start duties. The fleet must start its own races.  They would be short, with five-minute start separations. Rich will examine the SBYC schedule to see if he can find clear dates. He also will set up match racing briefing sessions in advance.


Fleet Calendar: The following 2016 meeting dates were confirmed. May 26, July 28, Sept. 29.


Ex-Agenda Items


Class Association Meeting: Rich Miller reports – Hilton Head and Annapolis conduct elimination rounds for the East/West challenge. The top three skippers are the team. The next three skippers are their crew. Discussion for Fleet Four. Consensus, leave crew posts open as skippers’ choice, especially for away events.


PHRF Race Committee assistance: Jane Watkins asked for volunteers to help. Rich Miller and Ann Hutchins volunteer.


Reimbursement: Since Fred helped purchase a scale to share with the J-70 fleet, Geoff Slaff proposed reimbursing Fred $223 for his costs. Rich Miller made the motion. Ann Hutchins seconded. Approved.


Fleet Champions for 2015 and Scoring Questions: Geoff noted a lack of confirmation of the top Fleet 4 skippers at the SBYC awards dinner. Clarification: the SBYC Centennial Cup (not a Fleet 4 cup) is based only on SBYC member boats. This excludes some Fleet 4 boats. Discussion on scoring for the Fleet 4 Championship Series: the algorithm for determining scores is per U.S Sailing, racing rules section A-9. Scott Deardorff reviewed the basics.  Members discussed alternatives to penalize no-shows. Noted: the rules call for two throw-out regattas to take care of this. Brief discussion of high-point scoring as an alternative. No decision.



– – – END – – –



Fleet 4 Board Meeting Minutes 27 January 2016

– – – APPROVED – – –

(1 February 2016)




JAN. 27, 2016


CALL TO ORDER: Fred Rice presiding. Present, Geoff Slaff, Morgan Green, Ann Hutchins, Thomas Wright, Bill Bench, Jane Barrett, Kathleen Bauschke, Dale Zurawski, Sandra Denton, Tom Kelleway, Rich Miller, John Jeffries, Ken Kieding


  1. Election Results: Morgan Green reported the election results. 13 boats cast votes by email. The five nominees with the most votes were Fred Rice, Geoff Slaff, Morgan Green, Tom Wright and Ann Hutchins.


  1. Board Officers: Fred opened nominations for Fleet Captain. Ann nominated Fred. Geoff seconded the motion. Approved by newly elected board by voice vote. Geoff nominated Morgan Green as Recording Secretary. Fred Rice seconded the motion. The board approved by voice vote. Morgan Green nominated Geoff Slaff as Treasurer, Tom Wright seconded the motion, with approval by voice vote. Tom volunteered to be Measurer. Geoff seconded the motion, approved by voice vote. Tom Kelleway volunteered to assist him.


  1. Webmaster: Fred asked John “J.J.” Jeffries to continue as webmaster. J.J. agreed, and was confirmed by voice vote.


  1. General Discussion: Fred thanked all the nominees for running. Geoff suggested that the board make it a practice to take issues requiring board decisions first to a fleet wide meeting where Owner Members could discuss and cast advisory votes to suggest proposed solutions. Subsequently, the board would meet, discuss and vote on the issue as per Fleet Four bylaws.

Geoff proposed the above procedure for discussion at the next Fleet Four general meeting.


Ann and Geoff recommended publishing a calendar of meetings for the year. Ann recommended a reminder date for the next meeting be announced and included in the minutes of each meeting.


  1. Items for the next Fleet Four general meeting: See item four above. Also, a Fleet Four weighing event, with proposed dates and procedures and details of gear required. Fred is to send out the proposed dates before the meeting, along with a list of equipment to be aboard for the weighing. He will call for volunteers at the meeting to assist on the weigh day. Ken Keiding is to help with the event regarding the scales to be used.


A series of match races will be put on the fleet meeting agenda for discussion, as per a request by Rich Miller.


  1. Friday night starts practice: Ken Keiding volunteered to host a series of Friday evening short races, with the emphasis on starts. Ann Hutchins volunteered to coordinate with him and be the contact person for fleet members who want to take part.


  1. Next Fleet Four general meeting: After discussion, the meeting is scheduled for Feb 11, 5:30 p.m. at the Santa Barbara Yacht Club.


Adjournment 5:38 p.m.


– – – END – – –

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes January 14, 2016

 – – – DRAFT – – –





Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding. Present: Bill Bench, Thomas Wright, Morgan Green, J.J. Jeffries, Jane Wright, Ann Hutchins, Bhrian Resnik, Caroline Kavanagh, Scott Deardorff, Leslie Deardorff, Rich Miller, Jane Watkins, Helene Webb, Karen Cahill, Wayne Rosing, Dennis Plesons, Bill Sheridan, Tim Wilde.


Old Business


December Minutes: Morgan Green – one correction. Proposed date of party at Fred’s winery is April 16, not the 14th. Minutes accepted.


Class Association Board Nominations: Fred Rice – Reported that the H2O Class Association has posted its newest Class Rules and Bylaws on the website. One change is the addition to the Class Board of representatives from all the fleets. That board decided to nominate all current fleet captains, but still wanted more. At their request, Fred thought of Rich Miller as an experienced Fleet Four member for the task, and Rich volunteered and sent in his resume. He will appear on the Class board ballot. All boat owners with Class dues paid up will receive an email for an electronic vote.


New Business


Fleet Capt. Report: Fred Rice – Fred allowed the following ex agenda items under this heading.


  1. Making any jacks optional, suggested by Karen Cahill. Caroline Kavanagh so moved. Second, Thomas Wright. Approved by voice vote. This provides an exception to Class Rules and shall be added to the Fleet Four bylaws as: Appendix 4) lazy jacks are optional equipment, as of Jan. 14, 2016.


  1. Weighing boats: Fred Rice – Morgan Green notes Oct. 15, 2015 board minutes regarding the mandatory weighing of all boats with sail number 335 or higher to assure that none weigh less than 1950 pounds.


Bill Bench suggestion: weigh the whole fleet. After fleet discussion the motion by Bill and amended by Scott Deardorff and approved by voice vote: All fleet four boats must be weighed before the first race of the 2016 Championship Series, with only class required equipment aboard, and without the spinnaker sail.  Fred said he would schedule a non-racing weekend for the weighing, using a digital scale brought from Newport.


A second motion by Jane Wright, and seconded by Rich Miller was approved by voice vote: All newcomer boats without a certification from the manufacturer or fleet measurer must be measured and weighed.


  1. Board elections: Morgan Green advocated that board members should hold posts such as secretary, which along with webmaster, has been delegated as a non-board member task. Rich Miller noted that reasons for this, when the fleet was getting started, no longer exist. Fred Rice noted the bylaws call for “at least” three board members, not a limit of three, and noted such a small board had produced quorum problems. Staggering terms to provide continuity was suggested. After fleet discussion the following motion by Scott Deardorff, and second by Rich Miller was approved by voice vote: Fleet Four shall elect a board of directors with 5 members. This change shall appear in the Fleet Four Bylaws Appendix as item 5).


Fleet Capt. Report continued: Fred reviewed the schedule of 2016 fleet championship races. It will be the same as in 2015, as earlier approved by the board.


Treasurer’s Report: Fred Rice for Geoff Slaff: Funds at year’s end were $2,239.67. Subsequently, five boats have also paid their 2016 Fleet Four dues of $100. Checks go to Geoff Slaff, treasurer.


 Election by Feb. 1: Bylaws require this timing. There six  board nominees, Fred Rice, Bill Bench, Thomas Wright, Morgan Green, Geoff Slaff and Ann Hutchins, as of the Jan. 12 deadline. The five who receive the most votes will serve. Ballots will be secret, via email.


Party Feb. 13, FYI: Will be hosted by Wayne Rosing and Dorothy Largay at one of their homes, to be decided.


Open Discussion:


  1. Board nominations. See Item c above.


  1. North South invitational: Fred noted he needs to send out invitation letters soon, and needs Chairs for: agendas and schedules; invitations; eligibility; fees and registration, lodging and parking, housing, organizers. Other tasks, T-shirts, prizes, parties. Fred suggests a similar schedule to the last North/South event here including registration, practice sail, dock party, beach party, awards ceremony. The beach has been reserved and SBYC Race Director will supervise race committee. Due to her previous successful experience, Karen Cahill said she would assist, but not chair. Fred reports that Newport would like participation by San Diego boats. There has been no response yet from San Diego. Fred suggests either following the pattern set by Newport last year, with five boats for each team, or to reprise the Santa Barbara event which had three boats per team. Fleet discussion. No decisions. Tim Wilde and Caroline Kavanagh volunteered to coordinate visitor housing with Fleet Four members.


– – – END – – –

Fleet 4 Executive Committee Meeting December 15 2015

– – – APPROVED – – –

14 January 2016





Call to order: Endless Summer Cafe, Fred Rice, Fleet 4 Captain presiding. Present: Bill Bench, Geoff Slaff, Thomas Wright, Morgan Green, board members; J.J. Jeffries, webmaster.


Minutes of October, 2015: Accepted without correction.


  1. Officers for 2016. Review of Class Rules and fleet rules. Consensus agreement, unanimous, that the present board volunteer as candidates to serve for a 2nd year, with Geoff Slaff volunteering for the new duty of assistant to the Fleet Captain. The expectation is that Geoff would volunteer as a candidate for Fleet Captain for 2017. The hope is for another board member to volunteer as his assistant and, in turn, volunteer as a candidate for Fleet Captain. The above was agreed as allowed within Fleet 4 and Class rules to help ensure leadership continuity, the sharing of institutional expertise, as an educational help to any new incoming board members, and to avoid the constant need to recruit new officers from the fleet’s relatively small membership.


The above was determined by consensus to comply with Fleet 4 Bylaws, I.D.2 and I.D.3


  1. Election of board. Bylaws require the election by Feb. 1. The current board volunteered to be candidates. A notice will be circulated to the fleet to announce these candidates, and ask for other nominees to notify the Fleet Captain by Jan. 12. The election will be via email, will be a secret ballot, with fleet secretary Morgan Green to send email ballots out, receive votes back, and count the votes. The top five vote-getters will be confirmed as the new 2016 board.


  1. Future board phasing: Consensus to later discuss whether phasing in new board members (with staggered terms) and or a formal Fleet Captain “in training” duty should be considered as bylaw changes.


  1. PHRF. Fred reported from the SBYC Sail Policy Committee that Harbor 20s would be given their own start in the Hot Rum SBYC series, if four boats enter, but would not qualify for the traditionally PHRF event trophies. Discussion, with: Motion by Morgan Green, second by Geoff Slaff: The Fleet 4 board will take no position on PHRF certificate racing by fleet members. Approved unanimously.


  1. Fleet Budget. Treasurer Geoff Slaff reported the fleet has $2,256.95, with expectations of collecting another $1,300 in dues for 2016 for a total of $3,556. Fred will submit an invoice of $17.28 for trophy engraving. Expected expenses: Wayne volunteered to pick up the Fleet 4 party cost again this year.


  1. Perpetual Trophy. Needs to be engraved. Fred Rice will talk to Rich regarding this and look into the engraving.


  1. North/South Hosts. Set for Sept. 2-4. Five teams from each club will compete. (note: the entry fee at Newport was $400 per boat and $150 for guests at meals, etc.) Fred suggests work start on this right after New Years. Geoff reports we are in good shape for this event. Fred will seek a chair group to divide duties such as housing, trophies, registration, entertainment, T-shirts, race committee etc. Fred has already reserved the beach by SBYC for a Luau. He foresees the same format as last year, a cocktail party and registration Friday night. Friday P.M. a checkout race. An evening luau. Sunday trophy presentation. He will seek volunteers at the next general fleet meeting.


  1. Ullman sails. J.J. is to check the website to make sure the bylaw pertaining to sails is properly posted, and to make sure dimensions of sails, including spinnakers, is also on the site as a members’ reference as a courtesy.


  1. 2016 championship races. Motion to keep the same races as in 2015, including events sponsored by the Santa Barbara Sailing Club.


  1. Fleet Party. It is scheduled for Feb. 13 at Wayne’s, with Leslie Deardorff to coordinate.


  1. Party Possibility: Fred says he can possibly host a Fleet 4 picnic at sunstone vineyards on April 16. Will seek feedback at the next general fleet meeting.


  1. Next Fleet 4 general meeting will be Jan. 14.




– – – END – – –

Fleet 4 Executive Committee Meeting October 15 2015


(at Board Meeting 15 December 2015)



OCT. 15, 2015


CALL TO ORDER: Fred Rice presiding. Executive Committee members Thomas Wright, Morgan Green, Bill Bench attending. Quorum established. Fleet members attending: Leslie and Scott Deardorff, Brian Green, Bhrian Resnik, John Jeffries (webmaster), Sandra Denton, Jane Watkins.


  1. MINUTES of July 2015 session. Read by Morgan Green.




(a) boom sheave replacements: the Fleet Four policy was adopted in concept by the National H20 Association board. The new policy is scheduled for an H20 National Association board vote.


(b) Ullman mainsails: At its July meeting, the Executive Committee took the following action:  Motion by Geoff Slaff, second by Morgan Green: All new or replacement mainsails shall be Ullman mainsails (as made to meet current class specifications) after the Holiday Regatta of 2015.

Approval: Unanimous.

With executive committee agreement, Fred subsequently emailed all Fleet Four owners asking them to say whether they favored the executive committee action that. The email response was 10 owners in favor. Nobody voted against, thereby confirming the board’s earlier action. Discussion on Oct. 15 included questions regarding a sunset deadline for use of Elliott/Pattison mains, and whether owners could switch between Ullmans    and E/P mains. Morgan Green clarified that the adopted policy was for no sunset on E/P main use, but when a sail is replaced, it must be an Ullman sail. The suggestion was made by Scott Deardorff for a sunset date for E/P main use. The need for a sunset date will be placed on the next Fleet Meeting (Jan. 7, 2016) agenda for discussion.


(c) Spinnaker maker – Naming a single maker for Fleet Four spinnakers was raised by Scott Deardorff. The idea will be placed on the next Fleet Meeting agenda for discussion.


  1. DISCOUNTS ON ULLMAN SAILS: Brian Green reported that there is a current 15 percent discount for Ullman mainsails, but a bigger discount is possible if the fleet gets a group order together. There are currently 8 owners who have indicated they want to buy Ullman mains.

The idea of  also including jib and spinnaker orders was raised.  Fred is to send out an email to all Fleet Four owners asking who wants to order Ullman mains, jibs, and spinnakers. EMAIL RESPONDENTS ARE TO REPLY TO  BRIAN GREEN, to coordinate a group discount purchase on all sails.


  1. FINANCIAL REPORT: Fred Reports on behalf of Geoff that all collected dues remain to be spent as the Fleet decides.


  1. WEIGHING BOATS: Fred reports that the H20 National Association has ruled that all boats must weigh at least 1,950 pounds. This was done after it was learned that Schock’s new manufacturing method was turning out boats between 20 and 150 pounds lighter than older boats. So, all boats numbered 335 or higher must be weighed, and corrective weights put in the battery compartments if they are too light. The fleets newest boats, Sirocco and Pleione, must be weighed with all standing rigging and required equipment aboard, as per association requirements. Leslie Deardorff requested that her older boat also be weighed. Ken Kieding was reported to have an easy method of weighing Fleet Four boats. Fred is to send out an email to all Fleet owners asking if they want their boat officially weighed as well, although weighing is voluntary only for hulls 334 or lower.



  1. SAFETY GEAR: The question of Fleet Four needing heavier ground tackle due to local sea conditions will await the return of Geoff Slaff, who is investigating the issue.


  1. 2016 CALENDAR: Jane Watkins distributed the SBYC racing calendar for 2016. The 2016 Fiesta Cup will include the Harbor 20 fleet. The other fleet will be J-70s as the regatta is part of their West Coast Championship series.



  1. H20 TROPHY PARTY: Jane reported that the Rosings would host the party. Leslie Deardorff will contact them to organize.



  1. UPCOMING EVENTS: Jane Watkins noted upcoming races she hopes the fleet will enter, including the CHRF Lady at the Helm on Oct. 18; the Wilmot Hughes PHRF race (with Harbor 20s to receive a non-spin handicap of 234). Some fleet members discussed the upcoming Sailing Club Goblin Regatta and it was agreed that racers could decide among themselves whether to race the regatta’s second day, or just on Saturday.

Jane said she will also discuss a schedule of starting clinics for Fleet Four with Ken Kieding.




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