Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 17 March 2017

Harbor 20 Fleet Four Meeting

March 17, 2017


The 2017 board consists of Rich Miller, Brian Green, Morgan Green Ann Hutchins and Geoff Slaff. Fred Rice volunteers

  1. Updating the fleet email list: Anyone who wishes to be on the main list may be on it. Sub lists will include the board only, and the board and fleet boat owners. A corrected list will be prepared by Ann Hutchins in time for the next fleet meeting.
  1. Fleet Meeting Dates: Consensus agreement after discussion of the following dates: May 12, June 8, July 10 and Oct. 12 and Dec. 14 for planning 2018. at 5:30 p.m.
  1. 2017 Fleet officers: By consensus agreement Rich Miller, Fleet Captain; Geoff Slaff, Treasurer; Morgan Green, recording secretary. John Jeffries volunteers to remain the fleet’s webmaster. Tom Wright volunteers to remain as fleet measurer.
  1. Topic of discussion: Rich Miller – How to make the fleet more fun?

Suggestions  for further discussion/action –

– email the whole fleet on suggestions to make races more fun for all

– create a B fleet to foster close competition

– race in teams with odd sail numbers vs even sail numbers

– provide designated speakers of interest at fleet meetings

– hold a go-fast session at fleet meeting, and definition and discussion of one racing rule per meeting

– help people get crew

  1. Fleet Outreach: Rich Miller – sought suggestions for further discussion/action:

– invite other clubs and fleets to sail on H20 boats

– establish a Harbor 20 class in the SBYC Charity Regatta  where non-owner members can skipper a boat, provided and crewed by us, for a given donation, say donors of $100 get to steer.

– first Wet Wednesday race each month be a fun team race.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Geoff Slaff. See Attached report for details. Currently, the fleet bank balance is $3,771,21. That compares with year end 2016 of $2,963.13. Noted: The fleet is not hosting any Class events involving visiting sailors this year. That leaves funds for spending as the fleet wants. Suggestions for further discussion/action:

– Harbor 20 Fleet 4 t-shirts

– Meeting appetizers and wine

Brian Green volunteered to tell the meeting about how he and his crew prepare for a race.

Consensus approval: May meeting appetizers, and presentation by Brian Green on pre-race preparations.

  1. Fleet communications: Morgan Green – requests that all emails be sent to fleet members from the Fleet Captain. Including minutes, announcements, reminders. And that the Fleet Capt. will send all corrected draft meeting minutes, or official changes to fleet bylaws, to the webmaster for posting online. Consensus agreement.
  1. Spring Series; Jane Watkins – Jane asks for volunteers for Saturday race committee. Rich Miller volunteers, Ann tentatively volunteers.
  1. Fleet Fixits: Brian Green – suggests spreading information about fixes for equipment on boats that all should be aware of. Example: Swapping the main halyard and Spinnaker halyard positions for efficiency and less wear.

Consensus that the May meeting will include a discussion of such fixits for the fleet’s general benefit.

  1. Suggested matters for future board action, Karen Cahill – presents suggestions from Kevin for possible future action:

– non-cumulative voting

– re-weighing requirement after boats make changes (including new flotation) that alter their weight.

– clarification of timing for E.P. switch to Ullman mainsails

– approval of new type of distress flares

  1. Wind Limit: Rich Miller – Asks that a discussion to clarify be placed on the May agenda.
  1. Start Clinic: discussion of when to conduct. General suggestion that if one is planned that it be earlier in the season. Suggestion to place on upcoming spring agenda.




 –  –  –  END –  –  –


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 9 December 2016



DECEMBER, 9, 2016


Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding – Morgan Green, Tom Wright, and Geoff Slaff (via phone conference call from Boston) present.


Announcements: Fred notes that 2017 will be a less taxing year for the fleet leadership in that the North/South Regatta will be in Newport, and the East/West Regatta will be in Annapolis, so Santa Barbara will not be hosting an event with other fleets.


Fred reminds the fleet that the deadline for paying the fleet dues is Feb. 1, 2017. Dues of $100 per boat are to be paid directly to Fleet Four Treasurer Geoff Slaff.


Fred is the new Treasurer for the National H20 Association. He reports there was discussion recently on the national association board about holding National Championships in Newport. No decision.


Fleet four Board Nominations: Morgan Green suggested a fleet-wide email to solicit nominations for the 2017 board of directors, as was successfully done last year. The call for nominations will go out in the first week in January. Approved by consensus.


Board Election: Morgan Green Suggested the deadline for board nominations be Jan. 25. An email ballot will be sent out to the fleet membership. Votes are to be returned to Morgan by individual email, and will remain confidential. The voting deadline will be Feb 3. Approved by consensus. The new board will be immediately notified. They will later meet to choose their officers.


Annual meeting/party: The meeting date is TBD.  Fred is to verify with Caroline Kavanagh, who volunteered her house. Tom suggested special thanks at the party for those who organized the Luau.


Adjournment: Next Meeting, TBD.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 9 December 2016



DECEMBER, 9, 2016


Call to Order: Fred Rice presiding – Morgan Green, Tom Wright, and Geoff Slaff (via phone conference call from Boston) present.


Announcements: Fred notes that 2017 will be a less taxing year for the fleet leadership in that the North/South Regatta will be in Newport, and the East/West Regatta will be in Annapolis, so Santa Barbara will not be hosting an event with other fleets.


Fred reminds the fleet that the deadline for paying the fleet dues is Feb. 1, 2017. Dues of $100 per boat are to be paid directly to Fleet Four Treasurer Geoff Slaff.


Fred is the new Treasurer for the National H20 Association. He reports there was discussion recently on the national association board about holding National Championships in Newport. No decision.


Fleet four Board Nominations: Morgan Green suggested a fleet-wide email to solicit nominations for the 2017 board of directors, as was successfully done last year. The call for nominations will go out in the first week in January. Approved by consensus.


Board Election: Morgan Green Suggested the deadline for board nominations be Jan. 25. An email ballot will be sent out to the fleet membership. Votes are to be returned to Morgan by individual email, and will remain confidential. The voting deadline will be Feb 3. Approved by consensus. The new board will be immediately notified. They will later meet to choose their officers.


Annual meeting/party: The meeting is TBD.  Fred is to verify with Caroline Kavanagh, who volunteered her house. Tom suggested special thanks at the party for those who organized the Luau.


Adjournment: Next Meeting, TBD.

Fleet 4 Hosted North-South Regatta!

Greetings from Santa Barbara’s Harbor 20 Fleet 4! We’re excited to be hosting this year’s North/South Challenge Regatta and our race committee is busy making plans to ensure a fun and competitive event for all involved. The format will be similar to our previous regattas, this year five teams from each fleet may enter. Each team will consist of three crew total – two team members and a boat owner representative. More details will follow with the NOR which will go out soon. In the meantime the following information is provided to help competitors and others who will be joining in the festivities to make their plans. I’m looking forward to seeing you at another great N/S Challenge! ….. Fred Rice Fleet Captain


Fleet 4 Proposed Schedule of Events

Friday, September 2nd

2:00-2:30pm Event Registration & Check-in SBYC upper deck.

2:30pm Optional practice sailing, meet at SBYC upper deck.

6:00pm Welcome Reception Home of Cheryl and Rich Miller’s, 980 Paseo Los Santos, Santa Barbara. Dinner, beer and wine.

Saturday, September 3th

9:00-11:00am No-Host Breakfast available SBYC.

11:00am Competitor Meeting & Boat assignments SBYC upper deck.

12:30pm Racing Starts.

6:00pm Beach Party SBYC Buffet Dinner, live band and no host bar Sunday.

September 4th

9:00-11:00am No host breakfast available SBYC.

11:00am Competitor Meeting & Boat assignments SBYC upper deck.

12 noon Racing Starts.

4:00pm Awards, Appetizers and no host bar SBYC Upper deck.

4:30pm Dock Party Al Salzer’s New Orleans Gumbo, margaritas, beer & wine Marina 1, M finger, slip 17

Additional Information

Fees: Estimated cost is $200 regatta fee for racers and a social events fee of $125 for non-racers and boat reps to cover meals and events

Lodging: Those who wish to have housing with Fleet 4 members should contact Caroline Kavanagh by email at jckands@yahoo.com at least 30 days in advance. Please provide your names, arrival and departure dates, email and phone number.

Regatta Chair: Contact Leslie Deardorff with questions regarding the event lesliedeardorff@gmail.com

Regatta Website:


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 14 July 2016



JULY 14, 2016


1.  CALL TO ORDER: Fred Rice presiding – Geoff Slaff, Ann Hutchins, Morgan Green, Tom Wright and webmaster John Jeffries present, with fleet members Leslie Deardorff, Jane Barrett, Caroline Kavanagh, Bhrian Resnik, Al Salzer, Dale Zurawski, and Helene Webb attending.




A.  Minutes: Morgan Green/ John Jeffries- March minutes accepted without amendment and posted on website.


B.  Update on North/South regatta organization and Notice of Race. Leslie, Jane Caroline Fred and Geoff are all working on it. A letter of invitation was sent. Leslie will get Fleet 1 Capt. Nick Froehlich’s email address from the roster. Fred will not send a NOR until a month before the event. Invitation will be posted on the website.


C.  Thanks on Commodore Regatta: Fred – Thank to all skippers lending boats. There was a collision between Wayne Rosing two boats.


D.  North/South and East/West events, dates and how representatives are chosen: Fred – N/S is Sept 2, 3 and 4. E/W is Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 and 2. Selection discussion: N/S is four teams from each group, with skipper and one crew and one owners rep aboard each boat. E/W is the same, but five boats.

Fred received a reply from San Diego that they want to send two boats. Suggestions: eliminate 1 SB and one Newport boat, or Newport eliminate 2, since SD is in the south region. (Longbeach and northward is North Region) Tom reports that 16 SB boats are officially weighed and eligible to use. Before a Fleet 4 decision regarding San Diego, Fred will contact Fleet 1 Capt. Nick Froehlich and find out how they handled the San Diego question last year when the event was in Newport.


E.  Suggested Fleet Spending: Geoff Slaff – Reports there is still $2,636.05 in the fleet treasury. Enough money for the N/S event.


F.  Boat Equipment List: Fred – permanent bumpers request. Request was withdrawn.


G.  Wind/Wave Limits: Fred – requests a fleet consensus on this matter with 18 knots for one minute assumed for race cancellation. Clarification? Morgan Green cites March 2015 meeting minutes showing that the criteria suggested is “a maximum of 20 knots of wind for one minute duration between 4:20 and 4:30 p.m.” as the criteria for cancelling a Wet Wednesday race. Discussion: Fred notes difficulty in talking to the race committee the previous week as the RC was in the middle of start sequences, his radio did not send, shouting to other boats was confusing, and onboard winds of 18 with gusts to 21 was the only wind indication available. Race Director called form the RC to announce that the race would not be cancelled. All boats but two quit. Only one boat finished.


After discussion, members present agreed by consensus that the wind measurement criteria would be 45 minutes before the H2O Wet Wednesday start, a member of the executive committee is to phone the SBYC Race Director and ask for a reading. If it is 20 knots or more for one minute or more, the race is cancelled. In cases of absence, the sequence of responsibility on the board for calling Brad: Fleet Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Measurer, at large member – as suggested by Fred. For regattas: The same rule applies except a determination is to be made by the Race Committee any time prior to any starting sequence.




A.  Leslie Deardorff reports progress on the NOR, housing, and events for the N/S regatta. Also trophies. There will be three parties; Friday night at the Millers; Saturday at SBYC; and Sunday at Al Salzer’s boats. Friday afternoon is sign in. A spinnaker clinic may be needed if San Diego participates. Friday needs to be coordinated with Cheryl Miller. Last time all brought appetizers. The cost this time will be based on what the hosts need for reimbursement. Saturday night, a band has been booked. Food is to be tacos and a bar on the beach. After Sunday racing, snacks at the SBYC awards ceremony, and afterward to Al’s boat for a dock Mardi Gras party.


Caroline is handing housing of guest sailors. Several people have offered rooms. SBYC Race Director Brad Shchaupeter has started on the Notice of Race, and awaits the regatta particulars to finish.


Al questioned tacos as food. Leslie notes the club has no food and drink manager at present. She will wait to consult with the new manager.

Dale Zurawski suggests one SB item as a gift to visiting crews. Fred suggests varying sizes of bottles of wine for crew and owners reps. He can get some wine donated. And 36 estimated bottles is “doable.”  No final decision.


Trophies: Leslie and Jane Barrett have researched, considering bottles of wine for skipper and crew winners, also an ice bucket or wine glasses. No final decision yet.  Al is donating a perpetual trophy for the North/South Regatta.


Helene Webb has volunteered to design the artwork for a long-sleeved regatta shirt, with up to three colors in the design. An advisory vote of attendees preferred a Sport-Tek shirt rather than a less expensive standard Tee.


Charges to owners reps – consensus that they may attend events at no charge. Spouses will pay. The ticket charge for all three parties is $125 per person.


Geoff will update the projected budget numbers based on now-confirmed charges for the N/S event. The initial budget briefing sheet showed: The 2016 fleet income estimate is $9,250. the 2014 actual income was $9,750. Projected 2016 expenses are $7,995, actual 2014 expenses were $10,023.


Housing: Caroline wants to confirm what Fleet Four homes have space available for regatta visitors, including “iffy” space. Caroline will blast the fleet for ASAP replies.


Fleet 4 Representation: Fred reiterates that the Championship Series standings will determine the teams, with the top leaders in sequence qualifying to sail, and the next highest ranked skippers in sequence to be offered slots if any initial qualifiers cannot sail. Discussion and approval of a suggestion by Leslie Dierdorf: by consensus – if a qualifying skipper’s crew cannot attend, the skipper may choose from among Fleet Four member Championship Series participants to man the boat. No outside crews or skippers are permitted.


Adjournment: 7 p.m.

– – – END – – –

Fleet 4 Fiesta Cup in Santa Barbara

shah enhanced

Fleet 4 in Santa Barbara is gearing up for the annual Fiesta Cup July 15-17. Besides the Harbor 20 fleet, we will be hosting the J/70 West Coast Championship. This has always been a favorite regatta for the Harbor 20 Fleet and is part of their Championship Series. Good winds and great parties are anticipated. The famous party on the beach will once again feature our favorite band, “Jason Campbell and the Drive”. NOR and Si’s are online now at sbyc.org.

Fleet 4 Rescheduled Start Clinic!

When:  Friday, June 17

Where:  Santa Barbara, in the water in front of SBYC in the general area of the permanent starting buoys.

We’ll start at 5:00 P.M. and be out until 6:30 or later. Show up when you can.  Ken Keiding will set a line and run a series of practice starts.  Take a radio and monitor Channel 71–there will be real time coaching!

Fleet 4 Calendar Added!

Note that we now have the Santa Barbara Fleet 4 calendar filled in at the top page level of the Harbor 20 website.  To see it, go to the main website page (http://www.harbor20.org/), click “Fleet 4” in the pulldown menu under “Upcoming Events” in the far right column, and the next two months of items scheduled for Fleet 4 will fill in underneath.  This calendar will duplicate our race schedule under its own separate tab, but there will be additional Fleet activities shown.  And, obviously implied, forward any significant future calendar items to any board member or “JJ” at jjsharkbait@hotmail.com.


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