Cinco de Mayo in Santa Barbara!

Cinco de Mayo Regatta is one week away!   With spring coming we should see some great sailing conditions, usually in the light to moderate range perfect for the Harbor 20. This puts a premium on tactical skill over heavy air boat handling skills making for close racing! Santa Baraba Sailing Club has announced Dave Bernal will be PRO. Dave has many years of experience with S.B.S.C. as an experienced on the water race officer.  Don’t forget this regatta counts towards the local Harbor 20 Feet Championship series.

So it’s time to confirm your crew commitments and do any boat fixes this weekend! If you need additional crew don’t forget to check out Sign up and check out the people who want to crew!

S.B.S.C. Sailing Instructions, NOR and Regatta Network entry links are all available at

See you at the start line Saturday!

P.S. Remember we are only racing on Saturday even though the regatta is a two day event.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes February 17, 2022

Date: Feb 17, 2022 Time: 5:30pm Location: online via Zoom Notes taken: LC/JB

Attendees: Lee Cushman, Geoff Slaff, GT Koldjeski, Rich Miller, John Jeffries (JJ), Bill Hahn, Devin Walsh, Kevin Dumain, Jeff Mikeska, Morgan Green

Call to Order: Lee called the meeting to order at 5:35pm and confirmed there was a quorum.

Fleet board and officers were introduced:


Lee Cushman, Jane Barrett, GT Koldjeski, Rich Miller


Koldjeski, Rich Miller
Fleet Captain: Lee
Measurer: GT
Secretary: Jane
Treasurer: Geoff
Webmaster: JJ

Geoff provided the Treasurers report and the proposed fleet budget for 2022, see attachment. Budget was reviewed, Jeff pointed out that there was a line item for trophies for the Miramar event. Action Item: Gt will review past budgets of Mercury fleet as comparison for fleet to explore possibility of adding more line items to Harbor 20 annual budget.

Scheduled H20 “on the water” events will be headed by the following fleet liaison & volunteers:

May 25-27 East West and or North/South – Rich
Rich asked all members to respond if they wanted to participate, he needs to coordinate with fleet 1. He thinks we could get 3-4 boats and skippers could team up. Lee & Geoff were affirmative that they wanted to participate.

June 4, Race Committee PHRF Summer Regatta – Bill Hahn
Volunteers: JJ, Geoff, Lee, Rich. Action Item: still need 2 more volunteers.

Sept 9-11 H20 Nationals – Rich
Lee & Geoff confirmed their intent to compete.

Sept 11, Singlehanded Race – Kevin

Action Item: Coordinate start and finish with SBSC, we may have to finish ourselves.

Sept 24, Miramar Race Who??

Action Item: still need a liaison and volunteers to step up.

Sat. Nov 19th, Double Handed Race – Geoff

Various dates, local regattas, participation – Lee

Scheduled “off the water” activities will be organized by the following members, Dates TBD:
– Rules Seminar – Lee
– Mid-year Fleet Party – Geoff
– Mainsail design evaluation – Lee, GT

Lee requested that when replying to emails sent out to the fleet re: events, races and general fleet business that members would use “reply all” to help improve communication and increase event participation within the fleet.

To kick off the Spring season all H20 racers are encouraged to gather at a spot to be specified at SBYC after the first Spring Wet Wednesday race. Action Item: Jane will send email to fleet and help coordinate when closer to the date.

Miramar Anchor Down: Lee received an inquiry about the possibility of making the Miramar Anchor Down Race a yacht club event open to participation by other yacht club members and various classes of boats. The various pros and cons of doing this were discussed. Conclusion: A motion was made to keep the Miramar event limited to Harbor 20s, the motion was passed unanimously.

Trophy Display at SBYC: Lee brought up the offer by SBYC to display the Harbor 20 Singlehanded and Double Handed trophies in the Club display case, discussion followed. The original intent was for the trophy to be taken home by the winner, however, display of these trophies together at the YC would show the unique qualities of our Fleet and possibly attract interest in joining. Conclusion: There was a motion to have these two trophies on display at the SBYC, the motion passed unanimously.

Safety Equipment: Geoff followed up with work he has done on creating a safety check list for use by the Harbor 20s. Gt noted that both the Harbor Patrol and Coast Guard have in the past checked Boats. Action Item: Geoff will send out the safety list as a reminder to all Harbor 20 owners to check their boats and be prepared.

Expanding the Fleet: Gt brought up the Idea of offering “test drives” to other sailors that may be interested in the Harbor 20. Action Item: GT will ask if there is interest among SBSC members.

Next Meeting: TBD

A motion to adjourn was made at approx 6:45pm and was passed unanimously.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes October 21, 2021


2021 Long Term Proxies:

TachyTooWayne RosingGreg Hopkins

One Time Proxies:

Pleione IIGeoff SlaffRich Miller


  • Call to Order: 5:45.
  • Approve August Meeting minutes.
  • Geoff to provide the treasury report.
  • Rich report on National Class News.
  • Do we have a quorum? YES [ Cherrybomb, SOD, Fleur de Lis, Cardremiann, Pleione, Tachytoo , Picante, ] JJ in attendance.

On The Water

  • Class Championship Series: Goblin Regatta Saturday October 23.
  • Class Double Handed Championship SBYC Saturday November 20 Geoff has new trophy commissioned.
  • Congratulations to Morgan (Misbehaven) for winning CHRF Lady at the Helm and Dani Hahn (FLING) Fourth Overall, 1st H2O out of 14 boats Well Done!!!

Old Business (Carried over from September 16 2021 Minutes)

  • Trophies

Provide trophies for the 2021 Fleet 4 Double-Handed champions.  (Geoff double Handed). Geoff has new Trophy will be on Hand to present Nov 20.

  • RULES Education

Action: Bill Hahn. Bill Suggested the fleet meet and discuss incidents on the course after Wet Wednesday races. He will keep a running list so we can identify the reoccurring disputes/misinterpretations of the rules and have Brad address. GT suggested windward mark boats rounding and gybing to port and fouling Starboard tack boats. Group discussion about this topic, Rich asked Brad specifics which he shared with the group.

  • Sails

Continued discussion of pursuing better Sails for our fleet. Parameters that the Group has general agreement on is price, viewed as initial cost and longevity and the ability for all fleet members to trim sails. Bill Hahn, Lee, have volunteered and those present agreed that Rick Yabsley would be able to offer good input as he has done a lot of research. 6/17 update Fleet 1 looking at North sails, Lee spoke with Rick mildly interested Action: Lee to follow up with Fleet 1, realizing they sail in different conditions. See new business for Fleet Sail Order.

  • Safety Equipment

Geoff discussed publishing a list of required safety equipment at the beginning of next season all agreed this would be a good idea.

  • Interested Potential H20 Boat owners.

GT will talk with Commodore of Sailing Club to see if he can generate interest in H20 fleet.

  • Seashell Fleet Request to take some skippers out for a sail. Lee Followed up with an email and invited seashell fleet to give dates that may work for next year.
  • Hosting North-South regatta next year possibly using Fiesta cup as venue. Rich is to follow up and report back to fleet. Rich said Jane Watkins regatta chair was ok with the Idea. Lee voiced caution and clarity that all members realize that only 5 skippers from Fleet 4 will be able to participate in Fiesta cup if we proceed down this road. Rich said Fleet 1 waiting to get back to us.
  • Put Singlehanded Race on Schedule GT to check and see if we can be part of SBSC scheduled Bugay race. Fleet agreed race fee would be good support of SBSC. Action GT.
  • Fun Race Rich threw out idea of having fun race meet at SBYC dock boats rigged and draw names we all sail different boat then our own. Morgan commented if we do this insure to give advance notice.
  • Fleet 4 language in our bylaws regarding membership and eligibility to race, is not as Morgan remembered that we voted on last December 17th 2020 meeting. Lee Rich and Morgan will investigate. See attachment below that Morgan researched. Rich talked to Brad and he felt that it would be hard to limit a SBYC Member who owned a H20 from participating in Yacht Club race for example WET WED. JJ pointed out SI’s say Boat has to be a class member. Brad did agree that this example boat would not be eligible for fleet championship.
  • Long discussion which went full circle about Fleet Champion is it Skipper or Boat that collect points. I think we landed back at Skipper who must be Fleet member.

New Business

  1. Class Board assignment as proposed by Geoff in his email: He is stepping down Rich is staying on and Lee is taking Geoff’s position. 1st by Morgan 2nd GT All in favor none opposed.
  2. Winter Party Morgan suggest we start planning
  3. New Fleet Board needs to be elected. Lee to start process.
  4. Rich Brought up legal fees to close class law suit Fleet4 portion $8,000 much discussion Greg Hopkins motion to use $ 3000 in fleet savings the balance to be split by 14 owners, Therefore “Recommended” but not mandatory or required contribution is $357.14/ea. If contributions are in excess of $5,000 then less will be used from fleet savings. 
  5. Fleet Sail Order discussed Ullman Main design modification.

Adjournment       6:55 pm

Thursday, October 21, 2021 1730 (5:30 p.m.)


Latest Fleet four bylaws on class website


F1. A Fleet Race is any Class Race so designated by Fleet 4 to distinguish it from evening races or other informal events.  All Harbor 20 Fleet 4 bylaws and modifications to Class rules shall apply to all one design Harbor 20 races in Santa Barbara waters designated for the yearly Fleet 4 Championship.

F.2. Fleet races will be held in conformance to the participation requirements of the Class Rules, and the helmsmen need not be an Owner Member or Skipper Member, unless modified by written notice from the Board.

F.3. All Fleet Races are counted for purposes of scoring the Fleet 4 Championship.

F.4. Any Fleet Race so designated by the Board qualifies for the Fleet 4 Championship.

F.5. The Fleet may hold a Fleet Championship in a location, time(s), and format to be determined by the Fleet. The Fleet Championship will be held in conformance to the Class Rules. The winner is declared the Fleet Champion, and may affix a red chevron to his boat’s mainsail under the standard insignia.


  1. Lee brought up for clarification the situation where a competitor who is not a Fleet 4 member might want to race in the Harbor 20 fleet for some race. It was concluded by all that this would not be a problem for determining the Fleet 4 champion…. the non-member entry would just be ignored for points accrual and all lower finishing yachts would move up a place.
  2. MINUTES OCT  2020
  4. 3. Invoking Class Rules:
    1. Morgan asked how our Class rules and Bylaws are normally invoked. Rich stated that he already had the action to discuss with Brad the membership rules and would also discuss how Class and Fleet 4 bylaws are brought into play for various regattas. Discussion followed on various paragraphs of the Bylaws that would be impacted. Morgan and Rich and others present with Lee summarizing, agreed that the best approach for now and for voting into the Bylaws at the next meeting would be: All Fleet 4 Harbor 20 one-design races in Santa Barbara County will be Class races with Fleet 4 Bylaws applicable.
    1. >>> Rich and Morgan took the action to fine tune these words and forward to Lee.

MINUTES NOV. 19 2020

  1. Bylaws: No Action (Not enough members present)

A.  Action: replace F1 with “All Harbor 20 Fleet 4 modifications to class rules shall apply to all   one design Harbor 20 races in Santa Barbara waters.”

B.  Also F3 “All Fleet Races are counted for purposes of scoring the Fleet 4 Championship” is not true and needs to be deleted.


  1. Bylaws.
    1. Fleet 4 Hiking.  Lee brought up our past proposal to revert to the class rules.  Some discussion ensued and it was concluded that the need to hold out a spinn sheet, to clear kelp, or to go forward to work jams and emergencies would not be precluded by the Class Rules. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to make this change. J. Jeffryes will modify the online bylaws and remove the Fleet 4 allowance for increased hiking, Rule I.3.
    1. Fleet 4 Championship Races.  Al moved and Morgan seconded that we incorporate our proposed change for Rule F.1. Lee reminded all that the new definition applies only to one-design racing for Fleet 4 members in determination of the yearly Championship.  All voted “aye”.  Rule F1 is to be removed and replaced by: “All Harbor 20 Fleet 4 bylaws and modifications to Class rules shall apply to all one design Harbor 20 races in Santa Barbara waters designated for the yearly Fleet 4 Championship.”


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes, September 16, 2021

Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting

16 September 2021


2021 Long Term Proxies:

TachyTooWayne RosingGreg Hopkins

One Time Proxies:

PleioneGeoff SlaffRich Miller


  • Call to Order: 5:45
  • Approve August Meeting minutes: Skipped but no voting was done all conversation
  • Geoff to provide the treasury report: no change
  • Rich report on National Class News: Skipped
  • Do we have a quorum? Yes, in attendance Firefly(John & Caroline) Fluer( Gt & Al) Webster ( Bill) Tachytoo (Greg), Fling (Bill & JJ), S.O.D (Lee), Picante(Morgan), Cardremmian (Rich)

Old Business (Carried over from May 20 2021 Minutes

  • Trophies

Provide trophies for the 2021 Fleet 4 Double-Handed champions SBYC Race.  (Jeff double Handed)  Action: TBC to provide trophies, Caroline mentioned that the Sailing Club runs a Double Handed race and it is great for the H20.

  • RULES Education

Action: Bill Hahn; Bill Suggested the fleet meet and discuss incidents on the course after Wet Wednesday races. He will keep a running list so we can identify the reoccurring disputes/misinterpretations of the rules and have Brad address. GT suggested windward mark boats rounding and gybing to port and fouling Starboard tack boats. Bill reported no reportable incidents on his list.

  • Sails

Continued discussion of pursuing better Sails for our fleet. Parameters that the Group has general agreement on is price, viewed as initial cost and longevity and the ability for all fleet members to trim sails. Bill Hahn, Lee, have volunteered and those present agreed that Rick Yabsley would be able to offer good input as he has done a lot of research. 6/17 update Fleet 1 looking at North sails, Lee spoke with Rick mildly interested Action: Lee to follow up with Fleet 1 Realizing they sail in different Conditions no change of status

  • Safety Equipment

Geoff discussed publishing a list of required safety equipment at the beginning of next season all agreed this would be a good idea.

  • Interested Potential H20 Boat owners.

Jeff Mikeska in attendance found a slip and has purchase a boat taking delivery in 6 weeks

GT will talk with Commodore of Sailing Club to see if he can generate interest in H20 fleet

Tony Papa Won Commodores Regatta and was fired up to get a Harbor 20

  • Seashell Fleet Request to take some skippers out for a sail. Lee to follow up with call
  • Women’s Skipper Championship/ Shalhoob Cup Sat Sept 18th Karen Cahill is regatta chair and we have met her request to date
  • Fleet and Class Membership dues discussion. Fleet dues 100$ per boat, Class dues 15$ all owners and boat skippers. Note guest skippers not necessary, crew and interested parties optional.
  • Hosting North- South regatta next year possibly using Fiesta cup as venue. Rich is to follow up and report back to fleet.

New Business

  • Put Singlehanded Race on Schedule GT to check and see if we can be part of SBSC schedule Bugay race. Fleet agreed race fee would be good support of SBSC
  • Fun Race Rich threw out idea of having fun race meet at SBYC dock boats rigged and draw names we all sail different boat then our own.
  • Fleet 4 language in our bylaws regarding membership and eligibility to race, is not as Morgan remembered that we voted on last December 17th 2020 meeting. Lee Rich and Morgan will investigate.

On The Water

  • Miramar Anchor Down Race Saturday September 25th.                                                                   Geoff to let Rick and Nina Know Budget. Done

Request to Crew have been coming in is anyone interested in responding. Three Responses SOD will take a couple, one respondent is interested in Buying Harbor Twenty,

Another couple showed interest

Show of hands who is sailing. Tachytoo, Firefly, Cardemmian, Fling, S.O.D, Fleur De Lis, Tachyon, Pleione possible (greg to follow up)

Al taking care of food and drink dock side at end of race. Needs help setting up tables

  • Class Championship Series: Fall Regatta Sunday October 3


Thursday, October 21, 2021 1730 (5:30 p.m.)


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes, August 19, 2021

Attendees: ——-

2020 Long Term Proxies:

TachyTooWayne RosingGreg Hopkins

One Time Proxies:

CherrybombJane BarretLee Cushman


  • Call to Order: 5:45.
  • Approve June Meeting minutes: Geoff Motion, Rich second, vote Unanimous approved.
  • Geoff to provide the treasury report: Good shape balance $4,143 enough to spend $500 on The Anchor Down Race and another event. Geoff to notify Rick and Nina of budget for Miramar Anchor Down race.
  • Rich report on National Class News: Law suit against Class settled Schock (Odonell) given the rights to build new boats for 2 years.
  • Do we have a quorum? Yes ( Cherrybomb, SOD, Picante, Fling, Thachytoo, Fleur de Lis, Pleione, Cardremmian).

Old Business (Carried over from May 20 2021 Minutes)

  • Trophies. Provide trophies for the 2020 Fleet 4 Single-Handed and Double-Handed champions.  (Lee Single Handed, Jeff double Handed)  Action: Single handed Trophy to be completed before second annual race September 12th.
  • Rules Chalk Talk. Action: Bill Hahn; Bill Suggested the fleet meet and discuss incidents on the course after Wet Wednesday races. He will keep a running list so we can identify the reoccurring disputes/misinterpretations of the rules and have Brad address. GT suggested windward mark boats rounding and gybing to port and fouling Starboard tack boats.
  • Sails. Continued discussion of pursuing better Sails for our fleet. Parameters that the Group has general agreement on is price, viewed as initial cost and longevity and the ability for all fleet members to trim sails. Bill Hahn, Lee, have volunteered and those present agreed that Rick Yabsley would be able to offer good input as he has done a lot of research. 6/17 update Fleet 1 looking at North sails, Lee spoke with Rick mildly interested Action: Lee to follow up with Fleet 1, Realizing they sail in different Conditions.
  • Safety Equipment. Lee reported that Geoff Slaff has almost completed the task of creating a Fleet 4 suggested safety equipment list. Geoff discussed publishing a list of required safety equipment at the beginning of next season all agreed this would be a good idea.
  • Interested Potential H20 Boat owners.
  1. WELCOME to the Fleet GT, great to see the colors of Fleur Di Lie on the course.
  2. Jeff Mikeska found a slip and is looking to purchase a boat.
  3. GT will talk with Commodore of Sailing Club to see if he can generate interest in H20 fleet.
  • National Class Roster. Send Fleet 4 roster to National Class Captain Gary Thorne. Done.

New Business

  • Seashell Fleet. Request to take some skippers out for a sail. Lee to follow up with call.
  • Request to Borrow. Boats needed for Staff Commodore regatta Friday Aug 27( SOD, Fling, Thachytoo, Fluer de lis, Pleonie, Cardremmian, Tachyon) all agreed to lend boats w/out owner rep. Lee to check with Cherrybomb and coordinate with Brad.
  • Women. Women’s Skipper Championship/ Shalhoob Cup Sat Sept 18th.
  • Fleet and Class Membership dues discussion. Fleet dues $100 per boat, Class dues $15 all owners and boat skippers. Note guest skippers not necessary, crew and interested parties optional.
  • Hosting. North-South regatta next year possibly using Fiesta cup as venue.

On The Water

  • Bugay/H20 Single handed championship Sunday September 12. Action: GT to talk with Pat SBSC Commodore to confirm start for H20 singlehanded.
  • Miramar Anchor Down Race Saturday September 25th. Geoff to let Rick and Nina Know Budget.
  • East/West in Newport October 2 & 3. CANCELED.
  • Class Championship Series. Fall Regatta Sunday October 3.
  • Goleta Beach Race Saturday August 28th. Several present expressed Interest in sailing all agreed wind cooperation with an early start 10:00 am, an hour ahead of fleet would make it a fun event. Lee to check with Brad on early start and get back to fleet.

Next Meeting Thursday, September 16, 2021 1730 (5:30 p.m.)



Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes June 17, 2021


Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting Minutes

17 June 2021


2020 Long Term Proxies:

TachyTooWayne RosingGreg Hopkins

One Time Proxies:

Pleione IIGeoffrey SlaffLee Cushman


  • Call to Order: 5:30
  • Approve May Meeting minutes:
  • Geoff to provide the treasury report: Geoff was not in attendance. Lee Reported no change from May
  • Rich report on National Class News:
  • Do we have a quorum? No

Old Business (Carried over from May 20 2021 Minutes)

  • Trophies

Provide trophies for the 2020 Fleet 4 Single-Handed and Double-Handed champions.  (Lee Single Handed, Jeff double Handed)  Action: To Be Continued (TBC) to provide trophies

  • Chalk Talk

RULES by Brad Schaupeter 6/17 Update Brad Not Availible 6/19 Action: Bill Hahn

Bill Will follow up with Brad for perspective Dates

  • End of year Party. Rich Miller Hosting 6/19 5:00pm

6/17 Update Invite crew and potential new members. Group Discussed Following up with prospective new Owners and current crew to invite to party and give numbers to Rich

  • Sails

Continued discussion of pursuing better Sails for our fleet. Parameters that the Group has general agreement on is price, viewed as initial cost and longevity and the ability for all fleet members to trim sails. Bill Hahn, Lee, have volunteered and those present agreed that Rick Yabsley would be able to offer good input as he has done a lot of research. 6/17 update Fleet 1 looking at North sails, Lee spoke with Rick mildly interested Action: Lee to follow up with Fleet 1, Lee mentioned that Fleet1 was currently undergoing same process and would check into see what progress they had made. Rich mention that their sail requirements will likely vary from our as we sail in different Conditions.

  • Safety Equipment

Lee reported that Geoff Slaff has almost completed the task of creating a Fleet 4 suggested safety equipment list. Jeff to Lead Discussion Jeff had unexpected family matters to attend to.

  • Interested Potential H20 Boat owners.

Trey Pinner (current J-70 owner) Lee, Jane & Tom following up with him. Lee had Trey Pinner and his wife Nancy out on CHRF race, Trey was on the helm, Nancy crewed.

Tony Papa is interested: anyone who has the opportunity is encouraged to follow up. Lee Followed up with Tony in person and invited him to sail a CHRF. Tony followed up with a text saying that he was interested but now is not the timing as he was three boats that he and his son are involved with. He would keep in touch.

Jeff Mikeska is interested and is trying to find a slip before proceeding with purchase: anyone with a lead should get in touch with him.

Al Salzer is looking for a partner. Post meeting addition to notes GT has taken al up and will be Campaigning Fleur.

  • National Class Roster

Send Fleet 4 roster to National Class Captain Gary Thorne. Action Greg & JJ

New Business

  • Seashell Fleet Request to take some skippers out for a sail. Discussion action Item Lee.

On The Water

  • Fiesta Cup Saturday & Sunday July 24 & 25( Fleet Championship Race)
  • Miramar Anchor Down Race Saturday July 31 ( change to September 25th Rick & Nina Yabsley to coordinate)
  • SBSC Co-Ed Race Saturday August 7

Rich Suggested adding this race to our Fun race Calendar.  3 race series, all three crew take turns

  • Bugay/H20 Single handed championship Sunday September 12

Action: TBC to organize finish

  • East/West in Newport 1st weekend October (Attendance Rich is coordinating with Gary of Fleet1)
  • H20 Double handed championship Saturday November 20


Next meeting (In Person at SBYC)

Thursday, August 19, 2021 1730 (5:30 p.m.)


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes April 15, 2021


Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting Minutes

15 April 2021


  • Rich Miller, Lee Cushman, Tom Wright, Jane Barrett, Greg Hopkins, and John Jeffryes.
  • Appreciate the notice from Picante, Firefly and Pleione II of other commitments.

2020 Long Term Proxies:

TachyTooWayne RosingGreg Hopkins

One Time Proxies:



  • Call to Order: 1740 (5:40 p.m.).
  • Geoff provided the treasury balance of $4,143: Lee forgot to present.
  • Geoff provided the treasury balance of $4,143: Lee forgot to present.
  • Geoff provided the treasury balance of $4,143: Lee forgot to present.

Old Business (Carried over from December 17th 2020 Minutes)


  • Provide trophies for the 2020 Fleet 4 Single-Handed and Double-Handed champions.  (Lee Single Handed, Jeff double Handed)  Action: TBC to provide trophies.


  • Lee is working to get a fleet sling to Wayne so that sling and scale can be kept together. (Not Discussed)  Action: Lee to talk to Wayne.


  • RULES by Brad Schaupeter (see discussion below on Party) Action: Bill Hahn.

END OF YEAR PARTY (Rich Miller Hosting)

  • Email out to find number that are interested in attending.
  • Combine with Summer Regatta June 5th
  • Or combine with Saturday 2-hour Brad rules seminar? Invite interested parties. 
  • Action: Lee to send email to find number of people that are interested in attending.


  • Continued discussion of pursuing better Sails for our fleet. Parameters that the Group has general agreement on is price, viewed as initial cost and longevity and the ability for all fleet members to trim sails. Bill Hahn, Lee, have volunteered and those present agreed that Rick Yabsley would be able to offer good input as he has done a lot of research. Action: Lee to see if Rick is interested.


  • Lee reported that Geoff Slaff has almost completed the task of creating a Fleet 4 suggested safety equipment list.

New Business


  • Trey Pinner (current J-70 owner) Lee, Jane & Tom following up with him.
  • Tony Papa is interested: anyone who has the opportunity is encouraged to follow up.
  • Jeff Mikeska is interested and is trying to find a slip before proceeding with purchase: anyone with a lead should get in touch with him.
  • Al Salzer is looking for a partner.


  • Send Fleet 4 roster to National Class Captain Gary Thorne. Action Greg & JJ.


  • Fleet 4 responsible for Race Committee SBYC Summer Regatta PHRF Sunday June 6. Action: All.

On The Water

  • Miramar Anchor Down Race Saturday July 31.
  • SBSC Co-Ed Race Saturday August 7.
  • Rich Suggested adding this race to our Fun race Calendar.  3 race series, all three crew take turns.
  • Bugay/H20 Single handed championship Sunday September 12. Action: TBC to organize finish.
  • East/West in Newport 1st weekend October.
  • H20 Double handed championship Saturday November 20.


1840 (6:40 p.m.)

Next meeting

Thursday, May 20, 2021 1730 (5:30 p.m.).


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes December 17th 2020


Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting Minutes

17 December 2020


Morgan Green, Bill Hahn, Lee Cushman, Tom Wright, Jane Barrett, Geoff Slaff, Al Salzer, John & Caroline Kavanagh, and John Jeffryes

2020 Long Term Proxies:

      YACHT                                  OWNER                                 PROXY

Fleur de Lis                           Al Salzer                                Billy Bench

TachyToo                              Wayne Rosing                      Greg Hopkins

One Time Proxies:

      YACHT                                   OWNER                                 PROXY

na                                           na                                           na


  1. Call to Order: 1740 (5:40 p.m.)
  2. Minutes of 19 November were accepted.
  3. Geoff provided the treasury balance of $2743 including $100 anonymous donation for a possible memorial paver for Bhrian Resnik.
  4. J. Jeffryes reported that he’s keeping up with listing winners on the Fleet 4 Champions and Trophies page.
  5. Geoff reported that there is no new national news.
  6. Lee counted confirmed that we have a quorum for voting.
  7. Shah has been sold and is out of the fleet for now.

Old Business

  1. Trophies.  J. Jeffryes reminded all that we now have an action to provide trophies for the 2020 Fleet 4 Single-Handed and Double-Handed champions.
  2. Sling.  Lee is working to get a fleet sling to Wayne so that sling and scale can be kept together.
  3. Trailer.  Tom is working on securing a fleet trailer…. he is currently awaiting feedback from Phil Thompson.  Tom said that most available trailers will require modification to suit Harbor 20’s since exactly compatible trailers are not numerous.
  4. Chalk Talk.  Bill Hahn summarized his meeting with Brad Schaupeter on a sailing class.  Brad is up for any topic, anytime, anywhere. Fleet 4 now needs to specify its wishes.  Lee has offered a large conference room at his firm for a location.  Bill suggested that the class be no longer than 3 hours.  Several agreed that rules around the weather mark and all marks would be a good topic.  Another comment was that we could do the class before noon and have a party after noon.  Lee and the rest of the fleet will watch the progress with COVID to see when we might approach this event. Morgan suggested that we might include the exact procedure for protesting in Brad’s class.
  5. Party.  All are aware of the need for a party and all are watching COVID progress.
  6. Bylaws.
    • Fleet 4 Hiking.  Lee brought up our past proposal to revert to the class rules.  Some discussion ensued and it was concluded that the need to hold out a spinn sheet, to clear kelp, or to go forward to work jams and emergencies would not be precluded by the Class Rules. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to make this change. J. Jeffryes will modify the online bylaws and remove the Fleet 4 allowance for increased hiking, Rule I.3.
    • Fleet 4 Championship Races.  Al moved and Morgan seconded that we incorporate our proposed change for Rule F.1. Lee reminded all that the new definition applies only to one-design racing for Fleet 4 members in determination of the yearly Championship.  All voted “aye”.  Rule F1 is to be removed and replaced by: “All Harbor 20 Fleet 4 bylaws and modifications to Class rules shall apply to all one design Harbor 20 races in Santa Barbara waters designated for the yearly Fleet 4 Championship.”
  7. North Sails.  Lee is in the process of discussing with Wayne the need to pull North Sails out of action. Al also suggested that protesting might be the right course to straighten out hardware configurations like this. Caroline and Jane emphasized that unofficial complaining is probably counterproductive and we should have clear rules with protests.  There was much discussion and general encouragement of protesting.
  8. Sail Purchase.  Lee reminded everyone of the 15% mainsail discount. He also reminded us that Ullman is able and willing to cut Fleet 4 sails fuller for ocean power. Lee also reported that North sails might be about the same price Ullman sails. There was much discussion on the pros and cons of modified sails or sails from multiple manufacturers. Bill, Lee, Al, and Geoff said they were particularly concerned and lean away from changing our mainsail rule. Geoff further reminded us that if a change is made it can be handled fairly easily as we’ve done in the past by having a grace period….he also suggested a subcommittee to work this.  Another aspect of this topic raised by Geoff and Lee is the possibility of taking our sails out of town to use in other regattas on chartered/borrowed yachts. Jane reminded us that many one design fleets allow multiple manufacturers within a sufficiently controlled specification. Lee countered with the value of restrictions for a one-design fleet. Bill suggested that we address the manufacturer of H20 spinnakers in the same task.  Lee suggested that we continue this discussion in the future.
  9. Safety Equipment.  Lee suggested we postpone discussing Fleet 4 safety equipment.
  10. 2021 Board.  Lee Cushman assured all that he would follow the structure of being on the 2021 board as the past captain.  Morgan described the process for setting up a new board as having two phases, all handled via email to a single source: a. Nominating open for a set time span.  b. Voting with late voters chased down individually.  Lee suggested that JJ and he would give it a try to conduct this process. The current board nominees are, Greg Hopkins, Bill Hahn, Geoff Slaff, and Morgan Green.
  11. Dues. Geoff brought up an older discussion on possibly having a different fee for dues in 2021 considering the missed party, etc.  Al suggested that the rate be kept at $100 to guard against unexpected expenses. Bill asked that we consider again convenience in paying the $15 class fee. Lee moved, it was seconded and all voted “aye” to keep the dues at $100. Geoff will work this separately in his role as Treasurer.

New Business

  1. None.

Next meeting

Thursday, January 21st, 2021 1730 (5:30 p.m.)


1853 (6:53 p.m.)


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes November 19th, 2020


Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting Minutes

19 November 2020


Rich Miller, John Jeffryes, Lee Cushman, Geoff Slaff, Bill Hahn, Phil Franklin     

  1. 5:00 P.M. conference call with Class President and Attorney representing the Class regarding the Class lawsuit.
  2. Voting proxies for this meeting: none applicable

Old Business & Action Item

  1. Sling for Fleet add to scale equipment Lee needs to deliver to Wayne.
  2. Fleet trailer idea/pool information (Tom Wright).
  3. Rules chalk talk Brad Schaupeter, Bill Hahn to discuss idea. Action Bill to follow up with Brad about a Half Day class “Rules at Start and Mark Rounding’s”
  4. Fleet party confirm date & place Hosted by the Millers. ON HOLD
  5. Discuss Double-Handed/Short-Handed Race:
    • Single Handed Harbor 20 Champion will be determined at SBSC Bougay event. (Defending Champion Geoff Slaff)
    • Double Handed Harbor 20 Champions will be determined at SBYC Double Handed race ( November 21st )  General discussion and agreement that these two events are good Ideas and can be managed and acknowledge at Fleet level.
  6.  North Sails: Lee suggested that Wayne be asked to take the sample North main and jib out of circulation for all racing events until fleet accepts change. If Wayne is agreeable Fleet members could try sails if desired in non-racing conditions or CHRF races. The report on these north sails is they are better shape and could be more economical as life span could be longer.  Action: Lee to discuss with Wayne. Some Discussion: History of decision to go with Ullman Main. Objective of Bylaws is for all boats to be using same Manufacture in order to keep cost of competing reasonable, and keeping the playing field level. It was assumed that the initial cost of North sails are more expensive then Ullman however if they hold their shape longer the price point may work out.
  7. Bylaws: No Action (Not enough members present)

A.  Action: replace F1 with “All Harbor 20 Fleet 4 modifications to class rules shall apply to all   one design Harbor 20 races in Santa Barbara waters.”

B.  Also F3 “All Fleet Races are counted for purposes of scoring the Fleet 4 Championship” is not true and needs to be deleted.

C.  Hiking:  Action: We revoke Fleet Four bylaw I.3, which states: “All crew shall keep their hips within the confines of the cockpit at all times excepting the need for immediate repair or safety.”

This revocation would mean Fleet Four would revert to the existing Harbor 20 Class Association rule which states:

“II.C.4. Hiking is not permitted. All crew shall keep their torsos within the confines of the cockpit at all times, excepting in the need for immediate repair or safety.”

8. Should we make a special Fleet 4 safety equipment list for Bylaws?

  New Business & Action Items:

  1. Holiday Regatta, fourth class Championship points race Saturday December 5th.
  2. 2021 Fleet Championship races need to report back to Sail Policy Committee Prior to December1st. Discussion by members present was to return to pre-Covid schedule of races, which include the following ( SBYC Spring Regatta , SBSC Cinco De Mayo(Saturday only), SBYC Summer Regatta, SBYC Fiesta Cup (Both Days), SBYC Fall Regatta, SBSC Goblin Regatta (Saturday Only), SBYC Holiday Regatta (Saturday Only) with two Throw Outs.
  3. Fleet Order for new Sails.  Action: Lee To Contact Greg Dair Ullman Rep and alert Fleet to group sail purchase
  4. Geoff Mention that New Board to be installed by end of February. Action: FLEET  Lee to put out Email for Nominations.
  5. Next meeting:  Thursday, December 17th 2020 5:30 pm.

Meeting Adjourned 6:25 p.m.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes October 22, 2020


Fleet 4 Harbor-20 Fleet Meeting Minutes

22 October 2020


Rich Miller, Morgan Green, John Jeffryes, Lee Cushman     

2020 Long Term Proxies:

      YACHT                            OWNER                                      PROXY

Fleur de Lis                           Al Salzer                                Billy Bench

TachyToo                              Wayne Rosing                      Greg Hopkins

One Time Proxies:

      YACHT                             OWNER                                         PROXY

Pleione II                               Geoff Slaff                            Rich Miller (attached below)

Call to Order: 5:40 p.m.

Old Business & Action Items

  1. 2021 Party:

Rich said that he and Cheryl are up for putting on the party.  Rich took the action to come back with a suggested date.

2.  Hiking Rule:

Lee suggested Morgan to come up with a proposal for a bylaw change to vote on for the next meeting. Morgan’s research led to her suggestion that we eliminate the Fleet 4 hiking allowances and revert to the basic Class rules. Morgan read parts of the Class rules and all parties discussed. Morgan took the action to draft up a proposition to vote on, and immediately followed up with the suggestion to remove the Fleet 4 hiking exception, Rule I.4 (attached below).


3. Invoking Class Rules:

Morgan asked how our Class rules and Bylaws are normally invoked. Rich stated that he already had the action to discuss with Brad the membership rules and would also discuss how Class and Fleet 4 bylaws are brought into play for various regattas. Discussion followed on various paragraphs of the Bylaws that would be impacted. Morgan and Rich and others present with Lee summarizing, agreed that the best approach for now and for voting into the Bylaws at the next meeting would be: All Fleet 4 Harbor 20 one-design races in Santa Barbara County will be Class races with Fleet 4 Bylaws applicable.

>>> Rich and Morgan took the action to fine tune these words and forward to Lee.


4. Single-Handed and Double-Handed Champions:

Lee suggested and there was general agreement that Fleet 4 should have two annual awards: one for the Fleet Single-Handed Champion and one for the Fleet Double-Handed Champion. These might be awarded to the Harbor 20 winner of the SBSC Bugay Single-Handed Race, and the SBYC Double-Handed Short-Handed Regatta. Specifics to be discussed in the future.

5.  North Sails: Lee suggested that Wayne be asked to take the sample North main and jib out of circulation for all racing events until fleet accepts change. If Wayne is agreeable Fleet members could try sails if desired in non-racing conditions or CHRF races. The report on these north sails is they are better shape and could be more economical as life span could be longer.  Action: Lee to discuss with Wayne.

>>> Next meeting:  Thursday, November 19th 2020 5:30 pm.

Meeting Adjourned 1830.

END (of Minutes)


One Time Proxy:

Re: Fleet 4 Agenda for Thursday

Geoffrey SlaffTue, Oct 13, 1:58 PM
to JJ, Lee, Morgan


I will not be at the fleet meeting since I need to cover the class meeting which is at the same time. There is no change in treasurer’s report from last meeting. I wasn’t planning on sending a new spreadsheet since there is no change so please let me know if you would like me to do so. 

Rich Miller has my proxy.

All the best,

Geoffrey Slaff
Cell: 805-796-3100


Bylaw Proposal:

Morgan Green Email on Hiking Rule Proposal:

proposed modification to Fleet Four bylaws

morgan greenThurs. 22 Oct. 2020, 6:21 PM
to Lee, JJ

As we discussed at the meeting and as you requested:

 I propose:

We revoke Fleet Four bylaw I.3, which states: ” All crew shall keep their hips within the confines of the cockpit at all times excepting the need for immediate repair or safety.”

This revocation would mean Fleet Four would revert to the existing Harbor 20 Class Association rule which states:

II.C.4. Hiking is not permitted. All crew shall keep their torsos within the confines of the cockpit at all times, excepting in the need for immediate repair or safety.

Please let me know if you need anything further on this.  Seeya on the water this Saturday. Morgan


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