Date: Feb 17, 2022 Time: 5:30pm Location: online via Zoom Notes taken: LC/JB
Attendees: Lee Cushman, Geoff Slaff, GT Koldjeski, Rich Miller, John Jeffries (JJ), Bill Hahn, Devin Walsh, Kevin Dumain, Jeff Mikeska, Morgan Green
Call to Order: Lee called the meeting to order at 5:35pm and confirmed there was a quorum.
Fleet board and officers were introduced:
Lee Cushman, Jane Barrett, GT Koldjeski, Rich Miller
Koldjeski, Rich Miller
Fleet Captain: Lee
Measurer: GT
Secretary: Jane
Treasurer: Geoff
Webmaster: JJ
Geoff provided the Treasurers report and the proposed fleet budget for 2022, see attachment. Budget was reviewed, Jeff pointed out that there was a line item for trophies for the Miramar event. Action Item: Gt will review past budgets of Mercury fleet as comparison for fleet to explore possibility of adding more line items to Harbor 20 annual budget.
Scheduled H20 “on the water” events will be headed by the following fleet liaison & volunteers:
May 25-27 East West and or North/South – Rich
Rich asked all members to respond if they wanted to participate, he needs to coordinate with fleet 1. He thinks we could get 3-4 boats and skippers could team up. Lee & Geoff were affirmative that they wanted to participate.
June 4, Race Committee PHRF Summer Regatta – Bill Hahn
Volunteers: JJ, Geoff, Lee, Rich. Action Item: still need 2 more volunteers.
Sept 9-11 H20 Nationals – Rich
Lee & Geoff confirmed their intent to compete.
Sept 11, Singlehanded Race – Kevin
Action Item: Coordinate start and finish with SBSC, we may have to finish ourselves.
Sept 24, Miramar Race – Who??
Action Item: still need a liaison and volunteers to step up.
Sat. Nov 19th, Double Handed Race – Geoff
Various dates, local regattas, participation – Lee
Scheduled “off the water” activities will be organized by the following members, Dates TBD:
– Rules Seminar – Lee
– Mid-year Fleet Party – Geoff
– Mainsail design evaluation – Lee, GT
Lee requested that when replying to emails sent out to the fleet re: events, races and general fleet business that members would use “reply all” to help improve communication and increase event participation within the fleet.
To kick off the Spring season all H20 racers are encouraged to gather at a spot to be specified at SBYC after the first Spring Wet Wednesday race. Action Item: Jane will send email to fleet and help coordinate when closer to the date.
Miramar Anchor Down: Lee received an inquiry about the possibility of making the Miramar Anchor Down Race a yacht club event open to participation by other yacht club members and various classes of boats. The various pros and cons of doing this were discussed. Conclusion: A motion was made to keep the Miramar event limited to Harbor 20s, the motion was passed unanimously.
Trophy Display at SBYC: Lee brought up the offer by SBYC to display the Harbor 20 Singlehanded and Double Handed trophies in the Club display case, discussion followed. The original intent was for the trophy to be taken home by the winner, however, display of these trophies together at the YC would show the unique qualities of our Fleet and possibly attract interest in joining. Conclusion: There was a motion to have these two trophies on display at the SBYC, the motion passed unanimously.
Safety Equipment: Geoff followed up with work he has done on creating a safety check list for use by the Harbor 20s. Gt noted that both the Harbor Patrol and Coast Guard have in the past checked Boats. Action Item: Geoff will send out the safety list as a reminder to all Harbor 20 owners to check their boats and be prepared.
Expanding the Fleet: Gt brought up the Idea of offering “test drives” to other sailors that may be interested in the Harbor 20. Action Item: GT will ask if there is interest among SBSC members.
Next Meeting: TBD
A motion to adjourn was made at approx 6:45pm and was passed unanimously.