Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes, 23rd January, 2025



SOD, Lee Cushman

Webster, Bill Sheridan, Steve Seal & Daniel Heald

Cardremian, Rich Miller (with Cookies Thanks Cheryl)

New Boat, Dave Sadecki

Fleur De Lis, GT

Tachy Fleet, Greg Hopkins (both boats vote for season)

Pleionie II, Geff Slaff

Cherry Bomb, Jane Barret, Tom Wright & Kevin Dumain,

Lisianthus, Helene Webb (holding Morgan’s vote for the evening)

Whoa Donkey, Jeff Mikeska.

Fleet Board for 2024 volunteers

Lee Cushman, Trey Pinner, Bill Sheridan, Kevin Dumain & Greg Hopkins

Fleet Officers

  • Fleet Captain: Lee, and Trey unless someone wants the job. This will be the last year for LEE. Trey is open to transition Into Fleet Captain for next Year.
  • Fleet Secretary: Bill Sheridan
  • Fleet Treasurer: Rich Miller
  • Fleet Measurer: Kevin & GT
  • Web Master: JJ

Need volunteer’s liaison between Class and Fleet to keep the Fleet Informed re: H20 class business including the following topics.

Greg Hopkins to Replace Rich Miller

  • Membership
  • Boat Specifications and Manufacture Updates
  • E-W Regatta Updates
  • Nationals Spring 2025 in Newport Beach

Need to discuss replacement of LEE and RICH (Greg Hopkins to Replace Rich Miller)

Looking Ahead to 2025- On the Water Fun Assignments

  • Singlehanded Race Liaison (combined w/ Charity Regatta) Lee
  • SBYC Doublehanded race, need Liaison Geoff Slaff
  • Miramar Liaison Trey and Lee Dave suggested inviting Cruising fleet and they could handle finish Leg 1 and Start Leg2 – however there were dissenting opinions on advisability of other fleets participating
  • 2026 E-W Race Liaison (Lee & Geoff) Does SB fleet4 want to do this?

Lots of discussion fleet agreed to get 16 + boats available with condition of Owners rep onboard and availability of committee boat to tow a few boats that have engine issues from time to time.

  • N-S in Santa Barbara Coincide with Fiesta Regatta Rich will contact fleet1 to see if there is interest. (Rich)
  • Coed Race Liaison SBSC (John Kavanagh Kevin )
  • SBYC Invitational Regatta’s (Centennial, Commodores, *Women’s)

Commitment from fleet for donating Boats to all three (Trey)

  • H20 Fleet Race Committee duty, Saturday June 8th, Spring Regatta LEE
  • North Sails- Dock and on water training/seminar Do we want to do this? Fleet Responded yes Lee to Reach out to North
  • CHRF Racing Helene
  • Championship Series Races Lee & Trey
  • Single Handed once a week or month fun race, Thursday or Friday afternoon, during summer. Fleet interested Non Spinnaker Helene
  • Nationals In Newport Beach March 20-22 Thursday- Friday

Looking Ahead to 2024 – Off the Water Goals

  • Treasure report Balance $ Rich via email (done).
  • Fleet and class Membership Rich via email (done).
  • Continue/schedule Rules Seminars Lee.
  • Schedule a Fleet Party, location? Greg will talk with Wayne.
  • Kris le Mert Volunteered to help with event organization Party, N-S, E-W etc.
  • Pursue modification to improve rating for H20s Discussion: Bill S and Rich had put some work into this, and some had just recently got their PHRF Cert.
  • Promote H20 Fleet 4 : ALL Members.
  • Measure all Boats: Kevin  & GT hit list.  Lee or Rich to get Measure Spread sheet from Fleet 1 measurer.
  • Fleet Meeting Frequency: Minimum of Quarterly or one every two months if needed.

  • New Business
    • Recognized as unlikely to change given rules that Brad has to follow for the fleets with larger boats.
    • Discussion on how to increase H20 fleet participation in Regattas. No overall agreement was reached but the notion of starting later so that there was enough wind to race got general support.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes, June 13, 2024


Members present: SOD, Windseeker, Liasianthus, CherryBomb (Kevin),

          Fleur De lis

Welcome to Fleet4: Eric & Joanna Sachs new boat to arrive shortly.

 Approved Fleet meeting minutes 02/08/24

Treasure Report (Rich Miller) : no report

Class Update Lee and Rich

  • Boat Specifications and Manufacture Updates
  • E-W Regatta Updates (see Below)
  • Nationals Spring 2025 (March 20-22, 2025) in Newport Beach
  • Need to discuss replacement of LEE and RICH

Old Business

  • Mast genie fleet purchase? Trey to follow up
  • Weigh in boats Check Rake to fit with in Class Parameter? GT to follow up
  • H20 fleet trailer Talk with Bill Hahn about Fleet helping with expenses. SBSC request to store a Trailor (Morgan and John to follow up)

  John Kavanagh  update

  • At this time, SBSC is uncertain whether there is space available—they will know better in a week (after a new trimeran is added to yard).
    • – Rental fee is based on size (length x width).  Rough estimate would be about $1200/year.
    • – Would require SBSC member to sign lease (could be Devin or me)
    • – Would require insurance on trailer

2024- On the Water Fun

  • H20 Fleet Race Committee duty, Saturday June 8th? Thanks to Remy, Joe, Bill Hahn, Rich, Greg for volunteering
  • SBYC Invitational Regatta’s (Commodores June 28th, *Women’s)

Commitment from fleet for donating Boats. Liaison

Trey putting together list for Commodores Regatta

  • SBSC Doublehanded race, July 7th, LiaisonJeff Miska
  • Fiesta Regatta July 20 & 21st
  • SBSC Coed Race Liaison August 3rd Liaison John Kavanaugh
  • N-S in Newport Beach Aug 16 &17th Liaison Rich no report
  • E-W Race in Annapolis Sept. 6-8th Liaison Geoff no report
  • Singlehanded Race Sept.7th (combined w/ Charity Regatta) Lee
  • Miramar Sept.21st Liaison Trey “reported he has secured a committee boat”
  • SBYC Fall Regatta Oct.5th
  • Staff Regatta October 17th Liaison Geoff no report
  • SBSC Goblin Regatta Oct. 26th Saturday only
  • SBYC Doublehanded race, Nov.9th, LiaisonGeoff no report
  • SBYC Holiday Regatta Dec 7th Saturday only
  • Once a week or month fun race, Thursday or Friday afternoon, during summer. Brad has offered to run races for us on Fridays from the SBYC deck. Liaison Steve Seals no report

Wilmont Hughes Ladies Race, Brad said he would have a class for Harbor20 if we get 4 boats on the line next year

2024 – Off the Water

  • Continue/schedule Rules Seminars Lee
  • Schedule a Fleet Party, HOST Bill Sheridan no report
  • Pursue modification to improve rating for H20s Rich Miller & Bill Sheridan no report
  • Promote H20 Fleet (Pebble Beach Yacht Club visit to SB) HELENE


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes February 8th, 2024


Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes February 08, 2024 

Members Present: Firefly, Cardriemian, Plione ii, SOD, Windseeker, Tachytoo, Tacyon(proxy Greg Hopkins), Webster, Liasianthus, Fluer de Lis, CherryBomb, Picante.

12 member Quorum.

 Fleet Board for 2024 volunteers to be confirmed:

Trey Pinner, Bill Sheridan, GT, Steve Seals, Lee

  • Motion and vote:  motion made , second , approved.

Fleet Officers

  • Fleet Captain: Lee,
  • Fleet Secretary: need volunteer
  • Fleet Treasurer:  Rich Miller
  • Fleet Measurer: GT, asst by JJ
  • Web Master: JJ

Lee and Rich will continue as liaison between Class and Fleet to keep the Fleet Informed re: H20 class business including the following topics.

  • Membership –Discussed using Class online application.
  • Boat Specifications and Manufacture Updates
  • E-W Regatta Updates -We discussed as chose not to host 2024 E-W Regatta therefore allowing Fleet5 to move forward. Fleet 5 notified date set September 6th-8th
  • Nationals Spring 2025 in Newport Beach  looking at first 2weeks in April
  • Need to discuss replacement of LEE and RICH – No interest by members present.

Looking Ahead to 2024- On the Water Fun

  • Singlehanded Race Liaison (combined w/ Charity Regatta) Sept7th Lee volunteered.
  • SBYC Doublehanded race, need Liaison:July 7th Geoff Slaff volunteered.
  • Miramar Liaison: Trey and Lee agreed to help but neither available race day. Need Lead Person to coordinate End tie and committee boat
  • E-W Race Liaison (Geoff will be Fleet 4 Laison) September 6th – 8th
  • N-S in Newport Beach- Dates to choose from, discussion around table agreed Friday race and Saturday Participate in Fleet 1 treasure hunt sail.  Rich to be Laison.
  • Coed Race Liaison SBSC John Kavanaugh volunteered to be liaison.
  • SBYC Invitational Regatta’s (Centennial, Commodores, *Women’s)

Commitment from fleet for donating Boats to all three Trey to lead

  • H20 Fleet Race Committee duty, Saturday June 8th?Lee to lead
  • North Sails- Dock and on water training/seminar Saturday April 20th.
  • Single Handed once a week or month fun race, Thursday or Friday afternoon, during summer. Steve Seals to lead.
  • Staff Regatta October 17th  Geoff Slaff to lead

Looking Ahead to 2024 – Off the Water Goals

  • Treasure report Balance $2396
  • Fleet and class Membership Rich Miller
  • Championship Serious Revised series points scoring. Seven regattas 2 throw outs, six regattas 1 throw out, Five or less regattas no throw outs. Minimum of 3 regattas to crown fleet Champion Motion Made second, vote approved. Lee to let brad know
  • Championship Serious Change, time limits back to original? Motion Made second, vote approved. Lee to let brad know
  • Continue/schedule Rules Seminars Lee
  • Schedule a Fleet Party, location? Bill Sheridan Volunteered
  • Pursue modification to improve rating for H20s Rich Miller & Bill Sheridan
  • Promote H20 Fleet 4 (Class Guy From Ventura interested in Boat and Slip will race)


  1. Helene looking for crew
  2. Mast genie fleet purchase? Trey to follow up
  3. Weigh in boats? GT to follow up
  4. H20 fleet trailer Talk with Bill Hahn about Fleet helping with expenses. SBSC request to store a Trailor (Morgan and John to follow up)

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes July 13th 2023

Date: July 13, 2023       Time:  5:30pm         Location: SBYC

Call Meeting to Order: 5:40pm; Notes: JMB

Attendance/Quorum:  Lee C, GT, Rich M, Al S, Bob A, Bill S, Helene W, Jane B, Tom W, Greg for Wayne R, Trey P, Morgan G, John K


  • Minutes from May 11 fleet meeting, approved by majority vote.
  • Treasurers report, Rich, approved by majority vote.
  • National Class update, Rich/Lee, general update on H20 boat manufacturing.

Old Business/Action Items

N-S/Fiesta Regatta:

  • Slate of 5 competitors from Fleet 4: Pleione/Geoff & Remy, Webster/Bill & Steve, Fling/Bill & JJ, Cardremian/Rich & Paul, Cherry Bomb/Kevin & John. If 6th boat needed: Tachyon/Greg & Alex.
  • Update on preparations, response to Geoff requests for volunteers to bring appetizers to Friday night Dock Party: Bob A, Helene W, Geoff & Dale, Julie & JJ, Rich & Cheryl (cookies).
  • Volunteered boats and owners reps, Trey:
    1. GT went over scheduled adjustment of rigging by GT & JJ to happen on Thurs. Original settings will be noted beforehand. Red zipties will used to lock-in.
    2. GT went over H20 Class required gear to have on board and will resend email of full list to fleet.
    3. Trey passed around a spreadsheet for participating boat owners to provide slip Location and other pertinent boat owner info ie contact info.
  • Accommodations for out-of-town competitors: Bill H sent email to Lee prior to fleet meeting indicating that several Fleet 4 members volunteered accommodations but there are no Newport/South competitors requiring help with housing at this time.

Update on Transition to North Sails:

  • Sail order was placed with North Sails by Lee. 8-9 boasts participated in the initial order. Estimated delivery date mid-August. North will contact boat owners directly when their sales are ready.
  • There was thorough discussion re: the grace period allowed to change to North Sails. There was General consensus that there could be a financial burden to boat owners if required to change all sails to North by a certain deadline; particularly those who have new Ullmans with very little use.  The following motion was made and approved by majority vote. This change in grace period supercedes the vote taken in the May 11th meeting with regard to the specified grace period. The by-laws will be amended to reflect the following: “As of July 13, 2023 all NEWLY PURCHASED SAILS to be used on board Fleet 4 Harbor 20s during competitions must be manufactured by North Sails.”

Vang, Backstay & Outhaul Modifications, Bill S:

  • There was general discussion re: Vang corrosion problem, stock vang bracket is susceptible to corrosion by using SST fastener on aluminum.  Similar situation created corrosion with the mast saddle fitting and fleet rules were previously  modified to allow for boat owners to change this fitting.  It was agreed at the meeting that fleet boat owners should be allowed but not required to replace the saddle fitting, an amendment to the bylaws is not required in order to do this.
  • There was thorough discussion about the ineffectiveness of the current backstay adjustment on the H20 and a suggestion that it could be modified in order to make it more efficient and functional. Some fleet members expressed concern about making such changes. A motion was proposed and approved by majority to allow for but not require the modification as stated below, The Fleet bylaws shall be amended to reflect this change. “A 2:1 block system may be added to the backstay tension line between the base of the barney post and the cleat.”
  • There was further discussion re: improving the functionality of the current outhaul adjustment on the H20.  There were many who thought this could be improved upon by allowing for modification. There was also some reluctance to making changes to the boats. Recommendations were made on both sides: to allow for changes and to keep the boats as there are. At the end of discussion a motion was made and passed by majority vote. The fleet bylaws will be amended to reflect the following:  “A 2:1 block may be added to the main outhaul clew shackle at the aft end of the boom.”
  • Bylaws: The fleet will need a volunteer to amend the By-laws as per votes taken by the fleet in our last 2 help with meetings. Please contact Lee if you can help with this.

New Business:

  1. Next Fleet meeting Thurs Aug 10th, Brad to give rules talk on downwind racing.
  2. Fleet Party, Wayne & Dorothy R. have offered to host fleet party, date Sept? TBD.
  3. The dates for the Miramar Anchor Down changed to Sat. Sept 23, and the date for the Single-Handed race changed to Sun. Sept 10th. (Swapped dates from current SBYC Schedule).

Meeting adjourned:  7:11 p.m.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes, May 11th, 2023

Time: 5:30pm Location: SBYC

Call Meeting to Order by Lee 5:35pm Recorded by: JMB

Quorum confirmed, Boat owners attending: L. Cushman, Al, GT, G. Slaff, T. Pinner, J. Barrett, R. Miller, B. Sheridan, H. Webb, J. Yabsley, By Proxy: W. Rosing (Greg Hopkins), B. Atwater (Rich). 12 boats represented.

Old Business/Action Items

• Evaluation and decision on using North Sails vs Ullman On-the-water trials, followed by discussion and debate by the H20 sail committee has resulted in their recommendation that we change sail manufacturers to North Sail. This will include Main, jib and spinnaker. All points of comparison, advantages and disadvantages have been recorded in the attached report from the sail committee. After further discussion during the meeting a motion to adopt the sail committee’s recommendation to change to North sails was proposed, voted on and approved by the fleet. Current Ullman sails can be used to compete throughout the 2023/24 competitions. Please refer to the attached report for further details. The modification to the Fleet 4 By-laws will be written to reflect the change that was approved by the fleet and will be reviewed by the board to finalize. The fleet discussed the recommendation in the report to allow owners to decide whether to opt for a Bolt rope or slides when ordering mainsail. There was a motion that the recommendation be adopted which was voted on and approved by the fleet. Lee will get a count from fleet in order to get the numbers of sails that we intend to order and ask North for best possible pricing based on the anticipated order. Lee will also contact Kevin at North to confirm whether spinnaker will be an A2 build from Norlan 0.75 cloth. The intent being that there is a Standard Santa Barbara Fleet4 spinnaker built by North.

• N-S/Fiesta Regatta: Update on preparations and budgeting. Geoff updated the fleet on plans and preparations for the North-South/Fiesta Regatta. Spin clinic, practice races and dock party on Fri. Racing and Fiesta Beach Party Sat. Racing and awards presentation Sun. Competitors fee $190 ea. which, so as not to impact the fleet budget dramatically. Volunteers among the fleet helping with accommodations for out-of-town competitors.

• Update on H20s volunteered for the regatta. A full list of boats generously being made available for the N-S/Fiesta regatta was provided by Trey Amounting to 12 total H20’s. There was discussion as to necessity of keeping consistency of sail manufacturer that will be used. General agreement that Ulman Sails should be used for the Regatta as that is what most boats will be equipped with at the time of the regatta July 22-23.

• Clarification on lending boats to participants in SBYC Women’s regatta. TABLED. Competitors for the event will request use of individual H20s through Brad prior to the event which will then be communicated to Trey.

• Update on the process of petitioning PHRF for a review and modification of the H20 Rating. The fleet is laying the groundwork to petition the regional PHRF committee to be given a more realistic rating for the H20. In order to do this, we’d like as many boat owners as possible to register their boat and compete in PHRF events in order to create data that will be used in our petition. An email will be sent out to solicit participation from the fleet.

• Feedback from participants in the Spring Regatta re: the recent change to limiting the length of race for the H20s. There was mixed feedback on whether the shorter time on the water during regattas was helpful or not. Suggested to make start time for the H20’s later but that could prove difficult to manage. Reported that Brad may also have suggestions that would allow for bathroom breaks for competitors by using a committee boat or a skiff to the harbor restroom.

• Scheduling of a new Rules Seminar September was identified as a good month to aim for next Rules Seminar.

• Fleet Party Bill Sheridan will get back to the fleet with a date.

New Business/Discussion

• Clarification of bylaws, discuss whether points go with boat or skipper during regattas that count toward fleet championship. TABLED. Clarification on this topic as per fleet bylaws will go out to fleet by email. If any subsequent follow-up or discussion is warranted/requested it will be added to next meeting agenda.

• Bill Sheridan brought up the following Discussion items.

1. As Fleet has agreed to switch to North sails, there should be a realization and action item to teach fleet members how to effectively depower the sail plan to provide control and ultimately speed to their boat performance in higher wind range. Lee suggested having North provide this as part of tuning guide and at dock/on the water training. In addition, Steve Seals Made himself available to sail with anyone who would be interested in hands on Training.

2. Outhaul modification to include more purchase which will allow for adjustments while under sail, the group agreed that this is a pitfall with the boat. Bill along with Steve Seals have incorporated a prototype on Webster. The group agreed that this idea was worth developing and Bill was tasked with coming up with a written modification that could be incorporated into Fleet by laws.

3. Similarly, he suggested that the current modification to the backstay system in the Fleet bylaws be modified to incorporate more purchase Both SOD and Webster are currently testing prototype. The group agreed that this idea was worth developing and Bill was tasked with coming up with a written modification that could be incorporated into Fleet by laws.

4. Production boomvang bracket is a source of corrosion and boom failure Steve Seals who has run Sealsspars for several years has a recommendation of a bail that eliminates the high potential of corrosion and has offer to help anyone who is interested in installing one. Steve has measured the bracket and is confident that the angle of the vang is in alignment with production bracket and therefore meets the Class rule.


• Treasurer’s Report Rich provided a verbal report, stated bank balance as $2580. Report approved.

• National Class News, Rich, Lee The H20 Class board has provided the specs for the broader limits of allowable rake of masts and has referred any additional limitations of specifications be made by each local H20 Fleet.

Next Fleet Meeting Will be held beginning of July in prep for the North-South/Fiesta Regatta.

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes March 9th, 2023

Meeting Called to order by Lee: 5:35PM                                          Notes: JMB

In attendance: L. Cushman, GT, G. Slaff, J. Barrett, J. Jeffryes, R. Miller, M. Green, B. Sheridan, H. Webb, K. Dumain, B. Hahn, S. Seal, T. Pinner

Quorum: yes

H20 Class Business , Rich and Lee:

  • Membership no discussion
  • Boat Specifications (including Head stay Length Debate): Lee proposed delay of discussion until the H20 CLASS has made their recommendations/decisions.
  • E-W Regatta Hilton Head on October 14th: no discussion
  • Nationals Spring 2024 in Newport Beach: no discussion

Looking Ahead to 2023

Off the Water Goals:

  • Committee (GT, Rich, Lee, Shawn & Steve) evaluation and trial of North Sails. Various members of the committee took turns mock racing using both Ullman and North sets of sails with very close/possibly no discernable difference in speed/performance between the two different manufacturers. Sail Reps took sails back to make modifications based on the days experience and Committee will summarize findings and make a recommendation. Suggested that a compelling reason to change sails could be based on materials/durability of sails rather than on performance.
  • SBYC wants to compensate those H20’s owners who allow use of their boats in SBYC regattas. Brad has asked the fleet to let him know how to do this. Morgan proposed and GT seconded the following motion with unanimous approval: The Harbor20 Fleet 4 will accept from SBYC $125.00 per boat on behalf of the individual H20 boat owners who have agreed to loan their boats for use during these 3 regattas: The Commodore’s Regatta, The Centennial Cup and the Women’s Skipper/Shaloobs Women’s Challenge. The fundsare to be payable to the Harbor 20 Fleet Treasurer, allocation of these funds will be determined by vote of H20 members who participated in loaning of their boats.
  • Continue/schedule Rules Seminars: Lee: no discussion, dates TBD.
  • Schedule a Fleet Party, location: Bill Sheridan offered to host, date TBD.
  • Pursue modification to improve rating for H20’s; Rich Volunteered. General discussion about need/interest in improving H20 PHRF rating but there was some confusion as to details of the procedure and whether more H20’s should register w/PHRF.  Jane will gather more info from PHRF rep, Lisa Gilinger and Brad on the details of the process.
  • Build Fleet Participation: See below re: More Entrants in Regattas
  • Try to identify/acquire slips for potential new H20 owners when avail: Members cited two individuals who have recently acquired or have use of boat slips but are unable to locate any H20s to purchase.
  • Promote H20 Fleet 4 and Class: No discussion.

On the Water Fun

  • N-S / Fiesta Regatta (Geoff Slaff) July 22-23. Geoff presented a written outline detailing the 2023 N/S Regatta and surrounding events with proposed budget and asked for volunteers, see attachment.
  • Singlehanded Liaison: (Lee Cushman) no discussion.
  • Doublehanded race: Bill Hahn Volunteered.
  • Miramar Liaison: (Lee & Trey) no discussion.
  • More entrants in Regattas? Change up schedule (less races per?) Championship Series, down to six? Input during general discussion was to leave the number of regattas that go toward the Championship series at 7, this year will be exception as the Fiesta Regatta = N-S Regatta for the H20s. It was suggested by several members and further discussed that limiting the length of time that H20’s will participate in regattas may make it more comfortable/feasible for female competitors and therefore encourage more participation in those events. Geoff Proposed and Bill Hahn seconded the following motion with unanimous approval: The participation of the Harbor 20 fleet in regattas that count toward the H20 Fleet Championship shall be limited to a 3 hour racing window commencing at the scheduled start time/first gun as per the specific NORs provided.
  • E-W Race Liaison: (Rich) no discussion.
  • Coed Race Liaison SBSC: (Jane) no discussion.
  • SBYC Invitational Regatta’s (Centennial, Commodores, Women’s): Commitment from fleet for donating Boats to all three (Trey & Lee). Trey sent an email request to the fleet and received responses from those fleet members who are willing to lend their boats. No further discussion during the meeting.
  • H20 Fleet Race Committee duty, Sunday June 11th? Trey, Geoff, Steve, Lee volunteered.

Meeting Adjourned 7:30pm

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes October 27th, 2022

Harbor 20, Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes
OCTOBER 27, 2022 Location: SBYC

Meeting called to order: 5:40pm Notes taken: JMB

Attending: L. Cushman, G. Slaff, J. Jeffryes, T. Wright, J. Barrett, K. Dumain, B. Hahn, H. Webb, GT
J. Mikeska, S. Seal, R. Miller

Reports: Fleet Budget presented by Geoff Slaff and approved by all

H20 Fleet and Class Announcements:
Geoff Slaff was elected to the SBYC board at their annual meeting Wed night. Congratulations

Congrats to Bill Hahn and J.J. on winning the Harbor 20 class at the Globlin Regatta last weekend.

Registration open for Double Handed Race: Saturday November 19th. This is a great H20 race and we
have a beautiful perpetual Trophy for the first Harbor 20 to finish.

Holiday Regatta will be held Saturday Dec 3rd and is part of our season Championship Series.

There was general conversation about the SBSC triple handed race, with each member of crew on the
helm. Many considered this a fun format that we might want to consider using again in one of our
future H20 regattas.

Old Business/Action Items:
Following conversations that Lee Cushman has had w/ Ullman Sails, they have agreed to develop a set
of sails specifically for use by our SB fleet to test here in our location and conditions for the purpose of
comparing against our current Ullman design as well as a set of North Sails that will also be procured
for testing by our fleet. Lee will update us when sails have or will be arriving.

Any changes in manufacturers and/or specifications will be a fleet decision after there has been ample
time to receive and evaluate manufacturers designs. There will be an appropriate lead time given if
changes are made and no changes will be made before or during 2023 season.

GT agreed to format a spreadsheet that will incorporate the necessary metrics to be used by members
in order to document any of our individual findings when evaluating the prototypes.

Spinnaker Cloth weight was researched by Rich Miller. Our by-laws specify weight of spinnaker cloth be
not lighter that 43g per square meter and at 45g ours are within specs.

There was general discussion about spinnaker shape and understanding the ideal shape for our usual
upwind/downwind runs.

In the interest of time, it was agreed that scheduling of any additional Racing Tutorials will be handled by
the incoming fleet board.

Lee said that he needed to respond to Newport fleet captain with our decision on whether we will hold
N/S Racing event concurrent with 2023 Fiesta Cup as has been discussed numerous times. All present
voted yes, to do this and Geoff said he would be willing to head the race committee for the event.
Thank you, Geoff!

New Business:
H20 Class membership by our fleet remains low. All boast owners should ask their crew members to
join as a class member ($15) and those who are competing as skippers, even just occasionally should
be registered as class members. Geoff said that as fleet treasurer, he would go back to collecting the
class fee at same time as our fleet dues are collected.

The H20 Class has asked for feedback on the attached class Specifications information, see below.
There was some historical reference was discussed and general conversation took place primarily
about the variation in mast height and rake on various boats and why this has become controversial
within the class. The H20 Class board is trying to come up with the appropriate measurements that
will create an acceptable variance in mast height. It had also been discovered that some rudders had
been faired which is an unacceptable modification. If you have any questions or comments, please
direct them to Lee.

Lee will send out an email inviting volunteers and/or nominations for next years fleet board. If you
haven’t participated on the board recently or at all please at all please consider doing so.

Rich and Lee welcome any fleet member who may have an interest to let them know if they’d like to
serve as our fleet representative to the Class Board. Absent any volunteers they will continue to do so.

Next Meeting: TBD
Meeting adjourned: 7:15pm

Harbor 20 Mast
Rake Spec.docx

Harbor 20 Mast and
Boom Specs.docx

Harbor 20 Rudder

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes July 21, 2022

Harbor 20, Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes

    Date: Thurs, July 21, 2022        Time: 5:30pm         Location: SBYC    

Meeting Called to order: 5:36pm                                                                             Notes taken: JMB

Attending:  10 boat owners represented/quorum reached.


  • Fleet Budget presented and unanimously approved.
  • Minutes from last meeting presented and unanimously approved. 

H20 Fleet and Class Announcements:

  • Brief conversation took place about events that have been held so far this year and what’s upcoming (more on that below).

Old Business/Action Items:

  • Miramar Anchor Down Race Sept 24:  Trey and Nancy Pinner have volunteered to head this fun event. Please pass on any info you may have from past years to help them organize. Al has offered to host Margarita Bar, YC end tie and committee boat have been secured by Lee.             
  • Mainsail design evaluation update: a question about the necessity of looking at new sail manufacturer was raised. Benefits of having a mail and jib that were better balanced were presented. Lee still planning to bring back set of North Sails from the East/West next month so that the fleet can demo the sails individually and a hands-on evaluation can follow.
  • Class Website and posting of race reports: If any fleet members have info, photos or commentary on our races and fleet events that they’d like to see posted on the Class website they are to email it to Trey and Nancy Pinner by the first of each month.  Trey and Nancy are happy get the material posted   but we need content sent to them in order for this idea to move forward.
  • N/S Racing event:  the possibility of hosting a North/South Regatta in conjunction with the Fiesta Cup in July 2023 was suggested and very briefly discussed. Lee asked for a show of hands as to who thinks this is a good idea and a clear majority were in favor.  Lee will now bring the idea to Newport fleet to see if they also have an interest in scheduling this event for next year.  

New Business:

  • Discussion of additional topics was curtailed in the interest of time so that we could move on to Brad’s well-presented and enthusiatically received tutorial on racing rules at the start of the race.  

Next Meeting:  Thurs. August 18th

Meeting adjourned: 5:51pm

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes June 23, 2022

    Date: Thurs, June 23, 2022        Time: 5:30pm         Location: SBYC    

Meeting Called to order: by Lee 5:45pm                                                                   Notes taken: JMB

Attending: 5 fleet members, 3 proxies, 7 total boat owners represented. Not enough for a Quorum.

Reports: Printed copies of the current fleet budget and the minutes from the last meeting were distributed and reviewed. All seemed to be in order but no vote was taken due to lack of quorum.

H20 Fleet and Class Announcements

General conversation about events that have been held so far this year and the upcoming FIESTA REGATTA JULY 23 & 24. Please register if you haven’t already.


FLEET PARTY July 16th, Please RSVP to Geoff if you haven’t already. A final reminder and details will be emailed to the fleet after the 4th of July.

Old Business/Action Items

Mainsail design evaluation:  GT and Lee will set up a phone call with Greg Dair from Ullman Sails to further discuss possible design changes. Lee will pursue the possibility of procuring a used set of North sails after Nationals for the Fleet to try out

Rules Seminar:  discussed and agreed that our first rules seminar would focus on 2 key subjects: Starts and Upwind Leg /Windward Mark. The idea of holding the rules clinic on the same night as the next (brief) fleet meeting was suggested with positive response. Lee will ask Brad about his possible availability to do this Thurs July 21st.

Miramar Anchor Down Race Sept 24: Lee has a committee boat lined up and will reserve the YC end tie. Lee will be emailing the fleet to ask for one or two volunteers to head up this fun event.           

Class Website and posting of race reports: Trey and Nancy will make a first attempt at this by drafting a summary of this week’s WW race…certainly a lot of material there to work with.

New Business

N/S Racing event: The possibility of hosting a North/South Regatta in conjunction with the Fiesta Cup in July 2023 was suggested and discussed. This will be proposed to the Fleet for further discussion/input.

Next Meeting: tentative 7/21

Meeting adjourned: 7:05pm

Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes April 21, 2022, SBYC

Meeting Called to Order by Lee 5:36pm Notes taken: JMB
Attendees: L. Cushman, R. Miller, J. Jeffryes, J. Barrett, T. Wright, K. Dumain, GT, N. Pinner, T. Pinner
Welcome new members Nancy and Trey Pinner, look for WIND SEEKER 422 on the starting line soon.
Treasurer’s Report prepared by G. Slaff, presented by Lee, and approved by the fleet unanimously.

National Class News, shared by Rich and Lee. E-W and Nationals regatta Preparation. Class officials working with Boat Manufacture to agree on boat specifications.

Old Business/Action Items
E-W Regatta May 25-27th Teams Representing Fleet 4 Cushman/Micheel, Slaff/Dumain. Rich Miller and Gt are contemplating team. Action: Rich to confirm all teams to Fleet 1 by Fri April 22.

Fleet Party July 16th will be hosted by Geoff and Dale. (Details to follow).

Fleet 4 is responsible to provide RC to SBYC, June 4th PHRF Summer Regatta. Action: Bill Hahn will need to confirm directly with volunteers for Race Committee and coordinate with Brad. Several members have offered including: GT, Tom, Lee, Geoff, Rich, JJ. Lee has lead on RC boat.

Rules Seminar no update, Lee.

Sail Manufacture Update, Lee will explore the idea of procuring a set of the designated North Mains and Jib after the H20 Nationals to use here for comparison to our current sails. The idea being the fleet could get a discounted price on a trial set. Lee will research if North would recommend the same sail shape for Fleet 1 as those that are cut for Nationals in Annapolis.

New Business/Discussion
Consider petitioning the National Class Association for bylaw change to:
1) Rule III.D. Construction III.D.13 b, regarding the 5” minimum jib boom height, 24” aft of measurement point.
2) Add standing rigging diagram to the Class Bylaws.

A lot of discussion about above topics. GT suggested that these topics would be better handled by Fleet 4 board. Lee agreed and commented that Class Board is working towards this goal (see Class News report above).

GT introduced the benefits of keeping the Fleet 4 page on the Harbor 20 website current with postings of our many ongoing events. One way to do this is by creating a pre and post race report which will be emailed to fleet members and posted on the H20 website. GT volunteered to draft an example of this starting with the Cinco de Mayo Regatta and Nancy Pinner is willing to help if we proceed with the idea throughout the season.

Generally agreed there will be more communication and reminders going out to fleet members re: our upcoming races, meetings, and social gatherings to get more participation. Especially important to have members attend fleet meetings where it’s essential to have a quorum to make decisions and vote on fleet business.

GT will discuss with JJ the use of a mail list server i.e., Google Group to simplify our fleet email lists.

Next Meeting: Wed. May 18th. Rich suggested holding our meeting on a Wednesday to see if it
is easier for more members to attend.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:40pm

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