Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes April 21, 2022, SBYC
Meeting Called to Order by Lee 5:36pm Notes taken: JMB
Attendees: L. Cushman, R. Miller, J. Jeffryes, J. Barrett, T. Wright, K. Dumain, GT, N. Pinner, T. Pinner
Welcome new members Nancy and Trey Pinner, look for WIND SEEKER 422 on the starting line soon.
Treasurer’s Report prepared by G. Slaff, presented by Lee, and approved by the fleet unanimously.
National Class News, shared by Rich and Lee. E-W and Nationals regatta Preparation. Class officials working with Boat Manufacture to agree on boat specifications.
Old Business/Action Items
E-W Regatta May 25-27th Teams Representing Fleet 4 Cushman/Micheel, Slaff/Dumain. Rich Miller and Gt are contemplating team. Action: Rich to confirm all teams to Fleet 1 by Fri April 22.
Fleet Party July 16th will be hosted by Geoff and Dale. (Details to follow).
Fleet 4 is responsible to provide RC to SBYC, June 4th PHRF Summer Regatta. Action: Bill Hahn will need to confirm directly with volunteers for Race Committee and coordinate with Brad. Several members have offered including: GT, Tom, Lee, Geoff, Rich, JJ. Lee has lead on RC boat.
Rules Seminar no update, Lee.
Sail Manufacture Update, Lee will explore the idea of procuring a set of the designated North Mains and Jib after the H20 Nationals to use here for comparison to our current sails. The idea being the fleet could get a discounted price on a trial set. Lee will research if North would recommend the same sail shape for Fleet 1 as those that are cut for Nationals in Annapolis.
New Business/Discussion
Consider petitioning the National Class Association for bylaw change to:
1) Rule III.D. Construction III.D.13 b, regarding the 5” minimum jib boom height, 24” aft of measurement point.
2) Add standing rigging diagram to the Class Bylaws.
A lot of discussion about above topics. GT suggested that these topics would be better handled by Fleet 4 board. Lee agreed and commented that Class Board is working towards this goal (see Class News report above).
GT introduced the benefits of keeping the Fleet 4 page on the Harbor 20 website current with postings of our many ongoing events. One way to do this is by creating a pre and post race report which will be emailed to fleet members and posted on the H20 website. GT volunteered to draft an example of this starting with the Cinco de Mayo Regatta and Nancy Pinner is willing to help if we proceed with the idea throughout the season.
Generally agreed there will be more communication and reminders going out to fleet members re: our upcoming races, meetings, and social gatherings to get more participation. Especially important to have members attend fleet meetings where it’s essential to have a quorum to make decisions and vote on fleet business.
GT will discuss with JJ the use of a mail list server i.e., Google Group to simplify our fleet email lists.
Next Meeting: Wed. May 18th. Rich suggested holding our meeting on a Wednesday to see if it
is easier for more members to attend.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:40pm