H20 Fleet 1 Championship
The Fleet 1 Championship regatta is this coming weekend, September 24-25 at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Competitors will be vying for a Championship title in all three divisions. In addition to take-home trophies, the winners of A, B, and C divisions will have their names added these beautiful perpetual trophies, which are perpetually displayed at NHYC.

For those who might think they are not qualified to sail in a championship, you are mistaken! If you qualify per Fleet 1 bylaws I.F.8 – I.F.10, you are invited! Someone’s name will be added to each of the perpetual trophies, and it could be yours!
Enjoy two days of racing and dinner at NHYC Saturday night during this, the concluding event of the 2021 – 2022 racing season for Fleet 1.
Click here for the event page for documents and registration.
We hope to see you there!