Learn the Racing Rules 2021-2024
A number of folks have been inquiring as to whether I have any racing rules seminars on the horizon. As my offerings are currently classroom based, I do not have any events scheduled, and plan to resume when COVID permits. Any other year, this would be prime time for a rules seminar as the new rules for 2021-2024 took effect in January. But, there is a timely alternative! North U will be hosting David Dellenbaugh (Speed & Smarts author) for an online event starting next week. It is Wednesday evenings, Feb 24 and March 3. Click Learn the Racing Rules 2024 – Winter – North U for the event page which includes lots of information. David is an excellent instructor.
And, if you are not familiar with David Dellenbaugh’s regularly scheduled 4-part webinars on a wide range of sailboat racing topics, there is another series coming up soon starting Monday, March 1 called Mark Rounding Magic!
As this could be of interest for the entire Class, I am not limiting email notification to just Fleet 1.
Posted by Peter Haynes