Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 4 March 2020


Bill Bench                                          Morgan Green                                             Dale Zurawski

Rich Miller                                        Lee Cushman                                               Sandra Denton

Tom Wright                                      Helene Webb                                               J. Jeffryes           

Jane Barrett                                     Wayne Rosing

2020 Long Term Proxies:

      YACHT                              OWNER                                   PROXY

Fleur de Lis                           Al Salzer                                Billy Bench

TachyToo                              Wayne Rosing                      Greg Hopkins

  1. Fleet Captain Lee Cushman called the meeting to order, and gave a short personal bio by way of introduction. Several members thanked him for volunteering to be Fleet Captain.
  2. Geoff Slaff’s Treasurer’s report was mentioned….. he and Lee will prepare a budget for 2020.
  3. As our outside representative, Rich Miller reminded us that the East-West Challenge will take place in Newport Beach this year.  He also pointed out that there is no plan for a North-South Regatta and it may not happen.  Fleet 4 has no hosting duties this year.
  4. Wayne confirmed that he and Morgan will be working the one set of controlling documents to combine the Association Bylaws with Fleet 4’s, and with Fleet 4’s Championship NOR.  Morgan pointed out that their plan will be to first incorporate all of Fleet 4’s Appendices into the body of the Bylaws to make the document manageable for incorporation into a combined document, to make it immediately more useable, and to correct some errors that currently exist.  Rich Miller told us that the Harbor 20 National Association has become incorporated and is also planning to update/rewrite the Association Bylaws this year. Dale Zurawski offered to help with proofreading.
  5. Lee asked for new ideas for 2020 goals and new topics–several were brought up:
    • Get more boats competing.
      1. Rich reminded all that H20’s probably will appeal only to mature sailors.
      2. Helene suggested making a “crew available” list.
      3. Wayne and others discussed the club member requirement for CHRF races and some answers and clarity came from the discussion regarding how to be sure everyone who wants to race races.
      4. Rich pointed out that non-members of the SBYC may compete in Wet Wednesdays, but must pay a fee if they race regularly.
      5. Jane Barrett reminded all that sending out an alert early to get crew or offer crew is important to make sure that skippers and their boats can do a little planning and get to the starting line.
      6. Lee and Wayne suggested an expanded mailing list with all “interested”, “habitual”, and “itinerant” people listed to aid in providing crew.  Morgan volunteered to ask all owners to provide her the details of such a list.
    • Several people took part in the discussion dealing with Fleet 4’s intentions to organize our votes by having topics selected and discussed at one meeting and voted on at the next meeting, possibly with more discussion.
  6. Jane Barrett and Tom Wright said they wanted the option to vote by email.  After discussion by all, a motion was made by Jane, seconded by Lee, and “thirded” by Wayne:
    • Owners can vote by appearing at the appropriate meeting,
    • By emailing a board member his/her proxy beforehand,
    • Or by emailing a board member his vote beforehand.  (A listing of existing long term 2020 proxies appears at the beginning of these minutes and will be repeated in the future.)
    • VOTE:  A vote on this procedure will take place at the next Fleet meeting April 16th.
  7. Boat weighing in 2020.
    • Rich moved that we plan a vote on whether or not to make the planned 2020 weighing mandatory.  Dale seconded the motion.
    • VOTE: A vote on this will take place at the next Fleet meeting April 16th.
  8. Jane Barrett brought up the need for planning meetings in advance so that people can get the dates on their calendars.  After discussion, Lee agreed to target monthly meetings on the third Thursday of the month.  Next meeting April 16th.


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