Harbor 20 Cover For Sale
Rather than new, this is used for several years. I found it in my storage unit. I recall I had the cover serviced by having the maker, Baxter & Cicero, completely go over the cover and re-sew all the seams, place a few new canvas patches, renew the leather in some places. This costs about $200. This is a very functional cover. As with all these covers, they attach by laying over the boom, securing the side fittings, then tying the cover tight to the two rear cleats and the bow deck cleat. Properly installed, it’s a sleek way to keep the boat really clean when not being used. It can be put on after every use, in less than five minutes.
There is a tip to renew or maintain any boat cover I will share with you. Get one or two very large Contractor-size plastic trash bags. Alternative is to buy a new plastic trash can. Don’t necessarily fold the cover, but stuff it in the bag. Then pour one gallon of Thompson Water Seal in the bag, over the cover, and shake, stomp, press, or whatever, the cover for ten to fifteen minutes. This allows the gallon to penetrate the canvas thoroughly. Next step is to repeat, with the same or new bag, and pour a second gallon. this will probably even result in a very wet cover. Take out the cover and place on a lawn, in the sun, spread out to dry. The canvas will be bright like new, the surface will be better-than-new water repellant. If you have time, maybe just do one gallon, let dry. Then repeat with the second gallon making sure you wet the dry, missed spots from the first time. Repeat this process every 5-7 years and your cover will never wear out.
Photos show extent of renewed seams with new sewing, etc.
Add $50 for shipping to other addresses outside of local Newport area.