Fleet 4 Meeting Minutes 9 October 2017
OCTOBER 9, 2017
- Call to Order: Rich Miller presiding. Present, board members Morgan Green, Geoff Slaff, Ann Hutchins, former fleet captain Fred Rice
- minutes: accepted.
- Webmaster’s report: no report
- Treasurer’s Report: Geoff Slaff. Current Balance, $3,509.55 as of Oct. 9, 2017 (see attached complete report)
- Basic Rules Review: Discussion of rights of way inside downwind finish zone and upwind finish at committee boat.
Old Business
- Class Measurer. Weighing of boats. Tom Wright. The scale was found. All boats underweight, new boats, and boats that underwent alterations need to be weighed. Five total. Tom will select times and send to the owners. Unweighed boats will not be counted in any more race unless they get weighed.
- Spinnaker Pole Deployment: Discussion of rules favored by other classes with similar extending poles. Motion: Spinnaker poles may be deployed any time within the three-boat-length circle (extending outward 60 feet from the mark for Harbor 20s), and will be retracted at the first reasonable opportunity. Approved.
- North/South Regatta: discussion of keeping activities as simple as possible. Scheduled for Labor Day Weekend, 2018. Fleet Capt. noted that the entry fee of $580 to enter at Annapolis was way too expensive. General consensus that simpler is better. But no decision. To be discussed more later.
- Bylaw change. Wording to formalize previous decisions on to matters. See below.
111.G.17 Backstay tension line may be lead through a simple block attached to the base of the barney post. The cleat location shall not be altered.
11.C.4 All crew shall keep their hips within the confines of the cockpit at all times excepting in the need for immediate repair or for safety.
New Business
- Do we require a working motor? Discussion after consulting national Class bylaws. A motor does not need to be working. But all Class required motor requirements must be fulfilled. (such as permanently mounted weight in lieu of battery or motor etc.)
- Two-day Regattas: Discussion and consensus. Starting in 2018, local regattas shall be one-day only. Two-day events will be scheduled for regattas with out-of-town visiting Harbor 20 crews.
- Holiday Party: Discussion of dues and election to coincide with party. Consensus, Annual dues will be due by Jan 15. By the end of the first week in February, there will be an email call by the board secretary for nominees to the board. A vote via confidential email will be called by the board secretary. Results will be announced at the party. The party date is February 11. Location to be confirmed.
- East/West Regatta – Hilton Head. Rich asked for people to participate. This subject will be revisited in June with a call for participants.
- Class Championship announcement: Anybody participating will have to trailer their boat down to Newport or charter one there.
- Nominations for the National Harbor 20 Class Board: Rich Miller and Kevin Cahill, if he agrees to serve, are nominated without objection.