2nd Annual “Fall Finale”

Your Harbor Association, the Association of Orange Coast Yacht Clubs (AOCYC) is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual “Fall Finale” Race Event scheduled for Saturday, November 18th, 2017. This race event celebrates sailboat racing by members of Newport Harbor and Dana Point Harbor Yacht Clubs. We encourage everyone to participate as early entries make for great events! PHRF Classes and Cruising Classes will race a random leg course off Newport Beach with Harbor 20s racing a random leg course inside Newport Harbor. South Shore Yacht Club will host the After Race Party featuring a $15 Mexican Buffet and fantastic raffle prizes for racers! Attached is the NOR and flyer. ENTER TODAY at www.aocyc.org.
John L. Marshall
SSYC Staff Commodore/AOCYC Jr. Staff Commodore/VP South RBOC/Director SCYA
South Shore Yacht Club
1099 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Cell: (678) 296-4970, Local: (949) 646-3102
Email: jmarshall@expeditor.com Website: http://www.southshoreyc.com